The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 400: Getting angry

[The heroine took the villain script] []

In the treasure chest learning space, He Tiantian started crazy learning mode.

In order to obtain all the technologies of Gene Enhancement Solution 2.0, He Tiantian must learn a lot of basic knowledge.

Such as biology.

Biology is a very complex subject with many branches.

He Tiantian also needs to study biomolecules, genome engineering, and biochemistry carefully and master them proficiently.

She stayed in the treasure chest learning space for thirty years before she completely mastered this technology.

"...Now that I have mastered the technology, I still need a legitimate excuse!"

Returning to reality, He Tiantian continued to lie on her back, looking at the ceiling of the bed curtain, thinking in trance.

"Tiantian, I, I can continue to help you cheat like last time!"

Classmate Xiao D discovered He Tiantian's little trouble and jumped out quickly.

Last time?

Oh, I think of it, that time with artificial intelligence.

He Tiantian had just mastered such a sophisticated black technology. He had no experience and was eager to perform. He was handed over to the technology without much preparation.

Then, realizing that he had done something stupid, he quickly made amends.

Classmate Xiao D took the opportunity to help and cheated, helping her create many records of purchasing computer-related books.

He Tiantian showed that she was self-taught, and then she barely covered it up.

In line with the purpose of continuing to help his friends solve problems, Xiao D saw He Tiantian worrying about the latest technology, so he wanted to "do the same thing" again.

He Tiantian shook her head, "No need, you still need to be fully prepared for this kind of thing!"

He Tiantian didn't want to cheat. She would definitely hand over the Gene Enhancement Fluid 2.0 to the state.

And this skill was not acquired out of thin air. She had really worked hard to learn it, and she didn't want to cheat.

It's just a pretense in reality and giving yourself some reasonable excuses, which may be more troublesome, but safer!

He Tiantian has done many tasks, and the biggest gain is not that she has acquired so many skills, but that she has become calm, sober, cautious and thoughtful.

Coincidentally, He Tiantian had just mentioned "last time" to classmate Xiao D, and just after the New Year's Day holiday, her cell phone rang.

He Tiantian looked at the call. Hey, it was Professor Chen from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Could it be the last time the firearms were modified? What's the follow-up?


He Tiantian muttered in her heart, but still pressed the answer button——

"Hey, Professor Chen, Happy New Year!"

"Huh? Oh yes, New Year's Day has just passed, it's time to say Happy New Year!"

Professor Chen was stunned for a moment. Obviously, for a person like him who is obsessed with scientific research, he has no concept of holidays.

The only festival that can be regarded as a "New Year" is probably the traditional Spring Festival.

New Year's Day and so on are not that important.

Hearing He Tiantian's "New Year greetings" to him, Professor Chen laughed twice and said "Happy New Year" to He Tiantian in a joking manner.

After a few pleasantries, the atmosphere was relaxed and casual, and Professor Chen got down to the topic, "The relevant departments have already helped you with your previous patent."

"In addition, the first batch of companies using the patent have also paid corresponding fees. This money will also be transferred to your personal account. Please check it..."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

This time, He Tiantian was stunned.

However, He Tiantian soon realized, "Professor Chen, are you talking about artificial intelligence?"

At first,

He Tiantian wants to hand over the technology directly to the state.

It was Professor Chen who reminded her that it was best to apply for a patent in accordance with the law.

If you want to contribute to the country, you can directly authorize the corresponding national department to use it for free.

If other companies or overseas institutions want to use it, they need to pay due patent fees.

Of course, for now, this technology still needs to be kept secret, and the units that can be used are basically all with public prefixes.

According to He Tiantian's idea, there is no need to pay patent fees to He Tiantian.

However, the father of the country cannot let his children suffer.

Therefore, the money that should be given will not be less than a penny.

The relevant departments even carefully investigated He Tiantian's information and learned about her relationship with her biological parents. Instead of going through the so-called "guardian", they directly put the money into the bank card in He Tiantian's name.

He Tiantian:......

Sure enough, the national daddy is the most reliable!

Woo hoo, I will continue to work hard in the future and strive to live under the protection of the country for the rest of my life!

She wants to get the genetic enhancement fluid or something as soon as possible and hand it over to the country!

