The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 388 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (12)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

For seven days, He Hongtian dug traps and made weapons in this temporary camp while welcoming the waves of adventurers.

The slope in front of the camp has been dyed a dark red color, and hundreds of corpses are piled in the "graves" deep in the jungle.

"One hundred and three people! I'll go, Dr. He is so cheating!"

"Yes, the key is that he himself was unscathed, not even a scratch on his oily skin!"

"...I have offered my knees a long time ago. In the past week, I have been kneeling to watch the live broadcast!"

"Doctor He must be a martial arts master. Damn it, that wooden thorn is even more powerful than a flying knife."

"Fuck, look! Dr. He's ranking has improved again. He has entered the top three hundred!"

"This is easy to understand. Although Dr. He does not have many rich fans or support from a certain force, he did not kill a single adventurer. The reward and ranking points of that adventurer will be transferred to Dr. He!"

"Yes! That's the truth. At first they were just some minions, but in the past two days, especially the night attack last night, Doctor He killed the captain of the Bison Team. He was the 287th ranked adventurer."

There are more than a hundred people, and their star coins and ranking points add up to a considerable sum.

Coupled with more or less rewards from fans in Stanley Ho's own live broadcast room, wouldn't Stanley Ho's ranking soar to 273rd?

"Tao Yao is ranked 217. She is the biggest dark horse in this adventurous live broadcast, but our doctor is not bad at all, and she is steadily approaching."

"Yes, yes, actually, if we look closely, Dr. He is more powerful. Tao Yao does not fight alone. In addition to Qiao Hu at the beginning, her team has added several more friends!"

Netizens were having heated discussions while looking at the freshly released rankings.

Maybe the mouths of some netizens were really opened. As soon as "Goddess Taoyao" was mentioned, there was a burst of running and begging for mercy from the outside of Ho Hongtian's camp.

"Huh? Someone comes to give away another person's head?"

"It doesn't look like he's looking for trouble, it looks like he stumbled here while running away!"

"Who is he? What happened? Does anyone know?"

"Me! I am a fan of Zhang Meng. Zhang Meng attacked Tao Yao's camp last night and killed one of her friends. Tao Yao was angry and led a team to chase Zhang Meng all night!"

"Who is Zhang Meng? The name sounds familiar."

"Holy shit, is that LSP? A scumbag who only knows how to bully women! Such a beast actually has fans?"

"...You are saying this as if the adventurer you are pursuing is not a criminal?"

Everyone who worships Mei Xiang is a slave, so why should everyone laugh at a hundred steps?

Fans of Stanley Ho: ...Although the words are ugly, the truth is also true.


"Our Doctor He is different. He upholds justice for heaven, fights evil with evil, and kills many scum!"

"That's right, our Doctor He is a true knight, killing one person in ten steps and leaving no trace behind in a thousand miles!"

Fans of Zhang Meng: ...fighting evil with evil is still evil. Why are you so proud?

While netizens were talking nonsense, Zhang Meng and two or three boys had already rolled to the front of Stanley Ho's shack.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Brother! Help! As long as you save me, I, I can give you 1,000 star coins!"

"Yes! I, I also have star coins here!"

"Ma De, that stinky girl Tao Yao is absolutely crazy. She insists on our death!"

"Bah! Didn't I accidentally kill a woman by playing with her?

As for being so stubborn about not letting go? "

Several people couldn't help but curse while calling for help.

"Holy shit! What kind of bullshit is this? What do you mean by accidentally killing a woman? Are they born to their mother?"

"They didn't realize their mistake at all. Do people like this deserve a chance to escape?!"

"That's it! Kill them! Doctor He, don't be soft!"

"Yes, kill these rotten people..."

The words of Zhang Meng and others directly caused the netizens in the live broadcast room to explode.

This time, not only female netizens were furious, but many men also hated it.

Which family doesn’t have a mother, which family doesn’t have a wife, daughter, or sister?

If their female relatives met Zhang Meng and other scum and were killed by them, instead of showing any remorse, they would say in a very disdainful tone, "You just killed a woman for fun"...

Fuck, just thinking about such a scene makes everyone want to kill someone with a knife!

"Doctor He, please do something good for the people and kill these scum!"

