The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 382 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (6)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Brother, I've observed it, and there's only one pretty boy in front of me!"

The speaker was a man in his thirties, with dark skin and a muscular build.

He did not wear the sports coat issued by the program crew, but only wore short sleeves, revealing two big flowery arms.

Of course, his coat was not thrown away, but was used as a furoshiki for wrapping things.

It was bulging, and I didn’t know what it contained. It had a big bulge on my back.

"Yes, the sponsors and fathers of my live broadcast room said that this man seems to be a surgeon, and he actually killed Tiger with a scalpel!"

The other younger brother looked very young, only in his mid-twenties.

He is not tall and not very muscular.

But his eyes were very sinister, like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark.

However, at this moment, he said respectfully to the tall and strong man beside him: "My fathers who are sponsors should not lie to me, but I always think it is impossible!"

"Of course, it's also possible that Tiger was careless and this pretty boy took advantage of him!"

As he spoke, he looked at the light curtain in front of him.

On the public screen, his "fans" are still introducing the great achievements of No. 4044.


The man the two younger brothers call eldest brother is a tall and strong man. He looks to be in his thirties or forties, and his height has exceeded two meters.

It also weighs nearly three hundred kilograms. At first glance, it looks like a black tower.

With his brute strength, he could strangle a strong young man to death with one hand.

In order to arrest him, the federal police also dispatched special police officers and used the newly developed laser gun.

Heita, oh, the eldest brother of this small team of three people, still has a scar the size of a coin on his left arm.

This is the scar left by the laser penetrating the arm. If Heita hadn't been very strong physically, his arm would have been disabled long ago.

Even so, Heita's arms were somewhat inflexible.

However, this does not prevent him from becoming a prison bully in prison and becoming the leader of a small gang after entering the adventure park.

"That bullshit Tiger is so evil. If he really relies on his fists, he's not even a bullshit!"

Heita touched the saliva around his mouth and his nose twitched violently.


It feels so good to ride a horse.

This is much more fragrant than the nutrient solution, wild fruits, and wild bird eggs they robbed just now.

Damn it, this is real food.

It has been nearly half a day since the adventure live broadcast officially started, and Black Tower has not been idle.

In less than a day, he gathered two younger brothers (who also saved food), and also robbed and killed several adventurers.

He got a lot of trophies. Apart from some tools, what Black Tower cared about most was always food.

Compared with the grilled fish not far away, what I had just stuffed into my stomach was like rubbish.

Now, Heita's mind is filled with fish, fish, fragrant grilled fish.

As for the tiger and the violent tiger...haha, in the face of absolute power, all conspiracies and tricks are just paper tigers!

Heita is tall, strong and strong. The key is that he is thick-skinned and thick-skinned. He is like a humanoid wild boar.

Even a laser gun can't kill him. Heita doesn't believe what a small scalpel can do to him!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Besides, he is not alone, there are two horse boys and cannon fodder beside him!

What kind of big brother and little brother? Although these two people are respectful to him now, as long as they have a chance, they can turn around and kill him.

The Black Tower just values ​​strength more and is too lazy to think, rather than being really simple-minded.

"Xiong, go explore the road!"

Heita thought about it in his mind and soon made arrangements.

He pursed his lips at the burly black man, consciously asking him to be the "vanguard"!

Bear and Black Man:... Damn! Use me as cannon fodder again!

Cursing secretly, Gou Xiong did not dare to disobey Black Tower's wishes.

This guy looks like a big dumb iron tower, but he's actually very smart.

It had been half a day since they had taken refuge with him. When they encountered the "prey", Heita ordered the two of them to take the lead.

Say something to give them a chance to perform and see if they are qualified to follow you.

In fact, they are used as bait and cannon fodder!

However, they knew clearly in their hearts that the pair of ponyboys, nicknamed Bear and Monkey, were still sadly obedient.

Because they followed the Black Tower's command, they could still survive for the time being.

If they don't obey, Heita can easily break their necks with one hand.

"Okay, brother, I'll come right away! By the way, you have to sweep the formation for me!"

He can charge into battle, but Black Tower cannot stand idly by.

This is the criterion for the alliance of this small interest group, and everyone acquiesces to each other.

"...Go quickly. It's too late, he's eaten all the fish!"

