The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 365: My sister is reborn (9)

Sweet! !

Did she, did she faint again?

He's mother, Tian Shumin, was so flustered that she quickly ran to her daughter's bedroom.


Tian Shumin pushed the door open directly. The door panel hit the wall and bounced back, almost hitting her forehead.

Tian Shumin didn't care about this, she pushed her shoulder hard, opened the door, and rushed into the room.

There is no one on the ground!

There was no one on the bed either.

Wait, Tiantian seems to be sitting by the window, staring at something outside in a daze.

Tian Shumin's heart suddenly jumped up, Tiantian, Tiantian couldn't think about it.

Although their house is only on the third floor, the window sill is about ten meters from the ground.

If he jumped down and landed headfirst, his life would be lost.

Tian Shumin opened her mouth and wanted to shout, but she was afraid of scaring her daughter. Even if Tiantian didn't want to commit suicide, she might be frightened and fall.

Tian Shumin swallowed hard, walked to the window carefully, reached out and took her little girl's arm, and then she felt a little calmer.

Got it!

She grabbed Tiantian's arm, so that even if there was an accident, she could catch her daughter immediately.

When she thought of "accident", Tian Shumin couldn't help but increase the strength of her hands, as if her daughter would fall out of the window in the next second.

And all she wanted to do was grab her daughter and use all her strength to save her.

"Hiss!" He Tiantian, who was stunned, suddenly cried out in pain.

The pain in her arm also completely woke her up.

He Tiantian first looked at the "murder weapon" that caused her pain, uh, a slightly wet hand.

His eyes moved along his hands, and finally fell on Tian Shumin's face.

He Tiantian looked at her mother's panicked look with some astonishment.

He blurted out, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Tian Shumin became even more worried when she heard her daughter speak.

Because she found that her daughter was now dull and dull, and she was no longer as smart and lively as usual.

"Tiantian, are you okay?"

Tian Shumin suppressed the panic and worry in her heart and tried her best to say in a gentle voice, "Why is there no movement? What are you doing in the room by yourself?"

He Tiantian seemed to have not woken up yet, and just answered the question instinctively, "It's okay! I'm painting."

Painting is a quiet job, and she definitely won't make too much noise.

"Painting? Then why didn't you go sit over there and instead ran to the window? Still, the window was open?"

It's October, and although the temperature hasn't cooled down yet, it's not as hot as it was in the summer.

During the day, open the windows for ventilation, and in the evening, you basically need to close the windows to prevent the temperature in the room from getting too low.

But it's almost six o'clock now, and it's time to close the windows and draw the curtains.

As a result, my daughter not only opened all the windows, but also sat directly on the windowsill.

How does this look look like painting? It’s clearly——

Tian Shumin didn't even want to think about committing suicide by jumping off a building.

"Oh, you said this!"

He Tiantian seemed to finally wake up. She pointed to a bird's nest on the treetop outside the window, "Mom, look, there is a bird's nest there, and there are several little birds in the bird's nest -"

Tian Shumin didn't know why, but she still followed He Tiantian's finger and looked over.

Their home is on the third floor, and there are several trees planted in front of the building. Looking through the window of He Tiantian's bedroom, you can just see the tops of the big trees.

There is a simple bird's nest on the top of one of the big trees.

It was built by the birds themselves using branches and grass stalks.

Usually when Tian Shumin was cleaning her daughter's room, she would hear the chirping of birds outside, but she had never noticed such a bird's nest.

But even if there is a bird's nest, what does this thing have to do with painting?


Tian Shumin seemed to have thought of something, and quickly lowered her head to look at the drawing board in He Tiantian's hand.

There is a piece of sketch paper placed on the drawing board, and a tree branch is clearly drawn on the white page. There is a bird's nest on the tree branch, and several furry little heads peek out from the edge of the bird's nest.

"Tiantian, did you draw this?"

Tian Shumin's eyes suddenly widened and she looked at the painting in disbelief.

Oh my gosh, her Tiantian paintings are so good.

Tian Shumin was not wearing the filter of a loving mother, but was amazed from the bottom of her heart.

She doesn’t know much about art, but she can read it.

Look at her Tiantian's paintings, the bird's nest, the branches, and the little heads.

