The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 395 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (19)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

When the red-haired man saw that Huo Huating looked serious and ignored his joke, he knew it was not good to continue teasing.

He quickly picked up the equipment and operated it with a crackle, and soon found Yvonne's trace among the hundreds of corpses in the canyon.

"General, this is it!"

A group of people came closer, and the red-haired man pointed at a corpse that had been chewed and said.

After saying that, the red-haired man couldn't help but make a comment in a low voice: "Tsk, how miserable. After all, she is also a royal princess, but she ended up dead and exposed in the wilderness!"

"Former, royal princess! The Long family has expelled Yvonne from her ancestral home!"

"Tch, forget it, if you are really kicked out of the house, who gave the massive rewards on Yvonne's live broadcast account? Do you really think those idiot fans are so rich?"

"They just want to use Yifna's identity as a 'criminal' to try to seize resources from our Interstellar Alliance!"

"...That's not right either. If it's really Empire Star's plan, then why don't they choose someone reliable?"

For example, their alliance realized that there was a problem with this planet, so they sent them directly and let General Huo Huating lead the team!

On the other hand, on the Empire's side, tsk tsk, send a love brain who doesn't have enough brains.

She has ability but not ability, and IQ but not IQ, but she has accumulated so many resources crazily and pushed her into the top ten rankings.

As a result, Princess Ivona, who "spoke for true love", did not know whether she helped the Long Empire, but she was directly killed by an adventurer who coveted her position!

Yes, many netizens believe that when Stanley Ho suddenly killed Yvonne and caused a scene in the No. 7 market, he just took a fancy to Yvonne's seventh position.

Get rid of her and Stanley Ho can replace her!

After all, looking at Stanley Ho's life, he and Yvonne had no intersection, let alone any grievances!

If it’s not revenge, it can only be for profit!

"Ha, the Long Empire suffered a huge loss this time!"

"There's nothing we can do about it. Who can tell them how to recognize people?"

The dozen "adventurers" in Huo Huating's team bear the name of criminals, but they all reveal justice and tenacity in their bones.

They were soldiers of the Union Army and their most loyal warriors.

Coming to participate in the adventure live broadcast is not for "amnesty", but to complete the mission.

"Amo, check carefully to see if there are any related pheromones!"

Huo Huating didn't seem to hear his subordinates' gossip and gave direct instructions to the red-haired man.

"...Yes, General!"

Amo, the red-haired man who was having a heated discussion with his teammates, felt helpless.

Alas, their generals are good at everything, but they don't like to talk and do things strictly.

It was as if there was nothing else worthy of his attention in this vast interstellar space except fighting.

"But, General, it's been three days since Ivona died. Even if there are clues, they probably won't be too many!"

Amo's hands were operating the equipment quickly, but he didn't forget to chatter.

Don't get me wrong, he's not making excuses in advance, he's telling the truth.

"I know. Just check it out!"

Of course Huo Huating knew that they were late, but since they had found Yvonne, they had to investigate carefully.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Perhaps, we can still find some clues.


Amo took the equipment and carefully examined the object that could no longer be seen as human-shaped, and actually captured sporadic data.

"What, did you find anything?"

Hearing the whispers from his subordinates,

Huo Huating's expression remained unchanged and he asked in a deep voice.

"General, something is definitely wrong with Yvonne. It's just that the remaining pheromones are too little, so I can't make an accurate judgment!"

Amo didn't hesitate, he answered seriously.

"..." Huo Huating looked deeply at "Evona", then at Amo who was operating the equipment seriously, and began to think deeply.

After a long time, Huo Huating clicked on the light screen and searched for all of Ivona's videos in the live video library.

He picked up the excerpts of Yvonne's last moments, slowed down and watched them over and over a dozen times.

Finally, he took a few pictures and told his subordinates: "Give me the information on these people to investigate carefully!"

In several screenshots of the video, the faces of He Hongtian, Tao Yao and other adventurers who had contact with Yifna before her death were revealed.

"Especially for this 4044, not only will we find out all about his life, but we will also focus on analyzing all his words and deeds after entering the adventure park——"

Huo Huating had a hunch that adventurer No. 4044 didn't kill Yvonne so neatly just for the so-called ranking.

