The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 364: My sister is reborn (8)

He Tiantian watched He Tianxin leave. She looked at the time on her phone and shouted to her mother at the top of her lungs: "Mom, I'm going out too!"

"What are you doing out there?"

Mother He was so excited that she hurriedly came out of the kitchen with two wet hands.

My daughter has just been discharged from the hospital. Although she seems to be in good spirits, there is nothing unusual about her.

However, He Tiantian suddenly fainted before, but the cause could not be found. It was always a sharp sword hanging in the hearts of He's father and mother.

Now they just want their daughter to stay at home. Even if they have to go out, it's best to have someone with them.

They were really afraid that after their daughter went out, if she fell into coma again, there would be no one around her.

When the time comes, if something happens to my daughter, they will regret that they don’t have anywhere to buy medicine!

"Mom, I'm going to buy painting supplies."

He Tiantian saw the worry and uneasiness written on He's mother's face.

She walked forward and said seriously, "Mom, I'm really fine and I won't faint again. Don't worry so much!"

"Besides, I still have a mobile phone!"

He Tiantian deliberately waved her new red phone at her mother, "I have saved your and my dad's phone numbers. If anything happens, I will call you directly!"

Mother He was still worried, "Otherwise, let your dad drive you there!"

The He family is financially well off and owns a car.

"Mom, my dad drank at noon. He must not drive. It is very dangerous!" He Tiantian said quickly.

Although there are no dangerous driving crimes these days, "don't drive after drinking" is an iron rule and must not be violated.

He's mother: "...Your dad is the same, why should you drink well? Isn't this a delay?"

He Tiantian smiled and said, "Mom, I'm discharged from the hospital. Dad is happy, so he had two drinks to celebrate!"

Mother He: ...It makes so much sense, I have nothing to say!

He Tiantian ran back to the bedroom,

After changing into the clothes I was wearing, I put my small bag on my back and shouted to Mother He, "Okay, Mom! Don't worry, I'm really fine!"

Seeing that she couldn't persuade him, Mother He had to compromise, "Okay! Then be careful. Oh, by the way, why don't you squeeze into the bus and just take a taxi! I'll give you the money!"

He Tiantian waved her hand, "No! Mom, I still have money in my hand!"

My sister He Tianxin went back to class and took the bus, but she had to take a taxi to go shopping. This was unfair.

Although He Tianxin is not at home and does not know this, He Tiantian still reminds herself to be careful.

Of course, He Tiantian will also say things like "I want to take the bus, I have a student monthly pass, which can save money" to her mother, because this will ruin the character.

He Tiantian just vaguely said that she was rich and didn't need her mother to pay her extra taxi fare.

"...Our family is sweet and sensible!"

Looking at He Tiantian's cheerful back, He's mother couldn't help but say with emotion.

"Both children are fine, wife. We must be careful in the future and not be partial. Otherwise, not only will the children complain, but there will also be conflicts between the sisters!"

After these few days of observation and thinking, Father He finally figured it out.

He will also involuntarily cherish his little daughter, but he will always remind himself in his heart that if there is something sweet, there must be something Xinxin.

There can be a sequence, but one must not favor one over another.

"Oh, our Xinxin is the most sensible and filial, she won't care about this!" Mother He was still a little disapproving.

Father He emphasized seriously, "Children don't care, but we parents must pay attention!"

When He's mother saw what Father He said so seriously, she felt a little guilty.

"Okay, okay! I'll listen to you. Oh, we're all one family, why are we so divided?"

Mother He babbled back to the kitchen and continued to clean up.

Father He said he wanted to treat everyone equally, but he was still worried, put on his clothes and followed out quickly.

If you drink and don’t drive, it’s okay to take a taxi.


There was a muffled sound when the security door closed.

He's mother in the kitchen heard the noise and hurried out to check.

Finding that her husband's coat hanging on the coat rack at the door was missing and his shoes had been worn away, Mother He couldn't help laughing and scolding: "You are so sweet-minded yourself, and you still talk about me? Hmph!"

Father He didn't know what his wife was saying. He drank wine, but he didn't reach the point where he had difficulty moving or became delirious.

He took a few steps to catch up with his daughter, followed her out of the community, and stopped at the door to hail a taxi.

Father He was a little distressed, but for the sake of his daughter, he still endured the pain and stopped a taxi, "Master, follow the car in front!"

