The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 363: My sister is reborn (7)

enough! I've heard enough!

What is a talent?

Others don’t know, He Tiantian, don’t you have a clue in your own mind?

I don’t usually see you painting, but now you want to take the art exam as a shortcut, and you actually have the nerve to lick your face and say you have talent? !

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

He Tiantian pretended to be frightened and asked timidly.

"Yes, Xinxin, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Or did today's food not suit your taste?"

No matter how nervous Mother He was, she finally realized that there was something abnormal about the eldest daughter today.

Only He's father had already noticed He Tianxin's knot in his heart and sighed secretly in his heart.

However, he still subconsciously turned to look at his eldest daughter.

As a result, except for He Tianxin, the other three people in the family of four all looked at her.

He Tianxin:......

Feeling three different gazes, He Tianxin realized that she had lost her composure.

How could she, how could she beat her in front of her parents? !

Taking a deep breath, He Tianxin tried to control her emotions and said in a calm tone, "It's okay! I just suddenly thought that I have a college senior who seems to have opened an art training class!"

What He Tianxin said was not intentional nonsense to lighten the atmosphere.

After returning from rebirth and seeing He Tiantian in the hospital, He Tianxin wanted to find an opportunity to "expose" He Tiantian.

So, when she returned to school, she thought carefully about it and saw a "recruitment" post in the school forum. Only then did she discover that there was a senior student in their school who had just graduated last year. Because of her family background, she actually opened a training program. class.

That post was nominally for part-time job recruitment, but it actually also meant advertising.

Otherwise, the qualifications, teachers, etc. of the training class will not be written in detail.

This training institution run by my senior sister offers, in addition to English, music, calligraphy, composition, etc.,

There are also art classes.

Moreover, in order to improve the quality of her own training institution, the senior also specially hired several art graduate students from S Art to serve as teachers.

Professional enough and high-end enough. I heard that one of the teachers once won the top three in a youth art creation competition.

His paintings have been sold in galleries and have fetched thousands of dollars.

In a sense, he is already a young painter.

Such people are talented and proud, and the key is to be professional enough.

He Tianxin thought that if He Tiantian was invited to take the exam, he would be able to tell whether she was professional.

Even though the senior's training class is for-profit, He Tianxin is an alumnus of the other party.

Moreover, He Tiantian is not six or seven years old now, but an art student who wants to take the art exam.

Regardless of whether she is a senior or a painter teacher, even if she wants to make money, she will not offend her conscience - a senior high school student who is on the verge of the college entrance examination, if she has no talent, forcing her to study art will definitely harm others!

Wouldn't this delay people's whole lives?

Even at a young age, "diligence can make up for one's weakness".

However, he is already sixteen or seventeen years old and has reached the first critical moment of his life's destiny.

At this time, if you say some business flattery to others, it is no longer just a white lie, but a fruitless fraud!

He Tianxin believed that with her relationship as a school girl and the teacher's pride as an artist, they would never tell lies with their eyes open.

She only needs to send He Tiantian to the training class. The senior sister and the painter teacher will know whether He Tiantian is a human or a ghost!

He Tianxin quickly organized her thoughts, but she didn't show it on her face.

She introduced Senior Sister’s training institution in detail, emphasizing the authority and professionalism of the art class teacher.

"...I heard that Teacher Qin Song has joined our local calligraphers and painters association and is one of the youngest members!"

"I thought, since Tiantian wants to learn, then she should go to the most professional and best art class. Dad, Mom, do you think that's right?"

He Tianxin suppressed the rejection in her heart and pretended to be concerned.

Mother He didn't think too much and was instantly attracted by what He Tianxin said.

"Yes! Yes! If you want to go, go to the best one!" Mother He nodded repeatedly, and the uneasiness that had just arisen in her heart disappeared in an instant.

Oops, what was she thinking about just now?

Tiantian wants to learn painting, why would Xinxin be unhappy?

The relationship between the two sisters has always been very good.

Xinxin has always been a good sister who loves and takes care of her sister!

Father He was not so optimistic. He was always wary.

However, there is nothing wrong with what He Tianxin said.

If the art class run by her senior sister was really that good, there would be nothing wrong with sending Tiantian there.

The worst thing is that if you take a good training course, the tuition will be more expensive!

But, again, given their family's financial conditions, the tuition fee for their youngest daughter is not far behind.