In other words, this is not his main purpose.

"Hey! Wait!"

Huo Huating had just given the order and when he was studying the video of Evena's death again, his finger accidentally dragged the progress bar too much.

He discovered that after killing Evena, No. 4044 took advantage of the chaos in the market to kill an inconspicuous adventurer.

Huo Huating hurriedly intercepted the image data of the "victim" and sent it to Amo: "Check quickly to see if this person's body is still there? Where is it specifically?"

Seeing Huo Huating's rare eagerness, Amo knew that the matter was important.

He didn't waste any time, quickly received the picture and started operating on the light screen.

Fortunately, everyone participating in the adventure live broadcast is a criminal, and according to interstellar law, in order to determine the identity of the criminal or facilitate the detection of the case, the genetic information of the "suspect" will be retained.

What Amo has to do now is to locate a certain adventurer based on the data in the gene bank.

"...Boss, I found it!"

After a few minutes, a large amount of information flashed across Amo's screen.

Finally, it was settled on a three-dimensional map.

And this map shows exactly the Grand Canyon.

Amo zoomed in on the map and found the specific location of the body.

"Let's go! Go over and take a look!"

Huo Huating gave the order and the team quickly found the body.

And this person is obviously "luckier" than Evena.

His body was pinned down by other adventurers. Wild beasts, vultures, etc. just ate up the adventurers on him, but this man's body was almost unharmed.

A very complete sentence of corpse, just natural decay.

Ignoring those disgusting maggots, Amo inspected the body on his own without Hua Ting's instructions.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"General! Something was discovered! Look -"

Surprise flashed in Amo's eyes, and he "transmitted" the information on his light screen to Huo Huating's light screen with a swipe of his hand.

Huo Huating looked at it carefully, and finally the corners of his mouth curved: "Not bad! I finally found it!"

And the guess in his heart was also verified.

"Check again where the 4044 is!"

Huo Huating hurriedly issued the order.

Amo continued to operate, but soon he raised his head and said helplessly, "This person has turned on the 'shielding' function!"

So, within five hours, they couldn't find him at all.

Huo Huating was not too frustrated. After thinking for a moment, he had another idea, "Where is this person? Where is she?"

Huo Huating's slender fingers traced back and forth on the light screen, and finally landed on a face with a smile like a flower.

Amo came over and took a look, "Huh? Isn't this the biggest dark horse of this live broadcast! Fans call her the Goddess Taoyao!"

Huo Huating looked at Amo calmly.

He didn't speak, but his eyes were very clear: I don't care about Taoyao or Dryad, I just want to know, where is this woman? !

No. 4044 has turned on the shield, but his "teammates" should not all "disappear".

By studying the live video, Huo Huating felt that even if No. 4044 was not Taoyao's teammate, he was still someone with a relatively close relationship.

If we find Tao Yao, we may be able to find the whereabouts of No. 4044.

"General! Found them. They are about 210 kilometers away from us!"

Amo has a bad mouth, but is very efficient.

In just a few minutes, he located their current location through the pictures that appeared in Tao Yao's live broadcast room.


Huo Huating acted resolutely and refused to waste any time.

So, the group of people quickly ran towards the location of Tao Yao's team.

Speaking of Tao Yao, they parted ways with Stanley Ho three days ago, and their team headed towards the location of Market No. 9.

Without Stanley Ho, the aloof lone wolf, the atmosphere of Tao Yao's team returned to the relaxed and casual atmosphere of the past.

When Tao Yao faced the fans in the live broadcast room, she no longer felt the embarrassment before and continued to be a "food anchor" who knew how to popularize science.

"Lulu Luuluo has made the interstellar escape into the 'interstellar on the tip of the tongue'. Apart from our goddess Taoyao, there is no one else!"

"Speaking of which, the spicy crayfish dish at noon was really delicious. It turns out that this kind of thing with teeth and claws is the favorite food of my grandma and her generation."

"It doesn't seem to be the authentic Ma Xiao. I'm not saying that the goddess's cooking skills are not good, but the crayfish on this planet are not the same species as the crayfish from Blue Star."

"Haha, yes, I found Ma Xiao from the Blue Star era in the old videos saved by my grandfather. That head is more than three times smaller than the crayfish we 'ate' for lunch!"

