The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 401: Chance Encounter

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Shengnan's man is not in the provincial capital, but in the prefecture-level city to which their county town belongs.

However, this urban area is not too far from the provincial capital.

After He Shengnan got married, although he did not continue to help his brother take care of his cheap niece, he did not lose contact with his brother.

Over the past thirty years, He Shengnan has often resented her parents for favoring sons over daughters, but unknowingly, she also agreed with the saying that "she has a younger brother in her mother's family, and she has someone to rely on."

Especially since my younger brother is not the kind of trash who chews on old people and sucks blood. Both of them are public officials.

After nearly twenty years of hard work, my younger brother still became a small leader in their unit.

He is not a powerful figure, but he still has some real power.

When He Shengnan's men do business, at certain times, they really need He Shengnan's care.

...So, there are many reasons why He Shengnan was able to marry his own "financier".

He Shengnan didn't say anything, but he knew it very well in his heart.

Whether it was to have someone to rely on or to maintain her marriage, after she got married, she became closer to her younger brother and sister-in-law than before.

Originally, He Shengnan was worried that he could not help his younger brother raise He Tiantian and caused some trouble to his younger brother, and the younger brother and his wife would blame him.

But, later, He Shengnan discovered that Tiantian, that dead girl, was so brainless that she actually dared to threaten her own parents.

The result directly angered He Shengli and his wife, who gave He Tiantian a sum of alimony and severed their relationship with each other.

And it is precisely because of He Tiantian's coldness and lack of conscience that He Shengli not only does not bear grudges against his sister, but instead feels "compassionate" with her.

He Shengnan is so smart. He took advantage of the situation and joined forces with Shengli to defeat He Tiantian.

Who has been disobedient since childhood, who only sees money in his eyes, who is cold-hearted and like a stone that cannot be warmed...

He Shengnan didn't mean to slander people, she had proof, "Shengli, Xiao Wei, you don't know, that damn girl He Tiantian knew that I was getting married. Not only was she not happy for me, she even threatened me!"

"She just asked for tens of thousands of dollars from me... Is it easy for me, a person who has never given birth to a child, to raise her like a shit?"

"I have raised him over and over again, but he actually developed a hatred! Tell me, does this child have a cold nature?"

He Shengnan was a master who refused to suffer the most. He even asked for child support for his younger brother. The biggest loss he suffered was probably the time he was blackmailed by He Tiantian.

He Shengnan had been holding back a lot of anger, and finally had a chance to vent.

She didn't even need to exaggerate to make He Shengli and his wife look ugly.

"What? Sister, she, she asked you for money?"

He Shengli is the small leader of the unit. He prides himself on having status and status, and he pays most attention to appearance.

Moreover, He Shengli is very chauvinistic at heart.

Even though he has gone to college and lived in a big city for more than 20 years, he still has a serious feudal traditional patriarchal mentality.

In his subconscious mind, his wife and children are all his belongings.

He can abandon his daughter, but her daughter cannot hold grudges, let alone be as disobedient and unfilial as He Tiantian.

As a result, a girl he didn't like dared to threaten him.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

After receiving He Tiantian's call and digesting He Tiantian's words, He Shengli's inner shock and anger were simply beyond words.

Originally, He Shengli thought that He Tiantian, a daughter, dared to threaten her parents, was a bastard and embarrassing enough for him, but he didn't expect——

"Yes! She probably blames me for not getting married.

Leave her alone in the county! "

"But I can't help it. I'm already in my forties or fifties, so I can't stay unmarried for the rest of my life."

"Not only will no one care about me when I get old, but I don't want to listen to the rumors in the county anymore!"

"As a divorced woman, I don't care, but the reputation of our Lao He family cannot be ruined——"

He Shengnan knew his brother very well, so in a few words he transferred the conflict from himself to He Shengli.

Sure enough, when He Shengli heard this, his face became even more ugly, "Sister, you don't have to worry about that little bastard!"

"You should get married. As relatives, we all support it!"

Of course we must support him. Although He Shengli does not live in the county town, he passed the exam from a small county town.

The roots of Lao He's family are here.

Although this society laughs at the poor but not at prostitutes, having a sister who works as a mistress is not a glorious thing after all.

