The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 379: Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (3)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Here I go, isn't this guy so weird? He actually chose a scalpel?"

"That's right, is he going to give up on his own initiative? Can such a small knife be used for self-defense or for killing prey?"

"Maybe it's to attract attention? Isn't that why we are all attracted to his live broadcast room?"

"...It makes so much sense, I'm speechless."

Some netizens couldn't help but be a little surprised when they saw Stanley Ho's choice, and they all entered Stanley Ho's personal live broadcast room.

On the public screen, dozens of netizens were talking about one thing or another.

Stanley Ho picked up the scalpel, and the familiarity that emanated from his bones made him couldn't help but twist his fingers.

A small but sharp scalpel, turned and danced by a few fingers, and the cold light passing by, actually gave people a unique sense of beauty.

"Fuck! This guy's fingers are so nimble."

"Can a scalpel still be used like this?"

"This man must be a doctor, the kind who specializes in playing with scalpels!"

"...I found it! I can't even imagine that the condemned prisoner in front of me was once the best surgeon in the empire!"

"That's in the past. Now that we have a treatment cabin, who needs to do surgery?"

"Oh, it's because of the treatment cabin. It was said on Qiandu Star Network that this doctor named Stanley Ho couldn't stand the gap in reality and gave up on himself. In the end, his wife and children were separated. In the end, he didn't know how to reflect, and actually killed his ex-wife. !”

"Damn it! What a scumbag!"

"No wonder he was sentenced to death. He really deserves it!"

"Just now I thought this man looked like a human, and he was different from those vicious desperadoes!"

"...Hmph, they are all death row inmates in a prison for serious criminals, and they are not a good thing!"

"Suddenly, it seems that it would be pretty good if this person was bitten to death by a strange beast or killed as prey by other 'adventurers'!"

"That's right! I want to see what kind of fate this evil wolf in human skin will get."

"Huh? It seems like this live broadcast doesn't have that much negative energy!"

Netizens are talking a lot, and because of this strange "interpretation", Stanley Ho, an ordinary death row prisoner, attracted dozens of people to watch the live broadcast on the first day.

Unlike some famous villains or big shots who once made a splash, their live broadcast room is as lively as some traffic anchors.

Stanley Ho did not pay attention to what was going on online. All he had to do now was survive.

He desperately completed the escape mission and finally received amnesty.

After playing with it for a while and getting familiar with the feel, Stanley Ho put the scalpel away.

He was wearing a sportswear issued by the program crew, with sneakers on his feet, without any other items, and then followed the large troops, and the program crew agreed to arrange an airdrop.

Yes, airdrop!

And the landing location is random.

This prevents more than a hundred people from landing at the "Adventure Park" at the beginning of the live broadcast, only to start fighting among themselves before they even take two steps.

Adventure Live does not object to "adventurers" killing each other, but it will not deliberately create such opportunities.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

After all, the point of their live shows is "adventure," not carnage.

Adventurers, in addition to obtaining items and rewards by killing their own people, can also obtain rewards by discovering the secrets of the adventure park, or hunting exotic beasts in the park!

The adventure parks they choose are different in each issue. Some may be primitive planets that have just been discovered in the interstellar space.

Some are experimental planets that have experienced energy explosions or genetic crises.

Although there are many dangers here, there are also resources and secrets that humans need.

If adventurers can discover some useful information for mankind or find new energy sources, they can also receive rewards from the Empire and the Federation.

Or even be forgiven directly and receive a certain amount of glory.

If people on the same starship were put in one place at the beginning, it would not be conducive for them to spread out and explore the entire paradise, and it would also be possible for most of the people to be killed at the beginning.

Without people, or not enough people, the program team can still do live broadcasts.

Netizens and fans won’t like it either!

He Hongtian watched the people in front of him disappear from the starship cabin door one after another. Soon, it was his turn.

Leaving the starship, Stanley Ho felt a strong sense of weightlessness.

Then, there was the fall.

The smart bracelet turns on the anti-gravity function in time.

Stanley Ho's whole body seemed to be dragged by a force, and he slowly landed on the ground.

He Hongtian looked around and saw that he was the only one here.

The small planet under your feet is a primitive planet that was recently discovered. It is surrounded by very dense vegetation and is very huge.