How did he know that He Tianxin's rejection of He Tiantian's study of painting was not because of the tuition and material fees.

But I don't want He Tiantian to harm the whole family by using the so-called "pursuing artistic dreams" under the guise of being "talented."

As long as it is certain that He Tiantian has no talent, it doesn't matter if she learns painting for a few years and spends some money.

But in the future, she must not be allowed to be regarded as a "painter"!

Others are painters, but He Tiantian uses art as an excuse to be a shameful giant baby and gnaw on the elderly.

He Tianxin clenched her fists hard, and her nails dug deeply into her palms.

No, she can no longer think about all the shameless things He Tiantian did in her previous life, otherwise, she will lose control again.

"Okay, I'm going to this art class my sister mentioned!"

He Tiantian didn't seem to see He Tianxin's forbearance and stiffness, but smiled like an innocent and willful child, "I am a talented person, and I must find the most professional and best teacher to teach me! Otherwise, wouldn’t it be that my ‘talent’ has been buried?”


What kind of talent do you think you have?

He Tianxin really couldn't bear it anymore.

However, He Tianxin, who was deceived badly in her previous life, definitely knows whether He Tiantian has any talent.

Humph, He Tiantian, you have been so arrogant for a few days, but when you get in front of Teacher Qin Song, I don’t see how you still have the nerve to brag!

A cold light flashed in He Tianxin's eyes.

He Tiantian: ...Oh! I'm sure, her sister really hates hearing the word "talent".

So, in the previous life or in the "precognitive dream", "He Tiantian" hurt He Tianxin or even cheated the whole family because of her talent or painting?

He Tiantian secretly guessed that after she cheated, she became extra rational and sober.

She also began to reflect on her past words and deeds, and thought, "If I really hurt my loved ones, then I will definitely make amends and double the repayment!"

He Tiantian was a little wary of He Tianxin's malice at first.

But seeing the look of grievance and melancholy in her eyes from time to time, and then thinking about how selfish "He Tiantian" used to be, He Tiantian couldn't bear to have any grudge against He Tianxin.

Forget it, they are biological sisters after all.

Perhaps He Tianxin is no longer what she once was, but her admiration and complaints about her parents are enough to show that she still loves her parents deeply.

In the future, as long as He Tianxin doesn't do anything to hurt her relatives, He Tiantian won't really be her enemy!

When the sisters turn against each other, the saddest thing is the parents.

After He Tiantian woke up, she felt more and more loved and pampered by her parents.

Even if it is for them, He Tiantian will pay attention to propriety.

"..." He Tianxin did not pick up on He Tiantian's "talented" comment, but looked up at He's father and mother, "Mom, Dad, it's settled. I'll go back to school in the afternoon and look for students. Sister, would you like to consult me?"

The senior's tutoring class is located near their university.

There are two or three colleges and universities in that area, as well as several high schools, middle schools and elementary schools.

The cultural atmosphere is very rich, and there are many tutoring classes and interest classes.

"Yes! Yes, that's it!"

Mother He glanced at Father He, Father He nodded slightly, and Mother He hurriedly responded.

He Tiantian seemed to have thought of something, and turned to Father He and said, "Dad, I want to buy some painting supplies and albums to practice my skills in advance!"

"Okay, buy it. Dad will give you five hundred yuan first. Is that enough?"

Father He was indeed a good father who doted on his daughter. After hearing what He Tiantian said, he agreed without even thinking. He quickly took out a few hundred-dollar bills from his wallet and gave them to He Tiantian.

He Tianxin: ...Don't be angry, don't you? I just bought some painting supplies. Compared with selling houses and shops in the future, it's really nothing.

He Tiantian happily took the money and smiled sweetly at her father, "Thank you, Dad. I know that Dad is the best to me!"

"Humph, my cell phone is like feeding the dog!"

Mother He pretended to be jealous and scolded her.

He Tiantian quickly put down her chopsticks, jumped behind Mother He, hugged her neck, and said sweetly, "I love my mother the most!"

After saying that, he kissed Mother He on the face.

"Oh, you kid, you made my face all oily!"

Mother He said disgusting words, but her eyebrows were bent with a smile.

That kind of happiness, that kind of joy, absolutely comes from the heart.

He Tianxin clenched the chopsticks so hard that veins bulged on the back of her hands.

In fact, she can also join in, and the family of four can chat and make love.

However, the pain of her previous life was like a ditch that separated her from her family.

