The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 381 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (5)

There was silence in Stanley Ho's live broadcast room.

However, after a moment, various comments scrolled crazily on the public screen——

"Cao Cao Cao, did you really catch a fish with a simple branch?"

"...Is the surgeon already so ruthless? Not only is he good with the scalpel, but he also knows how to spear fish with a branch?"

"Fish: Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?"

"Haha, the surgeon is indeed cheating!"

"Awesome, my Dr. He!"

"Of course he is great. Stanley Ho was once the best surgeon in the empire. An outstanding surgeon in the Blue Star era must have 'eagle eyes, a lion's heart and a woman's hands'!"

"Sure and ruthless! Knows everything!"

Netizens offered their knees to Stanley Ho.

In fact, this is easy to understand.

To put it bluntly, in the interstellar era, even in the post-Blue Star era, people have long been accustomed to various high technologies.

And primitive methods like spearing fish with branches are almost extinct.

Except for a very few experts who can do it, even some big guys who are known as wilderness survival experts may not be able to succeed.

Human beings immigrate to the universe, and the interstellar era arrives.

People rely more on various high technologies, and even daily delicacies have been replaced by various nutritional supplements.

Not to mention this primitive way of fishing.

Stanley Ho didn't do anything. With just one move, his live broadcast room attracted a large number of curious netizens.

Some netizens responded quickly. Instead of joining the crowd in admiration and praise, they urged desperately: "Dr. He, please turn on the light screen and hologram projection!"

As soon as this statement came out, many netizens who were still lamenting Stanley Ho's cheating also reacted.

"Yes, yes! Open the hologram quickly. Woohoo, I want to smell what real fresh fish tastes like!"

"I want to buy an immersive experience. I have lived for more than ten years, but I have only eaten nutritional supplements that taste like grilled fish, but I have never eaten real grilled fish!"

The words of these netizens just flashed on the public screen,

Another smart netizen responded a step ahead.

“Boom! Netizen ‘There really is a cat star’ rewards No. 4044 with 10,000 star points!”

“Boom! Netizen ‘I am I am I am I’ rewards No. 4044 with 10,000 star points!”


For a moment, various reward special effects exploded on the public screen.

In just a few minutes, Stanley Ho received a reward of nearly 100 star coins.

This is a function of the live broadcast room.

The entire adventure live broadcast is holographic, and netizens can enter the adventure park experience through smart helmets or live broadcast cabins.

They can truly feel the danger and excitement of the adventure park, and can also personally understand various local customs.

However, if you want to directly experience the true feelings of a live broadcast anchor.

For example, if a certain anchor eats a certain kind of fresh food, if netizens want to have the same sense of smell and taste as the anchor, they need the anchor to open their personal holographic placement locator and turn on the "immersive" function.

For another example, some anchors perform some indescribable activities that strongly stimulate people's senses. Some netizens will also secretly remind the anchors: turn on personal hologram and turn on immersive experience.

If netizens want to get an immersive experience, there are two ways -

First, get into the top ten in the live broadcast room reward list.

Second, purchase directly at the price set by the anchor.

At this moment, Stanley Ho caught a fresh live fish, and he knew with his toes that he was going to eat fish next.

Although the interstellar era has just begun, humans are already accustomed to nutritional supplements.

What used to be Chinese delicacies has become a luxury for the rich and powerful.

Nowadays, when given the opportunity to taste fresh ingredients, netizens will certainly try their best to do so.

Even if you can't actually eat it, it's good to have an immersive experience and have a spiritual addiction.

It's a pity that no matter how lively the netizens shout and how much the rewards are, Stanley Ho has no idea.

He still took the fish off the branch at his own pace, then passed a piece of tough grass through the fish's gills, and then tied it to his wrist.

Then he raised the branch again.



Another fish!

He still used "grass rope" to thread the fish and hung it together on his wrist.

Keep spearing fish!

"...Although Dr. He is not very cooperative and refuses to turn on the light screen and holographic projection, I have to admit that this person is really very meticulous!"

"What do you mean, upstairs?"

"If it were you, if you caught one fish but wanted to catch more fish, what would you do with the fish you caught in advance?"

"Put it on the space button... uh, well, there is no space button, not even a backpack. Then we can only put it on the shore first -"

"But you're not the only one here, there are other adventurers. What's more, there are also some carnivorous beasts!"

