The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 397 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (21)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Then, there was no more.

There are no achievement points, no rewards, only a reward for completing the task!

However, He Hongtian, oh no, is our classmate He Tiantian, but he doesn't care very much.

Because compared with the previous two "dings", this time she finally completed the basic anti-virus task and released the shackles of the virus on the small world.

All her memories were restored, and she finally didn't have to worry about it every day - Damn it! I am actually a scumbag and a scum who tortured and killed my ex-wife!

In less than a month after wearing it, He Tiantian was in pain all the time.

She has no memory of her own. From the moment she woke up in the body of "He Hongtian", she believed that this death row inmate who had committed a serious crime was herself!

However, the voice in her heart told her: I shouldn't be such a person!

This is very confusing and painful.

Her instinct told her that she was not a scumbag.

But the memories she had and the truth she could find were clearly in front of her. "Ho Hongtian" was a death row prisoner who deserved his crime!

In the first few anti-virus missions, He Tiantian also lost his memory and transformed into a super villain.

However, no matter what weird things the original owner did, he never seriously violated the law.

Although the law is the lowest moral standard, if you completely ignore the law and openly trample on it, then it is really hopeless.

I can't even wash it white with bleach.

To be honest, He Tiantian is not a person who "kills relatives for justice".

She is selfish by nature and has never been ashamed of her selfishness.

But this time, Stanley Ho really made her feel self-loathing and self-doubt all the time.

She even made a big decision!

Of course, now that she has recovered her memory and knows the difference between herself and "Ho Hong-Tian", she will still stick to her decision.

But it can be seen from this that He Tiantian really hates "Ho Hongtian".

This person definitely guessed the red thread in He Tiantian's heart!


Therefore, after coming back, He Tiantian believed that she was "He Hongtian" even because of the virus. After she suddenly gained many skills, she never thought about clearing her name.

To be honest, with her skills, it is not easy to clear Stanley Ho's name in the adventure live broadcast.

He Tiantian did not do this, and even angrily criticized netizens in front of the live broadcast camera, fully revealing her hateful true face.

Not to mention whitewashing, He Tiantian didn't even cover up.

She just wants "Ho Hongtian" to be accused and reviled by the entire Internet!

"...Tiantian, the basic anti-virus task is completed, but this task is still not completely completed!"

Little D rolled out. He had no idea what to do.

It said worriedly, "Tiantian, have you thought of it? Oh, why is it so troublesome!"

It is indeed an artificial intelligence, but it is not a living person.

Little D can't understand human emotions at all. He doesn't like to guess. Instead, he likes to directly set questions and then answer them truthfully.

There is no standard answer to a question like this one, and little D is really one of the best.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"We already have an idea!"

He Tiantian curled her lips and used her consciousness to communicate with Little D.

"Ah? Really? Great! Tiantian, tell me, how to do this task?"

Little classmate D was very excited.

Xiao Yuan's body was jumping up and down, and he kept asking questions.

"Don't worry, just watch what I do! Once I'm done, you'll understand!"

He Tiantian did not rush to explain to Little D, but pretended to be mysterious.

cut! Just know how to sell it!

Little D’s classmate did not dare to say anything, but silently complained in his heart.

However, it soon realized that now was not their time for small talk.

Before He Tiantian regained her memory, she did something under the guise of "He Hongtian".

"Mr. Dawson? Mr. Dawson?! What's wrong with you?"

After the leader fell to the ground, the people around him were stunned for a moment.

Obviously, they never expected that someone would kill the director of the Imperial Star's Royal Office in public.

This is a close confidant of His Majesty the Emperor. Although his official position is not very high, he is definitely his confidant.

Even the dignitaries of the Empire Star cannot kill such a person on the spur of the moment.

And this Stanley Ho, he is just a death row prisoner, he, he actually dares to commit such a deadly attack!

It took a long time for everyone to react. Several public officials from the Imperial Star rushed forward in a hurry, shouting incessantly.

Tao Yao and others looked at each other in shock.

They knew Dr. He was just and ruthless, but...but...the scene in front of them still broke through their understanding.

