The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 380 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (4)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Tiger is dead and his live broadcast room is closed.

Fans and netizens squatting in Tiger's live broadcast room, after a brief period of confusion, quickly followed the clue No. 4044 and found Stanley Ho's live broadcast room.

Even at this time, some of Tiger’s fans couldn’t believe it——

Tiger is such a powerful man. When he was arrested, the Royal SWAT team was used. What a powerful man.

After entering the adventure park, less than an hour later, he was killed by an ordinary person who looked weak and weak? !

The weapon used, or a special scalpel? !

Are you sure this isn't a joke?

Especially some of Tiger's "die-hard fans" who advocate violence and like to bully the weak.

As a result, today they watched helplessly as a weakling killed the strong Tiger.

All three views are about to be subverted, and faith seems to be showing signs of collapse.

"What's going on? Is there some conspiracy?"

"Yes! That pretty boy must have played a trick!"

"How could Tiger die so easily?"

"Let me tell you, some idiot fan of a dead tiger should not be so unable to afford to lose, okay?"

"This is a risky live broadcast. Who dares to play a conspiracy?"

"That's right. Besides, Tiger also wanted to sneak attack on someone just now, but he didn't have enough strength and was killed by someone else. Now he's calling someone else to use tricks! Is it okay to save face?"

Stanley Ho's live broadcast room suddenly became a little lively.

The number of people online also exceeded 300.

Tiger's fans questioned Stanley Ho's manipulation, but some relatively sensible netizens helped him speak.

For a moment, people were coming and going on the public screen, and all kinds of connotations and foul words were flying.

Stanley Ho ignored it at all and still did not turn on the light screen.

After killing Tiger, he walked out from behind the tree, walked to Tiger, bent down, and reached out to explore the other person's carotid artery.

No jump!

The small wounds were still spurting blood.

Stanley Ho kicked him with his foot, but Tiger had no reaction.

very good! Already dead!

Stanley Ho was very satisfied. He didn't even have the slightest guilt or fear of killing.

It's not that he has killed people before, but in the current view of Stanley Ho, he is not killing people, but killing demons!

Stanley Ho has long heard of Tiger Tiger's reputation.

News reports about him on StarNet require a lot of mosaics.

It's not to protect the privacy of Tiger, a perverted murderer, but it's because he's afraid of scaring the public.

Because the appearance of the victims was so miserable, even those soldiers who had been on the battlefield and had extensive experience could not bear it.

The younger special police officers handling the case were even frightened to the point of having psychological shadows and needed the help of psychological counselors.

In addition to being cruel, Tiger also liked to torture women and children.

Especially those cute human cubs, so small and innocent, but ended up——

Stanley Ho found his scalpel near Tiger's body.

Holding the handle of the knife tightly, he suddenly had an idea. In fact, it would be good to live broadcast this adventure.

Those demons and perverts who have committed many crimes are not eligible for amnesty. He will kill them all!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Stanley Ho knew the rules of the show, so after taking back the "weapon", he began to search Tiger's body.

Because he had just entered the paradise, and Stanley Ho was the first "prey" Tiger encountered, he didn't have any trophies on him.

Only the item distributed by the program team at the very beginning.

Tiger chose an outdoor flint stone. Hmm, it's quite retro. The interstellar era has been eliminated.

But this is normal. What adventure live streaming requires is to use the most primitive and simple tools to survive and escape in various dangerous environments.

If you can wear black technology weapons, then there is nothing interesting about it.

"You still have some brains! In the wild, fire is very important."

Stanley Ho put the small flint stone directly into his pocket and made a casual comment.

This was the first thing he said after turning on the live broadcast.

Stanley Ho's voice is softer and his speaking voice is not high.

In fact, a person like him who was born well and well-educated, and who once stood at the top of the pyramid, speaks with dignity and grace.

With a soft voice, decent temperament, and a eloquent way of speaking, he is definitely a male god.

Unfortunately, the scene in front of him was a bit strange. Ho Hongtian had blood on his hands and a corpse lying at his feet, but he spoke harsh words in a gentle voice.

"Baohu is dead, and he still says that to others?"

"Oops, a certain stinky tiger's fanboy has come out to increase his presence again. The jungle of the jungle preys on the strong. Isn't this the first rule for those of you who admire violence?"

