The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 393: Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (17)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Are you that goddess Taoyao?"

Tao Yao saw Yifna, and Yifna also discovered Tao Yao's traces.

She led a group of people and came to Tao Yao and others with great power. She raised her chin slightly and asked arrogantly.

"I'm Tao Yao!"

If it were someone else and asked if she was the "Goddess Taoyao", Tao Yao might still be humble or embarrassed.

But seeing the arrogant former royal princess in front of her and feeling the malice coming from her bones, Tao Yao straightened her back and replied in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

"Ha! Still a 'goddess'? She's just a lowly female prisoner!"

Seeing Tao Yao not only bowing humbly but actually being so proud when meeting her, Yvonne was very dissatisfied.

She didn't know why, but she just wanted to target this slum girl named Tao Yao.

Crush her and let her disappear completely from this interstellar world!

It was obvious that she had not known Tao Yao before and had no grudge against her.

But there is always a voice in my heart: "Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!!"

An ordinary girl born on a garbage planet, Yvonne never cared about her.

Therefore, even if she listened to the voice in her heart and found someone to frame Tao Yao, she just put the matter aside after explaining.

Because in Evena's view, Tao Yao is just an ant that she can trample to death at will.

And in Evena's subconscious mind, throwing such an ordinary girl into prison was already a desperate situation for her.

She never thought that Tao Yao would have a chance to get out of prison.

He never thought that one day, Tao Yao would stand in front of him as proudly as he did today.

Damn it!

Damn it!

He is just a pariah and has been thrown into prison. How can he still live well?

He, he even participated in the adventure live broadcast and became the biggest dark horse of this episode!

It’s unimaginable, let alone unacceptable!

Evena's green pupils were gradually filled with a layer of black mist.

"Kill her! Kill her! Kill her immediately!"

The voice in her heart screamed again, and a thick black aura was exuding around her body.

Tao Yao couldn't help but frown, and all the nerves in her body became tense.


Yvonne feels very strange.

The danger is also mixed with a very uncomfortable feeling of nausea!

Tao Yao instantly became vigilant. Previously, she had reminded He Hongtian to beware of Yvonne's blatant violation of the rules she had set as the owner of Market No. 7.

Therefore, the so-called "no fighting in the market" is only made by the big forces in the adventure park.

In the entire adventure park, there are no rules and will not be protected by any law.

Even if Ivona did it in public, at most she would receive some criticism, but Tao Yao and the others lost their lives.

Tao Yao would not gamble with her life on Ivona's "character".

She secretly clenched her weapon and paid close attention to every move of Yvonne and her thugs.

If they did anything unusual, she would take action and escape quickly.

"Tao Yao, you, a female prisoner, dare to call yourself a 'goddess'?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Ivona listened to the voice in her heart again and wanted to take action against Tao Yao.

However, she seems to have become smarter than before and knows how to find an excuse before killing someone.

Therefore, she pointed her nostrils at Tao Yao and said disdainfully and coldly.

Tao Yao knew that Evena was deliberately irritating her.

Under normal circumstances, if a person who is proud by nature suddenly hears Yvonne say "you are a female prisoner", he will reply lightly, "each other."

Because in this adventure park, no matter what their past identities were, everyone is a prisoner now!

Mei Xiang worships the master, they are all slaves.

Who is more noble than whom?

Yvonne is a former royal princess, so what.

In front of the title, there is still the word "Qian".

In terms of identity, everyone is actually the same.

At most, Yvonne ranks relatively high and is surrounded by a large number of followers.

Therefore, if Tao Yao really retaliates, remind Yifna of the fact that "we are all the same".

Yvonne will definitely be "angry".

And her followers will take the opportunity to attack.

In this way, Yvonne has an excuse to kill Tao Yao - you humiliate me!

But Tao Yao is not afraid!

Everyone in the adventure park is an enemy.

Even if they don't unite to bully him, he will confront them one day.

Moreover, Yvonne's malice towards herself was too obvious. Even if Tao Yao knelt down and begged for mercy, she might not be able to get a chance of life.

