The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 371 My sister is reborn (15)

In fact, the only thing that is different from the previous life is He Tiantian’s college entrance examination?

He Tiantian had just finished her college entrance examination, and a piece of news broke out on the art professional forum——

Spanish painter Artur won this year's Silver Lion Award for his surreal paintings!

Artur became famous overnight.

And the prices of his works have soared rapidly, as if they were on a rocket.

While waiting for the results of the college entrance examination, He Tiantian continued to paint.

In my spare time, I thought about the work I had "missed", counted the time, and searched online.

Sure enough, she saw the news.

Make a fortune, really make a fortune!

He Tiantian smiled so hard that her eyebrows curled up, and her heart seemed to be soaring.

Although the He family is not short of money, their parents often say: "You two sisters each have half of the two buildings and two shops at home!"

Fortunately for He Tianxin, she went to college and took postgraduate entrance exams normally.

As for He Tiantian, she chose painting, a costly profession, and her daily expenses were really huge.

She can't be called old now, and He Tiantian has never felt ashamed.

However, if she could be self-reliant and even feed her parents, she would still be very happy.

He took out his mobile phone and found the number of the gallery boss Feng, and He Tiantian dialed it directly.

"...What? You said you have Artur's oil paintings?"

After hearing what He Tiantian said, Teacher Feng said in disbelief, "Is it, is it the Artur from the Biennale?"

"Yes, it's him!"

He Tiantian smiled and said, "Speaking of which, Teacher Feng, I have to thank you for this!"

He Tiantian talked about her trip to Shanghai to participate in an art exhibition in Shanghai a few years ago.

The tickets for this art exhibition were given by Teacher Feng.

It was at the art exhibition that He Tiantian saw Artur's painting.

Rounding things off, He Tiantian should really thank her.

"No, let me figure it out——"

Teacher Feng still felt it was a bit dramatic.

How could it be such a coincidence?

Or is He Tiantian just so lucky?

A little painter who had been unknown in the past quickly became famous because he participated in an art exhibition in Venice and won an award. He was reported by several well-known art magazines.

The art market reacted very quickly. Galleries and brokers in Europe and the United States all took action to search for Artur's works.

"Wait a minute, Tiantian, you said the painting in your hand is an oil painting? It's not a sketch or gouache."

Teacher Feng's brain was running rapidly. He suddenly thought of something and asked quickly.

"It's an oil painting, 81*65. Moreover, I think this work should be Artur's turn to hyperrealism style!"

He Tiantian said softly, her voice was not loud, but she was very sure.

Teacher Feng:......

He didn't even know what to say.

Artur won the Silver Lion Award at the Venice Biennale and became an instant hit. Critics may criticize it, but collectors and investors are absolutely touting it.

Prices for his works will skyrocket.

However, even if they are all Artur's works, even if they appreciate in value, there is still a difference in value!

Oil paintings are definitely more valuable than drawings, sketches, gouache and other works.

And works with special significance or from critical periods are the most valuable.

Artur's award-winning work is Surrealism, so the price of his works from this period is the highest.

Except for his peak period or masterpieces, the prices of works painted at the critical moment when Artur formed his Surrealist style will not be too low.

The work in He Tiantian's hand is actually such a "masterpiece"!

Teacher Feng simply could not imagine what price such a work could fetch once it was sent to an auction house.

Moreover, Teacher Feng is an insider, and he is also very familiar with the trend of domestic galleries.

As far as he knew, there seemed to be no oil paintings by Artur in China, let alone masterpieces from the critical period!

"Tiantian, you are so lucky——"

Teacher Feng is so jealous.

However, after all, he is a gallery owner and has seen the world.

Although he is surprised, he will not completely lose his composure.

"Hey, when the painting was exhibited, I just thought it was pretty good. The key is that the price is not expensive, only a thousand euros!"

He Tiantian had not thought about Versailles, but it was obvious that she was just lucky.

If you are too modest, it will appear fake!

Teacher Feng: ...Sure enough, he was killed by Versailles.

One thousand euros, equivalent to RMB, is only about 10,000 yuan.

But who would have thought that this originally transparent painter would win the award.

Two days ago, Teacher Feng just received news that at an auction in the United States, a surrealist gouache by Artur sold for a high price of 100,000 euros!