"That's right. Besides, Dr. He didn't scold him. On the contrary, he was praised."

"Hee hee! Dr. He chose the scalpel that he is best at, but Tiger chose flint and steel. Haha, doesn't he know that there is a skill in the Blue Star era called 'drilling wood to make fire'?"

"Go to Taoyao's live broadcast room quickly. This beautiful lady is drilling wood to make fire in a live broadcast!"

"What? Is there really someone digging into wood to make fire?"

The topic quickly went sideways. Out of curiosity, some people actually went to the live broadcast room called "Taoyao" to watch.

Tiger's fans, although they cursed Stanley Ho, did not leave the live broadcast room.

They don't know what they have in mind, maybe they want to see Stanley Ho being tortured and killed by other strong men with their own eyes.

Stanley Ho: ...I'm sorry to disappoint you!

I, Stanley Ho, will never become someone else's prey.

After taking Tiger's flint away, He Hongtian picked up the branch again.

It's not bad, it's quite sturdy, and there's no problem whether it's used for pathfinding or as a weapon.

He Hongtian held the branch tightly and carefully explored the dense forest.

It's morning now, and Stanley Ho hasn't eaten yet.

He now needs to find a temporary place to stay, with water, and something to eat.

He Hongtian said nothing, walked around those huge footprints and walked in the other direction.

The live broadcast room seemed very dull.

The most interesting thing about live broadcasts is the interaction between the anchor and the fans.

Even if the anchor is not a talkative person, he still needs to communicate with fans from time to time.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

For example, in this kind of adventurous outdoor survival live broadcast, those who know the knowledge of the wild can learn some common sense from the friends in the live broadcast room.

Even if you don't have a similar major, you can tell a joke, sing a song, or make jokes to create an atmosphere.

They are those extremely vicious thugs, no matter how cold and bloodthirsty they are when committing crimes.

But facing the light curtain in the live broadcast room, I still tried my best to talk and please.

Some people will also take the initiative to ask fans to issue tasks to them. Whether it is climbing trees, catching fish, killing people, or causing destruction, they all actively cooperate.

It’s not for anything else, I just hope to get more rewards.

With rewards, people like them can have the opportunity to buy the items they need to survive.

Just like Tiger, who was just killed by Stanley Ho, he once promised his fans——

Catch the "prey", dissect it on the spot, and use bloody scenes to satisfy the twisted wishes of a very few perverts!

But people like Ho Hongtian don't even look at the screen, and they don't want to say anything.

As for the requests made by netizens, they are ignored. Very few netizens will like it.

After a brief period of excitement, his live broadcast room returned to calm.

Only a dozen netizens who don’t know whether they are really online are still waiting.

There was not even a single comment on the public screen.

If other adventurers saw that kind of desolation, they would definitely be very anxious.

Stanley Ho is not CARE at all!

I don't know if it was luck or unlucky, but He Hongtian walked for more than two hours and didn't meet any other adventurers.

I'm a little tired and my stomach is growling.

Stanley Ho had no choice but to stop and rest against a thick tree.

While he was resting, he did not let down his guard.

Hold your breath and concentrate, let go of your consciousness, use your ears, nose and other organs to feel the surroundings instead of using your eyes.

Suddenly, He Hongtian's ears moved and his nose twitched a few times.

He seemed to hear the sound of water flowing and smell the moisture in the air.

Is there a water source?

He Hongtian was secretly happy that in the wild, as long as he found water, he found hope of living.

First, people can go without eating for three days, but they cannot go without drinking water for three days.

Water is life.

Secondly, with a water source, prey can be found.

People need to drink water, and so do animals.

Suspected to have discovered the source of water, Stanley Ho's whole body seemed to be full of power.

He quickly stood up and hurried in the direction of the water flow.

After walking for more than ten minutes, He Hongtian finally saw a creek.

It’s living water!

It’s not that kind of stagnant pool, which is great!

Stanley Ho was delighted.

Among the many skills in his mind, there is a lot of knowledge about survival in the wild.

He may not be a true wilderness survival expert, but he is still professional enough.

However, Stanley Ho did not reveal himself in front of the camera.

Because it doesn't fit his identity.

Stanley Ho is a surgeon, and his life trajectory from childhood to adulthood can be traced everywhere.

