The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 389 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (13)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Hongtian decided to go with Tao Yao's team.

Before leaving, though, there are a few things that need to be taken care of.

Not only did Stanley Ho need to pack his luggage, but Tao Yao and others also needed a short rest.

After hunting hard all night, their minds were highly concentrated and their bodies were extremely exhausted. Finally, they came to a place where they could rest. Everyone wanted to lie down and have a good rest.

Of course, being in an adventure park and experiencing a week of brutal "elimination", even within the team, there was no complete trust.

Although He Hongtian doesn't look like a murderous demon, Tao Yao and the others still have to be careful.

Therefore, Tao Yao seemed to accompany Ho Hongtian to pack things and chat, but in fact she was guarding her friends.

Qiao Hu and others took the opportunity to fall aside and rest for a while.

"...Doctor He, you, you have so many trophies!"

Tao Yao also killed some adventurers and seized some survival items.

But compared with Stanley Ho's pile of stuff, there's still not much comparison.

Tao Yao just went to the dense forest where He Hongtian lost his body. Wow, the pile of corpses was really mind-numbing.

"They all deserve to die! They are all extremely vicious scum! They will die without mercy!"

Tao Yao tried her best to persuade herself in her heart, but after all, she was a child who grew up in a peaceful country ruled by law. Seeing such a scene that was almost purgatory, she still couldn't bear it.

Tao Yao felt even more inexplicable fear towards Ho Hongtian who caused all this——

Killing is not scary, what is scary is killing people and still living with such a pile of corpses as if nothing happened!

This mentality can no longer be described as powerful, it is simply inhuman!

Tao Yao definitely didn't mean to curse, she just felt that "Doctor He" was too unfair.

"Do you want it? If so, pick whatever you want!"

Stanley Ho put food and other important items into his backpack. Don’t ask where his backpack came from, just ask it as a “trophy.”

As for the various weapons piled on the ground, he didn't care much and generously let Tao Yao pick and choose as she pleased.

"You don't want any of these?"

Tao Yao prides herself on being a well-informed person, and her mind is more mature than her physical age.

However, after meeting Stanley Ho today, she was always in a state of "dumbfounded".

You really can't blame her for making a fuss, but it's just that these weapons are left outside, and they naturally don't know what the money is.

But in the adventure park, it is the biggest reliance for many ordinary adventurers to survive.

Daggers, triangular thorns, military shovels, machetes, maces, large axes...these are all extremely lethal cold weapons.

Adventurers will fight each other, and the first reason is to compete for weapons.

After all, the program team only distributes one item. If you choose a weapon, you can't choose food. If you choose food, you can't choose medicine.

As for adventurers who choose non-weapons, if they want to obtain more and more beneficial tools, they can only attack the same kind.

Basically, on the first day of the adventure live broadcast, adventurers were attacking the same kind.

Because even though this planet is rich in products, it is difficult for unarmed humans to fight against those ferocious beasts!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The chance of winning with cold weapons against alien beasts is not good, at least there is a slight possibility.

If you don't even have a dagger, you really can only be swallowed by a strange beast.

Tao Yao was lucky. She met Qiao Hu as soon as she arrived at the adventure park and formed an alliance smoothly.

Qiao Hu had weapons in his hands, but Tao Yao didn't. With Qiao Hu's protection,

Only then did Tao Yao survive the initial battle for weapons.

Now, a week has passed, and half of the adventurers have been "eliminated", but weapons and other items are still in demand.

Tao Yao has no shortage of weapons, but she has not reached the point where He Hongtian "treats weapons as rubbish"!


The inhumanity that makes people envious, jealous, and hateful!

"With all the trouble! It's no use!"

He Hongtian is already used to using wooden thorns. In fact, if he were not afraid of being too shocking, he would just use stones.

However, it won't be too late.

Because the netizens in the live broadcast room, as well as a small part of the public, have accepted the fact that Stanley Ho is a big boss.

He can fly scalpels and project "javelins". It seems reasonable to add a flying locust stone, right?

He has developed his internal strength and his mental strength has become stronger. He has no need for those bulky cold weapons.

In the past, when staying in the camp, these things not only stayed out of the way, but also played a role at critical moments.

However, now that He Hongtian is leaving, it is enough to bring food, water and necessary daily necessities. Where can he still have the energy to make these broken weapons?

