The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 384 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (8)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"...the top thirty adventurers are basically famous and influential people."

"They have a large number of fans and supporters, not only in the live broadcast room, but also in the adventure park!"

"Tao Yao, look, Princess Ivona, General Huo Huating, and this male god of the universe have all formed an alliance, and many adventurers have joined their ranks!"

"Compared with these behemoths, we are just a group of the most ordinary and weakest ants..."

In a corner of the adventure park, Qiao Hu was sharpening a wooden stick while talking to Tao Yao about science in a deep voice.

The two of them didn't know each other at first, but on the way to the adventure park, they took the same starship together.

In a sense, barely a "prison cellmate".

Qiao Hu is a royal soldier who was forced to retire. He is twenty-seven years old this year.

Last year, for a heroic act of justice, he not only failed to receive the Royal Medal, but was judged to have excessive defense.

Not only did he have to leave the army early, he also had to go to prison to serve ten years.

Qiao Hu's temperament has changed drastically, but he is still upright and kind at heart.

This time there was an opportunity for "amnesty". Although there were many dangers, Qiao Hu still came.

He still has a family. Although he only has a ten-year sentence, he still wants to clear his name as soon as possible and not let his family be dragged down by him.

Tao Yao, a twenty-year-old girl, was framed by her college roommate and sentenced to three years in prison for theft.

Tao Yao always wanted to appeal, but her college roommate had a very good background.

The Tao family is just a poor family on the garbage planet and has no ability to help Tao Yao.

Tao Yao couldn't think about it for a while and committed suicide in prison half a month ago.

After waking up, I got the news about the adventure live broadcast.

So, Tao Yao, who had "died" once, decided to give it a try.

If you come to the adventure live broadcast, you will die! But there is also a chance to clear away the stigma and take revenge.

If you don't come, you will stay in prison and you will be able to get out after two or three years, but you will have to bear the reputation of a "thief" and "criminal" for the rest of your life.

Tao Yao felt that she was not afraid of "death", so what else could defeat her?

Besides, it’s not like she doesn’t have a trump card!

Therefore, the young and thin Tao Yao boarded the starship heading to the adventure park.

As soon as she stepped into the cabin, Qiao Hu captured her keenly.

There is no way, among a group of ferocious, violent and violent criminals, perverted killers, and interstellar fugitives, a fair, young and beautiful girl like Tao Yao is too conspicuous.

Just like an innocent little lamb appearing in a wolf's den.

It’s not that there are no female adventurers on the starship, but those female prisoners are more or less evil and fierce, contaminated with the darkness of negative energy.

Unlike Tao Yao, she is clean and harmless from the bottom of her heart.

She is just an ordinary, sunny college student, a pure white lotus blooming from the mud.

Qiao Hu couldn't help but worry when he saw such a girl who was out of tune with the people around her. As a former royal warrior, Qiao Hu couldn't help but worry.

For such a girl, if she went to the adventure live broadcast, she would die in one word!

And before death, they may suffer a lot of inhuman abuse.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Qiao Hu couldn't bear it, but there wasn't much he could do.

The adventure that is about to begin follows the cruel and bloody laws of the jungle.

The weak eat the strong!

However, Qiao Hu couldn't sit back and watch an innocent and pitiful young girl die at the mouth of a "bad wolf", so he took advantage of everyone wearing smart bracelets and choosing items.

He squeezed to Tao Yao's side and gave a careful reminder.

"Don't trust anyone, even if you are a woman of the same sex, don't trust it easily!"

"Don't think about the laws of the Empire or the Alliance. There are no laws or morals in the Adventure Park!"

"Living is the most important thing!"

Of course Tao Yao knew these words.

After all, she decided to come to participate in the adventure live broadcast, so she must learn more about it before coming.

However, everyone knows the truth. Whether a stranger who has nothing to do with him is willing to remind him is another matter.

Tao Yao didn't know Qiao Hu, but she felt kindness from this young man with a dejected and lonely face.

"Thank you! I will live well, and please be more careful!"

Tao Yao thanked Qiao Hu in a low voice, then chose the outdoor survival items she needed, followed the large army and left the starship.