"Thank you, Professor Chen!"

He Tiantian's heart surged, and she sincerely thanked Professor Chen.

"You're welcome, you deserve this. By the way, is there anything else you need help with?"

As an older generation of scientific researchers, Professor Chen cherishes talents very much.

Especially people like He Tiantian, who clearly knows that her native family is unhappy, but she is not rebellious or twisted. Instead, she still maintains an innocent heart, and is even a little "naive".

This made Professor Chen like it very much, and he also had some appreciation and admiration.

I may not be pure enough, but I still have a minimum of respect for truly pure people!

"..." He Tiantian could tell that Professor Chen's words of "need help" were not polite.

He really wants to help himself.

He Tiantian hesitated for a moment, and then said with some embarrassment: "Professor Chen, speaking of which, I really want to trouble you with something -"

"What is it? As long as I can do it, I will definitely help!" Professor Chen did not blame He Tiantian for "climbing along the pole", but said with a smile.

"That's right. I'm recently interested in research related to biogenetics, but the books and materials I can buy are limited. Can you help me find some biological materials?"

He Tiantian didn't feel awkward and spoke directly.

"Biological genetics? You've got a long way to go!"

I was still studying artificial intelligence a few months ago, but why did I suddenly start paying attention to biology? !

However, doubts remain doubts, Professor Chen is engaged in scientific research after all.

He knows that some geniuses are like this. Maybe just a little thing in life can make her change and make major results!

"Okay, I'll look for it for you. Once I get the information, I'll send it to you directly!"

Professor Chen readily agreed, because this in itself was not a troublesome matter.

Even among his own friends, some are engaged in biology. They can help find some information. As long as it doesn't involve any secrets, it's not a big problem!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Thank you! Professor Chen, thank you so much!" He Tiantian thanked him again and again.

After hanging up the phone, He Tiantian found a text message notification on her phone.

She clicked on it and saw, tsk, it was a bank card payment record.

Good guy, there are seven zeros.

And her personal savings also exceeded the one million mark.

In addition to the dividends she earned from her previous work as an interpreter and her cooperation with Duan Yong, she also earned more from royalties.

The patent fee is not a one-time buyout, but can be charged continuously.

As long as this technology continues to be used, He Tiantian will have money in the next few decades.

With just this amount of income, He Tiantian can live comfortably.

Of course, He Tiantian would not be so devoid of pursuits.

Chen Nan worked so hard, but how could she, who was lucky enough to get the golden finger, be a mediocre salted fish? !

Stand up and fight. Even if you don't become a big shot, you must be a useful person to society and the country!

He Tiantian continues to attend classes and goes to the library or computer room in the evening.

On weekends, she would go to the provincial capital, where there is the largest library in the province.

He Tiantian leads a very fulfilling life and is busy reading and studying every day.

The days passed day by day, and soon it was the middle of the year.

He Tiantian also successfully received a huge package from the capital, containing two large boxes of books, journals, and notes.

He Tiantian moved all these things to the dormitory, and at night, she began to browse quickly.

She looked at this not just to make excuses for herself, but also to confirm how far biogenetics had developed in reality.

How far is it from the genetic enhancement solution 2.0 she has mastered?

He was busy until the beginning of February, and the winter vacation was about to begin. Only then did He Tiantian read all the materials sent by Professor Chen.

In her mind, she also has a deep understanding of current biogenetics.

"It seems that we need to find a biological laboratory to prepare the strengthening liquid!"

He Tiantian put the information away and planned to send it back to Professor Chen when she had time.

She secretly planned her plan.

However, the county where she is now is too small and remote, and there are no companies or schools related to biological genes at all.

He Tiantian wanted to find a place where she could conduct experiments, so she needed to go to the city, or simply to the provincial capital.

"He Xian'er, winter vacation is about to begin. I'm going back to my hometown. Do you want to come and have fun with me?"

Zhou Zixuan was sitting at her desk packing her things. The final exam was over and she was waiting for the results.

Zhou Zixuan and several other classmates have already begun to pack their things and prepare to go home for the winter vacation.

She suddenly thought that He Tiantian seemed to have nowhere to go.