One hundred thousand euros, and it’s just gouache!

The oil painting in He Tiantian's hand can be multiplied ten times at least.

"Twelve million? Tiantian, I, did I hear correctly? You said 'ten thousand'? Not 'yuan'?"

He Guotai stared at his daughter with wide eyes.

"Yes, 1.36 million euros, equivalent to a little over 14 million RMB."

He Tiantian smiled and said, "After deducting various fees, I got 12 million. The money has been transferred to my bank card, look!"

He Tiantian directly handed the bank card she used to deposit in the small vault to her biological father.

He Guotai didn't dare to answer it at all. He looked at his daughter blankly, then turned to look at his wife.

Tian Shumin's face was also filled with shock and dreaminess.

How can it be?

Last year, my daughter went to Shanghai to buy a painting for 10,000 yuan. In less than a year, the price has increased more than a thousand times?

The He family is indeed rich, but they are also small and wealthy.

The combined assets of the whole family are estimated to be only six to seven million.

My little girl is good, she can raise her hand for more than 10 million, which is twice the assets of their He family.

"Dad, take it!"

He Tiantian did not hide anything, but directly put the bank card into He Guotai's hand.

"No! No, no!"

When his palm touched the hard bank card, He Guotai finally reacted. He refused repeatedly, "I can't take this money! You earned this by yourself, keep it for yourself!"

While speaking, He Guotai continued to look at his wife, silently seeking her opinion.

Tian Shumin received her husband's signal and nodded vigorously, "Yes! Tiantian, your dad is right! You, you, keep the money yourself."

If He Tiantian only had a daughter, Tian Shumin might have kept the money.

Because, whether it is the money or the couple's property, it belongs to He Tiantian alone.

It just so happens that their family has two daughters.

Moreover, the two children are no longer children. He Tiantian has celebrated her eighteenth birthday, and He Tianxin is also twenty-two years old.

Tian Shumin and his wife have always reminded themselves: Two daughters, they must have a bowl of water to keep them balanced! Absolutely no favoritism.

Originally, the little girl was in poor health and had to learn the art of burning money.

Although Tian Shumin felt sorry for her little girl, she didn't want to give all her family's property to He Tiantian.

She and her husband had already discussed that each of their two daughters would have half of the floor and shop space at home.

Tian Shumin and his wife will not stop He Tiantian from studying painting or pursuing his artistic dreams, but they are also prepared to only use the half of the property allocated to He Tiantian.

In some trivial details, Tian Shumin may feel even more distressed for her little girl.

But when it comes to dividing family property or involving large amounts of money, Tian Shumin, like He Guotai, makes the division very clearly.

She will not wrong her sensible eldest daughter because of her younger daughter.

Vice versa, the same is true!

The younger daughter has made money through her own abilities, so this money should belong to the younger daughter.

This is exactly like waiting for the eldest daughter to work after graduation, and all her wages will be her own.

Parents should not engage in "robbing the rich to give to the poor" among their children.

That is not "everything is good", but artificially creating conflicts between children.

Thinking of this, Tian Shumin suddenly had an idea.

She looked at her husband and said slowly, "How about we divide the family property in advance?"

Anyway, it will be left to two children, morning and night.

Although He Guotai felt it was a bit sudden, he did not reject it and nodded, "When Xinxin comes back from the library tonight, our family will have a meeting!"

It's summer vacation. After the summer vacation, it will be senior year, and He Tianxin has officially entered the countdown to the postgraduate entrance examination.

In order to help her sister with her homework, He Tianxin was delayed for a while.

Now that it's holiday, He Tianxin doesn't go out to play. Instead, she goes to the library to study every day.

In the evening, when the study room in the library got off work, He Tianxin took the bus back home with her schoolbag on her back.

After entering the door, He Tianxin felt that the atmosphere was not right.

There was both unconcealable joy and an inexplicable loss on the parents' faces.

What's going on?

Haven't Tiantian's college entrance examination results come down?

Last night, my parents excitedly discussed hosting a teacher-appreciation banquet for my sister.

It's only been a day, why is my mood getting a little off?

Is there something wrong with my grades?

He Tianxin did not ask rashly, but thought about it secretly.

