The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 392 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (16)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Of course, the heartbeat only lasts for a moment!

The character of someone who can partner with the heroine Tao Yao is trustworthy.

Although they are all criminals, some of them committed crimes due to helplessness or coercion, and they are not bad by nature.

They still retain their basic kindness and bottom line.

100,000 star coins is indeed very tempting, but it doesn't make them give up everything they hold on to.

Besides, their goal is to survive successfully. Star coins are indeed very important, but more important are reliable partners.

Such as Tao Yao!

Since joining Tao Yao's team, they have successfully earned star coins and popularity without experiencing too much hardship and danger.

To be able to eat delicious meals every day, to have friends who can be trusted to support them when in danger, and to survive without killing each other like wild beasts, they really have nothing more to ask for.

Compared with 100,000 star coins and a reliable captain like Tao Yao, the latter is obviously more important.

The most fundamental rule of Tao Yao's team is: Don't attack your teammates!

Why was Tao Yao so reluctant to leave Zhang Meng and others last night?

It's not just these people who are beasts and killed a woman in very cruel ways.

The most important thing is that Zhang Meng is an adventurer who has taken refuge and is in the observation stage.

On the surface, he has recognized the rules of Tao Yao's team and worked hard to integrate into this small group.

Although Tao Yao didn't completely believe him, she gave him a chance to show off.

As a result, at this moment, Zhang Meng acted stupidly and harmed the weakest girl in the team!

Zhang Meng may have thought that Tao Yao's team was like many gangs that preyed on the jungle, where the strong could bully the weak.

In fact, what Tao Yao hates most is that his partners kill each other and betray each other!

Therefore, when Tao Yao stated that she would kill Zhang Meng at all costs, she was more of "setting the rules"!

Although Dr. He has not officially joined their team, Tao Yao is very close to him and probably regards him as one of her own.

At this time, if members of the team wanted to kill Dr. He for the reward, Tao Yao would be the first to refuse!

Alas, the bonus is indeed tempting, but they still want to continue to follow Tao Yao to survive in the adventure park.


After secretly swallowing, several people still stood beside Tao Yao silently with weapons in hand.

Tao Yao was somewhat nervous.

There are many enemies coming, but the key is that this is not the only wave.

The person just said that there are several killing orders on the forum, and the reward amount has reached as high as 100,000 star coins.

Under the heavy reward, there must be countless adventurers rushing to come.

After killing this wave, there will be a second wave and a third wave...

Tao Yao couldn't imagine how their team would survive in the face of so many adventurers.

Just abandon Doctor He and draw a clear line with him?

Tao Yao couldn't bear it. After all, Dr. He was not wrong.

But Tao Yao was not willing to sacrifice her life and that of the entire team for such a stranger who told the truth.


At this moment, Stanley Ho moved.

He didn't talk nonsense at all. He raised his hand and threw out more than a dozen mini wooden thorns like a goddess scattering flowers.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

And it was this kind of wooden thorns that were less than the length of a hand that all stabbed the incoming adventurers.

It's just that some of them didn't hit the vital part, and some even just scratched a layer of the opponent's skin.

"Haha! I thought it was so awesome,

I didn’t expect that I could do some kid’s tricks! "

"Ouch, it hurts me so much! Haha, it's just such a small stick, I thought it could kill people!"

"Ha ha--"

More than a dozen people laughed wildly, looking at Stanley Ho as if they were looking at a funny clown.

However, before these people could finish laughing and cursing, someone in the crowd fell to the ground with a painful expression.


Plop! ! Plop! ! !

More than a dozen people fell to the ground one after another.

Everyone had painful expressions and difficulty breathing. Within a quarter of an hour, they all stopped breathing.

Tao Yao:... Damn it! I knew curare wood was highly poisonous, but I was still shocked when I saw it with my own eyes!

Teammates: "Fortunately, I didn't do anything just now, otherwise, I would be the one dying now!"

Only then did they realize that this Dr. He was really cruel.

He looks gentle and thin, but in reality he is a murderous demon.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that the person in front of them had reached the top 300 in the rankings by himself.

If he didn't have some skills and wasn't cruel enough, he wouldn't be able to do it!

There was no one in Stanley Ho's live broadcast room.

But there were still people who couldn't bear their curiosity and sneaked back again.

