The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 378 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (2)

Stanley Ho:…

What does it feel like to scold yourself?

Stanley Ho never knew that he had the potential for split personality.

Although he tried to disguise his mental defect or mental disorder after being arrested.

However, Stanley Ho knew very well that his mentality was normal and there was no split personality.

But, what is the situation now?

Stanley Ho shook his head vigorously, trying to expel the voice in his head.

"Well, since you are sure you want to participate, let's sign the contract."

The same cold voice slowly echoed in the cell.

"I sign!" Stanley Ho raised his head again and said firmly.

This was his only chance and he didn't want to miss it.

As soon as he finished speaking, a virtual light screen appeared in front of He Hongtian. On the light screen was a contract to voluntarily participate in the adventure live broadcast game.

The terms of the contract are very simple and directly state that the adventure live broadcast is very dangerous. If the adventurer dies, the adventure live broadcast will not bear any responsibility.

Of course, if you can complete the live broadcast task, the rewards will be very generous.

One of the most attractive rewards is "amnesty"!

That’s right, it’s an amnesty!

The background of this adventurous live broadcast program must be very tough, it actually dares to promise a huge reward of "amnesty".

For example, if a felon or a death row prisoner performs well in the live broadcast and completes the required tasks, his or her sentence may be reduced or the death penalty may be waived altogether.

There are also some star fugitives or people with criminal records who can get the freedom they want as long as they can survive the live broadcast.

High reward means high risk.

Adventure Live can offer such rewards because this game is really, really, really dangerous.

The column team will select some unfamiliar planets in advance.

Or abandoned garbage stars such as the Empire Star and the Interstellar Alliance, which are used to launch various dangerous experiments.

In these places, there will be various unknown dangers.

Wilderness, glaciers, viruses, alien beasts... Without high-tech weapons, armor, and adequate logistical supplies, even the most vicious criminals might not survive for a few days if they were dropped into such a place.

According to the rules of the live broadcast room, if you want to get "amnesty", you must survive in the "Adventure Park" for a hundred days.

Of course, not all the people participating in the program are death row prisoners, there are also some serious prisoners with life sentences or sentences of up to 20 or 30 years.

Such "adventurers" can be exempted from one year in prison for every extra day they survive in the adventure park.

As long as you survive thirty days, you can basically regain your freedom.

From this we can also see how dangerous the so-called adventure park is.

There is a possibility of death every minute and every second here.

In addition, "adventurers" will encounter unexpected events, not only the objective dangers and unknowns of the adventure park, but also the slaughter of the same kind.

You read that right, adventure live streaming does not prohibit fighting between adventurers.

If you kill the same kind, all the materials and rewards owned by the other party will belong to you.

In the previous live broadcasts, half of the hundreds of thousands of participants may have been swallowed up by various dangers in the adventure park, while the other half basically died in the hands of "one's own people".

Some people, who were "allies" one second, will be killed by their partners the next.

In this adventure live broadcast room, the cruel laws of the jungle are vividly demonstrated, and the selfishness and darkness of human nature are also magnified countless times.

However, such a live broadcast full of blood and negative energy was not stopped, but became more and more popular.

Someone once concluded that although the killings in the live broadcast room were very cruel, the participants were all fugitives, serious criminals and even death row prisoners.

He is not an ordinary civilian, nor a powerful person.

Such people should die.

Now giving them a chance to survive can not only entertain the public, but also help the empire or alliance explore some unknown planets. It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

As for human rights, humanity, etc., haha, why don’t they think that the victims also have human rights when they commit crimes? Are their crimes inhumane enough?

Besides, they were not forced to participate in this live broadcast. Each of them applied voluntarily.

The program team didn't lie. The contract had clearly spelled out all the dangers and rules.

This was originally a consensual transaction. None of the parties involved said anything, so why should the group of onlookers on Star Network be fussy? !

After Stanley Ho read the contract, he stretched out his finger and signed his name on the virtual light screen without any hesitation.

The entire process, including the persuasion from the cold voice just now, was captured on camera.