Although Father He smiled as he watched his wife and little daughter joking, he did not ignore He Tianxin.

Seeing that He Tianxin was a little lonely, Father He quickly put a piece of sausage into He Tianxin's bowl, "Xinxin, your favorite sausage, eat it quickly."

"...Hmm!" He Tianxin looked down at the fatty intestines in the bowl, and then at her father's loving smiling face, and a warm current seemed to surge through her heart.

The gap between her and her loved ones no longer seemed so insurmountable.

"There are also pig trotters, eat them quickly, or they will all be chewed up by Tiantian!"

Father He felt happy that He Tianxin was not as groomed as before, and he quickly joked deliberately.

"Oh, my pig's trotters!"

He Tiantian has decided not to be an enemy of her sister easily.

At this moment, seeing that Father He was deliberately trying to bring the relationship between their sisters into a joking way, he also took advantage of the situation and acted accordingly.

She hurriedly ran back to her seat from behind He's mother, picked up the chopsticks, and deliberately fought with He Tianxin.

He Tianxin felt the long-lost family atmosphere. Sometimes, the little quarrels between the sisters would not affect the relationship between the two, but instead felt cordial.

No matter what, what happened in the previous life hadn't happened yet, and she was already on guard, so there was no need to get into a tense situation with He Tiantian.

He Tianxin did hate her sister, but hate itself was also a strong emotion.

Without love, where would the hate come from?

Once upon a time, He Tianxin and He Tiantian were such a pair of good sisters who loved each other!

He Tianxin closed her eyes forcefully, temporarily putting aside all the events of her past life, and resumed the "love and death" she once had with her sister.

"Put it down! This piece is mine!"

"Mine! And this piece of braised pork is mine too!"

"Don't grab it. You've already eaten six pieces, and I'm not afraid of getting fat to death!"

"Hmph, I'm not born fat, I'll make you so angry!"

"He Tiantian!"

"What are you doing! He Tianxin!"

At the dinner table, the two daughters held chopsticks and said they wanted to pick up food, but in fact they were quarreling.

Such noises often happened at the He family's dining table in the past.

Every time He's mother saw it, she would be upset and have a headache. She felt that her two daughters were simply debt collectors.

However, after experiencing the tragedy of her little daughter almost dying, and seeing the two children playing wantonly, Mother He felt relieved and nostalgic.


This is what a home should be like.

Although it is upsetting, both children are fine!

Father He couldn't help but smile reassuringly. He was a driver and didn't usually drink.

But today, he still asked for leave, and he was really happy, so he took out his collection of liquor and drank it happily.

The family had a lively meal.

After finishing the meal, He Tiantian pushed the bowl away, put down the chopsticks, and ran directly to the sofa to lie down.

He Tianxin habitually helps her mother clear the dishes and clean the house.

Seeing He Tiantian slumped on the sofa playing with her new phone, changing the ringtone, and playing some simple games that came with the phone, He Tianxin bit her lip lightly.

She was still a little angry, but, alas, the family was finally so happy today, so she had better say less words that ruined the atmosphere.

He Tiantian, after all, is her biological sister, and she just came out of the hospital, so forget it this time.

In the future, if He Tiantian is still so lazy, she will definitely scold him!

"Okay, Xinxin, don't keep busy, it's almost one o'clock, go back to school quickly!"

The eldest daughter is sensible, and Mother He also feels sorry for her.

Besides, the eldest daughter still has to go to school, so she can’t delay her business.

Mother He pushed He Tianxin out of the kitchen without forgetting to ask, "By the way, do you have enough money? Is there anything you want to buy?"

"Enough! I don't want anything in particular. "

When He Tianxin heard her mother's concern, she sniffed slightly and replied in a muffled voice.

"Okay, then you go back to class quickly. Oh, and also, about the mobile phone, will you change it yourself? Or will mom do it?"

"I'll just go by myself. Mom, just leave it alone."

"Okay, I know that my Xinxin is sensible and capable! Oh, it would be great if Tiantian was like you -"

Mother He's reaction may not be as sharp as her father's, but she also knows that between the two daughters, she does favor the younger daughter.

But she really had no choice but to hope that her eldest daughter would be sensible and understand her.

He Tianxin: ...I was already "sensible" enough in my previous life, but I don't want to understand anymore in this life.

And her first attack was to expose He Tiantian's lie about being "talented"!

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