The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 398 Interstellar Escape Live Broadcast (End)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

The emperor of the empire and the chairman of the Star Alliance personally read out the pardon order for Stanley Ho on the Star Network.

Facing the attention of all the stars, "Ho Hongtian" was not excited, nor was he ecstatic about being reborn. Instead, he said slowly——

"I, Stanley Ho, am thirty-two years old, have been married for ten years, and have a son and a daughter with my wife."

"My wife, Ivy, is beautiful, kind and gentle, but I am very controlling and always like to beat her and scold her."

"Especially after the treatment cabin appeared, my career plummeted, and I was not willing to accept the reality at all. Not only did I intensify my abuse of her, but I also started taking it out on my two children!"

"Perhaps I have really touched Ivy's bottom line. The little lamb who I have been afraid of for a long time dares to divorce me and threatens to sue me for domestic violence and child abuse..."

"I didn't want people to know this, so I had no choice but to divorce Ivy, but I was unwilling to do so, so I found the three of them, mother and son, put a scalpel on my little daughter's neck, and forced Ivy to drink a large bottle of sulfuric acid!"

"...Do I deserve to die like this? Do I deserve an amnesty? Do I deserve to be a hero?"

"Not worthy! Domestic abusers and murderers must die!"


The surviving adventurers, the staff of the adventure live broadcast program, the representatives of the Empire and the Alliance, and all the netizens watching the live broadcast on the Star Network were all stunned.

After a brief moment of shock, after they digested He Tiantian's words, they all seemed to have been slapped loudly one after another.

Yes, a scumbag like "Ho Hong-Tian" commits domestic violence, threatens the lives of his own children to torture and kill his ex-wife, and all kinds of heinous crimes. Does he deserve to be pardoned and worthy of being a hero?

Can the merits and demerits be offset?

Can the crimes he has committed be erased if he has performed a meritorious service?

If he is pardoned, what about the poor woman he brutally murdered?

Is there another chance for her to be reborn?



What's even more tragic is that she died innocently and tragically, but instead of waiting for the perpetrator to be brought to justice, she, a victim, suffered online violence because of a live broadcast.

He has no peace of mind even after he dies. He did nothing but was slandered by netizens with the greatest malice.

Is this fair?

There are also a pair of children who witnessed the scene of their biological father killing their biological mother. They will live in fear, hatred, and self-blame for the rest of their lives.

It's already pitiful for them to have such a dark childhood, but now they have to endure cyber violence that they shouldn't have to endure.

The initiator of all this is "Ho Hongtian", and many netizens who claim to have upright views have become accomplices without knowing it.


However, this is what the rules of the adventure live broadcast game stipulate.

Moreover, Stanley Ho did indeed perform a meritorious service. He discovered the parasitic half-insect man and saved the entire human race.

Isn’t it unfair to not reward such great achievements? Can we continue to do adventurous live broadcasts in the future? !

He Tiantian didn't care about the shame and contradiction of most people, let alone the reluctance and reluctance of some people. While performing in front of the camera, she communicated silently with her classmate Little D.

"Tiantian, do you really want to do this?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Classmate Little D persuaded in a low voice with hesitation in his voice.

To be honest, after one person and one assistant became partners, except for the first few times and subsequent tasks, Little D rarely questioned or dissuaded He Tiantian's decision.

First, He Tiantian used her own strength to tell classmate Xiao D that I have the ability to do the task well.

No need for a mentally retarded assistant to whisper in your ear.

Secondly, Little D is just an assistant after all. It can only give advice to the writer, but cannot influence his or her decision.

Thirdly, Xiao D’s classmate also believes in Tiantian. This person is a “half-step villain” and has almost no failure in completing tasks.

Really boss, Little D doesn’t dare to point fingers in front of others.

Moreover, He Tiantian is really good at tasks.

Just like this time, although the basic anti-virus tasks were completed by other contributors.

But their sweetness is the fastest and best!

In the original plot, there was indeed a plot of Zerg parasitizing humans.

After Dianniang's core system was poisoned, the virus advanced the timeline of the half-insect people and parasitized all three of them.

Yifna would target Tao Yao because she was driven by the virus.

