The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 366: My sister is reborn (10)

"Rembrandt's light! I thought of it!"

He Tiantian finished the last stroke, sighed softly, and threw the pencil aside.

The whole person seemed to be exhausted, hunger, exhaustion, etc. all came up.

"Mom, I'm so hungry!"

It was only then that He Tiantian seemed to see her biological mother beside her.

When I raised my head to complain that I was hungry, I saw my father again and asked casually, "Huh? Dad, are you awake?"

Tian Shumin \u0026 He Guotai:...

We have been in front of you for a long time, and you have always pretended that we did not exist.

He Tiantian threw away the drawing board in her hand and prepared to stand up, stretch and stretch her muscles.

However, he found a figure passing quickly in front of him and took the drawing board away.

Who is this?

What is he going to do?

He Tiantian was startled, and she let the other party "take away" the sketch she had just finished.

"Awesome! The use of light and shadow is simply amazing!"

Qin Song held the drawing board and looked at the fresh sketch on it.

It's still a bird's nest and a few birds. The layout and content are almost exactly the same as the first painting.

But when presented on paper, it gives people a completely different feeling.

For example, for the first painting, you should have sufficient art skills, but you haven't touched a paintbrush for a long time, and you are trying to find the feeling bit by bit.

And the last painting seems to be possessed by the master.

Rembrandt was a great painter in the fifteenth century and a famous painting master in history.

He is most famous for Rembrandt light, which uses light to the extreme.

And his technique has had a profound impact on the painting world and other arts such as photography.

Learn to draw,

When drawing sketches, lines and shadows are basically indispensable.

In the three to four hundred years since Rembrandt, countless painters have been studying and applying his light and shadow.

This technology is not a secret, but it is not easy to understand the essence.

The sketch in Qin Song's hand almost uses Rembrandt's light and shadow to the extreme.

If the third sketch Qin Song saw before was far beyond his level as a graduate student in the oil painting department.

So, this fourth sketch seems to have the style of a master.

With this skill alone, he is qualified to be a teacher in any art academy.

"..." He Tiantian looked at this stranger in shock, not recognizing him.

However, this person vaguely exudes the aura of "the same kind".

Turning his head, He Tiantian looked at his mother, Tian Shumin, "Mom, he, he--" Who is it?

Tian Shumin leaned close to her daughter's ear and whispered, "Tiantian, this is the painter teacher your sister mentioned!"

He Tiantian was still a little confused. Even if this person was an art class teacher, he had nothing to do with her family.

Even if you want to recruit students, there is no need to go to the students’ homes.

However, He Guotai followed Qin Song, with a look of temptation and hope on his face, and asked cautiously, "Teacher Qin, my Tiantian's painting is not bad. There should be no problem in taking the art exam, right?"

He Guotai's inquiry made Qin Song wake up.

"Excellent painting!"

Qin Song must be a little envious.

This is his talent, and he really can’t learn it.

As for the art exam?

Qin Song considered the words and said, "There are three professional examinations in the art examination: drawing, sketching and color!"

He pointed to the sketch paper in his hand, "Your daughter's sketch is very good. Although the style has some shadows of myself, it is still a decent academic style."

“The Central Academy of Fine Arts, or S Arts in our province, are more highly regarded.”

However, the professional examination of art is not just a sketch.

There are two other exam items.

However, seeing that this female classmate has such good skills in sketching, Qin Song felt that her sketching should not be too bad.

As for color, it also requires talent.

And the tall and thin, beautiful high school girl in front of her seemed to have the most talent.

Qin Song carefully explained the three contents of the art professional examination, and said with great certainty, "Your daughter is very talented in painting, color, sketching, etc. As long as she studies hard, she should be able to pass the professional examination easily!"

Even if you can't get into CAFA, it's absolutely no problem to come to S Arts.

"My Tiantian is really talented? Then, can she learn from you?"

He Guotai and Tian Shumin were excited and happy when they heard professionals praising their daughters' talents.

"Yes! However, my level is average. If this student is interested and has time, he can come to our studio and listen to our teacher's class!"

Qin Song already has his own paintings and has signed a contract with a gallery, but he knows very well that his talent for painting is not very high.