If that's the case, let's have a fight!

Not only Tao Yao, but also Qiao Hu and other teammates standing beside her were also ready to fight.

To them, Yvonne and her No. 7 gang were indeed a behemoth.

But Tao Yao is still their close teammate.

Without Tao Yao, they might have been "eliminated" long ago.

Now, they just encountered a bigger crisis. As a team, they must unite and overcome it together.

Feeling the support of her teammates, Tao Yao felt relieved.

"...I'll go, this Yvonne is too cool!"

"That's right! Even though you are a princess, you are no more noble than the other prisoners in the Adventure Park!"

"The person upstairs made a mistake. She is the 'former' royal princess! The royal family has removed her from the list!"

"Yes, they are all criminals. Our goddess Taoyao was wrongly accused, but Yvonne personally admitted her crime and her attitude was very arrogant!"

"Fuck her! Fuck her! Goddess Taoyao, don't be afraid!"

Fans can't stand watching Tao Yao's live broadcast.

Despite the previous incident involving Stanley Ho, netizens do not praise and praise their idol as much as they did in the past.

However, at this moment, seeing Yifuna, a royal abandoned daughter who prides herself on being noble, she still couldn't help but want to cheer for Tao Yao.

It's a pity that Yvonne has more fans, and the number of idiot fans is astonishing.

They have long lost any three views, let alone a bottom line.

The key is that they are different from the live broadcast fans of Tao Yao and others.

Fans of these adventure live broadcasts basically only gradually became fans of such idols after watching the live broadcast and seeing the "sparkling points" of those adventurers with their own eyes.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

As for Yvona's crazy fans, they all firmly supported Yvonne even before the adventurous live broadcast started.

They are all a group of "true love is guiltless" love brains.

I feel that as long as it is for "love", I can give up anything.

Family, friendship, law, three views, what are these compared to great love?

What did Yvonne do?

She is just pursuing love.

Yes, she did frame Princess Elisa, who was fighting the Zerg and had to make an emergency landing on the junk planet.

But Princess Eliza only lost an arm, but Yvonne lost her love.

Besides, Princess Eliza’s injuries have also healed.

She even grew her arms back, so why can't she forgive her poor sister? !

There are many idiot fans of Yvonne clamoring on the Star Network, and some people have completely forgotten that Princess Eliza is a heroic female war goddess who resisted the Zerg.

They don't have big rights or big wrongs, big love or righteousness. They only care about the small love between men and women or between men.

I feel extremely sad and supportive for Yvonne who bravely pursues love but ends up miserable!

Now seeing Yvonne arrogantly targeting Tao Yao, many idiot fans not only didn't think Yvonne was too aggressive, but felt that it should be so.

Their Yvonne is a real princess.

And what is Tao Yao?

How dare you call yourself "Goddess Taoyao"?

Some of this group of idiot fans continued to stay in Yifuna's live broadcast room to praise her, while others went to Tao Yao's live broadcast room to insult and ridicule her in various ways.

Fans of Tao Yao: ...Ma De, I can't stand the cliff!

Just like that, before Tao Yao and Yifna took action, their fans started to fight in the live broadcast room.

Tao Yao had no time to pay attention to this. She communicated with her teammates with her eyes tacitly while continuing to be wary of Yvonne.

This is a market where people come and go. If someone really takes action, even though Yifna is outnumbered, Tao Yao and others will not be without the possibility of escaping.

If everything goes well, maybe I can give Yvonne some color while escaping!

Tao Yao suddenly regretted that she should be like "Doctor He" and prepare some hidden weapons with "added ingredients" in advance.

There is no need to stab the vital part at all, just scratch a little skin——


Just when Tao Yao was secretly regretting it, she suddenly heard a sound breaking through the air.

It seemed like something was flying from behind.

Tao Yao felt a chill on her back, and she subconsciously wanted to dodge.

However, the "UFO" was very fast, and its target did not seem to be her.

Tao Yao watched helplessly as a familiar wooden thorn passed over her shoulder, and then pierced directly into Ivona's cheek!