It's just a few simple lines, but the outline is lifelike, as if it were taken with a camera.

However, it is lifelike, but it has a slightly different feeling than the photos.

Maybe, it’s called artistry!

Anyway, Tian Shumin just thinks her Tiantian paintings are good.

"Yes, I drew it. I haven't touched a pen for a long time, and my hands are a little damp. I don't draw well, but I finally found some feeling!"

He Tiantian is definitely not Versailles, but telling the truth.

She suddenly had super high painting skills, whether it was sketching, watercolor or oil painting, she had reached a certain level.

But her body itself has not been actually practiced.

When she first got the pencil, she was a little uncomfortable with it.

After a few strokes and two pieces of paper, I finally got the feeling.

“Oh, it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to draw at this level, it’s already very impressive!”

Tian Shumin was very excited and kept praising her.

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and ran to the door and shouted at the top of her voice: "Old He, Old He, come here quickly. Take a look at our daughter's paintings!"

He's father, He Guotai, was almost asleep.

He would definitely not sleep for such a long time during a normal nap.

But in the past week, I was exhausted every day in the hospital.

I drank some wine again at noon today. Due to fatigue and alcohol, He Guotai fell into a deep sleep.

When he opened his eyes, he found that the room was already dark.

He Guotai was about to get up when he heard his wife's loud voice.


He Guotai, who was still a little dazed at first, suddenly woke up. While getting dressed, he also shouted: "Wife, what's the matter?"

"Come on, our Tiantian really has a talent for painting! Oh my God, her paintings are so good!"

From a distance, I heard Tian Shumin's excited voice.

He Guotai's heart moved, he quickened his pace, and arrived at his youngest daughter's bedroom in three steps and then two steps.

"What painting? Are we painting sweetly?"

He Guotai came closer and stretched his neck to look at the sketch on the drawing board.

"Oh, this is a bird's nest, isn't it? Are there any birds in it?"

He Guotai is also an ordinary citizen. He has never even gone to college, let alone any artistic accomplishment.

When the little girl said she wanted to paint, she took time to go home and rest, and he searched online on the home computer.

Anyway, he thought some of the paintings he saw on the Internet were pretty good, but there were also some crooked, non-human and ghostly things that he really couldn't appreciate.

To put it bluntly, He Guotai thinks that the things painted by the so-called world-famous painters are not as good as the pencil drawings painted by his Tiantian.

At least, He Guotai could recognize what it was at a glance.

There is no need for others to explain to him endlessly what ingenious ideas and artistic connotations it contains, he can understand it with his own eyes!

"Yes, it's the bird's nest outside our window -"

Tian Shumin was pointing excitedly at the branches outside the window, wanting to explain to her husband the origin of this painting.

However, when talking about "outside the window", Tian Shumin suddenly remembered the business.

She hurriedly turned to look at He Tiantian, confused and a little anxious, "Tiantian, you just paint. What were you doing sitting by the window in a daze just now?"

Yes, how could she forget this?

It was because her daughter was sitting in a daze on the window, half of her body almost leaning out of the room, that Tian Shumin mistakenly thought that her daughter was having trouble thinking.

"Oh, you said this!"

He Tiantian said casually, "I was painting, and suddenly I found the colors and textures of those leaves very interesting!"

"Also, when I first discovered it, it was not dark yet, and the orange-red sunlight shone down, casting a very strange light and shadow under the leaves."

"In the light and shadow, the colors and textures of the leaves seem to be different. It seems to have a three-dimensional feeling..."

As He Tiantian spoke, he turned his attention to the window again.

It's dark outside now. There is no sunlight, but there is an extra layer of moonlight.

And under this soft white light, the leaves seem to be different.

He Tiantian looked at it in ecstasy, as if he wanted to see through every particle of chlorophyll in those leaves.

Ho Guotai \u0026 Tian Shumin:...

The couple looked at their daughter in astonishment. They were so confused just now. Why are they in a daze again now?

Tian Shumin's heart beat violently when she saw her little girl wandering around the world again.

She looked at her husband for help, not daring to speak loudly for fear of disturbing her daughter. She could only use exaggerated mouth movements and said silently: "Husband, what should I do?"

If my daughter is like this, could she be fooled by painting?

Why did he become so nagging and dumbfounded?