"Thousands of people wrote in blood, begging Dr. He to open the screen (110,000)!"

"Doctor He, please don't save these beasts——"

"Damn it, the one upstairs scared me, what about that? Dr. He shouldn't be helping others to do evil, right?!"

"...The wind was messy, my heart was shaking, and I suddenly didn't dare to look at it!"

"Doctor He, please don't ruin your good image of being a chivalrous and righteous person!"

Netizens wailed again. Some were really worried, while others were just cheering.

Stanley Ho couldn't see the lively scene on the public screen, and he didn't care.

But he had good ears and heard the low-pitched curses of Zhang Meng and others.

Very good, another group of scum with no bottom line and no humanity!

Although they did not take action against Stanley Ho, and even made a pleading gesture, and even took out star coins to make a deal, Stanley Ho still took action.

ah! Ah!

There was a quartet of unbelievable screams, and the four corpses quickly fell to the ground.

Ho Hongtian's movements were so fast that the netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned by the high-definition holographic screen, not to mention Tao Yao and others who chased him all the way and watched the "ending".

"What happened? Why are everyone dead?"

"Let me go, what's going on? Although Zhang Meng is a beast, his force value is not low. How come-"

With these questions, netizens in the live broadcast room and Tao Yao and others were frantically scrolling.

"What is your name for this adventurer?"

Tao Yao did not know He Hongtian and did not know why this man killed Zhang Meng and others.

Does he have a grudge against Zhang Meng, or does he simply want to kill like some murderous adventurers? !

Tao Yao was not sure. She stopped quickly, her whole body tense, and she looked at He Hongtian warily while asking politely.

Stanley Ho originally didn't want to talk to strangers.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He is not a murderous maniac, and he has principles to fight evil with evil.

Not that he would send away all the adventurers who came to his camp.

In the past seven days, there have been some adventurers who passed by by chance. They may have had a fleeting evil thought in their minds, but in the end they still sneaked away.

For such people, Stanley Ho basically turned a blind eye.

Only those evil people who only know how to kill without asking the reason, Stanley Ho would take action.

But the people in front of them, especially the leading girl, did not have that strong aura of violence.

What's more, Stanley Ho vaguely felt that this girl's soul had some magical power, and people couldn't help but feel good about her.

"Protagonist Halo"!

These four words suddenly hit Ho Hongtian's brain.

He didn't know why he had such a judgment, but he was very careful about his feelings.

So, the girl in front of me is the destined daughter of this world, also known as the heroine?

Instinctively, Stanley Ho does not want to get into trouble with any "female protagonist".

However, the moment he saw Tao Yao, he suddenly felt that it was best for him to follow her so that he could accomplish something.

As for what "that thing" is, Stanley Ho doesn't know.

However, Stanley Ho clearly told himself in his heart that he must do it because it is very important!

Suddenly he noticed that a portable space appeared in the depths of his consciousness, and He Hongtian began to trust his intuition very much.


Stanley Ho, who has always been aloof and rarely communicated with others, responded calmly to Tao Yao's inquiry, "He Hongtian, death row inmate No. 4044 of the First Prison!"

Tao Yao's pupils shrank and she blurted out, "Doctor He?!"

Is this "Dr. He" who has become famous in the adventurous live broadcasts in recent days?

He is obviously just an ordinary surgeon, but because he is good at using a scalpel and has also mastered the skill of throwing a javelin, he has reached the top 300 in the ranking list by himself.

This is a large ranking with a total of 200,000 people.

There were more than 400,000 people who initially participated in the adventure live broadcast, but after a week of brutal elimination, only 200,000 people were left.

Basically, none of these two hundred thousand people are old or weak. Even if they don't have super high force value, they all have special skills.

Or, people simply form alliances, or join those large alliances and teams.

Even Tao Yao has expanded from a simple two-person team to a seven-person team.

Relying on the different skills of each member, they obtained sufficient survival materials.

It also attracts more netizens and fans to reward, purchase immersive experience and other projects, and also brings more star coins.

The captain headed by Tao Yao only managed to squeeze into the 217th place.

Although Tao Yao is good enough, there is also the support and help of his teammates.

