The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 373 My sister is reborn (17)

"Classmate, is He Tiantian from your house?"

Chu Ranran came back from get out of class and came to the door of the dormitory. Just as she was about to open the door, a classmate from the dormitory on the same floor asked curiously.

Chu Ranran was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Yes. However, she usually doesn't live in the dormitory. Her mother rents a house outside the school."

"Don't live in a dormitory? Their family is from the capital?"

The girl who called Chu Ranran asked doubtfully.

"No, Tiantian is from Province S, and her home is in the provincial capital!" Chu Ranran said casually.

But she still couldn't figure out what this girl wanted to ask.

"I'll go, her mother has traveled thousands of miles to come and study with her!"

The girl said with some admiration, and the person in the dormitory with her also stuck out his head and said, "If I could draw like He Tiantian and be used as a model by Lu Dada every day, I would also let him My own mother will come to study with you!"

Chu Ranran:......

She seemed to understand a little bit.

Looking at the two envious girls, he asked in a determined tone: "Are you also from the oil painting department? Are you a student in Teacher Lu's class?"

"That's right! But we don't have He Tiantian's good luck. Tsk tsk, we were accepted as disciples by Daddy Lu right after we entered school. Not only will Daddy Lu be the one to work on him, but we can also go to other people's studios!"

The girl who first called Chu Ranran said sourly as if she had just eaten a lemon.

Chu Ranran frowned slightly and said subconsciously, "He Tiantian is not lucky -"

But before she could finish explaining to her roommate, girl B interrupted the conversation and said, "Yes, she has talent!"

"Exactly! Those parents and teachers used to say that success is 99% perspiration and 1% talent, but no one told us that there is another sentence after that: the 1% talent is the most important, than the 1% talent. Ninety-nine percent of the effort is more important!”

Girl A also said a little disappointed.

"Damn! Is there a second part?" Girl B was a little surprised.

Because when they were in elementary and middle school, similar famous quotes were hung on the school walls.

However, only the first half of the sentence is said to be by Edison. The specific content is slightly different, but the general meaning is similar.

"Of course, I didn't know about it until I went to college. So, hard work is worthless when it comes to talent!" Girl A was a little depressed.

"But...but, we also have talents!"

Girl B was a little angry. Without talent, it would be impossible for her to get into CAFA.

"But it's not as good as He Tiantian!" There are levels of talent.

Girl A said calmly, "We are at the academic level, and He Tiantian is about to become a god!"

Listening to the two girls talking to each other, Chu Ranran couldn't bear it anymore, "He Tiantian is not just talented!"

Girl A and Girl B raised their heads and looked at Chu Ranran, with "I don't believe it" written all over their faces.

Chu Ranran did not dodge, met their gazes, and said seriously, "Do you know why He Tiantian's mother came all the way to the capital to study with her?"

Without waiting for the two people to answer, Chu Ranran said quickly: "Because He Tiantian is so obsessed with painting, the highest record is that he did not eat, drink or sleep for two days and two nights!"

"Normally, she basically paints for more than ten hours a day."

Chu Ranran's eyes passed over the two girls, as if silently asking: Can you do it?

All day long, apart from eating and sleeping, I do nothing but focus on painting.

As for clubs, activities, games, and the Internet... they are not interested in any of them. The only entertainment activities are probably going to various art galleries, art galleries, and even museums.

Although He Tiantian doesn't often live in the dormitory, her three roommates, including Chu Ranran, are very aware of her diligence and her madness for painting.

Not crazy, not live!

He is talking about He Tiantian.

She does have talent, but she also puts in unimaginable efforts.

When the two girls heard Chu Ranran explain He Tiantian's schedule, they were all a little dumbfounded——

I get up at six in the morning, have breakfast, and start painting.

At noon, if my mother doesn’t remind me, I will never take the initiative to think about lunch.

The same goes for dinner.

I painted at night until one or two o'clock in the morning.

No more than five hours of sleep per day.

...Such a strict schedule is not just a day or two, but it lasts for many years.

No weekends, no holidays!

It is said that even when she celebrates her birthday and the whole family celebrates New Year's Eve, He Tiantian will not let go of her paintbrush!

"Oh, you are worthy of He Shen. He is so talented, but he still works so hard!"