There is no problem in tutoring ordinary art students.

However, for someone as talented as He Tiantian, Qin Song was worried that he would "mislead others"!

"Can I?"

He Tiantian had heard the conversation between her father and this teacher Qin Song, and had already figured out the whole story.

He Tiantian may still be hesitant because he can't attend Qin Song's art tutoring class.

However, if you can go directly to S Art and listen to the lessons of a real painting master, it is definitely a rare opportunity.

He Tiantian does have high painting skills and knows some popular elements of later generations.

But she still needs to receive systematic and professional education.

The most important thing is the circle!

Every industry has its own circle, and art is no exception.

Although painting requires one's own thinking, it is most taboo to work behind closed doors.

In addition to studying and copying the works of predecessors, you should also learn more about contemporary masters or the latest painting methods and techniques.

Only by integrating and learning from hundreds of schools of thought can you create your own style and ultimately improve your own level!

"Okay! Just contact me then!"

Qin Song has been retained by the school and will become a teacher of S Art after graduating from graduate school.

As a teacher, he also hopes to discover and cultivate more truly talented students.

Of course, with the talent of the girl in front of her, she may not be interested in S arts when she takes the art exam.

It is very likely that they will go directly to Central America.

However, regardless of whether the other party will take the S-art exam, Qin Song, as a teacher and senior, is also willing to support a newcomer with great potential.

"Thank you! Thank you, Teacher Qin!"

He Guotai and Tian Shumin kept saying their thanks. This was their daughter's "elegant person" and they couldn't wait any longer.

Qin Song also pointed out some details to He Tiantian. In addition, he left a picture album given by the gallery that he brought with him to He Tiantian.

The He family and his wife felt that Qin Song was a good person more and more, and warmly invited him to have dinner at a restaurant outside.

Qin Song still had something to do. He made an appointment with a friend who was nearby.

After exchanging contact information with He Tiantian, Qin Song said goodbye and left.

"Oh, what a good teacher!"

He Guotai sent Qin Song out of the community directly, watched him drive away in his car, and then turned around to go home.

After returning home, He Guotai praised him heartily.

Tian Shumin nodded vigorously, "Yes, our Tiantian has met a noble person. However, it is also our Tiantian who has talent!"

Otherwise, like other ordinary children, they can only take money to attend art classes.

"Yes! Our family is sweet and talented!"

He Guotai is also happy. There is no parent in the world who doesn't want their children to be outstanding and stand out.

Originally, they didn't have many requirements for their little daughter, especially since the child almost died. They just hoped that the child would be healthy.

The couple both planned to raise their daughter for the rest of their lives.

Unexpectedly, my daughter actually has a talent for painting.

Even if I can't become a painter in the future, it would be great to be an art teacher in school like that Teacher Qin!

"However, there is something wrong with Tiantian's state today. She is so obsessed that she doesn't even care about eating or resting! I'm afraid her body won't be able to bear it!"

After He Guotai was happy, he thought of his daughter's "crazy" appearance today.

When he sent Qin Song out just now, Qin Song told him that He Tiantian was not stupid because of painting, but suddenly realized a certain skill.

Just like a master in a martial arts TV series, he was opened up to the Ren and Du channels and suddenly realized the peerless martial arts.

This is a good thing. Many people engaged in art and creation wish they could have such an "opportunity".

However, this kind of thing is related to talent. Many people can only watch others seize inspiration and improve their skills.

Having an epiphany is a good thing for others, but for parents who love their children, it is a source of worry and anxiety.

Although He Guotai and his wife hope that their daughter will have a bright future, they will not force it.

They hope that their daughter will be happy and prosperous.

"It's okay, I will keep an eye on Tiantian. I will keep an eye on her while eating and sleeping."

Tian Shumin didn't think this was a problem.

As long as my daughter is not sick, she just needs to pay more attention to her.

Tian Shumin was a housewife anyway. When her daughter was hospitalized, she thought that she would protect her daughter from now on.

My daughter is doing well as she is now. She stays at home, drawing and dazing, and Tian Shumin takes care of her while doing housework.

"Okay, let's pay more attention. And Teacher Qin said that this kind of opportunity for enlightenment doesn't come every day. Tiantian probably won't always be like this!"

