The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 390 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (14)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Ah, 10 star coins, which is the price of a cup of milk tea-flavored nutritional supplements, can buy a retro cold weapon!"

"I just went to the Star Network to check. A three-edged thorn made of Blue Star Era craftsmanship costs 150 star coins. It is even more expensive in the live broadcast mall, and it actually costs 200 star coins."

"The most important thing is that this is the weapon used by Doctor He!"

"Doctor He has the same model for only 10 star coins? I want it, I want it!"

"Just stop howling, people won't hear you at all!"

"...I'm not throwing cold water on you. Even if we go to Tao Yao's live broadcast room and ask Tao Yao to help spread the word, Dr. He is willing to sell it, but you can't buy it!"

How high is interstellar shipping cost?

Sellers are not willing to give free shipping easily!

However, this netizen's words not only did not make other netizens depressed, but also made them happy.

"Oh, my friend upstairs, thank you so much, thank you for reminding me!"

"Yes, yes, why didn't I think of it just now!"

"Haha, I can't help it. The main reason is that Dr. He was always alone in the past."

"Now that we have a 'teammate', the goddess Taoyao is very easy to talk to. It will definitely be no problem to ask her to help with a message!"

"Immediately go to Goddess Taoyao's live broadcast room, let Dr. He take a look at the light screen, and know that we fans have been supporting him -"

Netizens were indeed very fast. Just after posting their comments, the next second they jumped over the wall and went to Tao Yao's live broadcast room.

Tao Yao is not Stanley Ho. Although she will not deliberately curry favor or please netizens, she will not take her fans who support her seriously either.

When there is no danger, Tao Yao will look at his light screen from time to time, read the comments, and get some news about other adventurers from netizens.

At this moment, the chat with Stanley Ho came to an end, and Tao Yao glanced at the screen out of habit.

"..." Tao Yaoxing's eyes widened and she could hardly believe what she saw.

Not turning on the light screen, not reading the forum, these don't seem too outrageous.

However, even the fans in the live broadcast room didn't pay attention to it, just...ahem, cheating! What a cheat!

Tao Yao raised her head again and looked at He Hongtian with eyes full of admiration.

Stanley Ho: ...What stimulated this girl again? !

Stanley Ho was complaining in his heart, but his face was still cold.

He didn't even take the initiative to ask, just remained so silent.

"Dr. He, it's been a week since the live broadcast. You, you really haven't interacted with the netizens in the live broadcast room?!"

Unable to hold back, Tao Yao asked.

However, when she finished saying this, she suddenly felt that it was not appropriate.

Tao Yao hurriedly added as if to cover up: "That's it, Doctor He, your fans came to my live broadcast room, and tens of thousands of people wrote in blood to beg you to open the screen -"

Before Tao Yao could finish her words, Stanley Ho shook his head, "No!"

The refusal was so straightforward.

Even fans who already know Stanley Ho's "aloof" character couldn't stand it for a while.

"Dr. He, your refusal is too direct."

"It's just that, I know you don't care about us fans, but we are still people who support you. I don't want you to thank me, but I can give you a good face!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Yes, in other live broadcast rooms, adventurers treat their fans as their fathers and ancestors. Our live broadcast room is better, it's all the other way around!"

"Bah! What are you pulling on! A condemned prisoner, after being praised for a few words, really thinks that he is a hero who helps the world and the people? A savior?!"

"That's right! Let's go! Let's go,

Let's all go! Next time I watch this dragster’s live broadcast, I will write my name upside down! "

"Well said, let's all go! Without traffic and rewards, I don't think he can still be so arrogant!"

Fans were already a little disgusted with Stanley Ho's attitude, and there were a few rhythmic black fans, which affected the atmosphere in Tao Yao's live broadcast room.

Seeing these bad comments, Tao Yao became anxious and quickly glanced at Stanley Ho, "Dr. He, the fans like you -"

Stanley Ho interrupted Tao Yao rudely again, "What do you like about me? Drinking, gambling, beating my wife, or torturing and killing my ex-wife?!"


This time, not to mention the fans, even Tao Yao and others looked unnatural.

Of course, Tao Yao knew that Stanley Ho was definitely not criticizing Sang and Huai, nor was he deliberately trying to connotate anyone.