Perhaps because of this encounter on the starship, Tao Yao and Qiao Hu seemed to have some kind of fate.

Randomly dropped into a corner of the adventure park by the program crew, Tao Yao cautiously looked around while looking for various survival items.

Not long after leaving, Tao Yao met Qiao Hu.

The two were a little wary at first. After all, they both knew that in the adventure park, all creatures except themselves were enemies.

However, the two finally had a brief contact before, and each felt the goodwill emanating from the other.

After a brief chat, Tao Yao knew that Qiao Hu was an upright and brave warrior. Although he was framed and had to leave the Royal Guard, his good nature remained unchanged.

Qiao Hu also knew that Tao Yao was a hard-working and well-behaved girl. With her intelligence, she passed the examination from the garbage star to the imperial star.

If it weren't for her roommate's jealousy, she might still be taking classes on campus.

The specific experiences of the two are different, but they share the same situation - being framed!

Not a born evil person, nor a vicious gangster, but an innocent victim.

Tao Yao and Qiao Hu seem to be natural allies.

In this way, they quickly formed a team, and together they explored the vast and dangerous forest.

After becoming cooperative partners, the two of them got to know each other better.

Tao Yao discovered that Qiao Hu was very physically strong, and some tough gangsters who looked hard to mess with were not worth mentioning in front of Qiao Hu.

Qiao Hu observed Tao Yao with some surprise. This girl looked young and weak, but she was an expert in survival in the wild.

She seemed to know many of the animals and plants on this newly discovered primitive planet. They were just inconspicuous weeds, but she could use them to apply wounds and cook dishes.

She also searches for water sources and identifies whether plants and animals are poisonous.

Build shacks, drill wood to make fire, and use the supposedly poisonous sap to make weapons...

The most wonderful thing is that she has good cooking skills.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Using local ingredients, you can make extremely delicious dishes.

By the way, Qiao Hu is also a person who has seen a lot of things in the world. He has seen and tasted some of the Transcendent A-level restaurants in Empire Star and the chefs who claim to perfectly replicate the Chinese cuisine of Blue Star.

However, with conscience, Qiao Hu must admit: Tao Yao’s food is even better!

At first, Qiao Hu was willing to team up with Tao Yao, and he had some intention of taking care of this young girl.

However, they only got along for half a day. Qiao Hu witnessed Tao Yao poisoning an interstellar gangster who tried to rob them with a spike coated with some kind of tree sap. Qiao Hu knew that he seemed to need Tao Yao more.

Tao Yao looks fragile, and her martial arts value is not high.

But she has a good brain, and I don’t know where she learned so much wilderness knowledge.

With such primitive tools, the enemy can be killed without much effort!

I have to say that Tao Yao's performance really amazed Qiao Hu and attracted countless netizens.

In just one day yesterday, Tao Yao, an "amateur", earned 12,000 star coins through rewards and purchases from netizens in the live broadcast room.

This is only the first day, and word of mouth and comments have not yet fermented.

Only a few people have "immersed experience" in Tao Yao's food.

After waiting for a long time, word of mouth continues to ferment, and Tao Yao will definitely be able to become a star on the Internet with her delicious food and excellent outdoor skills.

By then, with the rewards she can get, she might even be able to make it into the top fifty rankings.

This is not just some kind of honor, but more of real money.

With star coins, Tao Yao can buy the survival supplies she urgently needs in the live broadcast mall.

For example, yesterday when Tao Yao's personal account exceeded 100 star coins for the first time, she purchased a Blue Star era military shovel in the live streaming mall.

After the star coins are deducted from the live broadcast mall, they are immediately distributed and airdropped using a small aircraft according to the positioning provided by Tao Yao's personal bracelet.

The whole purchasing process is very convenient and fast.

From the time Tao Yao placed the order to receiving the goods, it took no more than an hour.

It has to be said that the person behind the adventure live broadcast program group is really cheating and has mastered several ultra-high black technologies.

Of course, these are not things that ordinary adventurers need to pay attention to.

Through their first purchase, both Tao Yao and Qiao Hu gained confidence.

The live broadcast mall is really awesome and very useful.

If they encounter danger or are injured in the adventure park, they can purchase urgently needed medicines or weapons through the live broadcast mall.

