The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 396 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (20)

"Tao Yao, my gene chain seems to have become stable!"

When Tao Yao found something good, she would not hide it. She ate several in succession, and then picked a small basket.

Back at the camp, she distributed the blue fruit to all the members of the team.

Everyone trusts Tao Yao very much, and Tao Yao is also the most famous "gourmet" in this live broadcast.

If the ingredients she said are good, then they must be really good!

Without hesitation, everyone picked up the fruit and gnawed it.

Well, it just tastes like this. It's not unpleasant to say that it's delicious, but it seems to be reluctant to say it's delicious.

This is "eating" a ball of water.

However, just when everyone was saying they were disappointed but not too disappointed, the mixed-race man in the team suddenly shouted.

His name is Alan, and he was once a soldier in the Royal Regiment.

With the development of science and technology, human research on the human body and genes has reached a very high level.

Not only has a magical treatment cabin been developed, it can also maximize human potential and make genes more and more perfect.

However, there is a saying that "too much is never enough".

In other words, "good fortune and misfortune depend on each other."

While human beings develop themselves to the greatest extent, they also cause a terrible "terminal disease" - genetic disease.

Once the human body is stimulated to the greatest extent, without other assistance, its own genetic chain will easily collapse.

Genetic instability can at least turn a strong person into a weakling.

At worst, the gene chain will collapse, turning a good person into a cripple or dying directly!

Allen was one of the first people to be found to have a "genetic disease."

Allen was forced to retire just after the cause of the disease was found out, and his mentality was somewhat shattered by the huge stimulation.

Under the distortion, he actually began to want to take revenge on society.

Of course, Allen's rampage was stopped, but he was still jailed for endangering public safety.

His sentence was not long;

Only fifteen years.

For the interstellar era that has successfully extended human lifespan to one hundred and fifty years, fifteen years is just a small section in the long river of time.

However, Allen still chose to participate in the adventure live broadcast.

He is not seeking amnesty, but wants to make more money to buy gene-targeted drugs.

Although this drug cannot completely cure the defect in the gene chain, it can provide some relief.

Allen hopes that he can survive for a few more years, and maybe he can survive until technology advances to the point where genetic diseases can be cured.

Unfortunately, this hope is slim.

Therefore, Allen is the person with the most unstable mentality in the entire team.

He is hateful and pitiful, and he is sincerely and inexplicably jealous of his teammates - why is it that no one has a genetic disease, but I am so unlucky? !

Fortunately, he met Tao Yao, a girl six years younger than him. Not only did she give him some salvation with delicious food, but she also infected him with her kind and positive emotions.

Allen is not as resentful and cynical as he was at the beginning. At most, he will say some complaining words sometimes.

However, this is within the scope of normal people and cannot be considered abnormal.

"What? You said your gene chain - no, how do you know your gene chain has become stable?"

Tao Yao was a little surprised, but she was sensible and still raised questions.

"I, I can't tell, I just have a feeling. By the way, I, my hearing power seems to have recovered a bit!"

Allen was so excited that he could hardly speak.

After he contracted a genetic disease, his normal hearing began to become abnormal.

Without warning, he lost hearing in his left ear.

The doctor said that this was just a sign of instability in the genetic chain.

If it continues to deteriorate, he may also have neurological problems in his brain.

A patient who was diagnosed with a genetic disease in the same batch had the most serious condition and directly became brain dead.

Apart from being able to breathe, he is almost a living dead.

At this moment, whether it was an illusion or not, Allen vaguely felt that he could hear sounds in his left ear again.

Hearing this, Tao Yao looked at Qiao Hu.

Qiao Hu turned over, stood up from the ground, found a stone, and came to Allen's side.

He lightly tapped the dagger with the stone on Allen's left and right sides.



Two small, crisp sounds made Alan even more excited.

"I heard it! I, I really heard it! My genetic disease seems to be showing signs of improvement!"

Allen cried and laughed, a grown man in his twenties, but like a madman.

"Holy crap! No, can genetic diseases be cured?"

"Is it just a hallucination? This is a genetic disease, and even the treatment cabin can't do anything about it!"

"Probably not. Didn't Qiao Hu help with the experiment just now?"