Seeing Stanley Ho killing a dozen people so easily and casually, a handful of fans were also shocked.

They are considered to be Stanley Ho's "old fans" and saw him fishing in the camp with their own eyes.

However, in the past, he only killed one person with a wave of his hand.

Still using the big action of throwing a javelin, it still takes some effort.

But now, there are more than a dozen people in one shot, and there is no need to spend a lot of effort and energy to aim. Just scratching the skin can kill people!

This, this is simply going against heaven.

[Ah ah ah, the killer who was originally strong and domineering, now has the highly poisonous curare tree, and is absolutely invincible! 】

[This Tao Yao is really capable. He actually found Curare Wood, which made Dr. He even more powerful! ! 】

[Reason tells me not to see Dr. He, a death row prisoner, again, but I really can’t do it! ! ! 】

[Too handsome, too cool, too damn cheating, is there any such thing! 】

Netizens screamed wildly in their hearts, but they did not dare to publish it on the public screen.

Maybe they are still awkward, maybe it's for their poor "self-esteem".

However, Dr. He had a venomous tongue and was really sarcastic. They really couldn't help but stop coming to see him!

Slowly, Stanley Ho's live broadcast room began to gain popularity.

However, these fans all chose to remain silent: they only watched but did not make any comments.

After Stanley Ho killed more than a dozen people, the star coins in his personal account in the live broadcast room increased a lot.

He Hongtian didn't care. He came to the corpse and recovered the wooden thorns one by one.

Tao Yao opened her mouth and wanted to say, "Boss, this thing is poisonous, be careful." But in the end, she couldn't say a word.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He is said to be a big boss, he must have enough ability to control these poisonous wood thorns.

Tao Yao did not take the initiative to talk to Stanley Ho. After packing up the wood spurs and checking the trophies, Stanley Ho took the initiative to come to Tao Yao.

"Here you go! Thank you!"

Stanley Ho took a military kettle and stuffed it into Tao Yao's arms.

Tao Yao has always been smart and quick in reaction, but at this moment, she is a little confused?

Give me?


Oh, by the way, people said this is a thank you gift?

But, I didn't help either. Stanley Ho did it all by himself just now. Why did he give himself a thank-you gift?

After a while, Tao Yao's brain sorted things out clearly——

Stanley Ho thanked her because she discovered curare wood and provided him with the murderous poison!

Well, this is true. If it were placed in a country with peace and rule of law, he would definitely be an accomplice.

In the adventure park without any legal or moral constraints, Tao Yao really helped Stanley Ho, making his hunting more convenient!

"...No, you're welcome!"

Tao Yao really didn't know what kind of mood and reaction she should have.

She hugged the military kettle that she had just taken from the dead man and replied quietly.

As the soul of the team, Tao Yao was left at a loss by Stanley Ho, not to mention the other members of the team.

And then, everyone, including Tao Yao, became numb as they watched He Hongtian continue to cut the sticks, dip them in venom, and then easily kill batch after batch of adventurers who came to intercept and kill him.

By the time everyone successfully arrived at the "Market No. 7" organized by the seventh-ranked Yvonne, the number of adventurers killed by He Hongtian had soared from 103 to 1,027.

[The one who can kill a hundred people will advance to the one who can kill a thousand people. Depending on Dr. He’s posture, it is not impossible to kill ten thousand people in the future! 】

[Dr. He is simply a human-shaped murder weapon, especially with the poison of curare wood, it’s like he’s cheating! 】

[Sure enough, evil is used to fight evil. Those people Dr. He killed were all on horseback, which is not a good thing! 】

There were still no comments from netizens in Stanley Ho’s live broadcast room.

Even if there were, it would be the crazy fans of other adventurers who would come and curse.

Stanley Ho's fans all complained silently in their hearts. Even if they saw idiot fans provoking him, they would still pretend to be dead.

This has formed a very strange phenomenon. There are a lot of online viewers of Stanley Ho's live broadcast room, but there is just no popularity.

There are no comments, no likes, and no rewards.

The atmosphere created by hundreds of thousands of people online is actually not as good as a live broadcast room with only a few thousand fans!

However, Stanley Ho did not rely on the live broadcast room at all. In just a few days, his ranking continued to rise rapidly, and he actually broke into the top 200.

