The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 376: My sister is reborn (End)

"Are you Tiantian He?"

Paul looked at He Tiantian up and down. When he read the name "Tiantian He", his pronunciation was a little strange.

However, it was the name that he was most familiar with. He Tiantian could still barely recognize it, and he was also talking about her.

Nodding obediently, He Tiantian greeted politely, still using pure French: "Hello, Mr. Paul!"

"Oh my god? Are you really an adult?"

Paul knew that Asians tend to look younger, but the little girl in front of him was tall, thin, pink, tender, and well-behaved. Paul believed her when he said she was a middle school student.

But, twenty-one?

Unbelievable, unbelievable!

Moreover, Paul was pleasantly surprised to find that Feng did not lie to him.

This "He" is indeed a very beautiful girl.

She has fair skin, big eyes, a straight nose, and delicate and three-dimensional facial features.

She has long black hair that looks childish, but also has oriental charm.

The whole person is like an exquisite and lovely oriental porcelain doll.

The key is still damn young.

Oh my god, this face, this pure temperament, and these smart eyes, how can anyone believe that she is only fourteen or fifteen years old?

Paul is a true businessman, and everything in the world is a commodity in his eyes.

His gallery does not sell paintings, but more of a business of painters!

Paul looked at He Tiantian carefully and found that she had too many selling points that could be hyped.

As long as He Tiantian's paintings don't turn into a pile of shit, he will have a way to package He Tiantian into a painter of oriental beautiful girls!

Of course, even if he is not good at painting, He Tiantian has superb acting skills and can express the artist's style vividly. Paul can also make He Tiantian famous!

After all, in the field of art, various doctrines are prevalent, and not all famous artists can draw good works.

As long as he can coax and deceive,

Even if you just paint the canvas black, put some tape on it, or draw lines, you can still sell it at a high price.

The moment Paul saw He Tiantian, he had already thought of several good ideas for packaging her.

"Oh my God! Did you draw these?"

But when the He sisters settled down, Paul was shocked when he saw several works that He Tiantian had packed.

He is a gallery owner, a businessman at heart, but he has the basic ability to appreciate art.

Whether a painting is good or not, its value may be affected by the mainstream style, but insiders can tell the quality at a glance.

The skills are there, the characters, layout, colors... can't be faked.

"...How did you do it? Look at this texture, look at this contour, it's so natural!"

Paul almost lay on top of several paintings, trying to use a magnifying glass to take a closer look.

He knew that in order to achieve the effect in He Tiantian's paintings, he should superimpose layers upon layers and use very clever techniques to outline the texture of the characters.

Then give the flat drawing paper a three-dimensional feel.

This is not a word, but a window opened!

Paul was surprised and delighted, but of course he had his doubts.

After calming down, Paul said to He Tiantian seriously: "Hey! Are these definitely your works? Not your teacher-"

Paul had already learned from Teacher Feng that He Tiantian was a student of Central America.

Her teacher is also one of the most famous oil painting masters in China.

Paul believed in the existence of genius, but the painting in front of him was too unnatural.

He simply could not imagine that such a perfect work was created by a teenage, oh no, twenty-one-year-old girl.

Because painting requires not only inspiration, but also sufficient skills.

Technology is something that can be understood through talent, but it also requires years of accumulation.

Paul looked at it with a professional eye. He speculated that to complete the works in front of him, he would need at least a talented painter and more than ten years of foundation accumulation.

And this "He" is only 21 years old this year. It is said that he has only officially learned painting for three years!



Paul was full of doubts, and even a hint of anger - did this Oriental doll regard me, Paul, as a fool?

"Of course I painted it! If you don't believe it, you can come and watch when I create another work!"

He Tiantian's confident look is even more shining and bright.

"Okay!" The crowd gathered around to watch.

Paul's gallery is not large in scale and has no reputation or heritage.

The little girl in front of him seemed to be an opportunity for him to soar into the sky.

Both the beautiful oriental girl painter who can draw and the peerless genius oriental beautiful girl painter can make him hype.

But the latter is more topical and attracts the attention of countless people.

