The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 377 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (1)

Returning to the library space, all the emotions He Tiantian had in this small world were quickly pulled away!

The love and reluctance for He Guotai, Tian Shumin and He Tianxin disappeared in an instant.

Looking back on the past again, He Tiantian was just an ordinary spectator.

"Tiantian, do you want to continue the mission? Do you want to take a break?"

For the rare occasion, classmate Little D did not urge He Tiantian to do tasks, but very considerately advised her to balance work with rest.

He Tiantian felt fine, "Let's continue with the mission. Am I still unable to choose the script?"

Alas, the anti-virus mission is indeed highly rewarding.

Looking at her last mission, the difficulty level was not very high.

But he received generous rewards. In addition to the 60 points reward, he actually also got a "Wish Card".

He Tiantian found shamefully that she had been seduced by the system's rewards. She was willing to be a model worker and wanted to continue doing tasks.

"..." Student D hesitated for a moment.

It seemed a little hesitant, not sure whether it should tell Tiantian about this.

He Tiantian saw that Little D was hesitant to speak, so she asked, "What? Can't do the anti-virus task? Or have the system rules changed again?"

"No, no! There are still many anti-virus tasks. And our system will not change the rules at will!" Xiao D, a classmate, hurriedly shook Xiao Yuan's body and tried his best to explain.

He Tiantian rolled his eyes at it. He would not change the rules at will, but he would change the rules "helplessly", right?

Humph, I agreed before that I could freely choose the script for the anti-virus mission.

As a result, before He Tiantian completed a few tasks, he was "randomly assigned" again!

On the surface, things have changed between Party A and Party B. In fact, the system is changing the rules in disguise.

"That's right!" After receiving He Tiantian's eye roll, Little D didn't dare to delay any longer.

It hurriedly said: "Tiantian, there is an anti-virus task. The difficulty level is not very high, but two writers have already failed!"


It’s not that the task failed, but that readers complained that the rewritten version still couldn’t be put on the shelves, so the two writers were ultimately judged to have failed! "

Little D was afraid that He Tiantian didn't understand what he meant, so he explained it carefully.

He Tiandian nodded, "You mean, the two writers completed the task itself. But it violated the basic requirements of the Dian Niang system!"

Why does the system ask the writer to modify the plot?

The ultimate goal is to have the work successfully put on the shelves, be liked by readers, and then create profits.

The anti-virus mission is just to kill viruses and ensure the stability of the world.

And if the revised plot contains details that ruin the three views or make readers greatly disgusted, most readers will complain, which will result in the work not being re-listed.

In this case, the task will still be judged as failed!

He Tiantian couldn't help but be a little curious, what kind of task was it that actually caused both writers to fail.

"Tiantian, do you want to give it a try? Besides, I can give you a little spoiler in advance: this is set in the interstellar era!"

Little D was worried that He Tiantian would have concerns, so he threw out the bait desperately.

"Interstellar era?" He Tiantian's eyes lit up.

This shows that there will be black technology in this world that transcends reality.

He Tiantian hasn't been able to acquire new skills from the world for a long time, although she is not particularly eager for them.

However, if real black technology can be obtained and handed over to the country, it will be extremely beneficial to both the country and itself.

To put it bluntly, the greater He Tiantian’s contribution to the country, the more protection she will receive!

"Okay! I accept this mission!"

He Tiantian thought about it carefully, and the more she thought about it, the more excited she became. Finally, she said crisply.

"Okay! Let me help you take over this task!"

Little D is very happy. Hey, the more tasks Tiantian does, the more rewards he will get, and he, as his assistant, can also benefit from it.

"By the way, your previous reward can be exchanged for a junior gold treasure box. Do you want to exchange it?"

Little D’s classmate has become more and more humane and knows how to proactively remind his friends to redeem prizes.

He Tiantian shook her head, "Save it for now. I want to see what kind of treasure chest I can exchange for if I accumulate more Niangniang coins!"

This time, He Tiantian got a "wish card".