The taxi driver was a little surprised. Oh, this is a plot from a TV series. Is it really happening in front of him?

Is it to pursue a disobedient daughter, or to stalk an underage girl?

Feeling the taxi driver's strange gaze, Father He quickly explained, "The one in front is my daughter. She was just discharged from the hospital today. I have to go out to buy things by myself. I don't worry -"

Before Father He could finish what he said, the middle-aged taxi driver who was already a father understood instantly.

"How pitiful the hearts of parents are, especially if they have a girl at home. It makes them even more uneasy."

"Last time, I took a little girl with me. She looked like she was less than twenty years old, but she ended up dragging her suitcase to the maternal and child hospital for an abortion alone."

"Her parents must not know, otherwise, why would they feel distressed and anxious?"

"Little girl, it's so easy to suffer a loss. We are all men, so we don't know about men's tricks..."

Taxi drivers are indeed the most talkative people. He's father just said one sentence, which attracted the other party's chatter.

Father He: ...I, my two daughters are here.

However, my eldest daughter is sensible and smart. My little girl is delicate and smart, so she won’t be deceived by the brats outside!

I was so slanderous in my heart, but I still couldn't help but worry.

Yes, his two daughters are growing up, and there are some things that they really need to be careful about!

Father He thought to himself, his eyes still staring at the taxi in front of him.

After driving for more than twenty minutes, the taxi arrived at a cultural supplies market.

There are bookstores, stationery stores, and some calligraphy and painting supplies stores here.

Seeing his daughter getting out of the taxi in front, Father He quickly stopped.

After paying the fare, Father He continued to follow He Tiantian quietly.

"Give me a mid-range set of tools: a pencil ranging from HB to 8B. There will also be 8K sketch paper, 8K and 4K gouache paper..."

He Tiantian stood in this shopping street full of culture, looked around, and chose a relatively plain store.

Walking into the store, I glanced around and found that it was indeed very complete.

There are various types of drawing paper, as well as rows of paints, palettes, and large and small brushes.

In addition, some plaster figures and still life fruit plates for painting are also available.

He Tiantian didn't choose too much and went directly to the boss, "In addition, give me a set of gouache, palette, small buckets and various paints!"

"OK, just a second!"

As soon as the boss heard what He Tiantian said, he knew that she was an expert.

So I didn't do anything fake, I quickly chose a mid-range brand, and configured it one by one according to He Tiantian's requirements.

Not long after, the boss placed a bunch of things on the counter.

After taking the things, the boss took out the calculator and did the calculations.

"It's two hundred and seventy-three yuan in total. I'll give you a zero. You can give me two hundred and seventy-three yuan."

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, painting really cost money.

It's just a mid-range painting tool, and a complete set costs nearly three hundred yuan.

You know, the minimum wage in provincial capitals in this era is only 600 yuan.

Her approach has directly wiped out half of the wages of some low-income people.

However, this is just the beginning.

There will be more and more places to spend money later.

Not to mention anything else, the tuition for the art class recommended by He Tianxin is not cheap.

Didn't I hear what He Tianxin said, the art teachers in charge of teaching are all graduate students of S Art, and among them is Qin Song, a young painter from the province.

Such a strong teaching staff is definitely not comparable to the art interest classes run by random art students on the street after graduation.

The tuition fees are naturally far higher than those of these small training classes.

Based on the prices at this time, He Tiantian made some mental estimates and felt that if she took Teacher Qin Song's class, a class would cost two to three hundred yuan!

"thank you boss!"

He Tiantian complained secretly while taking out three hundred-dollar bills from her schoolbag.

The boss gave her some change and handed her a business card, "Little girl, this is my business card. As you can see, I specialize in art supplies here!"

"Not just mid- to low-end brands, but also many big foreign brands. I am also an agent."

"If you need it in the future, you can call me anytime and I will reserve it for you."

"Oh, by the way, do you need to find a reliable tutor? I also have a familiar teacher at S Art."

As the boss spoke, he pulled out a few art class enrollment advertisements from the counter.

"Okay, let me take a look first and call you if I need anything!"

He Tiantian took the business card and enrollment page, smiled and thanked them, "Boss, thank you!"

The boss waved his hand generously. If he could cultivate a repeat customer or help recruit students for the training class, it would be beneficial to him.

