The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 391 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (15)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

In fact, although adventurers like Tao Yao have become a dark horse in this episode, they are still not as good as those adventurers ranked in the top ten.

Those people were originally celebrities and big shots, with huge fan bases and popular traffic.

Although they have indeed committed crimes, the world seems to have become extra tolerant towards these people with special status.

And if they perform outstandingly and well in the adventure live broadcast, fans who are already die-hard fans will pursue them even more.

Some passers-by may also be infected and become fans.

The influence of these people on the Star Network is definitely no less than that of some real big stars and celebrities.

And their fans are also very tough. They have long forgotten the fact that their idols are criminals, and instead put them on the altar.

Now, there is a little person who appears out of nowhere and keeps saying that his owner is a scum and a scumbag. He also calls their fans a fool with incorrect views and no regard for their moral bottom line...

I can't bear it!

The cliff is unbearable!

Therefore, as soon as Ho Hongtian's video was posted on the forum, it quickly attracted waves of crazy fans.

Some people even followed the video and found Stanley Ho's live broadcast room.

"Damn it, you're the one who's stupid. If you want to be a scum, just be one. Why do you want to drag our princess along?"

"That's right, you're still scolding fans. Don't you know that without the support of netizens like us, you would have died a long time ago!"

"...You speak so righteously, as if you are the guardian of justice. Why do you still commit crimes when you are so guilty?"

"You scumbag and pervert, go and die!"

"By the way, some adventurers, you are riding on dead people. If someone ruins the atmosphere like this, why don't you kill him?"

"4044? Listen to this number. Anyone who steps on a horse should die!"

"Scum, scum, pervert, bastard, you can keep these titles for yourself, take our brother away and refuse to date!"

"Bah! You're just sanctimonious, you just know how to shout slogans. If you really think you deserve it, then don't come to participate in the adventurous live broadcast."

"Yes, to put it bluntly, this bullshit Stanley Ho is just afraid of death!"

"%¥@#¥ # !*¥%!"

Stanley Ho's live broadcast room was captured instantly, and all kinds of curses were posted on the public screen at the rate of dozens of messages per second.

Some comments were even blocked because they were too pornographic and vulgar.

A bunch of scolding, criticism and garbled words made Stanley Ho's live broadcast room full of hostility and negative energy.

Such a scene, even a grown man with a not too bad mentality would be a little unbearable after seeing it.

It's a pity that Stanley Ho still doesn't turn on the screen, and doesn't even look at these people's shouting and insults.

These crazy fans, who didn't realize it at first, continued to flood the screen in Stanley Ho's live broadcast room.

It took quite a while before someone discovered the clue and came up with a solution——

"Damn it, this pervert probably expected that he would be scolded, so he simply turned off the public screen!"

"If we don't watch the public screen, is there nothing we can do? Dreaming!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Yes! He has teammates. Let's go to the live broadcast room of several of his teammates..."

"Let's go! Scold him to death! Oh no, there are also his teammates. Humph, it's probably not a good thing to form an alliance with such a scumbag!"

"That's right! Scold them to death!"

In this way, countless crazy fans rushed into the live broadcast rooms of Tao Yao, Qiao Hu and others.

The same insults flooded the live broadcast rooms of several people again.

Tao Yao glanced at the public screen habitually, and when she saw the dirty words on the screen, her face suddenly became a little ugly.

She boasts that she has lived two lifetimes and is mentally tough enough.

But no matter how powerful a person is, he can't stand so many dirty words. The key is that he is still so innocent!

However, Tao Yao did not blame Ho Hongtian.

Because her reason told her that what Ho Hongtian said was not wrong.

This adventurous live broadcast does have its contradictions.

And some so-called fans have also been led to have a distorted view.

The saying "Three views follow the five senses" is amplified to the greatest extent in the adventure live broadcast.

The remarks made by some fans also make normal people feel frightened and horrified!

On StarNet, relevant experts or scholars have become aware of this problem and have begun calling for the cancellation of so-called adventure live broadcast games.

Unfortunately, the background of adventurous live streaming is too hard, and the benefits are too amazing.

In addition, ordinary people only saw criminals killing each other and thought it was another form of "evil begets evil", but they ignored certain key points.

The third phase of the adventure live broadcast is still going on normally.