Tao Yao is the heroine. If she is killed, this small world will collapse.

And allowing more people to be parasitized by the Zerg and then turned into half-worms is also to destroy the entire human world.

If all the stars are occupied by Zerg, then the whole plot of this book will collapse and the small world will be over!

He Tiantian neatly killed Evona and the other three people, exposing the secret of the Zerg parasitizing humans, and the virus in this small world was completely eliminated!

So, it's really nothing to say when his little friends do tasks and so on.

Classmate Little D has great confidence in He Tiantian.

But this time, Little D couldn’t help it anymore. He Tiantian’s decision was so cruel and decisive!

"Yes, if you want to complete the mission, you have to do this!"

This idea came to He Tiantian long before he recovered his memory.

He Tiantian was indeed a little reluctant to give up at that time. After all, she believed that she was "He Hongtian" at that time.

It is not easy for a selfish person to make such a decisive decision.

However, after recovering his memory, the last trace of entanglement and reluctance in He Tiantian's heart disappeared.

On the contrary, she felt happy that she deserved it.

Not to mention, she also has "props".

"Little classmate D, I have never asked you, every time you travel through time and do a mission, the consciousness of the original owner still remains, right?"

He Tiantian asked in a determined tone.

"...Ah, yes!"

Classmate Little D didn't react for a moment and replied instinctively.

"That's good!"

He Tiantian's eyes sparkled with excitement, and she told classmate Little D: "I want to use the 'Wish Card'!"

After completing the last mission, she got a very useful prop.

"Ah?" Little D classmate still looked dumb and cute.

After a while, Little D asked in confusion, "Tiantian, what did you do with the wish card?"

He Tiantian raised the corners of her lips and revealed a cheerful smile, "Of course, we invite the original owner's consciousness to come over and let him re-integrate with the body, and then he can clearly feel all the feelings of 'oneself'!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Classmate Little D: The black man has a question mark face!

It's really stupid, woo woo, it can't keep up with the brain circuit of its little friend.

However, my intuition told Xiao D that He Tiantian was causing trouble or deliberately targeting the original owner.


The fur on Little D’s body suddenly exploded. He, he seemed to have thought of it!

Wow, it's so scary. Tiantian is indeed a half-step villain with clear grudges and decisive killing.

"...Okay, the wish card redemption was successful!"

Little classmate D endured the fear deep in his core and tried his best to smile, like a puppy wagging its tail desperately to please.

He Tiantian once again stated her "wish" - to be possessed by the remaining consciousness of the original owner!

He Tiantian's soul retreated to a corner deep in the sea of ​​consciousness. She did not occupy the entire body, but she was able to control it.

As for the original owner, it is like a marionette. Its remaining consciousness can feel the reintegration with the body, but it cannot control itself!

"What are you doing? What's wrong with me?"

The original owner was frightened and angry. Although he could not figure out his current situation, his intuition told him: Danger! Run! This mysterious woman who came from nowhere wants to harm him! !

But what if you feel the danger?

His remnant soul was firmly fixed in this body that he originally longed for.

He wanted to escape, but couldn't. He could only let fear occupy all his consciousness.

Helplessness, despair, sadness... all kinds of negative emotions were mixed together, and the original owner was almost driven crazy.

And the thing that frightened him the most happened. He was shocked to see "himself", out of his control, passively taking out a dark brown glass bottle.

This, this thing, the original owner is too familiar with!


It's not what he imagined, right?

don't want!

Don't do this! !

I was wrong, I really knew I was wrong!

Please, don't treat me like this!


Who will save me!

Who will stop this madman!

madman! This is a perverted crazy woman! !

The remnant soul of the original owner desperately begged and screamed wildly, and the huge fear completely overwhelmed the remnant soul of his torment.

He finally realized the fear and despair that his ex-wife had felt!

He Tiantian: ...heh, where are you?

That is to say, there is not enough time, otherwise, she will definitely return the original owner the original owner of the pain that he inflicted on his wife and children.

Abuse, mental retardation, and all kinds of cruelty cannot be expressed by a simple term "domestic violence."

It is filled with the blood and tears of a woman and two children!

And such a scumbag still wants to get away with it?

Hum, He Tiantian has long made up his mind to let the original owner "feel the same".