If He Tiantian really has such painting skills, oh no, no, even if it is only one-third, Paul will still have the confidence to praise her as a female painter!


This little girl with a bit of a tongue-in-cheek name looks well-behaved but behaves very willfully.

He said that he wanted to draw a sub-work and show his technique to him.

As a result, after arriving in Paris, I took my painting tools and went directly to major art galleries and museums.

Either observe or copy.

For a full month, this little girl has been busy between two o'clock and one line of work.

In her sketchbook, she drew a lot of things, but she never actually created a work.

Of course, after seeing He Tiantian's sketchbook, Paul actually believed that He Tiantian was really good at drawing.

This line, this layout, without enough skills, it is impossible to do it.

However, Paul still wanted to see He Tiantian paint oil paintings with his own eyes, and wanted to know that she could really create a natural and three-dimensional effect.

Perhaps, this "he" can revive realism or create a new doctrine.

"New Romanticism!"

Real texture, beautiful style, bright colors, He Tiantian's words have formed a unique style.

After waiting for three months, Paul finally saw with his own eyes the oil paintings created by He Tiantian.

He stared at the canvas for a long time, and finally said: "He, you have elevated classicism, but with an obvious personal style. This should be regarded as new romanticism!"

He Tiantian: doesn’t matter what the doctrine is.

Oil painting has been developed for hundreds of years, and all kinds of doctrines have been ruined by predecessors.

It is difficult to form a new style.

The only thing that younger generations can improve or create is the technique of painting.

He Tiantian just prefers realism, with a little solemnity and beauty, so there is no problem in saying that she is realism or classicism.

What Paul calls "new romanticism" is actually a kind of classicism.

But, it doesn't matter, he can say anything, as long as it can help her establish a foothold in the European painting world, give her a name, and say what her paintings are, He Tiantian has no objection.

Paul lived up to He Tiantian's expectations.

A year later, Paul held a solo exhibition for He Tiantian, a Chinese girl who had just celebrated her 22nd birthday.

With stunning works and unique characters, He Tiantian, a young female painter with dark hair, became an instant hit.

When He Tianxin graduated from the University of Paris III, He Tiantian had already become a well-known painter in Europe.

He Tiantian's oil painting was successfully sold for more than one million euros.

When He Tianxin got married, the wedding photos He Tiantian painted for her were valued at 1.5 million euros by galleries and brokers.

As He Tiantian's fame grows, the prices of her works continue to rise.

"...It's really a family heirloom. It's worth close to 20 million now, but I'm not sure what the price will be in the future!"

He Tiantian's work is really perfect.

However, the price of art is not solely determined by the work itself.

It also depends on many factors.

If He Tiantian was not in her twenties, but in her sixties, or simply died, the price of her works would have increased several times.

Unfortunately, she was too young. Even if she only painted two or three works a year, she would have more than a hundred works in the next forty or fifty years.

Things are rare and valuable.

A dead artist is definitely more valuable than a living artist!

This may sound cold-blooded and cruel, but that's the reality.

Of course, He Tiantian's paintings themselves still have value.

Paul's gallery and several art magazines also praised her "New Romanticism".

After she settles down for a few years and completely matures this style of painting, her fame and net worth will steadily increase.

He Tiantian is not short of money. She can create as much as she wants without having to make a living.

She has a lot of time to concentrate on herself and perfect her work.

Therefore, after becoming popular in the European painting circles, He Tiantian fell into a period of silence.

Six years later, some people have forgotten that there was once a stunningly talented painter of beautiful oriental girls who redefined romanticism.

However, six years later, He Tiantian held another art exhibition.

Her works have improved again.

It not only has natural texture and smooth contours, but also perfectly blends light and shadow.

The title of "Master of New Romanticism" falls firmly on He Tiantian.

At the age of twenty-nine, she successfully became a world-famous painter.

"Ding! The side mission is completed, and you will receive a special reward 'Wish Card'!"

He Tiantian's personal painting exhibition came to a perfect conclusion, and major art magazines around the world have commented on it.