After hearing what his wife said, He Guotai thought about it carefully and couldn't help but nod.

In this way, the couple reached a consensus.

Tian Shumin went to cook, while He Guotai ran to call his eldest daughter.

"What? Teacher Qin Song said Tiantian has talent?" He Tianxin couldn't believe her ears.

"That's right! Teacher Qin also said that Tiantian's talent is too high and she has improved very quickly. In just one afternoon, she practiced sketching very well!"

He Guotai didn't hear He Tianxin's surprise and said happily, "Teacher Qin doesn't even dare to teach Tiantian anymore, so he lets Tiantian take S Art classes."

He Tianxin:......

Don’t today’s artists have any pride and perseverance?

For money, you can even say such things against your will?

It's not that He Tianxin thinks too badly of people, let alone slandering painter teachers like Qin Song.

In fact, the painful experience in her previous life told her that He Tiantian was not made for painting at all.

As a result, she was reborn, and He Tiantian turned into a painting genius?

Even young painters like Qin Song say they can't teach them?

Isn't this a joke?

"In addition, Teacher Qin also gave Tiantian a picture album, which their gallery specially bought from abroad. It contains many finely scanned versions of world famous works. Tiantian likes it!"

He Guotai said proudly, "Children from other families give gifts to teachers. I hope teachers can take more care of their own children!"

"But our Tiantian, in turn, asked the teacher to give her something! Hehe, this talented person is just different. People are rare wherever he goes!"

He Tianxin's numb face, am I dreaming, or has the world become different?

He Tiantian obviously has no talent at all. Even if he does, he is only slightly better than ordinary people.

Her level is to draw illustrations for others, or be a tutor in a part-time class.

Why has it suddenly become so "unbelievable" now?

Could it be that my rebirth caused such a big butterfly effect?

Or is the so-called "rebirth" actually just a dream?

He Tianxin was made doubtful about life.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, He Tiantian colluded with Qin Song and asked him to help her lie together.

But the problem is that she introduced Qin Song to the family.

He Tianxin was very sure that before today, He Tiantian didn't know this person at all.

How could He Tiantian have a "deal" with someone in just half a day?

He Tianxin was upset. She didn't even know when her father would hang up the phone.

Full of worries, like a ghost, she attended classes for two days and finally made it to Friday.

On Friday evening, after leaving the classroom, He Tianxin went home directly with her schoolbag on her back.

"Eh? Dad, why are you cooking? Where is my mother?"

I opened the door and entered the living room. I didn't see He Tiantian slumped on the sofa watching TV, but I caught a glimpse of a figure in the kitchen that shouldn't be there.

He Tianxin didn't even bother to put down her schoolbag, she just picked up the door frame of the kitchen and looked inside. Sure enough, it was her biological father.

This, this is really the sun rising from the west. Dad, a traditional male chauvinist, actually wears an apron one day.

"Xinxin is back!"

He Guotai looked slightly embarrassed when he saw his eldest daughter.

But he still greeted her with a smile, opened the lid of the pot, turned over the vegetables with a spatula, and then answered her question——

"Tiantian is going to the art museum these two days. Your mother is worried, so she goes with her."

He Tianxin frowned, "She goes to the art museum by herself. Why do you want mom to accompany you?"

"My mother too, Tiantian is not a child anymore——"

My parents are too pampered, so they raised a giant baby + an old man!

"Oh, you don't know, we are so obsessed with Tiantian. When we enter the art museum, we only focus on looking at the paintings, and don't even bother to eat or drink!"

"She has just been discharged from the hospital. If she doesn't pay more attention, she will definitely get sick."

Seeing that He Tianxin was unhappy, He Guotai hurriedly explained.

"Then she's not hungry!"

He Tianxin didn't believe that a selfish person like He Tiantian would become obsessed with art.

When she thought about it, He Tiantian deliberately lied to get her mother to be her 24-hour personal nanny.

It's a shame that my parents didn't realize that He Tiantian was even more attentive, twice as much taken care of and pampered as in her previous life.

So, when the winter vacation came and He Tiantian said that she was going to Shanghai to participate in an art exhibition, He Tianxin stopped her parents and said that she would accompany her sister...

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