After a long silence, Tao Yao said as if to help cover it up, "Did he misunderstand and think Mr. Dawson is also an adventurer?"

In the adventure park, adventurers can fight each other.

Although this reason is far-fetched, it is not completely unreasonable.

Even the other members of the expert team were shocked, angry, and couldn't help but feel a little shaken.

Yes, before they were only here to verify the blue fruit, but they forgot that this is not the Empire Star, nor is it any other planet that pays attention to laws.

If there is an assassination, it seems that the adventurer cannot be entirely blamed.

After saying this, Tao Yao felt more and more that there might be a misunderstanding.

She didn't mean to help Stanley Ho escape, but she felt that this man was not as hateful as his crime.

In the past few days of getting along, Tao Yao's intuition told her: Stanley Ho is a person with upright views and a bottom line.

He used evil to fight evil, and killed to stop killing. Looking at the blood, it also brought comfort to the families of many victims on the Star Network - all the executioners who had brutally harmed their relatives were killed by Dr. He.

Those scum have no chance of getting amnesty, let alone taking advantage of any loopholes!

To be honest, sometimes Tao Yao felt very happy watching it and felt very relieved.

Tao Yao has been "teammate" with Stanley Ho for a few days. Even though they don't have a deep relationship, they are not strangers.

At least compared to Mr. Dawson who they met for the first time, Tao Yao's heart was more biased towards Stanley Ho!

If possible, Tao Yao also hopes that Stanley Ho will not be in any danger, let alone get into trouble.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Be good and survive in the adventure park for 100 days, and you will have a very bright future.

...Uh, okay, Tao Yao knew that her outlook on life was a bit dangerous.

Even if it was really a misunderstanding, Mr. Dawson was innocent, and a living life should not die like this.

Alas, I feel so conflicted!

Tao Yao couldn't help but sigh secretly in her heart.

After pinching her palms hard, Tao Yao, a kind and upright person, decided to stick to her three views.

She can no longer help Dr. He make excuses. Killing is killing, and misunderstandings and other things cannot erase this fact!

Pursing her lips, Tao Yao felt ashamed of her words and deeds just now!

However, He Tiantian did not give in to the excuse she had just made for "He Hongtian" because of her temporary softness.

"No misunderstanding! I just deliberately wanted to kill this person——"

He Tiantian said coldly.

Tao Yao closed her eyes, okay, I just helped you out of conscience, but you didn't appreciate it.

Then, no matter what fate you end up with, it will be considered as the end of your kindness!

"Okay, you are indeed deliberately killing people! You know that Mr. Dawson is not an adventurer, but you still-"

A public official who ran to Dawson, the director of the royal office, stood up angrily, pointed at He Tiantian and accused him.

And just when the public official wanted to summon the accompanying royal guards to arrest the murderer "Ho Hong-Tian", suddenly another voice came: "Stop!"

Everyone looked at the person coming.

At this time, it was getting late, and in the afterglow of the setting sun, a tall and upright figure quickly approached!

"Huo Huating?"

"Thunder Warrior?!"

"...Okay, even if you are General Huo, you can't interfere with the affairs of our empire!"

"That's right, murder is a felony, let alone killing innocent public officials. This is a proper way to fight against the empire——"

Everyone was surprised at first, but several public officials were the first to react and shouted at Huo Huating in a very unkind tone.

Huo Huating ignored these people's reprimands and objections, and hurried to Dawson.

"Amo, hurry up! Check the situation quickly!"

Huo Huating reached out and touched Dawson's carotid artery. There was no beating anymore.

However, his body was still mild, indicating that his death was still relatively short.

Great, although it came a little late, it was still timely.

The red-haired boy Amo knew that the matter was urgent and did not hesitate. He quickly took out the instrument and operated it on Dawson's body.

"What are you going to do?"

"Yes, Huo, you are going too far!"

"Don't you know what 'the dead are the most important' means? Our Mr. Dawson is already dead, and you don't even have his body—"

Before these people could finish speaking, they suddenly widened their eyes and looked at Amo in disbelief.

Oh no, to be precise, it was staring at the probe of the instrument in Amo's hand.