He Tiantian packed everything in the big black plastic bag given by the boss, but He Tiantian still struggled to carry it.

There is no way, this body is too sick and weak.

He is 168cm tall and weighs only about 90 kilograms.

To say skinny is an understatement.

A gust of wind could probably blow people away.

"I have to pay more attention to physical exercise in the future. Painting is not as 'art' as it sounds, it is also a physical activity!"

He Tiantian silently complained about herself and made a plan to exercise.

Father He stood behind a telegraph pole not far away, leaning out half of his body and looking at He Tiantian secretly.

He Tiantian:......

Her six senses are really sharp.

As early as in the taxi, He Tiantian looked through the rearview mirror and noticed that there was a taxi behind her that seemed to be following her.

After getting out of the car, He Tiantian took the opportunity to choose a store on the street and secretly looked around with the corner of her eye.

Sure enough, among the pedestrians behind, I caught a familiar figure.

Seeing her father sneaking around and probing his head, He Tiantian felt funny and moved at the same time.

Dad is worried about himself.

And her mother who was very considerate of her... her parents who loved her so much. How much of a bastard had she been in the past to play tricks on them?

He Tiantian once again spurned her former self, and once again made up her mind that she would repay her parents well and make herself proud of them!

She knew that her parents only had two daughters, and they loved her sickly self very much, and her relatives and neighbors often gossiped.

Some people advised parents to have another son. With so much property in the family, one cannot take advantage of someone with a foreign surname.

Some people also said that her parents were too pampered by her sick child, He Tiantian, saying that it was just a girl's movie, and it was a waste to spend so much money on medical treatment.

It would be better to throw it away early and have another son, as this would not be considered a violation of the fertility policy.

He's father and mother don't listen to these people's nonsense at all.

Some people were so angry that they complained secretly: "Bah, there are just two losers, and He Guotai and his wife still treat them as treasures."

"I want to see what great people these two sisters can become in the future!"

"When they get married, who can He Guotai and Tian Shumin count on to provide for their retirement?"

Growing up, sisters He Tianxin and He Tiantian heard a lot of similar rumors.

He Tianxin is the eldest sister and is more sensible. She often said to He Tiantian: "Tiantian, we must keep up with each other."

"Study hard, go to a good university, find a good job, and bring honor to our parents in the future!"

He Tianxin encouraged her sister like this, and she did the same thing herself.

She will study hard. In addition to her parents' expectations, she also wants to give her parents some credit.

It's a pity that He Tiantian didn't care about this at all in the past.

What's wrong with someone saying a few mean words?

As long as she lives a comfortable life, as long as she has food and clothing, and is loved by her family, nothing else matters.

effort? struggle?

That won't work, He Tiantian is the sickly sister Lin.

Besides, I still have a sister at home.

If my sister has a future, she can still bring glory to the family.

As the younger sister, she is the youngest in the family and does not have to bear so much.

He Tiantian: ...I no longer want to curse my past self.

She is different now!

She is the one with golden fingers.

From now on, she will work hard and become the pride of her parents.

Of course, it is impossible to go to college or graduate school like my sister He Tianxin.

He Tiantian still wanted to take a shortcut.

In fact, if this shortcut does not violate morality and does not harm others, there is no harm in taking it.

No one says taking shortcuts is against the law, right?

He Tiantian struggled to carry a large bag of things, stood on the roadside, hailed a taxi, and went straight home.

Father He didn't dare to delay and hurriedly chased after him.

He Tiantian and Father He entered the house almost one after the other.

He Tiantian didn't question why her father, who was supposed to be taking a nap at home, actually came back from outside. Instead, he returned home and plunged into his bedroom.

Father He breathed a sigh of relief secretly, thinking that his stalking had not been noticed by his daughter.

Hurrying back to the bedroom, Father He started to take a nap.

After He's mother finished her busy work, she also took a nap with He's father.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Mother He woke up, went to her youngest daughter's room first, and found her daughter drawing through the crack in the door.

Mother He didn't dare to disturb her, so she closed the door gently.

At half past four, He's mother started preparing dinner.

At half past five, the porridge was cooked and the vegetables were cut, just waiting for the final stir-frying.

As a result, I found that there was still no movement in the living room.

Mother He had a bad premonition and hurried to her daughter's bedroom...

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