This is the remaining evidence to prove that Stanley Ho himself did participate voluntarily and was aware of the dangers of participating in the show in advance.

"...The program will officially start in three days. At that time, you will be sent to the adventure park together with the 128 prisoners in the prison!"

The cold voice sounded again. What he said was not only informing Stanley Ho of the time, but also hinting to him: Dear, be prepared and pray for yourself more in your heart!

He Hongtian did not speak, but nodded lightly.

He sat cross-legged and began to try to run a set of internal skills. Well, the name of this set of skills is very strange.

It's actually called "Little Master Uncle's Wuji Jue".

Stanley Ho is a calm person, and he does not dwell on why he suddenly mastered so many skills.

However, if you don’t rely on skills, there are no disadvantages to these anyway.

Especially that technique, if you practice it well, you can also develop your internal strength.

If Xingxing's spiritual energy is sufficient, he might be able to attain enlightenment and become an immortal.

Of course, as a medical person, he did not believe in theology.

But he is now in a desperate situation and will start a "death live broadcast" in three days.

Being able to master a self-defense martial arts skillfully can definitely save lives at critical moments.

He Hongtu couldn't guarantee whether he would cultivate immortality or not, but he was certain: the basic skills of this set of martial arts master's Wuji Jue can increase a person's force value!

This is enough for him to survive the live show.

Therefore, in the next three days, Stanley Ho meditated and practiced day and night.

On the fourth day, the program officially started. Stanley Ho and more than a hundred prisoners in the same prison boarded the starship provided by the program team and sailed all the way to the "adventure park" selected for this episode.

The prison where Stanley Ho is located is a prison specially designed to hold serious criminals and death row prisoners.

The people who participated in this live broadcast were basically vicious and vicious desperadoes.

Stanley Ho is a gentle doctor with fair skin and looks a little frail.

Compared with a group of big men with big shoulders, round waists and sinewy faces, they looked like sheep in a wolf's den.

"...Hoho, there's actually a little lamb mixed into our team!"

Sure enough, as soon as the starship started, several desperadoes in the cabin became impatient.

They whistled and waved their fists at Stanley Ho.

In their eyes, the pretty-faced Stanley Ho is just like prey.

There were several strong men with fierce expressions, cruel smiles already appearing on their faces.

And in their minds, more than a dozen ways of killing people have emerged.

Stanley Ho shrank instinctively. Momentum is something that cannot be seen or touched, but it can be felt.

Although he is a death row prisoner, he is really not a desperado.

He has lived in an atmosphere of high quality and high cultivation since he was a child, and he has almost no contact with real villains.

Now, he was almost surrounded by these desperadoes with fierce eyes and cruel faces.

Stanley Ho clearly felt that the people in this group looked at him as if they were looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Timid, afraid...well, only for a moment.

Because He Hongtian quickly started the Wuji Art in his body, and he also had many skills.

He is not afraid of them!

Besides, we haven’t entered the adventure park yet.

The "hunting" game is only "legal" within the adventure park.

If these thugs dared to take action in advance, haha, those well-armed and cold-eyed "staff" of the program crew could kill them on the spot without the need for Stanley Ho to teach them a lesson!

This group of desperadoes may seem like they have well-developed limbs, but their minds are not simple.

Even if they were reckless before, this is a critical moment in life and they would not dare to act recklessly.

Stanley Ho didn't care about the booing and joking of the people around him. He gently closed his eyes and meditated to himself.

"Huh? This frail pretty boy seems to have some interest!"

"Yes, yes, you have the demeanor of a worldly master!"

"Besides, what kind of outsider is this person? Isn't he a prisoner on death row?"

"Oh, upstairs, it's boring if you are so aggressive. Who can participate in this live broadcast program and is not a criminal?"

"That's right, it's fine as long as it looks good. Why bother worrying so much about it?"

"Holy shit! Who did I see? Tiger! He is a perverted killer who has committed three massacres!"

"Who? Is that violent tiger who likes to torture women and children?"