There are praises and criticisms, praise and controversy, but regardless of the specifics of these voices, when presented in front of the industry and the public, it is He Tiantian who is popular!

A world-class painter and a world-renowned master of painting, He Tiantian is well-deserved.

At this time, deep in her consciousness, classmate D’s announcement sounded on time!

"Wish card? What is a wish card?"

He Tiantian asked curiously.

I don’t know what this is, but it should be very useful.

After all, this is a "special reward".

If the value is not high, the system will not take it so seriously.

"It's in this world that I can fulfill one of your wishes!"

Classmate Little D explained, "No matter what kind of wish you have, you can do it! No matter how absurd or bizarre, as long as you want it, you can make it come true!"

He Tiantian:......

Damn it!

This reward is indeed conscientious enough.

It's like Aladdin's magic lamp.

Unfortunately, I only have one wish.

Classmate Little D: ...Please, one is magical enough. Do you want more? !

He was complaining in his heart, but little D didn’t dare to express it at all on the surface.

It asked, "Tiantian, the main and side tasks have been completed. Do you choose to stay or leave the world?"

He Tiantian thought for a while, "Wait a minute, I have to go back to the country!"

In fact, there is not much that He Tiantian needs to worry about in the He family now.

He Guotai has retired. With the advice and support of his two daughters, he bought a RV and took Tian Shumin around the country.

At first, they just wanted to reassure their daughters, but as they started playing, they actually became interested in it.

Driving an RV, the couple traveled all over the country in two or three years.

He Tianxin got married, and her husband was Cheng Daqi, the second-generation rich man on the plane.

When the two were in Paris, they had frequent contacts.

After returning to China, He Tianxin went to S University in their provincial capital to work as a French teacher.

In my spare time, I also do some translation work, and the income is very good.

Cheng Daqi did not inherit the family business, but followed He Tianxin to start a business in the provincial capital.

There was no burning passion between the two of them, it just happened naturally and naturally.

After getting married, He Tianxin became pregnant soon.

When He Guotai and his wife heard the good news, they quickly ended their self-driving trip and ran back to take care of their daughter.

In order to take care of her parents, He Tianxin bought a house in the community where the He family lived when she got married.

The distance between the front building and the back building means you can run to your parents' house in a few minutes.

Cheng Daqi also has a cheerful temperament. He happily and generously goes to his mother-in-law's house to have dinner.

The He family is lively and lively every day. After having a grandson, He Guotai and Tian Shumin both lived a comfortable life of entertaining their grandson.

People who initially laughed at He Guotai and his wife for being stupid and not knowing how to fight for a son didn't say anything, but they were envious in their hearts.

Say who gives birth to a daughter and has no one to take care of her?

He Guotai and his wife, their daughter and son-in-law live nearby.

It is much better than some families who have several sons but only the old couple can depend on each other.

Not to mention, both of my daughters are promising.

One is a translator and university professor, and the other is a world-renowned great painter. Gee, they shine on the family lintel and gain glory.

Isn’t this more useful than a hundred sons?

Everyone's envy of He Guotai and his wife reached its peak after the great painter He Tiantian returned to China.

He Tiantian: ...Not returning home in rich clothes is like walking at night in rich clothes!

She is not in a hurry to leave this small world, just to let her parents have the most shining moment.

Sure enough, when He Tiantian's high school, Central Academy of Fine Arts, and some art schools sent people to invite He Tiantian to give speeches and lectures.

Seeing He Tiantian as if he was being held in the moonlight by the stars, He Guotai and Tian Shumin's hearts were about to fly.

Relatives, friends, and neighbors of the He family were filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred.

At that moment, He Guotai and Tian Shumin felt that their efforts were worth it!

Both daughters are so promising, and the younger daughter may even be famous in the history of painting. The old He family is like smoke rising from their ancestral graves.

He Guotai couldn't help but feel that even if he died immediately, he would have no regrets.

"Okay, let's get out of this little world!"

Seeing her parents' smiling faces and feeling her sister's happiness, He Tiantian no longer has any worries...

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