As for Stanley Ho, as one of the few "lone rangers" in the adventurous live broadcast, he not only killed hundreds of people by himself, but also broke into the top 300 rankings.

This, this is definitely an incredible achievement.

"I am indeed a surgeon. It's not wrong for you to call me Dr. He!"

Stanley Ho didn't turn on the screen or read the comments from netizens, so naturally he didn't know that he had a very loud nickname.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

After listening to Tao Yao's words, he just speculated based on common sense, thinking that it was reasonable for Tao Yao to call him "Doctor He".

Tao Yao is very smart. After hearing what Ho Hongtian said and looking at his expression, she knew that Dr. He had misunderstood.

She opened her small mouth, hesitated to speak, endured and endured, and finally couldn't hold it back any longer, and asked softly, "Doctor He, do you, don't you usually turn on the light screen?"

Although this statement was similar to "Does your home not have access to the Internet?" and was suspected of being insulting, Tao Yao was really curious.

Stanley Ho didn't speak, just nodded.

Tao Yao first showed a surprised expression, and then became a little speechless.

He doesn't turn on the light screen, doesn't interact with netizens, and doesn't even read the messages in the live broadcast forum... Is this person suspected of being autistic, or is he really aloof?

Tao Yao looked at He Hongtian steadily for a moment, and finally believed the latter.

This doctor named Stanley Ho is really strong and extremely confident.

To put it harshly, it's called arrogance, but he just has the ability.

"Dr. He, thank you!"

He shook his head to get rid of the messy thoughts inside.

Tao Yao returned to the topic and looked at the corpses on the ground. She was sure that these people were completely dead. She bowed slightly and sincerely thanked them.

"This Zhang Meng, we took them in with good intentions, but they killed our companions while we were out picking and hunting—"

Mentioning Zhang Meng's sin, Tao Yao gritted her teeth hard.

It was precisely because Zhang Meng and others behaved worse than animals and Tao Yao, who had always retained kindness in her heart, that she chased after Zhang Meng and others.

Tao Yao also issued a killing order on the live broadcast forum, offering a reward of 10,000 star coins for the heads of Zhang Meng, Li San, Zhao Liu and Feng Qi.

It's a shame that Zhang Meng and others are particularly good at escaping even though their force value is not very high.

I chased him all night last night and almost caught him several times, but they took the opportunity to escape again.

Chasing for an entire night was extremely draining both mentally and physically.

Tao Yao gritted her teeth and persisted with a sense of hatred.

But the other teammates were obviously exhausted.

If Ho Hongtian hadn't intercepted and taken action, Zhang Meng and others might have escaped.

Seeing such a villain escaping, Tao Yao would definitely be very angry, and maybe even left with a knot in her heart!

No matter what was the reason why He Hongtian killed Zhang Meng and the four others, Tao Yao had to thank them.

Results are the most important!

"You're welcome! I killed them because they deserved to die!"

The first half of Stanley Ho's sentence was very cold, just like his usual cold demeanor.

But when he said the word "damn", it was filled with disgust and murderous intent.

Tao Yao was stunned for a moment. In her previous life, she grew up in a peaceful country, a society that emphasized the rule of law.

No one should die or not. What he should do must be decided by the law.

Individuals have no right to judge.

Because once an individual has the power of life and death, ambition will inevitably arise, which will disrupt the order and stability of the entire society.

The person in front of me seems to have some signs of this.

Tao Yao instinctively resisted.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

But, on second thought, this was not Blue Star, let alone the beautiful country she once lived in.

This so-called adventure park doesn't even have laws, let alone any moral bottom line.

Killing to stop killing and evil to defeat evil may also be a way to maintain justice and goodness.

"...No matter what, thank you!"

Tao Yao inexplicably had a good impression of He Hongtian. After thinking about it, she asked tentatively, "Doctor He, do you want to continue to stay in your camp?"

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else. I just think that this newly discovered planet is very vast, and the surviving adventurers are taking risks everywhere. Do you want to go out and go to a bigger and more spacious place? change?"

Even if you want to do something for heaven and kill some "damned" adventurers, it is far more convenient to go out than to wait and see.

Stanley Ho was not impressed, but he still wanted to follow his instinct, "Where are you going? If you don't mind, we can keep you company!"

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