Only when he personally experiences the pain suffered by the victim can the original owner be truly punished!

Therefore, He Tiantian stayed in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, watching coldly as the remnant soul of the original owner cried and shouted, but still firmly controlled the body——

The remnant soul of the original owner suddenly widened his eyes, looking at "himself" with anger and fear as he slowly opened the lid of the glass bottle, then pointed the mouth of the bottle at "his" mouth, and drank it down.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []


From the mouth to the esophagus and then to the intestines and stomach, the liquid that could corrode metal slowly flowed, causing unspeakable pain to the body.


The original owner had an illusion, was its pain exaggerated?

Why does it hurt so much?

The key is still the terrible "brain filling".

He felt that wherever the liquid went, his organs made a sizzling sound of being corroded.

And all his organs were completely destroyed by this corrosion!

It turns out that the feeling of being forced to drink sulfuric acid is so painful!

He Tiantian felt no pain at all, and all the pain was borne by the remaining soul of the original owner.

After "He Hongtian" poured an entire bottle of highly concentrated sulfuric acid into his mouth, He Tiantian continued to control the body, facing the camera and saying to the entire Star Network:

"Domestic abusers and murderers must die!"

Stanley Ho did not deserve an amnesty, and he had to end his life in the same way that he had hurt others!

Merits and faults cannot be offset, and victims cannot be trampled or slandered just because they have no right to speak!

He Tiantian seemed to think that this shock was not strong enough, or that some idiot fans could not really learn a lesson.

She used the remaining power of the wish card to forcefully open an "immersive experience" for all the netizens who were watching.


"It hurts so much! It hurts so much!"

"It turns out that this is what it feels like when your internal organs are corroded. Stanley Ho, I'll knock your mother out!"

"...Domestic abusers and murderers must die!"

"The risk-taking live broadcast must be stopped! Those criminals, unless they are wrongly accused, will be punished how they should be punished!"

"Ah, ah ah, it hurts me so much! I will never watch this kind of show with wrong views again. I, I will never dare to defend the perpetrator again..."

There was a cry on the star network!

"Ho Hong-Tian" died, and hundreds of millions of people reviled him.

The adventure live broadcast was also removed from the shelves. Regardless of the special reasons, this kind of program that disguised as "whitewashing" criminals was completely rejected.

Along with this, some celebrity adventurers in this live show were also greatly affected.

Fortunately, Tao Yao, Qiao Hu, Huo Huating and others did not really commit crimes, otherwise, they would have been boycotted and despised by the whole people!

"Ding! Earn 1800 achievement points."

"Ding! I received a reward of 30,000 points. The total reward amount for the writer is 50,000, which can be exchanged for an intermediate treasure chest."

He Tiantian killed "He Hongtian", and her spirit returned to the library space smoothly.

At the same time, the long-awaited notification sounded from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Great, Tiantian, you have successfully completed this task!"

Little D’s classmate jumped over happily.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but He Tiantian’s classmate Little D seems to be a little bigger.

"Little D, have you upgraded?"

He Tiantian did not answer what Little D said, but asked abruptly.

"That's right! Haha, Tiantian, your achievement points have exceeded the 5,000 mark, and you have been promoted to a one-star copywriter!"

Little classmate D is very happy. His little friend has been upgraded. As his little friend's personal assistant, of course he has also been upgraded.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

This is called one person attaining the Tao...ah, no, it is mutual achievement and common progress.

Little D classmate secretly rubbed his head and thought deep in his core, every hair on his body was filled with joy.

"One-star writer? Can I choose the script?"

He Tiantian recalled some of the details that classmate Little D had told her before and asked casually.

"You can choose channels! For example, you can choose ancient Chinese channels, modern Chinese channels, or works from science fiction, fairy tales, games, etc. channels."

Xiao D feels that being able to choose to go to ancient times or the future has enabled the writer to prepare in advance.

What He Tiantian was thinking was, "Can't you choose a specific script?"

"..." Classmate Little D twisted Xiao Yuan's body and said in a low voice: "Then we need to reach the two-star level——"

And there are specific restrictions.

He Tiantian sneered, "I knew...hum, it's all a routine!"

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