Moreover, when Tao Yao and Qiao Hu browsed the live broadcast mall, they were surprised to find that there were not only "retro products" from the Blue Star era.

There are also many high-tech weapons and daily necessities in the mall.

It just requires too many star coins, and there are always a series of zeros.

To put it bluntly, ordinary adventurers with no background and no reputation like Tao Yao and Qiao Hu, even those "rich adventurers" who rank in the top three on the reward list, can't afford it.

The adventure live broadcast has been launched for two periods, and this is the third period.

In the past two episodes of the program, there were also big figures like Princess Ivona, General Huo Huating, etc.

You need to be famous, you need fans, and the star coins you reward are far beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Even so, until the end of the show, they could not collect enough star coins to buy black technology weapons.

From this we can see how outrageous the prices of those goods are!

However, being able to quickly purchase some emergency medicines or knives has been of great help to Tao Yao and the others.

Just like yesterday, with a military shovel, Qiao Hu could quickly chop wood, dig traps, and build wooden houses.

If an adventurer encounters a sneak attack, he can directly use it as a weapon to kill them.

It was just a simple tool, but it quickly improved the quality of life of Tao Yao and Qiao Hu.

The process of purchasing something in the live streaming mall itself can actually attract traffic.

Not to mention that the number of netizens in the live broadcast room of "Goddess Tao Yao" Tao Yao has skyrocketed. Even Qiao Hu, a seemingly aloof former royal warrior, has also gained many fans.

"...Tao Yao, thank you, I successfully caught the heat!"

I originally thought I was helping others, but in the end I managed to get a big thick leg.

Qiao Hu was a little unnatural at first, but soon he accepted this reality and enjoyed it happily.

Tao Yao: ...Bingguoguo, don’t be so polite.

It was not very difficult for her to survive alone in the wild.

However, if she can have a companion to cooperate and fight together, her chances of survival will be improved.

Oh no, no, Tao Yao's goal is not just to survive 30 days, but to win the championship and get a real "amnesty".

For this goal, Tao Yao held back almost nothing and showed all her "real" strength.

Victory in the first battle!

The effect on the first day was really good.

Tao Yao not only received high rewards and attracted a large number of fans, but also attracted the attention of some experts.

Tao Yao never missed the discussions and information on the light screen. After knowing certain situations, she felt more and more at ease.

However, personal power is always small.

And although she also has a team, there are only two people.

It is really not easy to win the championship.

No, knowing Tao Yao's goal, Qiao Hu didn't say anything to throw cold water. Instead, he pointed at his light screen and explained the top thirty adventurers to Tao Yao one by one.

"The champion of the first phase is a genius scientist who has always occupied the top five in the rankings. It is said that he is leading the research on the current light armor!"

"The winner of the second phase is known as a dark horse, but upon careful study, you will find that his ranking has never fallen out of the top thirty!"

"Because this kind of survival game requires not only individual ability, but also the support of the team."

"And many ordinary adventurers, when choosing an alliance, will basically choose those famous and well-backed 'big guys'."

Tao Yao nodded slowly.

She actually knew what Qiao Hu said.

It's just that yesterday went too smoothly, and she felt a little "drifty".

Yes, if she earns star coins by herself, is it the same as earning star coins with a group of people?

Even if she is covered in iron, how many nails can she drive out?

She is not a death row prisoner or a serious prisoner, and her sentence is only three years.

Yesterday, she survived successfully and had one year reduced from her sentence.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

In two days, her sentence will be completely cancelled.

If she exits the game at this time, she is a free person.

However, the "thief" hat on her head will never be really taken off.

She wanted to stay, but when the program team announced that her sentence had been successfully "reduced" and she could regain her freedom, Tao Yao was not sure whether she would waver.

She must set a small goal for herself. Well, let's not talk about winning the championship. A small revenge should be no problem.

Tao Yao narrowed her eyes. If she remembered correctly, her roommate was also instigated by someone else.

And the forces behind her were vaguely related to Princess Ifna.

Great, it’s her!

Destroy Yvonne's alliance, eliminate this willful and arrogant former royal princess, find out the truth about how she was framed, and give herself true justice...

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