[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Well, it can't be considered a routine!"

Classmate Little D felt a little guilty when he felt He Tiantian's displeasure, and quickly explained: "The system stipulates this to encourage writers to complete their tasks better!"

"Oh, let's not talk about this anymore. We, Tiantian, are the most powerful. We can even successfully complete tasks that other writers can't do!"

Little D didn’t want He Tiantian to get too entangled with the rules of the system, but instead changed the topic abruptly.

It is like an excellent little licking dog, desperately praising its little friend.

He Tiantian was not dazzled by the victory. She was calm and sober: "Actually, this task is not difficult!"

The antivirus task is not difficult, and it is not difficult to satisfy readers.

The difficulty is that not everyone has the courage and determination to "self-abuse".

The previous contributors failed, probably because they failed to give the original author Stanley Ho the punishment he deserved.

He Tiantian can make Stanley Ho shine in the adventure live broadcast, and other contributors should also be able to make Stanley Ho a "hero" loved by countless fans.

However, those contributors could not think of committing suicide, or were reluctant to commit suicide, which led to some incorrect views.

The original owner, Stanley Ho, was originally a beast who abused his family, tortured and killed his ex-wife, and tried to harm his own flesh and blood. However, due to the "cleansing" of the writer, he became a hero praised by everyone.

This kind of plot is extremely disgusting and dissatisfying to readers.

The more brilliant the writer's performance in the world, the more glorious and upright the image of the original owner Stanley Ho, and the more disgusted the readers will be.

Complaints are inevitable.

It is reasonable to take it off the shelves.

When He Tiantian first entered the world, she had no memory and mistakenly thought she was Stanley Ho.

At the beginning, after painful struggle and self-dislike, He Tiantian had the idea of ​​"self-destruction".

Domestic abusers and murderers must die!

There is no balance between merit and demerit, and the victim cannot be punished for a second time just to wash away his scum!

Fortunately, He Tiantian completed the anti-virus task ahead of schedule and also had a magical "wish card".

To be honest, He Tiantian was ready to commit suicide before.

Having a wish card is simply a stroke of genius and a big surprise.

He Tiantian can commit suicide without any psychological burden at all. Not only will she not experience the fear of death again, but she can also get the original owner real punishment!


I guess the readers were very happy to see it, so they gave her a reward of 30,000 mother coins, and she also got a whopping 1,800 achievement points.

"Hey, by the way, you just said that the rewards I accumulated can be exchanged for an intermediate treasure chest?"

Speaking of rewards, He Tiantian couldn't help but think of the biggest surprise of this mission - the intermediate treasure chest!

After completing nearly twenty missions, this is the first time I have obtained an intermediate treasure chest.

The elementary treasure chest is very surprising, and this intermediate treasure chest should not be too bad either!

"Yes, Tiantian, do you want to exchange it?"

Classmate Little D hurriedly said, "The intermediate treasure box is much better than the elementary treasure box! You can get upgraded skills or prizes!"

"Upgraded version?" He Tiantian seemed to understand.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"That's right. Tiantian, you should know that the prizes in the primary treasure chest are basically skills or items that have appeared in the mission world."

Little D explained carefully: "The intermediate treasure box is the same as the primary treasure box. It also has some skills or items, but they are all upgraded versions of the original world version!"

He Tiantian nodded slowly,

"For example, in the interstellar world that just ended, high technologies such as treatment cabins or genetic enhancement fluids appeared in the world. If I open related technologies through the intermediate treasure box, the technologies I get are upgraded versions of these technologies!"

After all, some worlds have different backgrounds.

It was also an interstellar world, but the world He Tiantian had just experienced was the early stage of the interstellar era.

Although there is some high technology, it has not yet reached its peak.

If nothing else, there are no mechas in this world.

Mental power has only just been discovered and is still in the process of exploration.

If He Tiantian gets the technology of this world, it will definitely not be considered top-notch, it can only be regarded as technology 1.0.

The great thing about the intermediate treasure chest is that you can directly upgrade it from 1.0 to 2.0.

There is no need to use skill boosting cards or props such as skill ceilings.

"Right, that is it!"

Little D jumped up and down, "Tiantian, do you want to redeem the intermediate treasure box?"