After a bombardment of rewards, netizens fell silent when they saw that Stanley Ho was not cooperating.

However, when some netizens saw Stanley Ho continuing to catch fish in this way, they couldn't help but jump out and express their opinions.

Although the netizen who spoke first was across the Star Network, other netizens could still feel his admiration for Stanley Ho through just some words.

"Doctor He must have anticipated this in advance. In order to prevent his prey from being stolen by people or strange animals, he simply fixed it with a straw rope and carried it!"

"I'll go! I didn't react just now, so I thought Dr. He wanted to show off again. I didn't expect that Dr. He would be so meticulous and thoughtful."

"I didn't say it, just say it in a big way!"

"I've taken it, I've taken it. Not only did I take it from Dr. He, but that netizen just now is also thoughtful!"

With the new topic, netizens temporarily forgot about the pain of not being able to have an immersive experience, and instead chatted about one thing or another.

Stanley Ho had inserted a total of six fish, and several "straw ropes" were already hung on his wrists.

He roughly estimated that the fish would be enough for him to eat for two meals.

If you save a little, it might even be enough for breakfast tomorrow morning!

Stanley Ho took the branch and slowly walked out of the creek.

Squatting on the shore, He Hongtian picked up a stone with a sharp edge and scraped off the fish scales.

Then, he took out the scalpel and cleaned up all six fish.

He fixed the six fishes with straw ropes again and stood up to leave.

As he passed by the shore, he caught a glimpse of a relatively flat stone out of the corner of his eye.

An idea flashed in He Hongtian's mind, and he picked up the stone.

Returning to the temporary shack, Stanley Ho was satisfied to find that the shack was still intact.

He scanned the surroundings cautiously and focused his energy on observing the movements around him.

Don't ask him how an ordinary surgeon possesses "mental power". If you ask, you will suddenly master it. If you ask again, it will be an opportunity given by God!

After confirming that there was no danger around, He Hongtian made a fire with the dead branches he picked up and fixed it with stones.

He then took out the flint and steel he had captured from Tiger.

This was a popular wild fire device in the Blue Star era. It used a blade to rub a magnesium rod, then collided with it to create sparks, which then ignited the fire.

This kind of flint is small in size, easy to carry, not afraid of water, and can be used repeatedly thousands of times. It is the best device for starting fire in the wild.

Stanley Ho no longer bothered with the question of how to use this kind of thing even though he had never seen it before.

Following the techniques he knew well in his mind, Stanley Ho successfully lit the fire using flint and steel.

Seeing the blazing flames, Stanley Ho felt like his whole body was rushing.

The confusion and fear in my heart seemed to be dispelled by the fire.

I found a slender branch and threaded the fish.

He sat in front of the fire, holding a branch and turning it over the fire.

Soon, the fish meat began to ooze fat after being seared.

The juice dripped onto the fire, making a sizzling sound.

"Ugh, Dr. He, can you turn on the fucking screen? At least take a look at the demands of the fans in the live broadcast room!"

"Dr. He, did you see this check with 100 star coins written on it? Stab it! I tore it up!"

"Starting a live broadcast without turning on the light curtain is just like being a hooligan!"

"As expected, 4044 is cheating. Are you not planning to get rewards from netizens?"

"Huh, that's right. Hannibal in the live broadcast room next door is smiling so much that he is trying to make connections with netizens and begging for rewards."

"...Does this idiot not know how to turn on the light screen? Doesn't he know that we are the gods for him to survive in the adventure park?"

At first, netizens would ask for jokes, but as they kept saying, they never got a response, and there were a few grumpy netizens who took the lead.

Stanley Ho's live broadcast room was suddenly filled with all kinds of insults.

They soon also rose to the level of ginseng cock.

However, no matter how noisy the live broadcast room became, Stanley Ho still didn't care.

Netizens are far less worthy of his attention than the grilled fish in his hand.

While some netizens were busy posting all sorts of Zu An’s words on public screens, Stanley Ho’s grilled fish was almost done.

The outer skin is browned and oily.

Although there is no seasoning such as salt or barbecue seasonings, the original aroma of the fish fills your nostrils crazily.

Stanley Ho couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of spit.

Ignoring the burn, he quickly brought the branch closer and bit into it frantically with his teeth.


Hot, hot!

But, it also smells really good!

The key is to be able to satisfy your hunger.