"...Is it the effect of that blue fruit? Relevant departments, hurry up and send someone to investigate!"

"Yes! Yes! Urgently call the relevant departments of the Empire Star!"

"If there is really a way to slow down or cure the speed of gene chain collapse, then, that will definitely be good news for the entire galaxy!"

"No, you crazy fans are too good at making connections. Maybe it's just a coincidence or an accident. Why is it related to some blue fruit?"

"Exactly! Don't you still want to say that your goddess Taoyao discovered a magical fruit with magical effects, and is the great blessing of the entire galaxy, and is some kind of savior!"

"As expected of a brainless fan, he really has no brains!"

On the public screen, some people cheered, and some black fans threw dirty water.

But no matter what, Tao Yao's live broadcast room became lively again.

# Blue fruit #

# Adventure live broadcast reveals mysterious new species that can cure genetic diseases #

# Tao Yao genetic disease blue fruit #

These terms quickly appeared on’s hot search list.

The relevant departments were really attracted to this.

“If it’s true or false, you’ll know by verifying it on the spot!”

This is a comment made by a relatively neutral and calm netizen, and it is also the view of many melon-eaters.

That’s right, give it a try and test it. If it really works, it will be the only hope for many patients with unstable gene chains.

"This Tao Yao is really magical!"

Huo Huating, who was working hard to pursue Tao Yao's team, saw the news on the Star Network while taking a break.

He rarely gossiped, but he couldn't help it and made a low comment.

"...Boss, do you think a wild fruit can really cure a genetic disease?"

Amo, who was sitting next to Huo Huating, heard his boss's muttering and couldn't help but gossip.

"It's hard to say! The interstellar world is full of all kinds of magical species, and many of our drugs are extracted from nature."

Huo Huating said pertinently.

Although blue fruit can cure diseases or something, it sounds a bit fantasy.

But nature is so magical.

The healing agent in the treatment cabin was originally extracted from a magical plant on a certain planet.

The planet they were on now was originally a new planet that had just been discovered.

What kind of miraculous species there are on the planet? Without in-depth research and actual experiments, even the most authoritative experts dare not make comments easily.

"That's what you said! However, if that blue fruit can really cure genetic diseases, the discoverer, Tao Yao, is the biggest contributor to this adventurous live broadcast!"

Amo said enviously, "Amnesty, honor, and countless bonuses——"

Even if she leaves the adventure live broadcast now, Tao Yao can still get these things that all adventurers dream of.

Huo Huating:...

He didn't speak, but his "acquiescence" attitude was also in agreement with Amo's words.

After a while, Huo Huating stood up and said, "Okay, it's almost time to rest. Let's continue!"

After giving the order, the members of the team quickly stood up and set off following Huo Huating.

Netizens in the live broadcast room: "..."

It's not that they don't want to post barrages, it's just that they have nothing to say.

If it is said that Stanley Ho deliberately did not turn on the screen and refused to interact with netizens.

Then Huo Huating simply forgot that he was still live broadcasting.

He was still the same as when he led troops to fight in the past, being taciturn and obeying orders.

He didn't have much communication with his "team members" throughout the whole process.

The few times he spoke, it was mostly to give orders.

As for why he did this, not only would he not explain it to netizens, he would not waste any time talking to his "teammates."

Anyway, it didn’t look like it was being broadcast live at all.

On Stanley Ho's side, netizens can still accuse him of being a death row prisoner and pretending to be aloof.

Huo Huating's side is...well, General Huo is the Thunder Warrior, the hero of the entire galaxy.

Although the hero is now stigmatized, no matter how much the keyboard warrior likes to argue, he can't say anything too harsh to General Huo.

Don't talk, laugh or comment, just watch silently, at least give General Huo some popularity!

Huo Huating didn't care about the reaction of the netizens in the live broadcast room. He came to participate in the adventure live broadcast not really for the "live broadcast".

He's there to get the job done.

Now that the mission was clear, he naturally wanted to go all out.

Tao Yao's discovery not only attracted Huo Huating's attention, but the relevant departments also responded very quickly.

They contacted Tao Yao through the live broadcast room in advance, then took a starship and arrived at the planet in less than an hour.