Although the public is not aware of the dangers of risky live broadcasts, as the heroine, Tao Yao has a vague feeling.

Therefore, after she participated in the adventure live broadcast, she discussed related topics in the live broadcast room. She never asked for "amnesty", but hoped to have a chance to re-examine her secret!

If you are wrong, you are wrong. The merits and demerits cannot offset each other.

If you kill someone and endanger the country, you should pay the price.

It would be unfair if such a serious crime could be "pardoned" just because he participated in an adventure game.

Criminals can survive without mercy, but who can give innocent victims a chance to resurrect?

After scanning the screen, Tao Yao regained her mood.

She didn't turn off the light screen directly, but didn't watch, listen or pay attention.

You can scold me if you want, as long as I don't care, you can't hurt me!

Tao Yao is worthy of being the heroine, with a very strong psychology.

Fans who originally felt embarrassed and awkward about her being so "Buddhist" felt a little distressed.


Those words were not spoken by their goddess Tao Yao. Why did these idiot fans come to humiliate their Tao Yao instead of scolding the real owner?

It’s true that Goddess Taoyao’s live broadcast room is full of dead people!

Tao Yao's fans have been holding back a lot of anger, but they have nowhere to vent their anger.

Those idiotic fans who come to visit and swipe the screen give everyone a way to vent.

What I didn't say was just one word - curse!

Fans rolled up their sleeves and started yelling at those stupid fans.

And when it comes to things like swearing, no one responds is the biggest killer move.

If someone responds, the scolding will only become more intense.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

As a result, Tao Yao's live broadcast room instantly became lively. Although the screen was full of curse words, it was really popular.

By the time Tao Yao finished picking the miracle fruit and discovered a few curare trees in the dense forest on the other side, Tao Yao's live broadcast room had already become popular.

Black and red are also red, and in the fierce scolding battle, Tao Yao attracted many new fans.

"...This is curare wood, also known as blood sealing the throat!"

Tao Yao didn't pay attention to what was going on in the live broadcast room at all, and she didn't know that her number of fans had exceeded three million.

She carefully cut the bark with a knife, pointed at the white liquid and said -

"These sap contains highly toxic substances. If it comes into contact with humans or animals, it will cause heart paralysis, blood coagulation, and eventually death from suffocation!"

After hearing this, the fans who were still scolding the idiot fans suddenly stopped.

"Fuck! So poisonous?"

"Sealing the throat upon seeing blood? I seem to have heard that it was one of the most deadly poisons in the Blue Star era."

"Ah, ah, I have to say that our goddess Taoyao is the most powerful. She even recognizes Curare. As a person who studies Blue Star paleontology, I didn't even recognize it, okay?"

"This thing is so dangerous, but it's also a weapon for killing people!"

"Goddess Taoyao, YYDS!"

Among the comments that were filled with all kinds of obscenities, there were more and more comments praising and praising Tao Yao.

Angry fans: ...Damn, these people must be sick. They were scolding them just now, why did they suddenly change their appearance?

Again, swearing and fighting require a response.

If only one party keeps talking and the other party just sits back and ignores it, there will be no trouble at all.

The idiot fans were unwilling to give in and frantically scrolled the screen for a while.

As a result, Tao Yao's fans are still "enclosing their own cuteness" style, they just show off their idols and ignore the curses at all.

This, this...what else are you scolding? Withdraw!

Not leaving?

Do we still need to watch all kinds of disgusting flattery from Tao Yao's fans? !

Slowly, Tao Yao's live broadcast room returned to its previous atmosphere, which was lively and cheerful.

Those new fans originally came to join in the fun, but seeing that Tao Yao was so knowledgeable and the most important thing was that the food she cooked was extremely delicious, they all stayed.

I made a sumptuous lunch using the leaves of the miracle fruit, mainly because Stanley Ho provided enough ingredients.

And Tao Yao's cooking skills are really good. Old fans support it, and new fans want to give it a try and order to buy the immersive experience.

After finishing lunch and cleaning up, Tao Yao glanced at her live broadcast room.


There is no stupid whitewash on the screen, everything is back to how it was before.

Oh no, no, it’s not like before, it’s about being better than before!

Tao Yao glanced at her personal account and saw that the number of star coins had soared by 10,000.