He Tiantian thought for a while, "Exchange!"

It was the first time she could redeem an intermediate treasure chest, so she wanted to try it no matter what.

"The exchange for the intermediate treasure chest was successful!"

Little D worked diligently, and then he shouted in surprise: "Ah, Tiantian, you won the Gene Enhancement Liquid 2.0!"

He Tiantian: ...a little disappointed! It’s actually not holographic technology!

By the way, after experiencing a holographic live broadcast in person, He Tiantian really coveted this holographic technology.

She already has artificial intelligence, and if she can master holographic technology, she will definitely be able to change the real world she lives in.

Not to mention the ultra-high profits these technologies have brought to him, the mere fact of "changing the world" is enough to make He Tiantian's blood boil.


Alas, I knew the system would not be so generous.

However, Gene Enhancement Solution 2.0 sounds good.

He Tiantian quickly adjusted her mentality without any need for comfort from Xiao D.

"Okay! Redeem it!"

After doing several anti-virus missions, He Tiantian has become accustomed to redeeming all the prizes and then storing them in her personal space.

"Okay! Redemption successful!"

Just now I saw that He Tiantian didn't show a surprised expression, Xiao D was beating a drum deep in his core.

It is really afraid that this aunt will be dissatisfied and then bargain with itself.

Woohoo, it has just been upgraded, and I don’t want to be punished by the main system for making mistakes again!

"Tiantian, continue the mission or return to reality?"

Secretly breathing a sigh of relief, Little D jumped up and down with his furry little body and asked as usual.

I will probably continue to do the tasks. Tiantian is so powerful that she can easily complete tasks that even other writers have failed.

The key is that the rewards you get are enough.

Look at the points, they have reached 259 points.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The achievement points also exceeded 5,200, and I was successfully promoted to a one-star writer.

Needless to say, rewards are absolutely high returns.

With such a generous reward, Xiao D felt that He Tiantian would definitely continue to complete the task.

"Return to reality!"

He Tiantian will not act according to the ideas of classmate Xiao D at all.

She pondered for a moment and slowly made her decision.

Classmate Little D: ...ah, what's going on? Okay, why don't you just stop doing it if you don't want to do it?

He Tiantian: ...What a good thing! I almost committed suicide, okay? !

Of course, suicide is not the point.

After all, for a good copywriter, if you want to complete the task, you can use any means.

Killing yourself may be painful, but it is not a real death and you can always overcome it!

What really makes He Tiantian frightened is that in the mission world, when she loses her memory, she will mistakenly think that she is the original owner who was transported through time.

The original owner's various scum and scum behaviors seriously conflict with He Tiantian's own three views and bottom line.

If he knew that he was not a scumbag and was just pretending to be a scumbag, He Tiantian wouldn't be too painful.

But in the world of anti-virus missions, she has no memory and instinctively believes that she is the original owner.

In this way, He Tiantian will fall into a painful contradiction and struggle.

Such a mentality is very dangerous, and He Tiantian is worried that one day she will not be able to bear it anymore.

It’s better to pause the task first, return to the real world to adjust, and seriously consider your future plans!


Although he was confused, Little D still obeyed He Tiantian’s instructions obediently.

The space in front of him was distorted. He Tiantian opened his eyes again and found that he had returned to his bed from the library space.

He Tiantian didn't stand up in a hurry and moved her limbs a little.

Then, He Tiantian touched the phone on the pillow and looked at the time——

January 3, 18:52.

It was just New Year's Day. He Tiantian finished dinner and was alone in the dormitory.

Click on the screen to look at the information in the prestige group and penguin group, and long-lost memories instantly come back.

Very good, she is that ordinary high school sophomore girl again.

And she will continue to live a dull but busy student life.

"Tiantian, you didn't go to the study room?"

Just when He Tiantian was about to climb off the bed, the door opened and Chen Nan walked in from the outside carrying a schoolbag.

The two of them are probably the most determined "residents" in the dormitory.

On weekends or holidays, people like Zhou Zixuan would go home to reunite with their families.

Only He Tiantian and Chen Nan continued to stay in the dormitory.

He Tiantian was homeless. After her aunt got married, she also cut off contact with her biological parents. In such a large county, there was no place for her except school.