Any tree can grow to a height of more than ten meters, and it takes two or three people to hug the trunk.

The leaves are lush, and not far away there is the roar of a huge, terrifying unknown beast.

The brown-red soil looks very fertile, with layers of rotten leaves or grass clippings.

Not far away, there was a huge footprint.

Stanley Ho was very cautious and walked over cautiously.

As he got closer, he realized that the footprints were so huge!

"I'll go! What kind of footprints are these? Great, it feels like it's as good as my grandma's collection of antique washbasins."

"It can't be nuclear creatures. In the last adventure live broadcast, the adventure park selected by the program team was a planet eroded by nuclear pollution. Tsk tsk, an octopus with two heads, a wild boar with six legs..."

"It could also be a giant beast from the barbaric era, like a dinosaur or something."

"Perhaps it is an unknown star beast. With so many footprints, the size of that star beast is estimated to be as large as a mutated giant elephant!"

"4044, hurry up and take a look. Maybe you can discover a new species. The reward is at least 1,000 star coins!"

"I'll go, my friend upstairs is too cruel. When encountering such a giant beast, instead of running away quickly, he actually has 4044 come to the door. His small body, tsk tsk, is not big enough for the teeth of this giant beast! "

The footprints of a giant unknown creature not only aroused Stanley Ho's vigilance, but also made netizens squatting in the live broadcast room talk about it.

4044 is Stanley Ho’s prison number.

After officially entering the live broadcast, Stanley Ho's personal live broadcast room was opened and he could name it himself.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If he doesn't change his name, the program team will directly use Stanley Ho's prison number as the live broadcast room number.

Of course, if Stanley Ho can successfully survive in the adventure park and enter the adventurer rankings, with a certain ranking, the default code in the live broadcast room will be his ranking!

"Boom! Netizen 'Lemon Essence Under the Lemon Tree' rewards adventurer No. 4044 with 100 star points."

Lemon Essence Under the Lemon Tree: 4044, follow us quickly, let us see what kind of strange beast it is!

This netizen, whose online name is full of sourness, directly rewarded Stanley Ho with 100 star points.

Star points are the virtual currency of this live broadcast program. They can be given as gifts by the live broadcast platform or exchanged for star coins.

And its exchange ratio with real star coins is 1000:1

In other words, this netizen named "Lemon Essence Under the Lemon Tree" rewarded Stanley Ho with 0.1 star coins.

Well, although it is really insignificant, it is still an income.

Little things add up. If Stanley Ho gets 100 star coins, he might be able to break into the adventurer rankings.

"Boom! Netizen 'I am me' rewards adventurer No. 4044 with 100 star points!"

I am me: Yes, 4044, take us to see it.

Yes, another 0.1 star coins.

"Boom! Netizen 'Menghui Blue Star' rewards adventurer No. 4044 with 100 star points!"

Menghui Lanxing: Haha, I’m here to join in the fun! By the way, 4044, don’t just stand there stupidly. Even if you don’t dare to go, you should still take a look at the light curtain and interact with netizens.

There is a pig named XXX: That’s right, Tiger, the fierce tiger next door, such a cruel person, can also act coquettishly and cutely with the top brother in the live broadcast room!

Lemon essence under the lemon tree: Let me go, is it true? A tall, thick-set, bearded man who actually knows how to act coquettishly?

Don’t want to drink nutrient solution: Haha, maybe they just say ‘Thank you, old man, 666’!

Dozens of netizens in the live broadcast room were not fans of Stanley Ho in the first place. Seeing that he didn't even look at the light screen and didn't know how to interact with netizens, they simply ignored him.

While talking, a few curious people exited the live broadcast room and ran to see other adventurers.

Soon, live broadcast room No. 4044, which was chatting and laughing just now, instantly turned into two or three kittens, the kind of boring netizens who didn't pay much attention.

Such netizens just look at it casually and have no stickiness at all, let alone rewards.

Even if their Star Points are gifted by the platform, they are still money. If they accumulate more, they can still exchange them for goods in the live streaming mall.

Although, this possibility is very small.

To put it bluntly, what these netizens like most is free prostitution.

Stanley Ho: ...It’s not important at all!

Today is only the first day of live streaming, and the most important thing for him is to survive, not to please netizens.