He Guotai was also confused. How did he know what to do?

However, he is the man of the family and the backbone, and he must take the lead at critical moments.

He Guotai's eyes lit up, "Yes!"

He made a gesture towards Tian Shumin, which meant: You look at Tiantian first, and I will find a solution!

Tian Shumin understood instantly, nodded desperately, and waved her hand quickly: Go! Go quickly!

He Guotai didn't dare to delay, so he hurried to the living room, picked up the landline and called He Tianxin.

"Xinxin, that painter you mentioned at noon, do you have his contact information?"

"Is it Teacher Qin Song?"

He Tianxin was startled and quickly thought of what she had said at noon.

However, she didn't know what was going on at home and thought her father was anxious and wanted to find a good art teacher for He Tiantian as soon as possible.

"Yes, yes, this is Teacher Qin!"

He Guotai didn't remember Teacher Qin Song. He just wanted to find a professional painter to ask.

"..." He Tianxin thought for a while and said, "Dad, let me call my senior sister first."

"Okay! Hurry up!"

He Guotai urged anxiously.

He Tianxin:......

I didn't expect to expose He Tiantian's lies so quickly, but the situation didn't allow it, so I really can't blame her.

He Tianxin muttered silently in her heart, and then called the senior sister's phone number that she had copied in advance.

After the call was connected, He Tianxin identified herself and said that her sister wanted to study art and hoped to consult with professionals like Teacher Qin Song.

The senior sister is also very kind to her classmates.

It is actually a taboo to go beyond the training institution and contact the teacher directly.

However, since she was a junior girl from the same school, the senior sister still gave He Tianxin a contact information.

He Tianxin quickly told He Guotai the number.

He Guotai was running around anxiously.

The little daughter in the room was still staring at the dark window in a daze.

Oops, looking like that makes people feel panicked.

After getting the painter's phone number, He Guotai hurriedly dialed it without any hesitation.

The phone rang a few times and was answered. The voice was a gentle and warm male voice. He sounded quite young, about thirty years old.

"Hey, is this Teacher Qin? I, I have a daughter who likes to draw very much. She drew pencil drawings by herself at home today, and she became dazed while drawing..."

He Guotai told He Tiantian's situation at once, "Teacher Qin, you are an expert. Do you think my daughter's situation is normal?"

Qin Song: ...I am a painter, not a doctor.

Your daughter is in an inexplicable daze. If you think it's abnormal, send her to the hospital quickly.

Call me--


A thought flashed through Qin Song's mind and he asked, "Parent, how is your child's painting? Do you like painting very much?"

"Oh, Teacher Qin, my daughter is very good at painting. Although I don't understand it, she looks good!"

He Guotai was anxious, but when he mentioned his daughter's "painting skills", he immediately became energetic and praised him endlessly.

Qin Song was a little curious.

As a graduate student in the S Art Oil Painting Department, he spent more than 20 years painting, and he also had an "epiphany" moment.

And their kind of epiphany and inspiration may appear to outsiders as being insane.

But, would an ordinary high school student have such an opportunity?

Qin Song happens to be working near the community where He's family is located, and he has been relatively free these days and is preparing to find inspiration for his next work.

In a moment of excitement, I agreed to come to He's house to have a look.

Half an hour later, Qin Song arrived at He's house, only to find that the high school girl did not continue to be in a daze, but was holding a drawing board and drawing something.

Qin Song took a closer look and couldn't help but be a little stunned.


This kid's sketches are pretty good.

Qin Song's sketches are very good and he is absolutely expert.

Between experts, there is no need to say too much. As long as the other party draws a line, you can see the other party's skills.

"This is the first piece of work that we Tiantian painted, and this is the second piece..."

Tian Shumin carefully handed several pieces of sketch paper to Qin Song.

The first one is a bit jerky, probably for practicing.

The second picture is much better, and the quality has reached the level of a professional art student.

The third picture, damn, such a big improvement, the shadows and layout are well controlled.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Qin Song still felt that the other party was better than him.

With this foundation, I am qualified to go directly to an art school and become a teacher.

What really makes Qin Song stunned is this terrifying talent - one picture is better than the next, the progress is visible to the naked eye, and it is the kind of flying improvement!


Possessing incredible talent!

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