The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 370: My sister is reborn (14)

On the 100*81 canvas, there are two young-looking people wearing wedding suits.

They are all in their twenties, with green eyebrows and expressions that are unique to the 1980s with passion and excitement.

However, the two people shown on the canvas are not in the standard wedding photo style, but as if they were captured before the couple took a photo in an old photo studio in the 1980s.

He Guotai was wearing a black suit and a white shirt, with a red rose in the right pocket of the suit.

Tian Shumin was dressed in a snow-white wedding dress, with a lace veil on her head, and her hairstyle was the unique bridal makeup of the 1980s and 1990s.

That is, the hair is permed into wool curls, a bunch of brightly colored flowers are inserted on the side of the lifted veil, and a large amount of mousse is used to fix the bangs and bun. Looking at it with the eyes of future generations, it is full of retro feeling.

This is Tian Shumin helping He Guotai sort out the rose in his pocket before taking the official photo.

She lowered her head slightly and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, showing sweetness and happiness in her shyness.

He Guotai stood upright, his hands hanging by his side helplessly, his eyes looking down, full of tenderness and joy.

Xu Shi found that his wife's hair was not perfect, so he quietly raised his right hand to help his wife tidy it up.

And at this moment, the photographer outside the frame directly in front of them seemed to think this scene was very beautiful and wanted to capture their faces.

Then, the photographer seemed to shout, and the couple turned their heads.


The scene is frozen!

The couple still kept arranging each other's appearance, but their faces were looking straight ahead.

The two people's faces were fully exposed, and their expressions were perfectly "captured": shy and sweet, happy and joyful, mixed with a little surprise.

It is obviously just a painting, but it is extremely vivid and gives people unlimited reverie.

Both He Guotai and Tian Shumin were fascinated.

He Guotai couldn't help but hold his wife in his arms, while Tian Shumin couldn't help but hug her husband's waist.

The couple stood hugging each other,

Look deeply at that "wedding photo".

Looking at their familiar yet unfamiliar young faces, they couldn't help but recall all the wonderful things they had when they were in love and getting married.

More than twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye, and they are no longer young.

But the sweetness and happiness they once had were buried deep in their hearts.

After seeing the wedding photos created by my daughter, all the beautiful memories were ignited.

In fact, let's not talk about the two "parties", even the bystander He Tianxin couldn't help showing a surprised expression when seeing this wedding photo.

It turns out that when my parents were young, they looked so handsome and beautiful in suits and wedding dresses.

It turned out that in her impression, the middle-aged couple who had always been an old married couple had such shy and sweet moments!

"...the painting is so good!"

He Tianxin sighed softly.

This is not a compliment between family members, but a real comment.

If you only looked at this oil painting, who would have thought that it was painted by a girl under the age of eighteen who had formally studied painting for less than half a year?

The characters in the painting are lifelike, with rich emotions in their eyes.

Although it is a solemn wedding photo, it uses bold colors. Between the black suit and the white wedding dress, a bright red rose is so obvious.

...He Tianxin doesn't understand art, let alone painting. At least she can't understand many of the paintings that are currently popular.

She didn't understand the technical aspects of her sister's work at all.

But, she can understand it.

On the canvas, there are no exaggerated scenes, no distorted characters, and no weird colors.

It is a portrait of a character that makes people like and imagine them.

It is as realistic as a photo, but more artistic and romantic than photography.

"..." He Tianxin couldn't think of any more words to describe it, and in the end she could only turn it into one word - good!

"Yes! Yes! Our Tiantian is so good at painting!"

"Oh my, our Tiantian painting skills are really useless!"

He Guotai and Tian Shumin both came to their senses, and the couple praised each other.

They are so happy as a couple.

In addition to their daughter helping them realize a dream through painting, they also realized that their children can completely rely on painting to make a living in the future.

As ordinary people, they all think their daughter's paintings are good, and they are willing to pay for such paintings.

Don’t those who specialize in art know better?

Even if he can't be a painter, He Tiantian can still paint portraits for people, or start a class as a teacher!

Although their family is not short of money, even if their daughter never works, she can still live on rent.

However, if they can have a stable job and an income, the couple can really feel relieved.

