The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 372: My sister is reborn (16)

"Here are the keys to every single room in the building."

He Guotai pointed to the key plate and explained carefully: "I have written the room number on it with a label."

"This is the ledger for registering the rent. Your mother and I have already collected it this year. Next year's rent is yours to collect!"

Father He pointed to the account book again.

Two real estate certificates are even simpler, "Here are the real estate certificates for two shops, one for each of you. Now that the shops have been rented out, you will start collecting rent next year!"

He Tianxin squirmed her lips, her heart beating hard.

After being reborn, she was thinking about how to let her parents divide the property in advance.

But she could never open her mouth.

She loves her parents and doesn't want to make them sad or embarrassed.

Now, with He Tiantian's opportunity to sell paintings, her parents actually offered to distribute the family property in advance, and He Tianxin felt a sense of loss.

This, this is a separation?

The "goal" was achieved, but He Tianxin didn't feel the joy of getting her wish deep in her heart.

"Mom, Dad, you should keep the rent and other things yourself!"

After a moment of silence, He Tianxin finally found her voice. She said slowly, "We are still students."

Besides, if the property is divided and the rent is left to the sisters themselves, how will their parents live?

He Tianxin looked at He Tiantian and reminded her with her eyes.

He Tiantian understood immediately and quickly cooperated, "Yes, I will go to the capital in September. I may not be able to go home during the winter and summer vacations. There may be activities such as sketching."

Although He Tianxin was in the provincial capital, she still had to go to class, so she couldn't take care of the tenants' matters.

After all, being a housekeeper is not as simple as reading water meters and collecting rent. Usually, if tenants have problems such as water leakage, clogged toilets, or circuit shortages, they will go to the landlord.

He Guotai's job has a low salary, but it is relatively leisurely, so that he has time to deal with those problems.

If you encounter a few more worried tenants,

If some disputes arise, someone needs to be assigned to handle them.

Sisters He Tianxin simply don't have the time and energy.

"Then we will help collect it first, and deposit the rent to your bank card. When you get married in the future, we will take it all with you!"

Tian Shumin thought about it and felt that it was not appropriate to let her daughters collect rent now, so she exchanged a look with her husband and said this.

"Mom, you don't have to give us all the rent, the family also needs expenses!"

He Tianxin couldn't hold it back and said in a hoarse voice.

Household expenses include not only water, electricity, gas, oil, salt, rice and food, but also some personal relationships, or hospitalization for an illness.

In addition, after the new semester starts, Tian Shumin will go to college with He Tiantian, and the expenses for this part will not be small.

He Guotai has a salary, but the He family has never counted on it in these years.

"You don't need to worry about our family. We, the old couple, still have some savings."

With so much rent every year and only so much household expenses, He Guotai and his wife are not extravagant people.

Therefore, with Tian Shumin's careful calculation, their family's savings amounted to six figures.

As for their future pension issues, there is no need to worry.

Tian Shumin herself does not have social security, but she bought a full set of commercial insurance for everyone in her family.

Hospitalization can be reimbursed, pensions can be collected after retirement, and there are any dividends.

It can be said that as long as the four members of the He family do not commit suicide and there are no major natural or man-made disasters, their lives will basically not be too bad.

"Sister, just do what your parents want."

He Tiantian didn't want to get involved in this.

If parents want to divide their property in advance, then divide it in advance.

If your parents want to rent the house to the two sisters and save it, then go ahead and save it.

As for worrying about their parents' livelihood and retirement issues, the two sisters can just be filial.

Maybe it's the left hand instead of the right hand, but the meaning is different.

There is no need to push back and forth now, as long as you know it in your heart and remember to take good care of your parents.

He Tiantian blinked at her sister and hinted desperately.

He Tianxin was stunned for a moment, and then thought of it quickly.

Yes, why are you so clearly separated from your parents? Do you think that if you get property, you will ignore your parents?

"Okay, let's listen to our parents!"

He Tianxin also made a decision in her heart and quickly expressed her stance with a smile.

Of course, He Guotai and Tian Shumin saw the eye interaction between the sisters.

They felt their daughters' thoughts and felt at ease in their hearts.

In this way, the family divided the family property peacefully.

It seems like they are separated, but their feelings for each other seem to be closer.

Throughout the summer vacation, He Tiantian either visited art museums or art galleries, or went sketching on the streets.

She really touched a certain edge and was just waiting for an opportunity to break through.

