The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 383 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (7)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

In the evening, it was getting dark.

Stanley Ho was guarding the fire, using the light of the fire to cut the branches with his dagger.

Each branch has a pointed end and is very sharp.

He Hongtian piled these branches at hand so that he could reach them with his hands.

Then he dug into the soil with a three-edged thorn and set several traps around the shack.

The trap is not deep, just a thin layer of soil, but there are ropes woven from vines and strips of cloth.

As long as someone or a wild animal steps in the air, it will be tied up by the rope and hung upside down in mid-air.

While making the trap, Stanley Ho reached out and operated the smart bracelet.

At first, netizens thought that he finally realized that he had not turned on the light screen and wanted to turn it on to interact with netizens.

As a result, before these netizens could prepare their comments, the screen in the live broadcast room instantly went black.

"Doctor He died?"

"Can't? There are no sneak attackers!"

"Could it be that he was bitten to death by a poisonous snake or some small poisonous thing?"

Netizens were confused and felt as if they were dreaming.

Immediately afterwards, they seemed to have thought of something and hurriedly entered the public live broadcast room.

According to Stanley Ho's previous positioning, the holographic live broadcast of this area was found.

There are two huge trees with a simple shack in the middle.

In front of the shack are several fires, and an aluminum lunch box hangs on the largest one.

The water in the lunch box was boiled and steaming.

This scene... was very familiar, it was the same scene they had seen for nearly a day.

But, what about Stanley Ho?

Why did he disappear? !

"I know! Doctor He should have turned on the shielding function!"

"Shield? What is he going to do? I didn't see him getting ready to sleep!"

"It's true, there are no girls or pretty boys, and he hasn't done anything shameful. Why is he blocking him?"

Netizens were very surprised and talked about it.

"Block" is a more user-friendly function setting of Adventure Live.

Although their live broadcast is 24 hours a day, the participating adventurers are basically prisoners or fugitives who have been deprived of their rights.

However, they are still human and they always have more private things.

For example, sleeping, going to the toilet, or doing exciting things with others.

In order to pay attention to the so-called human rights, the program team stipulated that people should be given a total of five hours of private time every day.

During this time, adventurers can turn on the blocking function.

In this way, the adventurer can be seen with the naked eye except those around him or her.

Neither the program team nor the netizens in the live broadcast room could capture this adventurer through holographic images.

Some adventurers, especially women, will use this time to relax, take a bath or sleep.

Of course, there are also some ambitious adventurers who have discovered another beauty of the "shielding" function.

Use this time to make some secret plans that are not meant to be revealed to others.

For example, like Stanley Ho, dig a trap or sneak attack on other people's camps.

After all, if "blocking" is not turned on, netizens can discover their whereabouts through live broadcast footage.

If an opponent's fans happened to be undercover in their live broadcast room, and after seeing through their plan, they went to inform them, wouldn't they have failed in their efforts?

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

With the blocking function, netizens no longer have God’s perspective on all the time.

The actions of the adventurers will also be more tense and exciting,

Full of unknowns.

Therefore, even if some people protest that human rights and privacy should not be respected for serious prisoners and death row prisoners, the "blocking" function of risky live broadcasts has still been retained.

Stanley Ho's live broadcast room originally had few fans.

Now he has turned on "blocking" and disappeared directly, leaving the live broadcast room completely empty.

Therefore, when the five-hour "blocking" time ended, the scene of Stanley Ho sleeping in a shack appeared again in the live broadcast room, and no one commented or paid attention.

Stanley Ho himself doesn't even care.

He seemed to be lying down and sleeping, but in fact he was running the Wuji Art of his junior uncle.

This was a magical discovery he made during the two days in prison: if he kept running Wuji Jue, he would not feel sleepy or tired even if he didn't sleep or rest.

And if he really wants to sleep, he can fall asleep in one second and quickly enter a deep sleep state.

In deep sleep, he rests for one hour, which is equivalent to four or five hours of sleep for ordinary people.

Before practicing, Stanley Ho had already taken a nap for an hour.

The fatigue and sleepiness during the day also disappeared.

However, Stanley Ho doesn't want to look weird.

When it was time to sleep, he would lie flat on his back with his eyes closed.

Regardless of whether he was exercising or doing something else inside, at least through the live broadcast footage, everyone saw that he was sleeping.