Their county is too small. It can't be said that everyone knows about He Shengnan's bad things, but almost all the teachers and students in the county's No. 1 Middle School know about it.

He Tiantian was isolated because the reputation of "little vixen" was too loud.

In September, He Shengnan finally overcame his first wife and settled down with the scumbag.

He Shengnan must have been scolded severely over the years, and after finally reaching the position, he wanted to feel proud and show off.

She often boasted in front of her neighbors, and when she got married, she even asked the man to rent a fleet of luxury cars and pick her up in style.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Laughing at the poor but not at prostitution, He Shengnan's behavior of acting as a mistress has indeed attracted a lot of rebuke.

But seeing that she, a person in her forties, could actually get married, and that the man she was going to marry still had some wealth, some people became envious.

Of course, whether it was envy or contempt, she couldn't hear He Shengnan patting his ass and leaving.

Her life will not be affected in any way.

He Tiantian was pitiful, because He Shengnan's "glorious marriage" caused the things that happened to her back then to be revealed again.

And He Tiantian, who became more and more beautiful and confident, was also criticized by others.

The only good thing is that no one will maliciously call her a "little vixen", but there are a lot of rumors.

There are also some people who pity He Tiantian and deliberately ask He Tiantian some heart-wrenching questions out of concern -

"Tiantian, your aunt is married. I heard that they are even sold in small supermarkets. What should you do?"

"Oh, she should go back to her parents. I heard that Tiantian's father is the leader of a public institution!"

"...But no one came to pick her up. Tiantian, don't be sad. I'm not saying that your parents don't want you anymore. I just care about you!"

"Maybe it's for studying. Tiantian is already in her second year of high school and will take the college entrance examination in another year. It would be a bad idea to transfer to another school at this time!"

"For studying? Hehe, the high schools in the provincial capitals are much better than the high schools in our small counties. I think it's just - hey, why are you pushing me!"

He Tiantian has heard too many similar words.

But these people still acted like "I'm doing this for your own good" and didn't say anything too extreme.

At best, it makes people feel uncomfortable.

He Tiantian is no longer the sensitive, inferior and timid girl she used to be. Her heart has become extremely strong.

She won't hold grudges against these three aunts and six wives, but she won't really ignore them at all.

Whenever he encountered such "concern", He Tiantian would smile sweetly and ask kindly -

"Aunt Ma, I heard that your son is thirty this year. Is he married?"

"Aunt Chen, are you retired? How much is your pension? I heard that Aunt Fang can get more than three thousand a month!"

"Grandma Zhang, the county TV station reported a news that a health care product store ran away and defrauded many elderly people. You are so smart, you shouldn't be fooled, right?"

"Oh, cousin, please don't leave. I also want to ask my cousin if he has bought a house or a car. It's hard for old rural bachelors without houses or cars to find a partner these days!"

He Tiantian's operation can make those who talk nonsense avoid him.

Behind the scenes, comments such as "ignorant", "a heartless white-eyed wolf", "can't speak, no wonder her parents don't want her" are inevitable.

But as long as these people don't make trouble in front of He Tiantian, she won't knock on the door.

But the rumors among the people finally reached the school.

Therefore, Zhou Zixuan and other roommates all knew about He Tiantian's "homeless" dilemma.

After several months of getting along, Zhou Zixuan, Ma Siqi, Chen Nan and others have all become good friends with He Tiantian.

Especially Zhou Zixuan, she is cheerful, kind and loyal.

Now that the winter vacation is coming, He Tiantian seems to have nowhere to go, so Zhou Zixuan wants to invite her to her hometown.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhou Zixuan knew that He Tiantian was not short of money, and her life should not be too bad on her own.

However, the Chinese New Year is different after all.

It was supposed to be a day for family reunion, but He Tiantian could only stay up pitifully alone... That scene made me feel miserable just thinking about it.

In fact, it was not only Zhou Zixuan who thought about the desolation of He Tiantian spending the New Year alone, but He Tiantian's father and aunt who had long been abandoned were also discussing this topic on the phone.

"Hmph, isn't that damn girl so stubborn? She's always ready to sue me..."

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon. I see her staying alone in the county town with no home or relatives. She will never regret it!"

He Shengli held the phone and said to his sister He Shengnan fiercely!

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