Tao Yao: ...Broken weapons? Ahhhh, I really can’t imagine the troubles of rich people!

"Doctor He, you, you don't want to just throw these away, do you?"

Tao Yao didn't want to be a lemon spirit, so she endured her envy, suddenly thought of something, and asked quickly.

"If you don't want it, then leave it here!" Stanley Ho replied casually.

Tao Yao's eyes widened, and the groundhog in her heart screamed again: Ahhh, the trench is inhumane!

"Haha, Goddess Taoyao almost went crazy because of Dr. He's show!"

"Before, I thought it was annoying that there were always people in the live broadcast room doing things like Goddess Taoyao, but today I saw such a smart and lively little girl, and I suddenly felt that it was so sweet."

"That's right, Tao Yao looks like a cute little kitten with her eyes wide open."

"What kind of milk cat? We, Taoyao, are goddesses, but cats are really cute. I really want to have one with the same model as the goddess!"

Netizens were impressed by Tao Yao's cute little appearance and left messages in the live broadcast room.

Even the fans in Tao Yao's live broadcast room rarely see such a childish side of Tao Yao.

In the past week, in their minds, Tao Yao was more of a gourmet, a wild survival master, an encyclopedia of animals and plants, and a series of lofty images.

Everyone has almost forgotten that Tao Yao is only twenty years old this year and is still a child in the eyes of many parents.


Tao Yao had no time to watch the various screams on the public screen of her live broadcast room. She swallowed hard and barely found her voice.

"No! Doctor He, if you don't need these weapons, you can sell them!"

Why throw it away?

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Such a waste!

Tao Yao felt so distressed that she almost complained in her heart that Stanley Ho was a prodigal.

"Sell it? To whom?" Stanley Ho was a little curious.

Tao Yao: ...Boss, are you serious? You really don't know?

Tao Yao instinctively didn't believe it. Then, she suddenly thought that He Hongtian didn't turn on the light screen at all.

It is estimated that Stanley Ho will not be able to see comments from netizens, tips, and posts in the live broadcast forum.

Therefore, he should really not know.

Taking a deep breath, Tao Yao tried to speak in a calm tone: "Sell to the gang chamber of commerce, or participate in the fairs organized by several major gangs."

"You can use star coins or exchange items for items. The price is much cheaper than buying it in the live broadcast mall, and second-hand items can also be sold smoothly!"

"Gang Chamber of Commerce? What other markets are there?"

He Hongtian became more and more curious.

Are these establishments in an adventure park?

Founded by the adventurers themselves? !

Depend on!

It has only been a few days, but it has already reached such scale and influence? !

Stanley Ho couldn't help but be a little speechless.

However, he still had a cold look on his face, and at most there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"The Gang Chamber of Commerce is a joint organization of the top ten adventurers. They can trade online. They have their own small aircraft to deliver and receive goods."

"However, the Gang Chamber of Commerce is not as convenient or private as the market."

Online transactions require buyers and sellers to provide specific positioning to facilitate the delivery of goods.

However, the Adventure Park is not a pure land, but a hell full of killing and betrayal.

Once personal location information is exposed, it can easily lead to death.

If not, it will be a "loss of both human and financial resources".

"The market is a free trade market led by the ten major gangs, and all adventurers can participate. The closest one to us is in a small valley ten kilometers away."

Tao Yao directly regarded He Hongtian as a newbie who didn't understand anything and explained it in detail.

As she spoke, she also used the light screen to find some maps, photos and other information.

"Is this kind of market safe?"

After listening to Tao Yao's explanation, Stanley Ho asked a stupid question.

Why do you say stupid?

Because after Stanley Ho asked the question himself, he felt that he shouldn’t ask.

He shook his head and said slowly, "Look at what I said, there are gangs taking the lead, so it is naturally safe. At least within the scope of the market, the adventurers cannot fight or fight!"

After buying something or completing a transaction, and leaving the market, no one cares about how the adventurers go shopping!

Tao Yao gave a thumbs up, and there was no exaggeration at all. She praised: "Doctor He, you guessed it right. There are now ten markets scattered in various locations on the planet."

"There is a gang behind these markets. Adventurers who go to trade, whether they are sellers or sellers, must pay a certain amount of star coins to the gang."

Not to mention anything else, this gang can get a lot of star coins from the "management fee" alone.