He simply felt that he was a death row prisoner with bad records and serious crimes.

As for Tao Yao, she never thinks that she is guilty. She is different from most adventurers in the adventure live broadcast.

However, no matter what Tao Yao thinks in her heart, in the eyes of netizens and viewers, she, Tao Yao, is a female prisoner.

Stanley Ho's self-denial is also a fact in itself. All adventurers are criminals in name and are not worthy of praise at all.

There shouldn't be any fans or followers.

"I don't know how to open a screen, and those netizens don't think of themselves as fans. Please have a normal outlook on life and a moral bottom line, and don't regard a group of criminals as idols!"

Stanley Ho turned to look at the camera in the live broadcast room and said coldly: "Do you really have nothing serious to do? Why do you do such boring things?"

"This is no longer just boredom, but a psychological distortion and abnormal personality!"

"Who is wrong to like? Why do we have to like criminals? Even if we are disguised as 'adventurers', we are still criminals!"

"Don't you know that your love and pursuit of the so-called adventurers is nothing more than a second torture of the former victims!"

"You'd better guard your own views first, and don't become the executioner's accomplice just because of your temporary confusion!"

Tao Yao; ...No, brother, even if you don’t want to interact with fans properly, don’t offend them.

If you scold me like this, wouldn't those fans become angry?

"...He Hongtian, you've had enough! Who the hell are you trying to teach a lesson to?"

"It's just that we look at you and praise you to give you face. You really think you are a person!"

"You, a condemned criminal, a scumbag who should have died long ago, still have the nerve to teach us a lesson?"

"We, we are -" your sponsor father.

Wait, Stanley Ho even scolds fans, he doesn't take them seriously at all.

What a special financial sponsor dad. Maybe he can play a role in other live broadcast rooms, but in Stanley Ho's live broadcast room, he is really nothing?

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

They didn't ask you for a penny, let alone say a flattering word to you. Even if you wanted to teach them a lesson from above, you didn't seem to have the confidence.

Some fans who were angry just now were instantly discouraged.

"It's over, it's over. I'm such a bitch. It's because the TV doesn't look good or the game isn't fun. Why do I have to go to the live broadcast room to get scolded?"

"That's right, even the dean of our school has never lectured me like this! Why don't I just ignore it?"

"Let's go! Everyone, let's go. People are talking about this, so let's save some face for ourselves!"

For a time, even those who really liked and admired "Dr. He" were defeated.

Tao Yao's live broadcast room was no longer noisy, and Stanley Ho's live broadcast room was completely deserted!

Tao Yao and others were dumbfounded.

"Give me money!"

After Stanley Ho finished scolding the fans, he did not continue to dwell on this topic.

He turned his head directly and said coldly to Qiao Hu and others.

"Huh?" Qiao Hu didn't react for a moment.

Why just give money?

Doctor He is trying to rob someone? !

Tao Yao reacted quickly and winked at Qiao Hu, "Brother Qiao, don't you want to buy Dr. He's weapons? Give me the money quickly!"

"Oh! Yes, give me money!"

Qiao Hu reacted, quickly opened the smart bracelet, and transferred 10 star coins from his live broadcast account to Stanley Ho.

After giving the money, Qiao Hu didn't immediately run to pick a weapon.

By the way, until now, Qiao Hu still felt in a trance, and he was even more inexplicably afraid of Stanley Ho, a ruthless person who dared to criticize netizens.

"Pick whatever you want!"

Stanley Ho was not as cold as when he scolded fans just now. Although his tone was still light, he no longer had the thorny feeling all over his body.

Qiao Hu swallowed a mouthful of spit and without any delay, quickly selected a Mitsubishi Thorn from a pile of weapons.

"And you guys, if you want it, just transfer money to Dr. He first!"

Tao Yao turned to other teammates and said.


Several other people were frightened by He Hongtian's aloof appearance.

After Tao Yao spoke, everyone woke up and hurriedly transferred money and chose weapons.

However, Tao Yao's team only has a few people.

After a round of "purchasing", the hill of weapons in front of Stanley Ho was only reduced by a quarter.

