The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 362: My sister is reborn (6)

"Two mobile phones, one for each of you sisters! The brand, model, and color are exactly the same, so don't say I'm partial!"

Mother He directly placed two identical packaging boxes in front of the two girls and said with a little emotion.

"Oh, by the way, I haven't opened it yet. You can take a look at the color first. If you don't like it, you can take the invoice to the mall and change it to a color you like."

"I've also arranged a mobile phone card for you, one for each of you. I've preloaded it with five hundred yuan, so you can use it first."

As Mother He spoke, her heart still ached.

Money, these are all money.

Moreover, mobile phone charges are not cheap these days, as they are charged in both directions.

That is to say, the person making the call will be charged, and the person who answers the phone will also be charged.

Now their family of four all have mobile phones. If they call each other, it will be a double phone bill.

"Thank you, Mom! Oh, this phone is so beautiful. It's the latest model. When I was watching TV just now, I saw an advertisement for this phone. It is endorsed by Cosmos Kingdom X Shan!"

He Tiantian jumped up from the sofa with a cheer and took one of them directly.

She opened the package, looked at the small and exquisite red mobile phone, and played with it fondly.

Regardless of whether she is really happy in her heart, her little mouth is very sweet——

"Oh, Mom, you have really good taste. I just like red. Look at this color. It's so authentic and not tacky."

"No need to change! I just like what mom picked for me!"

He Tiantian showed her love for this phone with practical actions. She directly tore off the protective film on the screen, then opened the back cover, took out the battery, and neatly put the phone card in.

But I was muttering in my heart, "Mobile phones these days are quite interesting, you can actually take off the battery. You know, more than ten years later, mobile phones will have big displays and non-removable batteries."

Although she didn't know why she knew about the high technology more than ten years later, she had decided not to worry about it anymore.

I know, I just know, why ask so many reasons?

It's just a benefit given by space.

Just like those skills.

He Tiantian has a very Buddhist mentality and does not waste energy on questioning and exploration.

"Hmph! You know how to say nice things to coax people!"

However, He Tianxin couldn't stand He Tiantian's rhetoric.

In her previous life, she was stupid and was deceived by He Tiantian's "sister", and she became a sister-supporting demon.

But in this life, she will never make the same mistake in her previous life.

No matter how nice what He Tiantian said, she would never believe it easily.

Having resentment towards He Tiantian, a sister who only knows how to talk, He Tianxin not only reminded herself not to be deceived, but even when she saw He Tiantian flattering her mother with her little mouth, she couldn't help it. Angry.

He also said these deceptive nonsense, and his parents would be partial. He Tiantian's clever mouth also played a certain role.

He Tianxin was unhappy, and it showed on her face.

Moreover, what did mom mean by what she just said?

What does "don't say I'm partial" mean?

Could it be that her own mother noticed that her eldest daughter was hostile to He Tiantian and deliberately beat her?

He Tianxin pursed her lips, she didn't want to think bad things about her mother.

However, with the painful memories of her previous life, she became particularly sensitive and even a little violent.

Maybe her mother just said it unintentionally, but He Tianxin was able to have other bad interpretations!

Also, He Tianxin bets that even though her mother says she is not biased, she would think of buying a mobile phone for her daughter, and it must be for He Tiantian's sake.

As for the so-called "fairness", one person per person is just for the sake of face. She, He Tianxin, was taken along.

Thinking of this, He Tianxin's mood, which was originally excited about getting a new mobile phone, instantly turned gloomy.

"...Tiantian and I can't use the same ones, it's easy to get confused. I'll change to a white one!"

After all, He Tianxin has lived two lifetimes. Even if she is full of suspicion and negative emotions, she doesn't show much.

At least, she didn't directly tell the truth "I don't like red", but used a tactful way of saying it.

Mother He thought about it and felt it made sense.

She probably went too far due to her husband's preaching.

When buying mobile phones, you must buy two identical ones.

In fact, as long as the price and brand are the same, you can completely change the model or choose two different colors.

My eldest daughter has a stable personality and doesn't like to show off, so red is not suitable for her.

Realizing this, Mother He said a little embarrassedly, "Yes, Xinxin is right, the same color is indeed a bit inconvenient."

After saying that, Mother He rummaged through her purse and found an invoice, "Here, I bought it at XX Electrical Appliance Mall. You can change it to the color you like."