There was no words for a night, except for the occasional screams and beast roars from far away, there were no other unusual sounds.

In the early morning, the first ray of sunlight fell on the ground, and Stanley Ho slowly opened his eyes as if he woke up naturally.

"Hello! Dr. He, good morning!"

"Oh, I have to say that this newly discovered planet is really similar to the blue star of the past. Unlike the planet we live in now, the 'sun' is all blue."

"Yes, yes, the 'moon' of our planet is red. It's just like the 'blood moon' called in the Blue Star era."

"Forget it, your so-called 'sun' and 'moon' are not the real sun and moon. So, the wrong color is normal!"

"I'll go! Have you all forgotten that Dr. He 'disappeared' for five hours last night? What did he do during the quarantine period?"

"I'm curious! Too bad Dr. He is so cold and cold, and he still refuses to open the screen."

"...Originally I thought he didn't know much about live broadcasting, but it turned out that he even knew about 'blocking', so why didn't he know how to turn on the light screen and enable personal holographic projection?"

"That's right. Well, when it comes to being cool, Dr. He is really the coolest!"

"The rankings are out, and Dr. He is also on the list. Although he is only ranked among the bottom thousand, he is the only one among the top one thousand who does not open the curtain, does not ask for fans' rewards or" Support the adventurers!"

"It's so embarrassing! It's so cheating!"

Although there were only two or three kittens, there were still several netizens discussing on the public screen in Stanley Ho's live broadcast room early in the morning.

He Hongtian still didn't care at all. He turned over and sat up, and walked out of the shack. The fire outside had been extinguished.

Ho Hongtian was not in a hurry, so he went to the stream to collect some water in his lunch box and washed himself.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

I caught a few fish by the way, filled my lunch box with water, and then returned to the camp.

In addition, we found a place to set up a fire, lit it with flints, and set up the lunch boxes.

At the place where the fire was set last night, Stanley Ho dug with a three-edged thorn.

Soon, he dug out two baked-yellow mud balls.

Knock it open with a stone, revealing the soft leaves, and a steaming beggar fish appears in front of the eyes of Stanley Ho and netizens.

"It smells so good and has a sour taste!"

"I smelled it carefully, and it really smelled like grilled fish!"

“Thousands of people wrote in blood, begging Dr. He to prescribe personal holographic injection (110,000).”

"...You can eat hot beggar fish when you wake up in the morning. Dr. He, are you sure you are here to participate in an adventure and not a food show?"

"It can't be considered a food show. The goddess Taoyao next door is a real gourmet!"

"That's enough upstairs. Can you stop talking about the goddess Taoyao here? Huh, a female prisoner has the nerve to call herself a goddess?"

"What female prisoner? Tao Yao was wrongly accused. Tao Yao said during the live broadcast that if she can successfully survive in the adventure park, she does not ask for amnesty. She only hopes that the Royal Court can reopen her case!"

"She said she was wronged, but she was wronged? Besides, she was talking to herself!"

In Stanley Ho's live broadcast room, a fan who was suspected to be the goddess Tao Yao and a man who was suspected to be a natural quarrel suddenly got into an argument.

Several other netizens were speechless.

However, there is nothing that can be done about it. As the "anchor", Stanley Ho does not pay attention to his live broadcast room. He only watches the lively netizens, which is even more unmanageable.

Stanley Ho: ...It’s up to you, I just want to eat fish!

The belly of the fish was stuffed with lemon-like green fruits and roasted overnight. It was indeed very delicious.

Stanley Ho used homemade chopsticks to finish a fish in just a few bites.

Then, he pried open another mud ball, again the "lemon beggar fish"!

Stanley Ho was very satisfied with the meal.

After eating two fishes in succession, the hunger in my stomach was not that strong.

At this time, the water in the lunch box placed on the fire had also boiled.

He Hongtian took two sips, his stomach felt warm, and his whole body felt very comfortable.

After eating, He Hongtian buried the bones, peels and other objects, and then walked around the shack.

"Huh? What is Doctor He looking for?"

"Suddenly I had a hunch that Dr. He would surprise us!"

"Tch! What surprises can there be! I think this No. 4044 is very timid, and he only knows how to hide in the corner."

"I'll go! Someone actually said that Dr. He is a coward? Isn't he the new guy upstairs?!"