Looking at the remaining pile of things, although Stanley Ho found it troublesome, he packed them up with a furoshiki sewn from animal skins.

"When to set off?"

Since Stanley Ho decided to leave, he would not waste any more time.

"...let's go!"

Tao Yao and Qiao Hu looked at each other, nodded slightly, and then Tao Yao spoke.

Soon, the group packed up their things and left the camp quickly.

Along the way, the atmosphere in the team was a bit awkward.

Before Stanley Ho joined, or in other words, before Stanley Ho scolded the fans, Tao Yao's team had always had a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

Tao Yao and her teammates will use their own methods to interact with netizens in their respective live broadcast rooms.

And just now He Hongtian cursed. Although he didn't deliberately target others, all the adventurers were still affected.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

People like Tao Yao and Qiao Hu who were wrongly accused do not consider themselves criminals from the bottom of their hearts.

But, in fact, they are all criminals in everyone's eyes.

Since the live broadcast for a week, Tao Yao and others have relied on their own abilities and charm to attract some fans who really like them.

Tao Yao and the others seemed to be no longer despised criminals, but sought after "Internet celebrities" or even big stars.

There are even fan support groups for some adventurers in the forum.

A small number of die-hard fans and idiot fans began to try their best to benefit their idols from the people around them.

Criminals, discrimination, etc., seem to be covered with a beautiful filter.

However, Stanley Ho's words severely shattered the filter and brought the "idol" and fans back to reality——

The people you like are originally the scum and scum of society.

You netizens really have a worrying outlook on life and a precarious moral bottom line.

For a time, not only the fans became angry, but also the adventurers felt ashamed, angry and ashamed of being stripped naked in public!

In this atmosphere, Tao Yao simply couldn't interact with fans like before.

And the netizens in the live broadcast room didn't know what to say.


Tao Yao's team and their respective live broadcast rooms were filled with breathless silence.

The group of people marched in silence.

Suddenly, Tao Yao's eyes lit up and she found some small red fruits similar to cherry tomatoes in the grass not far away.

If it were before today, her fans would definitely comment excitedly in the live broadcast room when they saw this look in her eyes——

"Ah ah ah, our goddess Taoyao discovered something good again!"

"Yes, look at her little eyes, they are so bright!"

"Haha, you're upstairs, you think Tao Yao is concave and convex, and she has such a bright eye!"

"Who is Aotuman? Apart from fighting little monsters, what else can he do? Who is as knowledgeable as our goddess Taoyao and can cook well?"

"That's right, Tao Yao YYDS!"

It's a pity that Stanley Ho caused a scene this year. Even though the fans were excited to see Tao Yao's appearance, no one spoke.

Tao Yao was also awkward.

If it were in the past, when she saw new edible animals and plants, she would use chat to educate fans in the live broadcast room.

For example, when seeing these small red fruits in front of her, Tao Yao would say to netizens: "Babys, this is great. Guess what I found?"

"This red fruit looks a bit like a small tomato. If I guess correctly, it should be a miracle fruit!"

"What is a 'mysterious fruit'? That's a good question! Our home planet Blue Star has this magical fruit, and it also has a name called 'flavor-changing fruit'!"

"Yes, the magical thing about this fruit is its 'flavor change'. The miracle fruit itself is sour. After eating it, within a few hours, no matter what sour food you eat, you will feel very sweet..."

"The miracle fruit can be eaten directly or squeezed into juice. In addition, its leaves are also very valuable. Not only can they be soaked in water to drink, but they can also be used to make soups and noodles. They are delicious and nutritious. They are pure natural plant MSG. Woolen cloth!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became too weird. Even though Tao Yao was full of "encyclopedias", she could not talk to her fans as calmly and relaxedly as before!

Holding back her words, Tao Yao came closer, picked a mysterious fruit, wiped it casually, put it to her mouth and took a bite.

It's a bit sour and the seeds are relatively large, so it should be the miracle fruit.

Tao Yao finally smiled and picked a dozen, and then some leaves.

Her fans:…

Ma De, I really want to ask Tao Yao.

But, everyone feels awkward now and can't open their mouths at all.

In the live broadcast forum, Ho Hongtian's angry remarks against netizens were posted, causing greater controversy and turmoil...

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