"Thank you, Mom."

Seeing that her mother was so gentle and didn't blame her for being busy and not as talkative as her sister, He Tianxin's negative emotions seemed to dissipate a lot.

"Am I too sensitive? Maybe mom really didn't mean that!" He Tianxin secretly blamed herself.

When she raised her face again, she had put on a bright smile.

"Oh, you are my daughter. As long as you are happy, mother will be happy. Why are you thanking me?"

Seeing that her eldest daughter was so well-behaved and sensible, Mother He was very pleased, "Are you hungry? Your father will probably be back soon. I will go and serve the food and rice."

He Tiantian was discharged from the hospital today. He's mother accompanied her daughter home, while He's father stayed in the hospital to handle various procedures.

Mother He looked at the clock on the wall, estimated the time, and felt it was almost time.

"Mom, let me help you!"

As a sensible daughter, He Tianxin has long been accustomed to helping her mother.

She put away the invoice and mobile phone packaging box, and hurriedly followed her mother into the kitchen.

He Tiantian did not move, and continued to play with her phone with her head down.

However, when the mother and daughter disappeared from the living room, He Tiantian suddenly raised her head.

Her eyes were a little complicated, and she was looking at a figure busy in the kitchen.

"Sister, something seems wrong!"

He Tiantian is a person who has "died" once, and has opened up the golden finger of space.

Therefore, her whole person became very different.

In addition to those skills, He Tiantian's six senses have also become particularly sharp.

Just now, as soon as her sister entered the door, He Tiantian noticed an unfriendly atmosphere.

He Tiantian was surprised, but remained calm.

By playing with his mobile phone, He Tiantian quietly observed He Tianxin.

The more carefully he looked, the more surprised He Tiantian felt——

The sister in front of her was different from the image in her memory.

The person is still the same person, but his whole temperament and eyes have become very different.

Especially when he looked at himself, he felt disgust and hatred. It didn't look like he was looking at his biological sister, but rather like he was seeing his enemy.

I haven't offended my sister, right?

Although I used to be pretentious and willful, I would also use some tricks to deceive my parents, or let my innocent sister take the blame.

However, those are not big things, they are trivial. Brothers and sisters in many families have had similar small conflicts.

The most important thing is that her sister is a kind and affectionate person, and she loves her sister very much.

Sometimes, my sister takes the initiative to take the blame for certain things.

She, she shouldn't hate herself.

He Tiantian was also keenly aware that there was a slight vicissitude in her sister's eyes, which was seriously inconsistent with her age and experience.

In addition, the way my sister looks at her mother is also very complicated.

There is nostalgia, closeness, sadness and grievance... He Tiantian never knew that there could be so many emotions in a person's eyes.

Taken together, He Tiantian was left with a feeling of reminiscence and regret, as if her sister had not been away from home for a week, but had been separated from her biological mother for a lifetime!



An idea flashed in He Tiantian's mind. Could it be that her sister also had an "adventure"?

Is she reborn?

Or had some prophetic dream?

And in her sister's "previous life", she, He Tiantian, and even her biological parents played a not-so-good role? !

Although this speculation is ridiculous, and there is no such plot on the Internet that He Tiantian has seen in the past.

But He Tiantian has the concepts of "rebirth", "predictive dream" and other classic memes in her mind!

He Tiantian wasn't sure what kind of opportunity her sister had encountered, but she was definitely not the original He Tianxin!

And this person has great malice towards He Tiantian.

He Tiantian didn't want to believe such speculation. After all, her sister was really good to her in the past.

However, this kind of thing is also easy to verify.

"Oh, what are you cooking for something delicious? It smells so good!"

Holding a bag of medical cases, various inspection reports, reimbursement receipts, etc., Father He opened the door and couldn't help but say something.

His youngest daughter was finally discharged from the hospital, and Father He felt that the huge stone in his heart had been lifted halfway away.

As for the other half, it depends on the younger daughter's physical condition in the future.

If there are no abnormalities for a period of time in the future, then it is true recovery.

"I knew you were coming back soon, so wash your hands and eat quickly!"

Mother He was also in a good mood. She smiled and said to her husband while serving rice.

"Okay! Okay! I'll come right away!"

Father He put the things away and then entered the bathroom.