Fortunately, He Tiantian didn't know about her parents' humble wish. If she had known about it, she would have been speechless.

My biological father and my biological mother, I want to be a great painter.

If I just draw people's portraits or be a tutor, why should I work more than ten hours a day?

My original painting skills have already surpassed this level, okay? !

"Tiantian draws so well. She will be admitted to the Central American Academy of Fine Arts this time, so she will be fine!"

"That's right! Central Academy of Fine Arts, that is the best art school in our country, and it should be considered a university with the prefix "国"!"

The more He Guotai and his wife thought about it, the happier they became.

However, a problem has arisen.

At night, the couple lay in bed, but couldn't fall asleep.

"Honey, if Tiantian really goes to the capital to go to college, she might not even be able to take care of herself!"

"Yeah, I'm worried about it too. This child usually draws for more than ten hours a day. If she catches up with creating a work or having an epiphany, she won't even be able to eat or sleep!"

"...How about we also go to the capital?"

"You can't, you still have to go to work. Besides, Xinxin is still here. If we all leave, what will Xinxin do?"

This time, it was Tian Shumin who thought of her eldest daughter.

She snuggled into her husband's arms and said in a low voice, "Xinxin will be a senior in college soon. She has to take the postgraduate entrance examination. It is also a very critical time. We can't afford to be without people at home."

He Guotai had a headache, "Yes, we have two daughters, we can't be partial."

But the younger daughter is really uneasy.

"Well, let me go with you. I'm just going to study with you. Those middle school students have a lot of parents accompanying them!"

Tian Shumin should have been thinking about this issue for a long time.

So, when I mentioned it now, I actually said it clearly: "I will rent a house near the school, buy groceries and cook every day, and then keep an eye on Tiantian so that she can eat well and sleep well..."

"Okay, let's do this first!"

He Guotai nodded, and the matter was decided.

In less than two days, He Tiantian will go to the capital to take the CAFA professional course exam.

Almost the entire He family went out.

He Tiantian: ...Forget it, taking exams or something is a parent’s wish and right. As a daughter, she cannot be deprived of it by force.

As for He Tianxin, tsk tsk, it’s normal for people to want to go to the capital during the winter vacation.

It just so happens that my sister is about to take the postgraduate entrance examination, so she can go to Yonghe Temple to pay her respects.

Although I don’t know that the immortals in Yonghe Temple don’t care about exams, but they are sincere.

In this way, the whole family rushed to the capital together.

He Tiantian first went to a painter's salon organized by Boss Feng and met several talents in the circle.

Unfortunately, the teachers from CAFA did not participate because the art exam was approaching.

However, He Tiantian didn't want to use any back door.

It's not that she doesn't want to take shortcuts, but that she is confident enough.

Of course, painting well is not a panacea.

Sometimes, if your style does not meet the regulations of other art schools, it is difficult to get high scores.

Even a truly great painter may not be able to pass the art exam if he takes it again.

There is no way, exam-oriented education is too restrictive.

Even for arts, there are many rigid requirements and regulations.

He Tiantian:......

She is indeed confident, but not arrogant.

She has vaguely developed her own style, but if she is asked to draw a composition based on the exam template, she can do it.

During the exam, He Tiantian restrained her personality and publicity, and painted in an academic style.

However, rules are objective, and a person's skills can be seen by just drawing a stroke.

Even if He Tiantian painted works that did not match the style, she would not be able to get full marks at most, but she would not fail the ranking.

And when He Tiantian drew in an orderly manner, her calm lines and smooth use of colors really amazed the invigilator.

In the huge examination room, the invigilator walked around, his eyes always involuntarily staying on He Tiantian's drawing board.

"What a great painting!"

"Yes, with this level, what kind of professional exams are you going to take? You are qualified to be a teacher directly!"

"...The little girl is not very old, but her basic skills are so solid! These lines and layouts cannot be accomplished even with a few years of skills!"

"I should have started learning painting since I was a child. And my talent is high enough."

In the field of art, talent is really the most important thing.

Hard work is nothing compared to talent.

And the little girl in front of her is good enough and has super talent.

Otherwise, at her age, it would be impossible for her to draw such excellent works.

Drawing, sketching and coloring.

The three exams were completed quickly, and He Tiantian received a perfect score without any surprise.