"And you, monkey, come with the bear!"

"Hmph, I want to see what great abilities a pretty boy who only knows how to use a scalpel can really do!"

Heita quickly sent out the two younger brothers.


A cold light flashed in his eyes that were as sticky as poisonous snakes and sinister.

But, soon, he lowered his eyelids, showing a cowardly and honest look.

He nodded obediently, squeezed a handful of three-edged thorns in his hand, and exchanged glances with the bear.

The bear nodded slightly, made a gesture to the monkey, and drew out the dagger.

Two figures, one strong and one thin, both grasped sharp weapons and started to kill He Hongtian.

"...Ahhhh, I can't bear to look at it! These two people are very cruel!"

"That's right, I just stayed in Gou Xiong's live broadcast room for a while and saw him slit the throat of an adventurer with my own eyes!"

"And that monkey, damn, he looks thin and small, like a cowardly little man, but in the end, he kills without blinking an eye!"

"The scariest thing is the Black Tower, which actually tore people alive. I'll go and finally know that what grandpa told about tearing apart Japanese soldiers with his hands in the anti-war drama is not nonsense!"

"I'll go, right! Are they all so cruel?"

"...Actually, you don't need to look at anything else but what they carry on their backs to know that they have already robbed several adventurers!"

You will get loot if you kill someone.

In addition to the black tower, the bears and monkeys all have bulges on their backs, which is enough to show that they have done several jobs!

"Doctor He! Turn around quickly! Those two ruthless men are approaching!"

"Quick! Quick, where's your scalpel! Fly out quickly!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"If you don't take action, you'll be too late!"

Several "die-hard fans" squatting in Stanley Ho's live broadcast room were anxious and kept sending messages.

However, Stanley Ho did not have a light screen and could not receive any information at all.

Amidst the worries of the few remaining fans and the excitement of more netizens watching the excitement, the bear and the monkey pressed forward one on the left and the other on the right.

Ten steps, nine steps, eight steps...three steps, two steps, right now!

Bear and Monkey have cooperated several times and have a tacit understanding with each other.

They looked at each other, then jumped up together, raised the three-edged thorns and daggers in front of them, and stabbed He Hongtian straight in the back of the heart.

Two cold lights flashed, and the moment the sharp blade was about to hit Stanley Ho, Stanley Ho turned around neatly and drew two arcs in the air with his hands.



A small wound appeared on the monkey's neck, while a branch was stuck in the bear's chest.

Plop! Plop! !

There were two muffled sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground. The two people died with ferocity and disbelief still on their faces.

The live broadcast rooms of Bear and Monkey went black one after another.

Stanley Ho's live broadcast room once again received an influx of hundreds of people.

They were all silent at first, and then they started to frantically refresh the screen for a long time——

"Damn it, this isn't a movie, it's so exciting!"

"Dr. He is so powerful! I knew that Dr. He would not lead a dog easily!"

"Damn it, it's just a bear, but the monkey is a powerful character. How could he be killed so quickly after just one encounter?"

"Bah! What's a monkey? Dr. He has killed all the violent tigers, okay?"

"Fuck! Black Tower actually ran away! Mad, isn't he the boss? Isn't he a wild boar that's not easy to mess with?"

The discussion among netizens was so heated.

Of course, among the many comments praising and admiring Stanley Ho, a few comments about the Black Tower flashed across.

Netizens:’s quite surprising.

I originally thought Heita was a real boss, but unexpectedly, this guy was just a rat.

"...Actually, you can't blame Black Tower. He is aware of current affairs."

"That's right, why do you run forward and die when you know you can't beat him?"

Although I feel that Black Tower's words and deeds are not manly enough, this is an adventure live broadcast, not a hero selection.

Living is the last word. Can face, integrity, etc. be used as food?

Netizens looked down on Heita at first, but after thinking about it carefully, they realized that this idiot who looked like a big fool was actually a really smart person.

Stanley Ho:…

Looking at the running figure not far away, he was also a little shocked.

However, it doesn't matter, he is currently engaged in fishing activities.

People who just come up and carry out sneak attacks and killings without saying a word are basically not kind people.

Stanley Ho directly fought back without any psychological burden at all.

After confirming that the bear and the monkey were dead, Stanley Ho began to search for the "trophies."