By then, she will have developed her own style and improved her technique to perfection.

She is only one step away from the master.

Soon, He Tiantian received the admission notice from CAFA.

Ho Guotai and Tian Shumin invited relatives and friends and held a special appreciation banquet for their further studies.

Relatives, friends, neighbors and old colleagues, no matter what they think in their hearts, they keep congratulating each other.

Some close relatives and friends couldn't help but be a little stunned when they came to He's house and saw with their own eyes the "wedding photos" hanging in the master bedroom.

"This, this was painted by Tiantian?"

They are all ordinary people, and very few of them have attended university.

Not to mention any artistic accomplishment.

However, even with ordinary eyes, they can see that this painting is really good.

They seemed to be able to see something in the painting. Although they couldn't express it in words, they just felt it was better than real wedding photos.

"Oh, your Tiantian family is really promising!"

"That's right, the painting is really good. The facial features and movements are exactly the same as those of the Cathay couple!"

"Isn't that right? She was admitted to Central Academy of Fine Arts, the best academy of fine arts in the country!"

"In the future, the old He family will also produce an artist! Cathay Pacific, you two just wait and enjoy the blessings."

Everyone seemed to have forgotten that they had secretly disliked He Tiantian for being a sick and loser, and now they only praised her as a flower.

Of course, there are also people who are unhappy and secretly murmur: "Huh, what does it matter if you paint well? Can you really be a great painter?"

"It's not a good meal for artists. Especially those who paint, poor painters, poor painters, this is the group of people I'm talking about!"

"So what if I become a great painter? I'm not a loser. Once I get married, everything belongs to my husband's family!"

"No, it's just the Cathay couple. They are not old yet, but they refuse to have another child!"

No matter what kind of vitriol and nonsense some people say in private, He Guotai and his wife are indeed extremely happy.

The sickly daughter, who originally thought he would be able to support her for the rest of her life, unexpectedly became successful.

Regardless of whether she becomes famous or earns a lot of money in the future, the He family and his wife will only be happy.

After the bustling teacher-appreciation banquet, Tian Shumin began to prepare for going to the capital.

Renting a house, buying simple belongings, and how to live alone with her husband after she leaves.

There is also a daughter, she is going to take the postgraduate entrance examination——

"Dad, Mom, I want to take the postgraduate entrance examination at a university in Beijing!"

Originally, He Tianxin just wanted to stay in the provincial capital and get a graduate degree from this school.

However, his sister and biological mother went to the capital, and the He family also divided the family property. He Tianxin's most worrying problem was finally solved.

On the contrary, she valued family ties more.

Thinking of He Tiantian's fainting spell and the fact that her parents would be separated from each other for several years, He Tianxin couldn't bear it.

"Although my grades are not top-notch, if I work hard, I should be able to get into a university in the capital."

“Beijing Foreign Studies University may not be enough, but Beijing Normal University should have no problem!”

He Tianxin is a student in the Department of Foreign Languages. If she wants to take the postgraduate entrance examination, Beijing Foreign Studies University is naturally the best choice.

Of course, people's requirements will be higher.

He Tianxin studied it carefully and felt that the foreign language department of Beijing Normal University was also very good.

Maybe as a second choice.

"When I get admitted to Beijing's graduate school, I can take care of Tiantian nearby. Then, my mother won't have to stay in Beijing all the time!"

Although the distance between the two universities is not close, it is estimated that it takes 40 to 50 minutes to drive.

But, after all, in the same city, He Tianxin can pay attention to He Tiantian every day.

Besides, He Tiantian is not possessed by the devil every day. Normally, she is quite normal.

Every one or two days, He Tianxin just goes to see He Tiantian.

"Of course it would be best if you can get admitted to a university in the capital!"

Tian Shumin directly ignored He Tianxin's words of wanting to take care of He Tiantian. As a biological mother, Tian Shumin just wanted her daughters to develop better.

Whether it is Beijing Normal University or Beijing Foreign Studies University, they are both first-class universities. Being able to study for graduate school there is definitely better than studying there.

After graduation, He Tianxin can find a good job whether she stays in the capital or returns to the provincial capital.

He Tianxin thought that it was settled with her family, so she worked extra hard to go to the capital.

There is only one thing for He Tiantian - painting!

When school started in September, it was another time for the whole family to go out.

"Senior sister, which major are you in?"

He Tiantian was wearing denim overalls, a white T-shirt, and a pair of white sneakers. Her long hair was styled into two braids.