"Yes, that's him. Damn, he was arrested? And he came to participate in the 'death live broadcast'?"

"Tsk, tsk, I suddenly sympathize with the 'adventurers' participating in this episode."

On the Star Network, in the death live broadcast room, oh no, it was an adventure live broadcast room, netizens were having a heated discussion.

They were initially attracted by a weakling like Stanley Ho, but soon they discovered several well-known murderers and desperadoes in the interstellar world.

"What is this? I just went to the live broadcast room next door and took a look. There is also the cannibal demon Hannibal on the starship in A003 prison."

"Holy shit, this guy is here too? He is a real devil on earth, someone who is definitely at the top of the food chain!"

"Hannibal? Who is it? Why haven't you heard of it?"

"The one upstairs, Hannibal is not his real name. His original name was Hansen, but he particularly admired a 'predecessor' from the Blue Star era, so he changed his name to Hannibal."

"Hansen who eats people? Damn it, this is definitely my childhood shadow. He's not dead yet?"

"Of course he's not dead. He was caught just a year ago and was tried for nearly eleven months. It's not that the evidence was insufficient, but the more the trial went on, the more frightening he became. Many unsolved cases were actually done by him!"

Netizens were first surprised and frightened, and then felt an inexplicable excitement.

"Haha, there are so many demons here this time, I really don't know who will win the championship in the end."

"Also, those executioners who have wantonly harmed others may have a miserable end after entering the 'Paradise of Death'!"

"...I always felt that the death live broadcast room was too bloody in the past, but today I suddenly felt that this is good! Anyway, these are not good things. The more miserable the death, the more comfort the victim and his family will feel!"

"You can't say that. They have already accepted the trial of the law——"

"TUI! Get away from the Holy Mother upstairs, will the death penalty cancel everything out? Your child was not killed by a violent tiger or eaten alive by Hannibal!"

The Internet is full of various voices, and the program "Adventure Live Room" has once again topped the Star Network hot list.

However, netizens are more concerned about some extremely vicious criminals or those who have been wanted by the All-Star Network.

And all the prisoners who looked weak or ordinary were ignored.

Because these people seem to have little fighting ability. If they go to the adventure park, they may not be able to survive even a day.

They are all given to others.

The mortality rate of adventurous live broadcasts is too high, so netizens jokingly call it the "death live broadcast room."

The adventure park has also become the paradise of death, or the land of demons.

However, netizens do not know that some "ordinary" people among a group of thugs and desperadoes are the real strong ones.

"Okay, we are about to enter the adventure park. According to the rules of our show, each of you can choose one item."

After a space jump, the starship came to a strange galaxy and stayed above a small planet.

The director of the program team said loudly to all the "adventurers".

Other staff members distributed a smart bracelet to each "adventurer" who participated in the live broadcast.

This is a personal optical brain, a tracking bracelet, and a holographic delivery locator.

With it, adventurers can turn on holographic images and interact with netizens in their live broadcast rooms through the Star Network.

In addition, if there are rewards from netizens or fans, adventurers can also buy the items needed for survival in the live broadcast mall, and then the column team will conduct airdrops at fixed points.

Stanley Ho placed the smart bracelet on his right wrist, bound it with his fingerprint, and then set his personal information.

And what the director said, "Everyone can choose one item" is also through the smart bracelet.

Stanley Ho clicked on the computer screen.


A virtual light curtain appeared in front of him.

Instead of browsing those massive items, Stanley Ho directly conducted a keyword search.


Yes, He Hongtian did not choose any wilderness backpacks, jackets, daggers, ropes, anti-inflammatories, nutrients, drinking water and other supplies that adventurers often choose. Instead, he chose the knives he is best at.

On a certain starship, Tao Yao chose a field backpack.

Qiao Hu, who was on the same starship as her, chose the dagger.

On the other starship, Huo Huating, who had a solemn face and an upright posture, chose the engineer shovel.

Everyone chose the tools they wanted, and an escape game slowly began...

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