On the probe, there was actually an insect the size of a thumb. It was completely black, with ugly mouthparts and hairy insect legs.

What shocked everyone the most was that the bug was actually caught from Dawson's body.


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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"No, no, this is different from our common Zerg!"

"No, the point of this matter is not why there are Zerg parasites in the body of the director?"

"Damn it, the rumors are actually true!"

"What rumors? The man upstairs said half-heartedly, and his life span will be reduced by ten thousand! Please be a good person, okay!"

"I know, I've heard about it too. There are rumors, but I'm not legally responsible -"

"The chatter upstairs is such a waste of emotion. To me, when we were fighting against the Zerg last year, someone discovered that the Zerg could actually parasitize the human body and influence people's thoughts and actions!"

"No, is it so scary? Isn't this just like the Gu insect in martial arts?"

"It seems to be more terrifying than the Gu insects. There seems to be those half-insect, half-human monsters. These can no longer be called humans. They are the lackeys of the Zerg tribe!"

"Fuck, is it so exciting? Real or fake?"

Tens of millions of netizens in more than a dozen live broadcast rooms know what happened in this corner.

And these people were talking all over the place.

Suddenly someone thought, "Damn it, if the rumors are true, then that Dr. He just now was not intentionally killing people at all, but was saving mankind!"

"Yes, yes, the person who was killed was a public official of the Empire Star. I heard that he was also a confidant of His Majesty the Emperor!"

"If this person becomes a half-insect man, then the entire royal family will be in danger. Maybe the entire empire will be overturned!"

"It's so scary to think about it! It's so scary, I can't even think about it!"

"...There is an even more terrifying association. Remember three days ago, this Doctor He suddenly got angry and killed Princess Ivona!"

"Ah ah, no, it's not what I imagined, is it? The Zerg actually invaded even the royal family?!"

"Am I the only one who thinks that the words and deeds of General Huo Huating and his party are strange? They don't look like they are here to participate in an adventure live broadcast, but they look like they are here to track down the Zerg!"

"I have a guess——"

"I have a guess +1!"

"Fuck! Let me tell you, when something happened to General Huo last year, I thought it was unbelievable. He is one of the best thunder warriors in the entire galaxy. How could he be so willing to become a star thief?"

Netizens are really possessed by Sherlock Holmes. With just a few clues, they can make various guesses and get closer to the truth accurately.

Huo Huating and some of the "adventurers" who participated in the adventure live broadcast were not criminals at all, but "undercovers" who deliberately concealed their identities in order to investigate the half-insect people.

After the truth was announced, Huo Huating and others were naturally heroes who endured the humiliation.

There is also Tao Yao, who was wronged herself. During the adventure live broadcast, she even discovered a mysterious fruit that can repair the genetic chain.

Under this positive influence, the other adventurers who survived seemed to have been whitewashed.

It seems that they have become warriors who are brave enough to fight.

They were indeed wrong, but there is no greater good than correcting their mistakes.

In particular, "Ho Hong-Tian", who personally killed three humans parasitized by the Zerg, originally attracted a large number of fans because of his ability to fight evil with evil and stop killing with killing.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Netizens confirmed that he did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, but after killing the half-insect people, they increasingly felt that he was the hero of the entire galaxy.

In addition, "Doctor He" also discovered the existence of mental power, and his mental power has reached S level, which is the strongest existence in the galaxy.

The empire and the alliance jointly issued an amnesty order to Stanley Ho and actively invited him to join their respective legions.

As for the sins Stanley Ho once committed, they were written off by the powerful and the people.

There are even some people on the Internet who are crazy about slandering Stanley Ho's ex-wife in order to help him clear his name.

Even two poor children have become targets of online violence.

He Tiantian: ...I knew it would be like this.

The adventurous live broadcast was not over yet. In the days that followed, He Tiantian continued to kill those "adventurers" who had committed heinous crimes and were unforgivable.

She went from seventh place to first place and became the well-deserved king.

Finally, the adventurous live broadcast ended, and "Ho Hongtian", as the champion, ushered in the highlight moment that attracted the attention of the entire network——

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