Yvonne let out a shrill scream. She didn't know there was any deadly poison on the wooden thorns. She only knew: "My face! My face!"

As a love brain, having a beautiful face is one of her greatest confidences.

But now, her delicate and perfect face was stabbed by a flying hidden weapon!

"Who? Who is it? Who is so bold and dares to-"

Ivona was like a crazy female animal, crying and howling while desperately trying to find the murderer.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The "entourage" around her were all stunned.

They simply couldn't believe that there were "assassins" in Yifna's territory, surrounded by people like them.

Yvonne's screams and roars woke everyone up.

These people finally reacted, shouting words such as "Come here, catch the assassin", and searched the crowd desperately with their eyes.

And faster than these people, there is still a black shadow.

He was like a big, flexible bird. His figure rose and fell before he came to Yvonne.

While the "followers" were shouting or searching, the man waved his palm, and a cold light flashed through.



Yvonne opened her mouth in pain, wanting to touch the murder weapon on her face and cover the wound on her neck, but she felt like she was too busy.

And what was faster than her hands was her rapidly passing vitality.

Due to the strong poison and having her throat cut, Ivona lost her heartbeat almost instantly.


Everyone, including Tao Yao and others, were stunned by the scene in front of them.

"Princess Yvonne is dead?!"

"No, Princess Evena was killed!"

"Ah ah ah, run quickly, Princess Yvonne is dead! Gang No. 7 is finished!"

"Ma Dan, how dare you do something in the market?"

"You're so big, don't you know if Yvonne was killed? Market No. 7 is over!"

"Robbing! Killing! Do it quickly!"

The originally orderly market suddenly turned into a mess.

Many adventurers used real pictures to show netizens what it means to be "heaven one second and hell the next"!

The buyers and sellers who were haggling just now suddenly turned into a life-and-death enemy camp.

Shouting, begging for mercy, screaming, crying... all kinds of sounds intertwined together, it's like a living hell!

"Dr. He?"

Of course Tao Yao saw everything that happened around him.

But she couldn't care less at the moment, she stared blankly at the figure that was obliterating Yvonne.

Yes, the person who flew out the wooden thorns and slashed Yvonne's carotid artery with a scalpel was none other than the newly recruited "teammate" Stanley Ho in their team.

But, why?

Although Tao Yao had been with Stanley Ho for less than a week, they didn't have much communication with each other.

However, Tao Yao still had some understanding of this taciturn Doctor He——

Dr. He is not a murderous person.

He won't even take the initiative to attack, basically "counter-attack".

Moreover, most of the people he killed were perverts and scum who committed extremely evil crimes.

Yvonne is disgusting, but she is not unforgivable.

She is a speechless best, more brainless than vicious!

In addition, Yvonne did not target Dr. He.

There is probably no grudge between them.

Yvonne is a person with a "clear distinction between grudges and grudges." If Dr. He had really offended her, she would definitely take the initiative to find someone to trouble him.

For example, if Yvona failed to frame Tao Yao once, she met her in the market today and immediately came to provoke her.

But Yvonne has no such "concern" for Dr. He.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

...What the hell is going on?

Tao Yao's mind was filled with questions. The only thing she was sure of was that Dr. He was very cruel this time.

When he was on the road before, Dr. He would kill people with wooden spikes dipped in venom, often very casually.

But today, not only did he stab Yvonne with a wooden thorn, he also used a scalpel.

Double insurance!

This is for fear that one move will miss and Yvonne will not be completely killed!

How much hatred and resentment must there be for Dr. He to be so ruthless? !

Stanley Ho: ...Actually, there is really no grudge.

At least before today, Stanley Ho didn’t know Yvonne.

But, just now, when he saw Yvonne, he suddenly felt a strong feeling in his heart——

Kill her!

Stanley Ho trusted his instincts, and although he didn't know the reason for the time being, he took action quickly and swiftly.

And at the moment when Yvonne lost her heartbeat, a "ding" seemed to sound from the depths of Stanley Ho's sea of ​​consciousness...

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