As the souls of the gang, that is, the top ten gangsters, they continue to sit firmly on the top ten with extremely high "assets"!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"The force behind this market near us is the gang founded by the seventh-ranked Yvonne."

Tao Yao continued.

Stanley Ho's eyes flickered, he was very keen, although Tao Yao's voice was still relatively calm.

However, when Tao Yao mentioned the name "Evona", she emphasized it a little bit.

Oh ho!

Tao Yao has a grudge against that Yifna?

However, judging from Tao Yao's appearance, he should be a child from an ordinary family.

The background won't be too strong.

And what about Yvonne?

Being able to form a gang and still occupy the seventh position in the rankings definitely requires a strong background and enough backers.

Strength and other things are not that important in the face of real power.

A commoner has a grudge against a "noble" with a background, hmm, it seems a bit interesting.

Of course, Stanley Ho was only slightly curious.

He didn't really care about more details.

Stanley Ho is willing to accompany Tao Yao mainly to test a certain intuition.

He doesn’t really want to be a partner with anyone!


Stanley Ho responded noncommittally.

Seeing his indifferent expression with a hint of confusion, Tao Yao bet that this Dr. He didn't even know who Ivona was.

I don’t know what kind of mentality she is in. Tao Yao is not a talkative person, but today, in front of He Hongtian, she still couldn’t hold back and said a few more words——

"Dr. He, you don't know something. Ivona was once the third princess of the empire, but for the so-called love, she actually murdered her own sister, and was directly imprisoned by His Majesty in the First Royal Prison."

Tao Yao's words sounded very normal.

If Stanley Ho opens StarNet himself and searches for "Evonne", he will also get a similar "encyclopedia".

However, certain words in Tao Yao's words suddenly touched He Hongtian's heart.

It seemed that something important that he had an intuition about was related to Princess Yvonne.

"For love? Is she a love brain?"

The probability of a royal being having a love brain shouldn't be very high.

More than ten years ago, when Stanley Ho was still the best surgeon in Empire Star, he was too young and had not yet reached the level of royal health expert.

Otherwise, he should have had a chance to get to know the royal family.

Instead of like now, when I hear Yvona's name, I don't have much idea.

"Love brain? Maybe, after all, normal people can't frame their own sister to a garbage planet in order to snatch her brother-in-law."

Although Tao Yao tried her best to restrain herself, she still couldn't help but speak sarcastically when she mentioned Yvonne.

He Hongtian glanced at Tao Yao and indeed caught the flash of hatred in Tao Yao's eyes.

Oh ho, I guessed it right, these two people have a grudge!

"Oh!" Stanley Ho secretly made a barrage in his heart, but on the surface he still responded calmly.

Seeing that Stanley Ho was not interested in Yvonne at all, Tao Yao did not continue the topic.

She took advantage of the situation and said, "Just in time, we are also going to this market. Doctor He, you can bring these weapons with you. We should be able to sell them for a good price!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Selling weapons? Who wants to sell weapons?"

Qiao Hu and others took a nap and felt that they were not so sleepy, so they all got up.

When he came to the two of them, he happened to hear what Tao Yao said, so Qiao Hu asked him.

"Of course it's Dr. He! Well, Dr. He can't use these weapons for the time being, so he's selling them even if he wants to!"

Tao Yao pointed to the pile of items and answered with a smile.

"Sell them all?"

Qiao Hu's eyes lit up. The dagger in his hand was no longer easy to use.

Originally, he wanted to buy a three-edged thorn in the live broadcast mall, but the price was slightly higher.

On the way, I heard about the "Market No. 7". Tao Yao also expressed that she wanted to visit, so Qiao Hu thought of going to the market to buy some.

But now, Stanley Ho has a better one, and he is considered a "fellow traveler". In terms of price, it shouldn't be too deceiving.

Qiao Hu couldn't help but feel a little moved.

After being a companion for a few days, Tao Yao got to know Qiao Hu somewhat.

Seeing Qiao Hu's eager look, Tao Yao knew what he was thinking. She turned her head, smiled and said to He Hongtian: "Doctor He, Brother Qiao happens to need weapons. If it is convenient -"

Before Tao Yao could finish speaking, Stanley Ho glanced at Qiao Hu and said, "Ten star coins, pick whatever you want!"

I'll go, it's so cheap!

Now, not only Qiao Hu was moved, but also the netizens in the live broadcast room were screaming and wanting...

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