Because if her paintings cannot be rated as full marks, then other people’s scores cannot be rated.

The professional courses are stable, and then the college entrance examination will be held in July.

After all, CAFA is a university with the prefix "国", and its college entrance examination scores also have certain requirements.

The 300 points He Tiantian thought before was impossible, and he had to get at least 500 points.

He Tiantian: ...So, the art exam is not a real shortcut, you still have to work hard!

"I'll help Tiantian with her classes! Also, in the past two or three months, don't be busy with painting for the time being. Let's do a surprise cultural class!"

He Tianxin rolled up her sleeves and dragged her sister out of the studio.

She took on the attitude of a strict dean, waving her ruler, and kept urging He Tiantian to study.

He Tiantian: ...wuwu, my sister is avenging her private revenge!

However, both He Guotai and Tian Shumin thought this was the best.

"I can study, but I can't put down my painting completely."

He Tiantian is completely addicted and can't go without touching the paintbrush for several months.

After some bargaining, He Tiantian and He Tianxin finally reached a consensus——

He Tiantian was given one hour to draw every day, and the rest of the time was used to prepare for the college entrance examination.

In March, the new semester has just begun, and the He family finally has a tense atmosphere of "there are candidates at home."

He Guotai tiptoed to and from get off work, fearing to make any noise.

He's mother is responsible for the logistics and daily nutrition, fearing that the child will fall behind in terms of diet and health.

He Tianxin temporarily put aside the postgraduate entrance examination and went home after class every day, staring at He Tiantian doing homework and answering test questions.

He Tiantian: ...Okay, okay, since I went to high school once, I have to experience the college entrance examination.

A family of four, with the same goal, working together.

Even the relatives of the He family couldn't stand the sight of the He Guotai couple treating a sick money-loser as their treasure, but they were not enemies after all and would not bother them at critical moments.

At most, they were just gossiping behind their backs, with the mentality of just watching the excitement.

The He family doesn't care about this, they continue to work together according to their own osmanthus.

Finally in July, the college entrance examination is coming.

He Guotai took leave in advance to give his daughter the exam.

He Tiantian was a little helpless, "Dad, my examination room is in our school, there is really no need for you to send me off!"

It's not like going to another school, you still need to be familiar with the environment.

If possible, He Tiantian wouldn't even let her mother go.

However, the college entrance examination is a major event in life. Even if He Tiantian is lucky enough to be arranged to take the exam at this school, the other three members of the He family will have to come to see it off.

He Tiantian: ...Okay, okay, as you like.

Just like that, on July 7, the first day of the college entrance examination, He Tiantian, escorted by her father, mother and sister, rushed to the examination room with her whole family.

The three days of intense exams passed quickly.

He Tiantian's original academic performance was below average, but after she got the golden finger, her brain seemed to become particularly bright.

In the last few months, Mrs. Tiger’s sister helped with tutoring.

Not to mention, He Tiantian felt very good when she took the exam.

Later, the test questions were published in the newspaper He Guotai bought. He Tiantian answered them according to memory, and finally added up the score and found that the score was close to 600!

This score is considered a high score for ordinary candidates, let alone art candidates.

And when the test results come out, you can check by phone.

From He Guotai to He Tianxin, the three members of the He family called each other one by one, but they were still a little unbelievable——

"638 points!"

how could it be possible.

Her Tiantian was last in the class when she was a sophomore in high school.

In my senior year of high school, I spent half of the year painting, and in the last two or three months, I actually got a high score of 638 points!

"Haha, I knew that Tiantian in our family is the best!" He Guotai was so excited that he wanted to tell the world.

"That's right!" Tian Shumin also smiled so hard that she couldn't even see her teeth.

However, she did not forget about her eldest daughter. She was afraid that He Tianxin would care about her, so she quickly added, "Of course, our Xinxin also knows how to tutor, and she helped Tiantian improve her grades!"

He Tianxin actually didn't think much about it.

The last trip to the magic city made her think about it completely and no longer dwell on the past life.

However, He Tiantian's college entrance examination results still made He Tianxin couldn't help but think of her previous life: Tsk, tsk, it's twice as much as before and there's still plenty left.

So...this life is really different from the previous life!

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