Chen Nan is in a similar situation to He Tiantian. Although he has a father, mother and brothers, he is like an orphan.

The family favored boys over girls. Chen Nan did not want to be exploited by her parents and brothers like other girls around her. Instead, she asked to continue studying. She almost broke up with her family and got the opportunity to continue studying.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She usually doesn't go home, firstly because she doesn't want to waste time, secondly because she needs to work-study, and thirdly because she doesn't want to face her family members who are nominally relatives but are actually worse than strangers!

In that so-called home, Chen Nan couldn't feel any warmth at all. She only felt angry, depressed and unwilling.

He Tiantian and Chen Nan are in a certain sense sympathetic to each other.

Chen Nan seems to be more focused on studying and is not very close to the classmates in the class.

Even with people in the same dormitory, she only nodded in friendship.

However, Chen Nan looks indifferent, but is very kind on the inside.

She reminded He Tiantian many times that although she didn't help much, He Tiantian was very grateful for this kindness.

In addition, He Tiantian admires Chen Nan's constant self-improvement, sobriety and self-confidence.

Not all people who are stuck in the quagmire can break out by their own strength.

Chen Nan did it.

She was not brainwashed by her parents and relatives, but was extremely strong.

Some people criticized her for being too ruthless, but He Tiantian admired her very much - instead of being kidnapped by so-called family ties and becoming a pitiful and hateful supporter, it was better to live her own wonderful life.

He Tiantian had been thinking about how to help this kind and self-reliant classmate without hurting Chen Nan's self-esteem.

After working with Duan Yong, He Tiantian had an idea.

He Tiantian introduced Chen Nan to Duan Yong’s outdoor sports club for a work-study program.

On weekends or holidays, you can earn one to two hundred yuan a day by doing front desk reception or member service work for a few hours a day.

In a month, you can earn more than a thousand yuan.

In a big city, this amount of money may only be the cost of a meal for a few people.

But for high school students like Chen Nan who live in a small county, it is half a semester's living expenses.

The key is that this kind of work will not delay her study.

Chen Nan was very satisfied and very grateful to He Tiantian.

She didn't say anything, but she knew very well that He Tiantian was definitely taking care of her by introducing her to this club.

Otherwise, for the same price, the boss can hire a more beautiful female employee with more time.

Chen Nan is self-respecting and self-loving, but she does not feel excessively inferior, nor does she regard other people's help as charity.

She doesn't have the ability to repay him now, so she can only write it down silently. When she has the ability in the future, she will definitely repay him well!

Today is the last day of the New Year's Day holiday, and Chen Nan went to the club to work again.

Because it was a holiday, there were many customers in the club, and Chen Nan was busy all day.

Seeing the hard work of the employees, the boss generously ordered takeout.

Chen Nan ate every meal before returning to school with her daily wages satisfied.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw He Tiantian sitting on the bed, and Chen Nan said hello casually.

"I didn't go to the study room. I was a little sleepy, so I just squinted for a while!"

He Tiantian said as she got off the bed.

After going to the bathroom and washing her face, He Tiantian felt more awake.

She also remembered all the details of her life before doing the task.

"Huh? Just came back and went out again?"

When he returned to the dormitory, he looked up and saw Chen Nan going out. He Tiantian already had the answer in her heart, but she still asked.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Well, I'm going to study for a while. I have a set of papers. I want to do it again!"

Chen Nan cherishes her opportunity to learn very much, and she firmly believes that hard work can make up for weakness.

Even if it is a holiday and she has just returned from work, she must seize every minute to study.

He put the papers into his school bag, brought a few reference books, said hello to He Tiantian, and hurried out the door.

He Tiantian looked at Chen Nan's back and muttered: "I guess this model worker will not come back before the lights are turned off in the dormitory at ten o'clock!"

Alas, seeing his peers working so hard, He Tiantian is too embarrassed to be a salty fish.

Climbing back onto the bed, He Tiantian lay down and called out classmate Little D: "I want to redeem the 'Gene Enhancement Fluid 2.0'."

This is not a simple nutrient solution, but has all the knowledge related to it.

Classmate Xiao D responded cutely, and then opened the treasure chest learning space...

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