After washing his hands, he came to the dining table and saw a table full of dishes. Father He couldn't help but swallowed.

In the past week, the couple had been so frightened that they couldn't eat well and couldn't sleep well.

I lost a lot of weight in just a few days.

The little girl is finally discharged from the hospital, and they are all thinking about eating well.

Seeing such sumptuous dishes, Father He felt like the gluttons in his stomach were rebelling.

"Tiantian, eat some shrimp!"

Although Father He was greedy, he still felt sorry for his daughter.

He gave his little girl a shrimp and a sweet "thank you" in exchange for it, which made Father He feel comfortable both physically and mentally.

Of course, Father He did not forget his eldest daughter. He handed another one to He Tianxin and put it in the bowl, "Xinxin, you eat too!"


What a word.

I'm definitely not the first person in line.

He Tianxin desperately told herself in her heart not to be so fussy.

But she really can't do it.

The experience in her previous life was too tragic, and her parents' favoritism was like a thorn that pierced deep into her soul.

Even if he was reborn, He Tianxin would never forget the pain.

"...Hmm!" He Tianxin lowered her head and responded dully.

He Tiantian continued to secretly observe He Tianxin while eating.

Sure enough, something is really wrong with my sister.

Not only was she unhappy when her father brought her food, she felt a sense of grievance and rejection from the inside out.

Father He also noticed it, but he just sighed silently in his heart and didn't say anything.

Of the family of four, only He's mother didn't notice anything unusual. She greeted her husband and daughters for dinner as usual.

Of course, in order to take care of her sick little daughter, He's mother carefully picked out fish bones and bones for He Tiantian.

He was so considerate that he just put the bowl into He Tiantian's mouth.

He Tianxin:...Get used to it! Just get used to it! Sooner or later, a giant baby will be born who cannot take care of himself!

He Tianxin gnawed the pig's trotter vigorously, as if to vent her anger.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, "Oh, my sister is showing her disgust for her again."

It seems that "He Tiantian" must have hurt He Tianxin in his previous life or in his sister's warning dream.

As for how "He Tiantian" made He Tianxin hate him so deeply, He Tiantian also had some guesses.

Well, this sentence seems to be a bit difficult to pronounce, but He Tiantian can still clearly separate the two "He Tiantian".

One is the former He Tiantian with all kinds of bad habits.

She would pretend to be sick and use her body as a threat to force and hurt her relatives.

Her parents felt guilty for her and pitied her for her poor health, so they were always deceived by her and favored her.

Parents' favoritism is definitely a harm to children who are not taken seriously.

He Tianxin, the sensible eldest daughter, is the poor victim.

Having predicted the future, or simply being a reborn person, He Tianxin naturally hated He Tiantian as the culprit.

Now seeing He's father and mother taking such meticulous and thoughtful care of He Tiantian, He Tianxin will feel extremely heartbroken and sad.

There is jealousy, grievance, and more importantly, helplessness.

He Tiantian felt that it was not enough and wanted to continue testing.

In other words, she wanted to speculate that besides being favored by her parents, there was something else about "He Tiantian" that He Tianxin hated so much.

"Mom, I haven't gone to school these days. Tomorrow is Wednesday. I'll go to class." He Tiantian thought for a while and said in a pretentious manner.

"...No rush! You have just been discharged from the hospital, stay at home for two more days!"

Mother He's hand holding the chopsticks paused, then she smiled, covering up the worry in her heart, and said softly.

"That's right! Don't worry about school!"

Father He quickly agreed and came up with a strong excuse, "Besides, you don't want to learn painting and become an art student. I checked, and art students only need about 300 points in the college entrance examination!" "

So don’t study so hard, and don’t force yourself to get sick again!

He Tianxin clenched her chopsticks hard.

draw? Art exam?

Sure enough, He Tiantian still wants to continue to step into this deep sea pit like she did in her previous life?

He Tiantian picked up a piece of braised pork, put it in his mouth, and slowly refused.

He Tianxin's body exuded strong negative emotions again.

If emotions could be visualized by color, then He Tianxin must be wrapped in black mist at this moment.

"Yes, I still want to learn painting. Dad, Mom, don't worry, I'm a talented person -"


He Tianxin couldn't bear it anymore and put her rice bowl on the table...

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