"Tao Yao is still awesome. When other adventurers see a 'crayfish' like this, they will only think it is an unknown strange beast. Only our goddess Taoyao actually knows that it is an upgraded version of crayfish!"

"I heard that several of the top hotels in the Empire Star that specialize in Blue Star cuisine have sent invitations to Goddess Taoyao, hoping that she will serve as a food consultant for their hotels!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Haha, he is an ingredient consultant. After all, only our goddess Taoyao knows what can and cannot be eaten!"

"Tch! The person upstairs is not an old fan at first glance. When it first started airing, Tao Yao once told a joke from the Blue Star era——"

"Let me say it, let me say it! Tao Yao once said, 'In China, things that are edible are called ingredients, things that are inedible are called building materials, and things that are edible but not delicious are called medicinal materials'!"

"Pfft! There is such a statement, it makes me laugh so hard!"

The fans in Tao Yao's live broadcast room are so lively and happy.

Tao Yao also enjoys this feeling of being recognized and liked.

She had successfully survived for 18 days and had long since been exempted from punishment.

Moreover, because she discovered several edible and valuable ingredients, the relevant departments of the Empire Star rewarded her with merit points.

As long as her merit points reach a certain value, she can still get "amnesty" even if she can't get a high ranking on the adventure live broadcast rankings.

Tao Yao did not ask for pardon, but only asked the empire to reopen her case.

In this way, she can completely clear herself of the stigma.

And the star coins and traffic gained from this adventurous live broadcast will also give her an extremely bright and brilliant future.

When she thought of this, Tao Yao became full of energy.

She actively interacts with fans and is more enthusiastic about searching for new species on the planet.

"Huh? I've never seen such a blue fruit before!"

Tao Yao turned on the light screen, interacted with fans, and carefully "hunted for treasure" in the jungle.

Not to mention, she was very lucky this afternoon. Tao Yao actually discovered a wild fruit that she had never seen before.

This is a bit strange!

Tao Yao traveled from the Blue Star era. Before time travel, she was a person who liked watching live broadcasts in the wild, and she was studying biology.

After arriving on this new planet, Tao Yao was definitely like a fish in the sea, which is like a fish in water.

Although the species on this planet are not exactly the same as those in the Blue Star era, there are similarities.

Relying on Sahuagu's knowledge before traveling through time, Tao Yao quickly adapted to this planet.

Not relying on killing or conspiracy, but simply discovering "ingredients" and making delicious things, Tao Yao quickly became the dark horse of this episode.

Without fear of being scolded as arrogant, Tao Yao felt that on this new planet, she could definitely be regarded as an "encyclopedia boss".

But...she had never seen this blue fruit before.

The color is like a blueberry, but the shape and size are like an orange, but there are no wrinkles of orange peel. Instead, there are several cherries on one branch.

This fruit seems to be a hybrid of several fruits, but it doesn't feel weird at all.

It seems like it was born this way.

What interests Tao Yao most is the strange fragrance of this fruit.

Yep, that's not right, it's not just a taste, but a feeling that makes people feel mentally happy and joyful.

It stands to reason that people should maintain a minimum of respect for unknown things.

Don't try it if you're not sure whether it's toxic.

The moment Tao Yao saw these fruits, she had a strong feeling deep in her heart: Eat them! Eat it! Eat it!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Tao Yao couldn't control it for a moment and actually picked one and ate it in big mouthfuls.

It's not sweet, not sour, not bitter, not astringent, and doesn't have any of the flavors that normal fruits should have.

If she had to use a metaphor, Tao Yao felt as if she was drinking a solid version of water.

It's either ice or water that you can bite.

There is obviously no taste, but when you eat it, all the nerves in your body seem to be nourished.

Tao Yao felt that her mind was clear and her six senses became extremely sharp.

nice one!

This is definitely good stuff!

Although Tao Yao didn't know its specific effects yet, every cell in her body was shouting: Eating it will be good for her body.

"Ah ah! Did Goddess Taoyao discover something good again?"

"Her eyes lit up instantly!"

"Definitely, every time Goddess Taoyao eats something good, her eyes will sparkle, and this time, it seems to be especially obvious..."

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