"Yes, yes, no wonder Lu Da likes her."

"A genius like him is still working so hard, so mortals like us shouldn't waste our time in vain!"

"...But if I really learn He Shen, I, I'm afraid I won't be able to stand it first!"

After the two girls were stunned, they admired them from the bottom of their hearts.

You say something, I say something, the two of them seemed to be having a cross talk, sighing and walking towards their dormitory.

As for "learning from scriptures" or something like that, haha, forget it.

They are just mortals with some talents, why should they compare with gods? !

He Tiantian didn't know about this little incident that happened in the dormitory. She was painting in the studio of her teacher Lu Hongbo.

"Technically, I have nothing left to teach you!"

Teacher Lu Hongbo, nicknamed "Master Lu" by the students, stood behind He Tiantian and couldn't help but sigh as he watched her finish painting a self-portrait.

"You can copy more world-famous paintings, or go out for more walks, see the scenery in various places, and observe more all kinds of people..."

Teacher Lu Hongbo really likes talented and hard-working students like He Tiantian.

He is a professor at CAFA and a famous oil painter in China.

When He Tiantian took the art exam, she got full marks in all three professional courses, which attracted the attention of many teachers.

Lu Hongbo even made an appointment for this child and planned to accept her as a closed disciple.

He Tiantian was able to not live on campus and have more free time because of teacher Lu Hongbo's secret support.

Otherwise, how could she, a freshman, be so "willful"?

Less than a year after Lu Hongbo took He Tiantian with him, he realized that he didn't have much left for He Tiantian.

It is no exaggeration to say that at the technical level, He Tiantian has surpassed Lu Hongbo.

He Tiantian's outline of the characters, the sense of texture, the fullness, are natural.

Others' paintings are flat, but He Tiantian can use the brush to make the characters three-dimensional and vivid.

She seems to have opened a door, and what people see is no longer a simple picture, but a wonderful movie clip!

From 2D to 3D, there is no high technology, He Tiantian just used superb painting skills to achieve it.

Lu Hongbo had observed it closely and listened to He Tiantian describe the details and techniques.

However, Lu Hongbo, who had spent forty or fifty years on oil painting, sadly discovered that even if he knew how to paint, he could not paint it!

That's why Lu Hongbo said that at the technical level, he had nothing to teach He Tiantian.

However, art is not just technology.

Lu Hongbo hopes that his young apprentice can get out of the studio and come into contact with a more colorful world, so that his works can be more vivid and perfect.

Artists are most afraid of working behind closed doors.

Lu Hongbo didn't want He Tiantian to turn into a lunatic whose only life was painting.

She is a human being, she should experience more scenery, experience different lives, and feel various emotions.

In this way, she will have a steady stream of inspiration and create works that can truly touch people.

He Tiantian is not really low in emotional intelligence. Of course she knows that the teacher is here for her.

Yeah, yeah, she has crossed that technical threshold.

Next, she really needs to settle and absorb more nutrients!

Therefore, when the summer vacation of the first year came, He Tiantian was ready to go on a "wandering".

Tian Shumin, the biological mother, naturally wants to follow her. In the past year, she has become accustomed to taking care of her daughter closely.

She was afraid that her daughter would not be able to eat well or sleep well if she was not watching over her when she was alone outside. She might even be deceived and bullied!

He Tiantian:......

Mom, I'm just addicted to painting, but I'm not mentally retarded!

However, He Tiantian's opinions were directly ignored by the He family.

Everyone, including He Tianxin, felt that she could not be allowed to go out alone.

"Forget it, I'll go with her."

He Tianxin has successfully been admitted to Beijing Normal University as a graduate student, so she can have some fun during the summer vacation.

It just so happened that she also wanted to go out and relax.

In addition, she will also go to the capital in September, preparing to take over the baton of taking care of He Tiantian from her biological mother.

Going on a self-driving trip with my sister in advance will help the two sisters get used to it.

"It's okay, you two sisters can go out together and take care of each other!"

He Guotai and his wife had been separated for a year, and during the Chinese New Year, the family reunited for a few days.

He also misses his wife.

Anyway, the children are old, and the eldest daughter is sensible, so there should be no problem in letting her accompany Tiantian.

