The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 394 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (18)

[The heroine took the villain script] []


Then what?

Well, there was nothing then!

He Hongtian was in a trance for a moment, feeling that his soul seemed to relax a little, and some fragments flashed through his mind.

It's just that these clips flashed by too fast, and Stanley Ho didn't catch them at all.

However, some things have become different.

A certain vague guess in Stanley Ho's heart seemed to have been torn apart and became much clearer.

He Hongtian still couldn't figure it out completely, but she had a vague feeling.

Yes, it’s a feeling!

Guided by this feeling, Stanley Ho killed Yvonne.

Then, he searched among the chaotic crowd and pinpointed one person accurately.

Ignoring the shouts of Ivona's followers to fight and kill, he squeezed his feet hard and rushed out like a cannonball.



Still wooden spines + scalpel, Stanley Ho gave a strange adventurer he had never seen before a "double insurance"!


There was another trilling "ding".

There is nothing then.

He Hongtian was in a trance again, and his soul seemed to have broken free from another shackles.

Some familiar scenes flashed before his eyes. Stanley Ho tried desperately to catch them, but still got nothing.

He pursed his lips.

He seemed to have touched the edge of some truth.

He still needs a few more trials, maybe he can figure out the whole truth!

He Hongtian secretly made a decision in his heart. He fought back to the side of Tao Yao's team, escorted them, and successfully escaped from the No. 7 Market, which was a mess.

It was him who caused the incident, and he couldn't harm Tao Yao and others.

The group of people fought and retreated, and finally escaped from the huge canyon.

After throwing away the pursuers and rushing deeper into the dense forest, Tao Yao and the others found a place to sit down and rest in shock and panting.

"Doctor He, what on earth is going on?"

Tao Yao took out the kettle and drank some water in big gulps before asking with lingering fear.

By the way, although she also plans to have a big fight with Yvonne.

But she still didn't expect that Dr. He, who had always been cold and aloof, would take action first.

Of course, Tao Yao would not be narcissistic and think that Dr. He was doing something to help her.

Doctor He definitely had his own reasons for killing Evena and causing chaos in Market No. 7!

"Yes, Doctor He, do you have a grudge against Princess Evena?"

Qiao Hu wiped the blood on his face, panted heavily, and asked curiously.

"No! I don't know her, and I have no grudge against her!"

After running away for a long time, Stanley Ho didn't feel too tired.

However, in order not to attract attention, he deliberately acted like his breath was unsteady.

"You have no grudges, why did you kill her?"

There was a mixed-race man with dreadlocks in the team, and he growled in dissatisfaction.

This Doctor He is exactly the same. He kills people very neatly, but he almost caused them to die in Market No. 7!

Not to mention the minions around Yvona, even the adventurers who rioted in the market might have accidentally killed someone from Tao Yao's team.

It’s just looking for trouble!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Not only this dirty braid, but also several other members of the team were also secretly complaining about He Hongtian.

"...Well, actually, there are many benefits to killing Yvonne!"

Seeing this scene,

Tao Yao didn't care about finding out the truth, but took the initiative to help Stanley Ho explain.

She clicked on the light screen, pulled up the latest ranking list, and pointed at the seventh position, "Look, Yvonne is dead, and all her 'assets' were inherited by the hunter Dr. He!"

Therefore, the seventh place on the ranking list has now changed from Yvonne to Stanley Ho!

"Damn it! This is really the case!"

Qiao Hu and others reacted one after another.

It's not that they didn't expect it, but they haven't turned this corner for a while.

The rules of adventurous live broadcasting are like this, the weak eat the strong, and the strong is king.

Adventurers can occupy a good position on the leaderboard by relying on rewards or star coins earned by themselves.

And some adventurers can also take their place by killing a certain adventurer.

Kill the first one and the killer will be the first one.

Then you can get amnesty and win generous rewards and glory!

All adventurers know this rule.

Unfortunately, knowing is one thing, being able to do it is another!

The adventurers who can squeeze into the top 100 may not have the highest personal abilities, but the power behind them and the followers around them are enough to scare countless "dreamers"!

However, this kind of thing that is impossible for ordinary adventurers to do was done by Stanley Ho!

Tao Yao and others: ...can't say too many words, just one word - surrender!