He has never participated in any wilderness survival training. If he suddenly became very knowledgeable, it would definitely arouse suspicion.

He can play with the scalpel and make it look like a "Xiao He flying knife".

Although the world is surprised, they will not question it.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

But if he suddenly becomes an expert in wilderness survival and can talk endlessly to netizens about wilderness survival knowledge... Haha, there are not many fools in the world.

Stanley Ho didn't want to be taken to a secret research institute for a slice study.

This is not the Chinese country of the Blue Star era, but the Interstellar Empire.

An individual is nothing compared to a huge empire.

Stanley Ho said nothing, but his heart was filled with barrage.

Fortunately, he was once a top surgeon and his psychological quality was strong enough.

Even with all the random thoughts in his mind, his face still looked calm and solemn.

He found a water source but did not rush to drink it or find a container to get water.

He observed carefully on the bank of the creek. There were many deep and shallow, large and small footprints on the moist soil.

However, what makes Stanley Ho feel reassured is that among the many footprints, there are no giant marks like the one he just saw.

In other words, the animals that often move around creeks are basically small or normal-sized animals.

The giant beasts and alien beasts that are too big or too dangerous have not appeared in the near future.

Stanley Ho breathed a sigh of relief, and then selected an open space upstream of the creek.

The open space is located between two giant trees. After a visual inspection, Stanley Ho found that the tree trunks could be used to build a temporary shelter.

With a plan in mind, Stanley Ho did not dare to delay.

He quickly looked around for some dry branches and pulled some vines.

Use vines to tie the branches into a triangle and place them between the trunks.

Later, He Hongtian found a broad leaf similar to a banana leaf and covered the ceiling.

The shack is not too high, and Stanley Ho can get in just by bending down.

After setting up a simple shack, it was already afternoon.

Stanley Ho's stomach growled more and more crazily.

After swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva, Stanley Ho hurried to the stream.

He was holding a slender branch with a pointed top.

Taking off his sneakers and barefoot, Stanley Ho carefully waded into the stream.

The stream is not deep and has just reached Stanley Ho's calf.

Stanley Ho stood firm and looked at the stream where the bottom was clearly visible.

A few fish were swimming around, with no abnormality. They were the most common river fish in the Blue Star era.

"Huh? What is Doctor He doing? Is he catching fish?"

Xu Shi had an amazing performance against Tiger. Netizens in Stanley Ho's live broadcast room no longer called him 4044 casually.

Instead, he called him "Dr. He" with some affection.

Although everyone has not become a fan of Stanley Ho, their impression of him is obviously much better.

At least, it wasn't the hatred and reviling at the beginning, but even a hint of appreciation.

"This is fish. I heard it's delicious. This planet is quite interesting. It feels like a blue star."

"The people upstairs have never eaten fish, haven't they seen it yet? Our fathers left Blue Star less than forty years ago. Not to mention the historical data stored on the Star Network, even our own optical brains also have earlier Year’s record.”

"Yes, why are you talking so pitifully? Okay, I admit, I have been taking nutritional supplements since I was born, and I have never eaten Blue Star's delicacies, but I have seen photos of those ingredients-"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Netizens who had been silent began to speak out one after another because of Stanley Ho's "fishing".

"No, everyone! Isn't the focus now on Dr. He's fishing? Why is it about Blue Star and history?"

"That's right, kids, let's make a bet on whether Dr. He can catch fish with this simple device?"

"Catch fish? Just rely on a branch? You really think those fish are stupid, they can swim around, okay?"

"Fish: That dead tiger thought the same way this morning!"

"Haha, it's so humorous upstairs. However, Dr. He is a surgeon, so he's all about being sure and ruthless."

"That's right, Doctor He is not an ordinary person. He has a throwing knife. Wait, why doesn't Doctor He use a throwing knife to kill fish?"

"Brother upstairs, are you a joke invited by the monkey? Are you killing fish with a flying knife? You really think this is a martial arts drama from the Blue Star era."

The more netizens talked about it, the more lively it became. The live broadcast room, which originally had only a dozen kittens, gained some popularity again.

Stanley Ho still didn't care. He concentrated and tightened his grip on the "harpoon" in his hand.


There was a splash of water, and when Ho Hongtian lifted the branch from the water, a struggling fish was stuck at the tip...

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