After eating, He Tianxin got up as a habit and helped her mother clean up.

The mother and daughter were washing and scrubbing in the kitchen, while He Tiantian studied it carefully with a picture album.

Father He didn't know when he returned to the master bedroom.

A family of four seems to be the same as before, but something is different.

Of course He Tiantian knew the reason, but she would not interfere too much.

This is the decision of the parents, and as long as it is reasonable and reasonable, the children will not object too much.

At half past seven, the familiar background music of the weather forecast came from the TV.

Tian Shumin and He Tianxin finished working in the kitchen and came to the sofa to watch TV together.

At this time, He Guotai walked out of the master bedroom with a pile of things.

He winked at Tian Shumin.

Tian Shumin understood, stood up, turned off the TV, and took the picture album from He Tiantian's hand.

He Tiantian: ...Actually, I can hear your conversation. I can do two things at once.

Of course, He Tiantian didn't dare to say anything.

Because she knew that what her parents were going to announce next was a major event for their He family!

"Xinxin, there is good news today. A painting your sister bought in Shanghai has been sold by Mr. Feng of the gallery, and the total amount was twelve million!"

Father He put the things on the coffee table and first shared the "good news" at home with He Tianxin.

"One or twelve million?"

He Tianxin was stunned and couldn't believe her ears.

How can it be?

He Tiantian also made investments in her previous life and bought several works by a painter who was said to have great potential.

As a result, without exception, they were all smashed into their hands.

But in this life, He Tiantian just spent 10,000 yuan to buy a ghost painting talisman. Oh, no, it was some kind of surreal painting. He sold it and made more than a thousand times? !

It is simply more unrealistic than dreams!

"Yes, it's twelve million. In the afternoon, your mother and I went to the bank to check!"

To be honest, seeing the series of zeros with their own eyes, He Guotai and Tian Shumin felt like they were dreaming.

"Tiantian would like to hand over this money to her family. However, your mother and I will confiscate it!"

After He Guotai said this, he hurried to look at He Tianxin's expression.

Although He Guotai and his wife felt that this should be the case, they were still afraid that their eldest daughter would think too much.

More than ten million, not one thousand yuan.

Such a huge sum of money will not be earned by most people in their lifetime even after more than ten years.

Money moves people's hearts!

Even biological sisters will turn against each other because of their huge wealth.

He Guotai and Tian Shumin did not want their daughters to become resentful because of this huge sum of money.

"...Huh?" He Tianxin had not yet woken up from the twelve million "fright", so she responded subconsciously.

But soon, He Tianxin said, "Isn't this how it should be! Tiantian originally bought it with her own New Year's money. If it appreciates in value, it will naturally belong to her."

Of course, if it falls into his own hands, He Tiantian will have to pay for it himself.

We are all adults and should be responsible for our own choices.

After a trip to the Magic City, He Tianxin did wake up from the nightmare of rebirth.

She reflected on her words and deeds and conducted an in-depth and objective analysis of herself.

From that day on, He Tianxin would no longer hate or reject He Tiantian for no reason.

But she will not be an unprincipled sister-supporting demon like she did in her previous life.

If it were a normal situation and my sister was in trouble, she would definitely help.

But if He Tiantian was the one who made the decision, He Tianxin would decisively make the cut.

I don’t hate, but I will no longer cover up or condone without any thought.

They are the most ordinary sisters, supporting and taking care of each other.

The emphasis is on “mutual”!

rather than unilateral contribution.

The same is true for giving, and so is the return.

He Tianxin would not pay for He Tiantian's mistakes, and naturally she would not divide He Tiantian's interests without any reason.

He Guotai and Tian Shumin didn't know He Tianxin's psychological journey, but they were very relieved to hear her words, and their worried hearts were relieved.

"Yes! It should be! Just like Xinxin, if you make money in the future, it should be your own!"

He Guotai expressed his attitude with a smile, and then showed everything in his hand.

Two sets of keys, two ledgers, and two property certificates.

"Xinxin, Tiantian, you two are the only children in our family, so everything in the house belongs to you two sisters!"

He Guotai divided all these things into two and pushed them in front of his two daughters. "Except for the house we live in now, we will not divide them for the time being. We will give you two buildings and two shops..."

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