Then, based on the location provided by Tao Yao, an investigation team composed of leaders, doctors, and reporters was successfully found.

"Doctor, let's check Allen first. See if his damaged genetic chain shows signs of repair!"

Seeing that the "expert" had arrived and brought some professional medical equipment, Tao Yao hurriedly requested.

The doctor glanced at the leader.

The leader nodded slightly. He also wanted to know the exact test results.

So, in front of everyone and many netizens, the doctor examined Allen on the spot.

"...Although it's not very obvious, there are signs of repair!"

The doctor was very surprised. He pointed at some graphics and data on the light screen and kept talking.

The leader, Tao Yao and everyone else were confused.

There is no way, the lines are separated like mountains. This kind of too professional stuff is really difficult for non-professionals to understand.

"So, that blue fruit does have the effect of repairing the gene chain?"

The leader coughed lightly and asked the most critical question.

This is also the question that everyone here and online who are paying attention to this matter wants to know most.

Doctor: ...No, I just said that this mixed-race boy’s gene chain does show signs of recovery. As for why he is like this, I, I don’t know!

Medicine is rigorous and leaves no room for doubt.

Pushing up his glasses, the doctor said seriously: "I am not an expert in studying animals and plants. I don't know the efficacy of the blue fruit!"

Leaders and everyone:…

Saying it means saying it in vain.

However, after thinking about it for a moment, everyone came to their senses.

Yes, if you want to know the efficacy of blue fruit, you need relevant experts to conduct experiments.

It just so happens that there are talents in this field in this "expert team".

"Professor Xu, please!"

The leader ordered someone to pick the blue fruit and solemnly handed it over to an old man in his fifties or sixties.

This is an expert in biology and genetics, a professor at Imperial University, and a master in related fields.

He knew the purpose of his trip and was very curious about the blue fruit.

So, he carries the necessary tools and helpers.

Still in full public view, Professor Xu conducted a series of research.

After three full hours, Professor Xu, who looked serious, finally had a smile on his face.

"After our preliminary experiments, we found that this blue fruit contains an active factor, and this factor does have some positive effects on repairing gene chains!"

“However, more experiments are needed for more detailed and accurate results!”

Professor Xu is more prudent and speaks very reservedly.

In fact, until we thoroughly understand why the gene chain becomes unstable or even directly breaks down, we still cannot truly determine the so-called "effective drug"!

To put it in layman’s terms, if you don’t even know the cause of the disease, how can you better overcome it?

Professor Xu is a teacher himself and is used to being a teacher.

Therefore, when he explained to everyone, he was afraid that ordinary netizens would not understand, so he did not use those awkward professional terms, but used a more straightforward way.

"...Professor Xu makes it clear!"

"Yes, what exactly is going on? Why does a good gene chain collapse?"

"In the past, 'genetic diseases' referred to hereditary diseases, but now, if a good person turns into a disabled person, he will become a disabled person without any reason or many symptoms. It is simply terrible!"

"That's right, and the people who get sick are basically young and healthy people. They are either soldiers or scientific researchers. It is simply a loss to the galaxy!"

"That's my sister. She is a top student at the Royal First Military Academy. She participated in the war against the Zerg last year. She was not injured during the battle. Suddenly, she -"

"So, experts, please hurry up and study why our human gene chain collapsed?"

Several netizens in the live broadcast room were discussing it enthusiastically.

Even Tao Yao couldn't help but find the famous doctor and asked: "Doctor, haven't you found out how the genetic disease is formed yet?"

However, before the doctor could speak, there was a familiar male voice coming from far away.

"Why else? Of course, the mental power is too strong, and the physical body cannot withstand such heavy pressure!"

Everyone was startled and looked over following the sound.

He saw Stanley Ho coming out of the corner. His expression was stern and his voice was calm, as if what he was talking about was not a shocking discovery, but just an inconspicuous thing.

"Mental strength?"

Tao Yao's pupils shrank, and the experts present seemed thoughtful.

At this moment, Stanley Ho approached without any obstruction.

With no one on guard, he raised his hand and a cold light flashed through.

The young leader who had been having a heated discussion with everyone just now covered his neck and fell heavily to the ground.

"Ding! The anti-virus task is completed, and you have obtained 60 points..."

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