Perhaps, the sisters can continue to deepen their relationship by hanging out together.

Although Tian Shumin was still a little worried, after hearing what He Guotai said, she felt that it made sense.

Besides, she was homesick.

Everywhere in the capital is nice, but it is not my home after all.

After a year of hard work, she also wanted to take a good rest.

In this way, the family of three made a decision directly regardless of He Tiantian's opinion.

He Tiantian: ...Okay, okay, everything is up to you. Who made me the youngest? !

After picking up their painting boxes, painting supplies and luggage, the sisters drove into the He family's car and started a self-driving tour across the country.

After walking out of the house, temporarily leaving painting behind, and driving the car on the wide road, with the hot summer wind ruffling her hair, He Tiantian felt firsthand the teacher's good intentions.

And her mood and feelings have been enriched and improved with each strange and wonderful city, and all kinds of novel or wonderful customs.

In just two months, the sisters traveled westward and visited more than a dozen cities.

They went to bustling cities and also stayed in remote mountain villages.

They saw the beauty and magnificence of the mountains and rivers of their motherland, and also witnessed the various flavors of life.

Not only did He Tiantian gain something, but He Tianxin also had a new epiphany.

She relaxed her mind and suddenly felt that what she had experienced in her previous life was nothing compared to the real misery of the world.

The hell she thinks of is already heaven in the eyes of many poor people struggling at the bottom.

There is really no need to be bitter. God has mercifully given her a chance to start over. She should cherish it instead of falling into the pain of her previous life and unable to extricate herself.

As for my sister, she can earn more than ten million if she makes a mistake. Even if she continues to spend money as she did in her previous life, it should be enough for her to lose money for a few years.

Also, He Tiantian in this life is really different from the previous one.

She is talented and extremely diligent, and the paintings she draws are even praised by big shots in the industry like Lu Hongbo.

Even if she can't become a great painter, her status as a top student in Central America can give her a good job.

The most important thing is that her parents have divided the family for their sisters, so she should not be dragged down by He Tiantian anymore!


He Tianxin thought about it completely, and the last trace of resentment or some fear towards He Tiantian in her heart completely disappeared!

From now on, she will get along well with her sister and will no longer be affected by her past life!

"Ding! The anti-virus task is completed, and the reward points are 60 points!"

"Ding! I received a reward of 20,000 points from readers, which can be exchanged for a junior gold treasure chest!"

"Ding! Trigger the side mission: Become a great painter who brings glory to the country and is famous in the history of painting. After completing the mission, you can get special rewards!"

Deep in He Tiantian's sea of ​​​​consciousness, a series of notification sounds suddenly sounded.

And all of He Tiantian's memories came back instantly, and the shackles that bound her soul were opened.

Not only was she reminded of her identity as a writer, but she was also fully accepted into the world.

However, He Tiantian couldn't bear to study the original plot and the specific situation of the virus.

All her attention was focused on one question, "Side mission? There are also side missions?"

He Tiantian has done more than 20 tasks, and this is the first time she encountered a "side task".

"Yes, Tiantian!"

Little D classmate came out and said excitedly, "The main reason is that you completed the task so well this time, which made readers very happy to see it!"

"Some readers have seen your hard work and marveled at your talent, so they have ambitions——"

"They hope that as a Chinese woman, you can make a name for yourself in the world of painting and become a true painting master!"

He Tiantian:......

You can also add tasks temporarily.

The Dianniang system really knows how to play, or in other words, it truly treats the readers as their sponsor fathers and is willing to fulfill all their wishes!

But, to become a true painting master?

Do you want to be famous in the history of painting?

To be honest, it's a bit difficult.

Because Western society inherently has racial, regional and even gender exclusion.

It is really difficult for a Chinese woman to be recognized by the world's painting circles.

In fact, she has completed this task, and has obtained the points and rewards.

If the so-called "side mission" is not completed, will it be——

Seeing He Tiantian's hesitation, Little D seemed to understand He Tiantian's thoughts and hurriedly said: "The side tasks do not affect the main tasks!"

"Besides, this task is an additional one. You can take it or not."

"However, Tiantian, I advise you to think about it more. The system also said that there will be special rewards for completing side tasks!"

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