"That's right, Doctor He easily killed three people by himself, and one of them was the notorious Tiger Tiger!"


Netizens started making noise again.

But soon, everyone immediately shut up.

Because, they saw with their own eyes that Stanley Ho actually "picked up" a small wild animal not far from the shack.

"Is this the legendary Silly Roe Deer?"

"It looks like it! But the question is, how did it get hung up in the tree? Even if it was really stupid, it wouldn't be able to jump up on its own, right?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Please, people upstairs, haven't you seen that vine? This is a rope buckle, specially used to catch prey in the wild or set up traps!"

"That's right! Goddess Taoyao in the live broadcast room next door has once popularized science. It is said that Goddess Taoyao is really cheating. Not only does she know many novel plants, but she also knows a lot of wild survival skills!"

The netizen who always praises Tao Yao is probably a fan of "Goddess Tao Yao".

Squatting in someone else's live broadcast room, he actually never leaves his idol.

Stanley Ho: ...might as well dissect the silly roe deer.

Taking out the scalpel, Ho Hongtian did not show off any skills, but he still showed the netizens in the live broadcast room what "the cook eats the cow".

There was another moment of silence in the live broadcast room.

Other than kneeling and watching, there seemed to be no other reaction.

The same netizen who likes to argue couldn't help but say something to Tao Yao's fans——

"That crazy fan of some kind of goddess, does your goddess have such bad knife skills?"

"...Our goddess Taoyao has an assistant. Brother Qiao Hu is also very good at knife skills, but his style is different from that of Dr. He."

"Yes, Qiao Hu is very powerful. He seems to be a retired special forces soldier. It's a pity that now that there are mechas, personal force value no longer seems to be important."

"Qiao Hu is also pitiful. In order to save others, he was found guilty of excessive defense."

"That's right. He and Tao Yao share the same problem, so they became partners. They are a breath of fresh air among many adventurers."

"Haha, even before my Queen Yvonne said she was Qingliu, some kittens and puppies jumped out to make her presence felt!"

"Who is Queen Yvonne? Don't you say that all adventurers are felons or star fugitives?"

"First of all, has your planet just got access to the Internet? You don't even know about Yvonne? She is a real royal family. Unfortunately, she was crazy about love, did something wrong, was expelled from the royal family, and was imprisoned in the first royal prison."

"Damn it, it's her. She fell in love with her brother-in-law, and even designed to frame her own sister to live on a garbage star..."

"What do you know? Eliza is just a white lotus flower and loves acting the most. Yvonne is the real one!"

"Let me go, you idiot fans, even if you don't have three views, you still need to have brains. You openly slander Princess Eliza on the Internet, aren't you afraid that the royal guards will come to your house to read the water meter?"

"...I just checked and found that Yvonne has many supporters online. This time Yvonne came to participate in the adventure park. In just one day, she was able to board the top with the help of wealthy fans. Top 100 on the reward list!"

"Holy shit! Yvonne is a former princess, and with the support of rich fans, she can only enter the 100th place. So who is at the top of the list?"

"The first place is Leonard Watson, the former universe hero. He was the first star to become popular all over the Internet. Unfortunately, he went astray and colluded with the Zerg. In the end, he was sentenced to death for treason. "

"It turns out it's him. Mu De, the traitor also has some idiot fans supporting him?"

"You call them crazy fans, how can their behavior be incomparable to normal people?"

"The second place is the former Thunder Warrior Huo Huating. Alas, it's a pity that he actually fell halfway and became an interstellar pirate."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Huo Huating? He, well, it's really a pity for him. I, a person who can spray a bottle, have the nerve to spray him."

"Yes, he once made great achievements for the Federation, but he was forced to become a star thief. The Empire once recruited him, but he was worried about his relatives in the Federation——"

"The third-ranked person is Kang Jiming, the most scientific maniac in the universe. Back then, in order to experiment with new energy sources, he went so crazy as to destroy a small planet, and tens of thousands of people turned into liquid in an instant. Gee, that's crazy! "

Some netizens are popularizing science and some are chatting, adding a lot of excitement to Stanley Ho's live broadcast room.

The top three people they mentioned were basically all famous figures in the interstellar world, and they already had a large number of fans.

Therefore, after participating in the adventure live broadcast, relying on their huge fan base, they received a large amount of rewards, and their rankings also rushed to the forefront...

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