Stanley Ho had long been so hungry that his heart was close to his back. Now, with the delicious food right in front of him, he really couldn't care about anything else. There was only one thought in his mind - eat!

"...Si Liu! I want to eat too!"

"It looks so delicious, Doctor He, you are so cruel, so heartless, and so unreasonable!"

"Pfft! That's enough upstairs! Something that was originally quite sad turns out to be quite funny when you say this!"

"Bullshit Doctor He, he's a murderer, and he's a coward who only attacks the weak!"

"That's right, it's just a grilled fish. The goddess Taoyao next door has made barbecue, and the key is some magical seasonings!"

"Goddess Taoyao? Who is she?"

"Oh, it's a female prisoner named Tao Yao. She seems to be good at cooking food. The key is to be well-informed. After arriving at the adventure park, she discovered many unknown and edible mysterious plants!"

"Isn't it, such a fraud? If she really 'discovers' something, the royal family or the alliance will reward her!"

"I heard that it has attracted the attention of experts. There are one or two botanical experts stationed at Taoyao's live broadcast room..."

"The key is that they have opened an immersive experience. Although the price is as high as 100 star coins, it is so worth it. Wait, why am I telling you, isn't this increasing competitors..."

As expected, these netizens are not fans of Stanley Ho.

The discussion only lasts a few seconds and can quickly go wrong.

Moreover, after seeing some netizens praising other adventurers on the public screen, some curious netizens actually jumped over the wall and went to the Taoyao live broadcast room.

Soon, Stanley Ho's live broadcast room once again became lonely.

Stanley Ho: ...What about the live broadcast room? What do you care about me? Filling your stomach is the most important thing!

After eating two grilled fishes in succession, my clamoring stomach was finally appeased.

Ho also has the leisure to try other cooking methods.

He picked up some more stones, piled them up, and then placed the stone slabs he picked up from the stream on top.

Fill the empty space below with firewood and light it.

The fire crackled and burned, and soon the stone slabs were burning hot.

Stanley Ho placed a fish on the stone slab, and it sizzled!

The fish skin stuck to the stone slab.

But soon, the grease was forced out and slowly seeped into the stone slab.

He Hongtian carefully turned it over so that the fish could be heated evenly.

Soon, another strong smell of grilled fish came out.

Unlike grilling directly on the fire, the fish meat on the stone plate is cleaner and cooked more evenly.

There will be no black ash and no burnt spots.

Stanley Ho found two slender branches and cut them into chopstick lengths with a scalpel.

Then, using the branches as chopsticks, he eats the fish bit by bit.

After eating three fishes in one breath, Stanley Ho was finally full.

He found a few large leaves, wrapped the remaining three fish, and covered them with mud.

Dig a hole in the ground, bury three "mud balls" in it, and then light a fire on top.

"Damn! Is this the legendary beggar fish?"

"Haha, I've only heard of beggar chickens, and never heard of beggar fish!"

There are only two or three kittens left in Stanley Ho's live broadcast room, but these people, in a sense, can barely be regarded as Stanley Ho's "die-hard fans".

When they see Stanley Ho's actions, they will make comments from time to time.

"Actually, this is good. Burying the food in the soil can not only cook it slowly, but also prevent it from being stolen by other adventurers or strange beasts!"

"Yes, yes! I feel like Dr. He is really very meticulous. He deserves to be a surgeon."

"However, Dr. He's luck is also great. Except for a violent tiger, he has never met any adventurers!"

"...Brother, have you ever opened your mouth?"

I really can't blame other netizens for complaining, but just when that netizen said that Stanley Ho was "very lucky", a dark shadow slowly approached in the dense forest not far away.

"Holy shit, I'm not alone!"

"Although they are not notorious villains, I think these three people are not easy to mess with!"

"Oh, Doctor He is in danger!"

"Doctor He, run quickly! Damn it, I told you to turn on the light screen earlier but you didn't turn it on. Now we are reminding you that you are in danger and you can't even hear it!"

"That's right, it's really your own fault. Do you really think that the public screen in the live broadcast room is just for netizens to chat and bicker?"

Netizens were either genuinely worried or gloating about the incident, and started flooding public screens again.

Stanley Ho was sitting by the fire, carefully cutting the branches with a scalpel. Suddenly, his figure stiffened...

PS: Hehe, the second update will still be a little late, please forgive me!

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