Not to mention, these two people carry a lot of things on their backs.

A dozen wild fruits, several papaya-sized wild bird eggs, three or four packets of nutritional supplements and an aluminum lunch box.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Of course, what satisfied Stanley Ho the most was the three-edged thorns and daggers the two received from the program crew.

Stanley Ho himself also has a "weapon", but the function of the scalpel is limited.

For example, when cutting branches or separating objects, a dagger is better.

And it should be more convenient to spear fish with triangular spines or something like that.

He Hongtian packed up everything and put them together in the hay shed.

There is also the aluminum lunch box, which was considered an antique in the Blue Star era, but is very useful in the wild.

Not only can you hold water and food, but you can also boil water and cook things directly by hanging it over the fire.

With it, Stanley Ho's drinking water problem can also be solved.

This lunch box should also be prepared by the program team. I don’t know which adventurer chose it.

Unfortunately, before he could use it himself, he was robbed by these thugs.

Stanley Ho threw the two corpses of the bear and monkey to the roadside, took away their sports coats, and continued to use them as containers for holding things.

Carrying the triangular thorns and aluminum lunch box, Stanley Ho came to the river again.

The three-sided thorns are indeed more useful than branches, sharper and easier to use.

Stanley Ho caught several fish with it.

After neatly scraping off the fish scales and cleaning the internal organs, Stanley Ho put the fish into the bag made of his coat pocket.

Later, he saw some river mussels, screws, and some wild vegetables by the stream. He Hongtian filled the lunch box with water and returned to the shack.

While the fire was still burning, He Hongtian placed the lunch box on the fire and put some fish, clams and wild vegetables in it.

After a while, the water began to boil, and a smell of fish wafted away with the steaming heat.

At this time, it was not too late, and the setting sun hung slanting on the horizon, dyeing most of the sky orange.

He Hongtian used branches to support his hands and carefully placed the lunch box on the stone slab aside.

When the temperature is not so hot, I sip the slightly fishy fish soup in small sips.

There is no way, without salt, ginger, green onion and other seasonings, and fish is an ingredient with an inherent fishy smell, it is really difficult to make overly delicious dishes.

He Hongtian thought for a while and went to find some wild fruits in the shack.

I took a small bite of each one, and there was a green fruit. After I bit it open, I found that it looked like a lemon inside.

He Hongtian was overjoyed and quickly cut the green fruit into slices with a dagger and threw it directly into the lunch box.

With the seasoning of green fruits, the fishy smell of the fish soup seems to be suppressed, and the fish soup also has a wonderful sour and sweet taste.

Stanley Ho had a huge appetite. Even though he had just eaten three fishes, he still drank all the fish soup in a box.

He smacked his lips, seeming to reminisce about the delicious food he had just eaten.

"Oh, Doctor He, I advise you to be a human being!"

"Putting poison late at night, it's already early morning on our planet."

"Dr. He, why don't you turn on the light screen and activate personal holographic projection?"

"Actually, just smelling it is good. That green fruit is quite interesting. It's sour. It should be quite refreshing to boil water and drink it!"

Although netizens in the live broadcast room felt that "Dr. He" still disliked them, they still couldn't help but ask.

Wow, I can't personally feel the feeling of putting food into my mouth. I can only watch and smell it. It's a kind of torture.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, even though he knew that he would be drooling with greed, he still couldn't bear to leave.

"How about going to Goddess Taoyao's live broadcast room? They know how to cook delicious food and are willing to interact with netizens."

"It's so peaceful. Tao Yao just cooks delicious food and picks all kinds of fresh ingredients without killing too much!"

"Oh, it's good to be able to see some new and unknown ingredients. Why do you have to watch people fight and kill?"

"Let's go, let's go next door! We must let Dr. He know that without netizens, his live broadcast room will lose popularity, and he will not benefit at all!"

"that is!"

Netizens shouted.

Some are really angry, and some are just joking.

However, soon, no one commented in the live broadcast room.

Stanley Ho: ... Whatever! I really don’t rely on netizens’ tips to make a living.

While squatting in the "camp" today, two groups of adventurers came to give away people and equipment. He Hongtian had a hunch that there would be more in the future.

As long as he defends the camp, he will gain a lot of rewards...

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