The next mission is set in the interstellar era, and there are definitely many dangers.

However, He Tiantian felt that a "wish card" was enough.

There is no need to waste so many mother coins.

Moreover, Xiao D also said just now that the difficulty of the task itself is not high. The main thing is not to let the plot ruin the outlook or make the readers uncomfortable!

Regarding this, He Tiantian is still somewhat confident.

Although she was always complained about as a "half-step villain" by Little D's classmates, He Tiantian knew very well that she still had the basic three views and moral bottom line!

Even if he loses his memory, He Tiantian should be able to make the most appropriate decision based on his own instinct.

"Okay, let's not redeem it now. Tiantian, are you ready?"

Little D’s best friend is that he never questions his friends’ decisions.

"Ready!" He Tiantian said slowly. Before that, she had redeemed the wish card and put it in her personal space.

"The mission world opens!"

As soon as Little D made the announcement, the space in front of He Tiantian began to distort.

Then, her soul entered the mission world.

This is a high-tech prison.

The surrounding walls were made of metal and boxy, with no windows except for a few invisible vents.

"4044, have you decided? Do you really want to sign up for the adventure live broadcast?"

In the closed space, a voice suddenly sounded.

He Hongtian slowly raised his head, trying to find the source of the sound.

Just now, he suddenly felt that something was wrong with him.

He seemed to suddenly have many skills, and a portable space appeared in his mind.

As humans immigrate to the interstellar space, space folding technology becomes more and more mature.

Just in recent years, scientists have developed space buttons, which use space folding technology to open up an independent space.

However, Stanley Ho was sure that the thing in his mind was different from the space button.

It has no carrier at all and seems to appear out of thin air.

And this suddenly appeared space actually brought its own supplies.

Although they are all antiques from the Blue Star era, they are very practical.

There is food, drinking water, and some first aid kits.

What made Stanley Ho feel most at home was that there was actually a set of specially customized scalpels inside.

Stanley Ho is a surgeon himself, so he is extremely familiar with scalpels.

It's a pity that mankind has entered the interstellar age. Even if it is only the early stage, it still has a lot of high technology.

For example, in medicine, scientists developed a treatment cabin ten years ago.

Not to mention just a few bumps and bruises, even broken arms and legs, heart and liver replacement, all can be completely repaired as long as you enter the treatment cabin.

The advent of treatment pods has put many traditional surgeons out of work.

Stanley Ho is one of the many doctors who have been eliminated by the times.

Of course, some medical researchers have followed the times and started genetic research or carried out various related projects.

However, Stanley Ho was unwilling to give up his old profession.

He is a master of surgery, and was once hailed as a genius with "hands kissed by God".

Their He family is a medical family.

In the Blue Star era, Stanley Ho's grandfather was a famous sword.

His father is also a great figure in the field of surgery.

More than thirty years ago, Blue Star suffered successive crises such as nuclear pollution and asteroid collisions, making it no longer habitable.

Humanity has begun the great migration of the universe.

Stanley Ho's father was considered a technical talent and was able to follow the upper class into the Empire Star.

Stanley Ho was born in Imperial Star, attended medical university, and under the guidance of his father, became a rising star in the surgical world.

However, fate likes to play tricks on people, or technology advances too fast.

Stanley Ho had just made a name for himself as the new generation of "surgical master" of the Ho family, when the treatment cabin was born.

This thing is so unbelievable. As long as it is not a genetic disease, as long as there is still breath, no matter how broken the body is inside and outside, it can be saved.

If the money is available, the patient will have no problem getting back to his original state!

With such a heaven-defying artifact, traditional surgeons like Stanley Ho lose their value.

If Stanley Ho is willing to change and switch from clinical practice to scientific research, he may not be abandoned by the times.

However, Stanley Ho is unwilling.

The young handsome man, who was originally stunningly talented, fell from heaven to hell overnight.

He became cynical, drank heavily, gambled, and fell into many bad habits.

His wife couldn't bear it and decided to divorce him for the sake of their children.