There is no makeup or special clothing. It seems a bit rustic in China's top art school.

However, He Tiantian is good-looking, and she is young. Her face is full of collagen, and she is squeamish and lively due to being pampered since she was a child. Her whole person seems to be a luminous body.

Even walking on a campus that is full of art and has no shortage of beauties and handsome guys is a beautiful sight.

The veterans who were in charge of welcoming the newcomers gathered around such a beautiful and smart little junior sister.

"Oil painting major!"

He Tiantian answered obediently that when she was not obsessed with painting, she was still a normal beautiful girl.

When you come to a strange environment, you will be curious and a little at a loss.

Facing the enthusiastic senior brothers, I will be shy, but I will not be too afraid.

Such a cute, sweet, and well-behaved girl.

The junior who was the first to come to greet He Tiantian felt his heartbeat speed up.

He showed the kindest smile, put on the most handsome pose, and said softly: "The dormitory of the Oil Painting Department is-"

Before the senior could finish speaking, a middle-aged woman ran over panting.

"Tiantian, Mom has already asked clearly, your dormitory is over there!"

Tian Shumin was carrying her bag and was sweating profusely, but she refused to stop and rest for a while.

She grabbed He Tiantian's wrist, pulled her towards the dormitory building.

He kept mumbling, "Your dad is helping you pay. Oops, there are so many people queuing up. Your sister has gone to get bedding, bedding and other supplies!"

"Come on, let's go to the dormitory. Maybe we can choose a bed with a better location!"

He Tiantian: ...Mom, have you forgotten that we have agreed to rent a house outside the school?

Even if I stayed in the school dormitory, I would only sleep there occasionally and would not live there often.

There is absolutely no need to care too much now.

As if she understood He Tiantian's thoughts, Tian Shumin said in a tone of hatred, "Even if you don't live there permanently, you still have to choose a better location."

"At noon, come back and take a nap, or occasionally go back to the dormitory to rest. With a good seat, you will be more comfortable when you rest!"

He Tiantian raised her hands in a gesture of surrender, "Okay! Okay! I'll listen to you!"

Tian Shumin didn't care about her daughter's funny appearance, and pulled her into the dormitory furiously.

He Tiantian was lucky enough to be assigned a four-person student apartment.

"301! This is it!"

Tian Shumin pulled her daughter up to the third floor and came to the door of the dormitory.

Opening the door, I found that there was already a student in the dormitory.

"My name is Chu Ranran, majoring in Chinese painting."

The girl's face is slightly round and her temperament is a bit shy.

But after seeing He Tiantian, he still greeted him politely and introduced himself.

"My name is He Tiantian, majoring in oil painting!" He Tiantian responded quickly.

After hearing each other's names, the two suddenly felt a little close.

Hey, they all have ABB-type names.

"My mother went to get hot water, and my father was outside. I told them not to deliver it, but they didn't listen!"

Chu Ranran saw Tian Shumin busy making bedding and placing luggage, so she leaned into He Tiantian's ear and whispered softly.

"Not only are my parents here, but my sister is also here!" He Tiantian also acted like she was hopeless and cooperated with Chu Ranran.

In their generation, they are basically only children.

The little emperor, the defeated generation, refers to those born in the 1980s.

It's not uncommon for someone like He Tiantian to have a sister or brother, but younger siblings are almost rare.

The reason why the He family can have two daughters is because the He family still had a township household registration at the beginning, and if the first child was a daughter, she could have another daughter.

Not long after He Tiantian was born, their area was classified as urban and no more children were allowed.

Many people say that Tian Shumin is lucky, but not lucky enough. She could have had a second child legally, but she just gave birth to a daughter.

He Guotai \u0026 Tian Shumin: ...P is not lucky enough.

They would be satisfied if they could have two daughters.

If the daughters can be healthy and happy, it will be a lifelong blessing for them as a couple!

Soon, the other two people in the dormitory also gathered.

What’s amazing is that there are four majors among the four of them. One of the other two majors, one majors in printmaking and the other majors in sculpture.

Everyone has different majors, but they are all engaged in art at heart.

They have personality, pride, and talent, and they are at peace with each other.

However, these have little to do with He Tiantian.

After the report, He Guotai helped rent a house, cleaned up the room, and then returned to the provincial capital with He Tianxin.

Tian Shumin stayed to take care of He Tiantian's diet and daily life, while He Tiantian started a crazy learning mode...

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