The number of fans has also exceeded three million.

Although it is nothing compared to the top ten adventurers who have over 100 million fans, but for Tao Yao, it is already a very big breakthrough.

Her ranking is 217th. Now that she has so many fans, they are all willing to buy Tao Yao's immersive experience. Tao Yao's star coins will only increase.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

With Star Coins, her ranking will continue to rise.

"...Is this a blessing in disguise?"

Tao Yao silently looked away from the light screen, secretly glanced at Stanley Ho who was sitting by the fire, whittling wood, and said secretly in her heart.

"Ayao, my number of fans has actually increased!"

"Yes, yes, there is also an immersive experience, and we sold twenty more copies today!"

Several of Tao Yao's friends came to Tao Yao's side with surprised expressions on their faces and cheered softly.

Although they don't have super high cooking skills, they can eat Tao Yao's delicious food.

Some people can't get the immersive experience in Tao Yao's live broadcast room, so they will go to their live broadcast room to buy it.

Relying on Tao Yao's delicious food, several friends can also get a lot of star coins.

Their rankings are also improving little by little.

Although they have just entered the top 1,000, if they were to rely on themselves, let alone the top 1,000, they probably would not even be in the top 10,000.

Perhaps, they have been hunted by other adventurers long ago!

"Yeah, mine has grown too."

Tao Yao smiled and shared her gains with her friends.

Several people were chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

However, Stanley Ho seemed to be isolated, neither listening nor seeing, but just chipping away at the wood.

However, this time it was different from the past. The wooden thorns he made were much smaller than before, only as long as the palm of his hand.

After making dozens of them in one go, Stanley Ho did not put them away directly, but carefully took out a lunch box with white liquid in it.

Seeing He Hongtian covering dozens of wooden thorns with the liquid, Tao Yao couldn't help but take a breath.

This, this is the sap of the curare tree, it is highly poisonous!

When she first discovered the curare wood, Tao Yao also wanted to apply the liquid on the blade, but she was afraid of accidental injury.

After all, there is a lack of medical treatment here. If you accidentally let yourself or your teammates get poisoned, you will really have no choice but to wait for death!

Tao Yao relies more on her erudition and food to survive in the adventure park. She doesn't want to kill too many people.

After all, she couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart and couldn't kill as ruthlessly as Dr. He.

Why do we say "merciless killing"?

Tao Yao's team had a meal and took a short rest. Before they could continue their journey, they encountered a large number of adventurers with fierce looks on their faces.

"Prepare for war!"

Qiao Hu, as the team's force officer, was immediately ready to fight.

However, before the other members of the team could take action, Stanley Ho stood in the forefront.

"Doctor He?"

Tao Yao and others were a little surprised.

This is not a stage that emphasizes personal heroism, but a "death paradise" where even teammates cannot completely trust them.

Among adventurers, being able to avoid taking advantage of others' dangers is considered an absolute act of kindness.

Sacrifice yourself to save others?

Sacrifice for the team?

Haha, what sweet dreams are you having? Go to bed quickly!

"Are you Stanley Ho? That bullshit doctor?"

Immediately afterwards, this group of incoming adventurers told Tao Yao and others the answer - we are here to find He Hongtian!

Therefore, Stanley Ho stood up, not for others, but for himself.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Even so, in the face of "his" enemies, Stanley Ho was able to take the initiative to stand up instead of letting his "teammates" take the blame. He was definitely loyal and conscientious enough.

"You want to kill me?"

Stanley Ho never talks nonsense. When he said those words in front of the camera, he expected that he would offend not only netizens, but also a large number of adventurers.

Because he tore through the beautifying veil and exposed the bloody and ugly truth, which really harmed the interests of many people!

Whether they are "well-known" adventurers who are ranked in the top ten thanks to their fans, or ordinary adventurers who hope to get rewards from netizens, they will regard him as their mortal enemy.

"That's right! Such a pretty boy, but he has a mouth!"

"Xiao Zei! You must have a long memory in the next life and remember what 'trouble comes from the mouth'!"

"Stop talking nonsense and do it. There are several killing orders on the forum. If you kill this kid, you can get a bonus of 100,000 star coins!"

100,000 star coins?

With such a large sum of money, even two or three members of Tao Yao's team couldn't help but feel a little excited...

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