With his wife and children separated, Stanley Ho's somewhat paranoid temperament became even more twisted.

In the end, he killed his ex-wife with cruel means and almost killed his own children.

The interstellar era may have become different from the blue star era, and there has begun to be a trend of respecting strength.

But there are laws, and killing requires a price.

Not to mention that Stanley Ho's methods are too cruel and have a very bad impact on society.

After a trial by the Imperial Star Royal Court, Stanley Ho was sentenced to death.

Before his execution, he was temporarily held in a prison specially designed for serious criminals.

If there are no accidents, Stanley Ho will be executed in another month.

And just at this time, the opportunity came.

"Yes! I want to participate!" Stanley Ho searched around, but couldn't find any equipment such as loudspeakers in this metallic cell.

He held his head high and shouted into the only camera he could see.

"Adventurous live streaming is very dangerous. The elimination rate of those who participate is over 99%."

It was still the same voice, very cold, even with a little hatred, but it still reminded dutifully: "And being eliminated in the live broadcast is actually death!"

In other words, of all the people who participated in the adventure live broadcast, only one out of a hundred people would survive.

Even if you survive, it may not be all possible.

For example, last year’s adventure live broadcast had a total of 300,000 participants.

No more than 3,000 people survived to the end, and among these 3,000 people, there were only five healthy people who were not injured.

Others were either seriously injured or outright disabled.

After they are injured, they basically cannot get timely treatment.

Even if you have enough money to go to the treatment cabin after completing the mission, it will be too late to fully recover.

For ordinary people to play such a cruel adventure game, they would basically die.

Although Stanley Ho is a murderer who was sentenced to death, he really has no force value.

The only knife I am skilled at is probably the lancet.

And what power can a lancet have in the face of unknown dangers, as well as extremely vicious felons, desperadoes, and star fugitives? !

Therefore, when people like Stanley Ho die, there is only one word left - death!

Maybe he will die miserably.

You know, some people who participate in the live broadcast are perverts and thugs at heart.

They are cruel, like blood, and even deliberately kill their own kind just to satisfy the excitement.

There are also some like-minded people on Xingwang who may not dare to express themselves in real life, but when they go to the adventure live broadcast room and see such "aesthetics of violence", they can't help but get excited.

Support and rewards will naturally not be lacking.

Relying on rewards and popularity, those thugs can survive for a few more days.

If you are more lucky, you can survive to the end and get "amnesty".

Therefore, this is not just a live broadcast, but a matter of life and death.

And therefore, it is really difficult to predict what kind of killing those truly brutal killers will do in order to have a way to survive!

Stanley Ho, a surgeon who only knows how to play with a scalpel, will become the prey of others and may not be able to survive even a day.

"If I go, I might die! But if I don't go, I will definitely die!" Stanley Ho said calmly.

The cold voice paused for a moment, and gave the last sentence of the most benevolent reminder: "You may be tortured and killed in the live broadcast room. But the death penalty in our empire is just an injection of drugs, which is basically not too painful!"

It's the same as death, but dying more comfortably may also be a kind of happiness.

"I want to live! Even if there is only one percent chance, I want to give it a try. This is my only chance!"

Ants still live in vain, let alone humans.

Even though Stanley Ho could brutally kill his ex-wife, he also tried to "die together" with his two children.

But when everything passed and he was locked up alone in this cold and unpopular prison, he suddenly developed a strong desire to survive.

I don't want to die!

I want to live.

Although I, as a traditional surgeon, have been abandoned by the times.

However, there is not really no way out.

Treatment pods are too expensive for poor people to use.

If they were injured or sick, they would still see a regular doctor.

I just can’t stand in the clouds anymore and be the big shot that everyone respects.

However, I can't regain my glory, but I can still live.

This is the most instinctive thought in my heart. Before today, Stanley Ho was always like this.

But today, he seemed to have changed, and even another voice appeared in his mind——

You are a scumbag! Scum!

You deserve to be sentenced to death. Why the hell do you still want to live an ignoble life? !

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