"Doctor He, you are so amazing. You are now ranked seventh. Moreover, including your original star coins, you are only 200,000 star coins away from sixth place!"

Tao Yao was very excited about He Hongtian.

As long as he reaches the top three, Stanley Ho will not only be exempted from all punishments, but also take away the star coins on the live broadcast account.

Oh my god, this is millions of dollars. For the rest of my life, it will be enough to eat, drink and have fun!

However, Stanley Ho looked blank and said calmly, "I didn't kill her because of this!"

Stanley Ho doesn't care about rankings, amnesty rewards and the like.

He had already made plans for his own destiny.

And as two "ding" sounds sounded from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, his feeling became more intense.

Therefore, having already made arrangements, he really doesn’t have much desire for adventurous live streaming.

"I killed her because I wanted to!"

Stanley Ho said calmly. There was no cruelty or bloodlust on his fair and gentle face, but there was a chilling coldness on his face.

In the end, he said without fear of any criticism or criticism, "She deserves to die!"

Tao Yao:......

Brother, what you said is really inviting trouble.

Not to mention those idiot fans of Ivona, even the royal family of the Empire Star, they may not be happy.

Yvonne was indeed expelled from the royal family, but she was of royal blood anyway.

For the royal family, they can punish their own family members, but they cannot tolerate anyone trampling on the royal bloodline.

It’s not about family ties, it’s mainly about face.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Perhaps during the adventure live broadcast, the royal family will not do anything with much fanfare.

But after the live broadcast, there is no need for the royal family to target him. As long as he shows some interest, someone will take the initiative to help.

By then, Stanley Ho may be dead.

Tao Yao moved her lips and wanted to say something, but in the end, she was defeated by He Hongtian's cold eyes.

"Oops, it's bad! Look!"

There was a girl in the team who felt that the atmosphere was not good, so she opened her own light screen and swiped randomly.

Suddenly, she shouted loudly, "Someone issued a killing order on the live broadcast forum, offering a reward of 1 million star coins to kill Dr. He!"

1000000? !

Oh my God, such a huge amount of money, not to mention the other members of the team, even Tao Yao and Qiao Hu are a little excited.

Of course, heartbeat is just an instinct.

Tao Yao quickly restrained herself with reason.

She quickly clicked on the light screen and entered the forum.


A hot post made the headlines.

"Must kill! The Princess Knights offer a reward of 1 million star coins to kill No. 4044 Stanley Ho!"

Princess Knights is the name of Yvonne's fan group.

However, Tao Yao had a hunch that this so-called killing order bounty was not just instigated by fans.

There is definitely a hint of royalty in it.

Yvonne's crazy fans were indeed die-hard fans, but that was when Yvonne was still alive.

Yvona is dead now, and her death is so embarrassing. It is unlikely that the idiot fans will continue to be loyal to her.

They might shout and kill on the star network, remembering Yvonne in various ways.

However, asking them to put out a sky-high price reward to hunt down a murderer... Tao Yao shook her head slightly, not thinking that those stupid fans could do this.

It’s not that they are reluctant to spend money on their idols.

Twelve thousand or thirty-five thousand are still possible, but one million? !

What are you thinking!

Do you really think that the fans are being taken advantage of? !

"Doctor He, my teammates and I will not be greedy, but we will have knots in our hearts!"

Tao Yao thought for a moment and made a decision in her heart.

Although she has no dislike for Dr. He, but rather appreciates his skills and persistence, she also has to consider the actual troubles.

For example, the 1 million reward is really exciting.

Even if Tao Yao believes in her team members, she will not test them with money.

Instead of always worrying about the day when there will be "infighting", it is better to part ways in advance.

In this way, Tao Yao can ensure the unity and stability of the team without putting everyone in danger.

"I admire you very much and want to be with you, but -"

Tao Yao bit her lower lip lightly and said these words.

Before she could finish her words, Stanley Ho stood up and said, "I know, you don't need to say anything. We are not friends, let alone partners, we are just along for the ride!"

Stanley Ho's words were not only addressed to Tao Yao and others, but also to netizens in various live broadcast rooms.

What he meant was very clear. He was not familiar with anyone in Tao Yao's team.