Fans: ...What else can I say? Dr. He is so awesome. He scolds fans and doesn’t expect rewards, but he can still survive smoothly.

Half a month has passed now, and there are still less than 100,000 adventurers in the adventure park.

The rankings of the top ten adventurers are basically fixed, with only the top 50 having slight changes.

However, Stanley Ho's fans are confident that he will be able to survive for 100 days or get ranked in the top 30 before the live broadcast ends.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Maybe I can even crack the top ten!

According to the rules of the adventure live broadcast, as long as you can survive for 100 days or enter the top 30, you will be exempted from all penalties (including the death penalty).

Of course, if you want to get honors, you need to finish in the top three.

It’s just that this is too difficult. Basically, without the support of a huge force, it is simply impossible for an individual to get it!

Fans are very optimistic about Stanley Ho, but it's a pity that this man is so venomous that he actually scolds fans.

Even if fans admire and even admire Stanley Ho, they don't dare to say it out loud.

They still want shame!

Stanley Ho doesn't know about the fans' struggles, and he doesn't care if he knows.

Arriving at the canyon where Market No. 7 is located, Tao Yao and his teammates couldn't help but exclaimed——

"This place is so big."

"The key is that it's prosperous enough. Oh my God, I can't believe it. This is actually an adventure park!"

"Yes, yes, it's just like a flea market on our planet. There are stalls everywhere, and there are buyers and sellers speaking different languages!"

"Suddenly, I feel like I have come from the end of the world to the prosperous age. There is no killing and no danger here, only the prosperity of trade!"

Everyone was talking incessantly.

Stanley Ho also found it novel and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Do you want to go in? It's 15 star coins per person. If you want a stall, you need to pay a management fee of 50 star coins!"

Several entrances to the market are guarded by adventurers.

When they saw Tao Yao and others approaching, they said solemnly.

"Come in! Let's go in!"

Tao Yao nodded quickly, then clicked on the smart bracelet and transferred 65 star coins to the account in Market No. 7.

She also had some extra supplies that she wanted to sell, so she wanted to set up a small stall.

After collecting the money, the adventurer guarding the door gave Tao Yao a number plate, "This is the certificate for setting up a stall. Find an empty place by yourself and don't argue with others!"

"Yes, our Market No. 7 does not allow anyone to cause trouble in the venue."

Tao Yao nodded again, "I know all the rules!"

Qiao Hu and others also paid an entry fee of 15 star coins according to their own circumstances, or paid an additional 50 star coins to rent a stall like Tao Yao.

Naturally, Stanley Ho wanted to set up a stall, so he simply paid 65 star coins.

When they saw him, the eyes of the adventurers at the door flickered obviously.

He Hongtian didn't react at all, but Tao Yao was very worried about the doctor.

After entering the market, Tao Yao walked a few steps quickly to He Hongtian's ear and whispered in He Hongtian's ear: "Doctor He, you must be careful and try not to leave the market during the day!"

"Even in the market, we must be prepared for sneak attacks!"

Although the market regulations prohibit fighting in the venue, the reward for Stanley Ho on the forum has reached as high as 300,000 star coins.

With such a huge bounty, even Ivona, the owner of Market No. 7, would probably be tempted.

If she or the adventurers she follows break the rules for the sake of bonuses, ordinary adventurers would not dare to say anything.

"I know!"

Stanley Ho nodded slightly, of course he would be careful.

However, Stanley Ho still appreciates Tao Yao's kindness.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

There was not much emotion on his face, and he said lightly to Tao Yao, "Thank you!"

Having said that, Stanley Ho didn't waste any more time, found an empty seat, and put down the huge baggage he carried behind him.

Unbuckle the rope and spread out the furoshiki, revealing a lot of weapons, field tools, etc.

Tao Yao did not rush to set up a stall, but walked around the market with her teammates first.

Maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe someone did it on purpose.

Tao Yao had just been shopping on a street, and before she could find any useful products, she "accidentally met" a noble man.

"Yvonne? Why is she here?"

Tao Yao's pupils shrank, and from a distance of more than ten meters, she recognized the woman who was being cheered and swarmed by a group of people. She was none other than the manager of Market No. 7, the former royal princess Ivona.

Although Tao Yao had no evidence, she just felt that Yifna was targeting her.

And when she actually saw Yvonne face to face, she felt a real and strong malice!

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