Stanley Ho didn't have a light screen, so he didn't know what was going on in the live broadcast room.

He squatted down and carefully looked at the giant footprints.

The size was very large. Based on the area and depth of the footprints, he roughly estimated that this giant beast was at least seven or eight meters tall and weighed three or four tons.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Looking at the shape of the footprints again, dinosaurs from the Jurassic period actually appeared in Stanley Ho's mind.

Could it be that this is a wild planet?

Stanley Ho secretly made a guess.

Suddenly, a chill ran down Ho Hongtian's spine, and the hairs all over his body stood up!


Stanley Ho's body's reaction seemed to be faster than his brain's.

Almost at the moment of premonition of danger, Stanley Ho rolled on the spot and dodged a wooden stick from behind!

That's me: Cao Cao Cao, No. 4044's reaction is okay, he even dodged Tiger Tiger's sneak attack!

Lemon Essence Under the Lemon Tree: Let me go, ‘I am who I am’, but you are actually in Tiger Tiger’s live broadcast room?

These two netizens were squatting in Stanley Ho's live broadcast room just now and talking nonsense.

Because some netizens mentioned "the violent Tiger Tiger in the live broadcast room next door", they were a little curious, so they jumped over the wall and went to the next door.

When Tiger made a sneak attack, they saw Stanley Ho's astute reaction from another angle through Tiger's live broadcast room!

Stanley Ho didn't know what the netizens were doing, and all the nerves in his body were tense.

After rolling twice on the ground, Stanley Ho hid behind a big tree.

He cautiously stuck his head out and carefully looked at the enemy who was attacking him.

The person who came was a white man with reddish-brown hair and gray eyes. He was over 1.9 meters tall and was covered in tendons.

His eyes were fierce and his face was full of murderous intent. When he found that he missed a hit, he became a little angry.

Originally, with his physique and force level, he could easily kill a thin and fair rookie like Stanley Ho, even in a head-on confrontation.

But although Tiger is tough, he also has some brains.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.

While running, Tiger saw Stanley Ho's prey. Instead of acting recklessly, he broke off a branch to use as a stick and tried to sneak up on him from behind.

Tiger felt that he was careful enough and strong enough, but the sneak attack failed.

There are still some "fans" in his live broadcast room.

Those lunatics who advocate "aesthetics of violence" will definitely explode when they see Tiger being such a waste.

Maybe there will be a "take off fans"!

Tiger originally wanted to show his fans the wonderful scene of killing his prey in order to get more rewards.

With rewards, he can buy the items he needs and get on the leaderboard!

The reality is...

"Boy! You run pretty fast! However, you can dodge once, but you can't dodge the second time!"

Tiger waved the branch in his hand, which was as thick as his wrist.

He opened his mouth and showed a cruel smile, "If you are smarter, stand up for yourself, and I can give you a good time!"

"If you don't cooperate, haha, then don't blame me for being ruthless and ruthless!"

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tiger, nicknamed Baohu. I once killed -"

Before Tiger could finish his "intimidation", Tiger's eyes suddenly widened.

His bloodthirsty eyes were full of disbelief.

"Ho ho!"

He opened his mouth, but couldn't speak, he could only make a hoho sound.

He wanted to raise his hands and cover his neck, but it seemed as if all his strength had been taken away from him and he couldn't move at all.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []


Tiger fell straight backwards, making a muffled sound.

And there was a thin wound on his erect neck, and blood spurted out!

"...What happened? Why did Baohu suddenly collapse?"

"Is it too, too fast? Did anyone see what happened just now?"

"Holy shit, shit, shit! No. 4044 is so awesome, isn't he? A weakling, he actually killed the famous Tiger Tiger?"

"Eh? Why is the screen in the live broadcast room black? Is Tiger dead? It's impossible, he is a humanoid murder weapon!"

"That's right! Tiger died. No. 4044, oh no, it should have been Dr. He who cut the carotid artery with a scalpel!"

"Scalpel? Stop joking. Tiger is not anesthetized, will he still lie on the operating table and receive the knife?"

"Did you know that China used to have a special skill called 'Little Li Flying Knife'? Dr. He just threw it at Tiger, and the scalpel flew out."

PS: Sorry, guys, I copied the wrong chapter, ┭┮﹏┭┮

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