Those who want to seek revenge from him, or kill him to collect the reward, do not need to go to Tao Yao and others.

Because even if they attack Tao Yao's team or capture Tao Yao as a hostage, he will not be fooled.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

What Ho Hongtian said was very rude, and his eyes towards Tao Yao and others were also very cold.

When Tao Yao saw him being so ruthless, instead of feeling awkward, she felt a little grateful -

Doctor He tried his best to distance himself from Tao Yao's team because he was afraid of implicating them.

"He Hongtian, why are you talking? What do you mean we are not friends? We really think we are willing to be friends with you!"

It was still the same mixed-race man. I don't know whether he understood Stanley Ho's painstaking efforts and acted deliberately, or he was really annoyed that Stanley Ho was so cold-blooded, so he yelled angrily.

Stanley Ho glanced at him lightly.

Raise your right hand!


A wooden thorn suddenly pierced the ground in front of the mixed-race man's toes.

The mixed-race man was shocked and angry. What did this pretty boy mean?

He, he wanted to kill him? !

He Hongtian did not speak, but glanced at Tao Yao, turned around and left.


The mixed-race man became a little angry. He clenched a machete in his hand and wanted to catch up, but he didn't dare.

The whole person looked extremely contradictory.

The other team members also looked a little awkward.

"Alan, forget it! What they said is right! We are not the same people, let alone friends or partners!"

Qiao Hu and Tao Yao exchanged a look, stood up, and pulled the mixed-race man back.

After watching Ho Hongtian's aloof back disappear, Tao Yao led the team and ran in the other direction.

The two groups of people separated.

Originally, Stanley Ho had no goals, but after coming out of Market No. 7, he had a "feeling".

And he was pursuing this feeling, seemingly aimlessly, but in fact he was walking through the forest with some agenda.

"Look! That's Stanley Ho! I've found his traces. Send the location quickly and go to the forum to get——"

Before the word "bounty" could be uttered, an excited adventurer fell to the ground.

A pair of feet casually stepped over the body, leaving only a face of unwillingness and fear.

Ho Hongtian killed as he walked. Along the way, he didn't know how many people he killed.

What he didn't know was that on the third day after the collapse of Market No. 7, a mysterious-looking team chased a black figure into the canyon.

"General, there are residual pheromones in the air, but not much!"

A young man with red hair held a special instrument in his hand, testing it while reporting back to the people around him.

The general he spoke of, Huo Huating, who ranked first on the rankings, was less than thirty years old, but extremely calm.

With cold eyes, he stood on the hillside and looked down at the hinterland of the canyon.

The once bustling market was now littered with corpses, and some strange beasts and vultures were gnawing at the corpses crazily.

Huo Huating and others all turned on the "blocking" function, so the tragic scene in the canyon was not seen by the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"If I remember correctly, this should be Yvonne's camp!"

Huo Huating looked at the canyon, compared it with the map, and said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Just three days ago, Yvonne was killed, and her Market No. 7 was also destroyed."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The red-haired man replied respectfully.

Mentioning Ivona, the red-haired man also thought of some gossip and said smoothly, "The Dragon Royal Family of the Empire Star, if they don't say anything, they will be angry to death secretly!"

"Regardless of whether Ivona was expelled from the royal family by the Long family, she was once a royal princess, but in the end-"

Don’t the Long family want to lose face?

The killing order worth millions of star coins made headlines on the forum.

"Where's Yvonne's body? Was it taken away by the Long family, or was it left here?"

Huo Huating didn't care about the gossip about the Empire Star. He was more concerned about the matter he was investigating.

Although there was no evidence, his intuition told him that there might be a huge secret hidden in Yvonne.

Unfortunately, Yvonne died.

So her body becomes somewhat important.

"...It seems that he is staying here. Because the Long family only issued a killing order to kill the murderer, and did not issue a reward for getting Yvona's body back!"

The red-haired man answered the question, but he was complaining in his heart:

It is indeed a hypocritical royal family. If they really care about their princess, they don't say to get the body back, but just clamor to catch the murderer!

"You have Yvonne's genetic sample, and you should be able to find Yvonne's body based on the sample, right?"

"Of course!...Uh, boss, I understand, I'll find it right now!"

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