Not to mention that He Shengli was the most promising person in their old He family, but because of a sister like He Shengnan, his perfect reputation was flawed.

Not to mention Hejiacun's parents, even He Shengli felt uncomfortable.

He Shengnan was finally able to get married. Even though he had to endure the death of his first wife and have his mistress take over, he still had a status protected by the law.

In this way, it can be regarded as a fig leaf.

He Shengli agreed from the bottom of his heart that his sister could get married.

So, when I heard my sister say that my annoying loser actually used her sister's marriage to blackmail her, He Shengli instinctively resented He Tiantian!

He Shengnan:......

Seeing that her brother had misunderstood, she didn't explain much.

He Shengnan is a smart person, and she will not take the initiative to tell her brother: He Tiantian is not taking advantage of her He Shengnan's marriage, but is asking for "alimony" from He Shengnan and his wife.

However, with He Shengnan's "evidence", He Shengli increasingly felt that there was something wrong with He Tiantian's child's character.

And with He Tiantian as a common target of crusade, the relationship between siblings He Shengnan and He Shengli has become increasingly harmonious.

Originally it was just a matter of phone calls and video chats during holidays, but in recent months, He Shengnan has contacted his brother almost every week.

If there is a holiday, she will go to the provincial capital to have dinner with her brother's family, or go shopping with her sister-in-law.

As an aunt, He Shengnan is very generous in buying gifts for her precious nephew.

No, considering that the child was about to go on winter vacation, He Shengnan bought some things for his nephew.

He Shengnan doesn't do good deeds without leaving her name behind. She spends money on her children, so naturally she has to show it off to her parents.

So, He Shengnan called He Shengli.

At first, they were talking about the He family’s precious phoenix egg, He Yongcheng.

One said his nephew was well-behaved, the other praised his son for being smart, the other asked his nephew how his grades were, and the other said he was among the top ten in the class...

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The siblings were talking lively and the atmosphere was very harmonious, but as they were talking, they somehow mentioned another child of the He family!

Speaking of He Tiantian, He Shengli became angry.

He has had a smooth life for the rest of his life, and now that he is in his forties, he can be considered successful in his career.

With a virtuous wife and an intelligent son, He Shengli always feels like a winner in life.

There is only one He Tiantian, which is simply a shame for him.

"...Accuse me of 'abandonment'? Humph, what an inhumane thing!"

Although several months have passed, He Shengli gets angry every time he thinks of the stupid things He Tiantian said on the phone.

He usually has to worry about his reputation and image, and no matter how angry he is, he cannot vent it out.

However, now that the other end of the phone was her biological sister, who knew her well, and had someone she disliked together, He Shengli didn't have too many scruples.

He kept talking, and in his words, He Tiantian, the daughter he had abandoned long ago, seemed to be the most rebellious and bastard unfilial daughter in the world.

"She is still too young and ignorant! She only remembers that you and your siblings handed her over to me, but she doesn't think about it. If you were really cruel, you would have thrown her out long ago!"

He Shengnan could feel her brother's anger through the microphone. She continued to maintain her "loving elder sister" persona and comforted He Shengnan in a gentle voice.

He Shengli:...

Feeling a little guilty.

He didn't abandon his daughter at first, but sent her back to his hometown. It wasn't because he didn't think about it, but because he was afraid it would affect his work.

Although the crime of abandonment is not considered a serious crime in China, no court has actually judged any bad parents based on this law.

But He Shengli and his wife are both public officials.

When his wife Wei Xue was pregnant, colleagues from both units, neighbors, and even people from the neighborhood committee knew about it.

If the child disappears after the birth, isn't this a clear sign that something is wrong?

Around the turn of the millennium, fertility policies were still very strict.

Maybe it doesn't matter to people who don't have a system. At most, they just have to pay a fine.

But He Shengli and his wife did not want to lose their iron rice bowl because of their children.

"...My eldest sister is a poor person. She has been married for several years and has no children. When she went to the hospital for a checkup, she was told that her fallopian tubes were malformed and she could not have children at all."

"Oh, I was forced to divorce by my husband's family, and I have to live alone in a small supermarket."

"When Xiao Wei was pregnant, my parents said that if nothing else worked, they would adopt the child to my sister. No matter whether it is a boy or a girl, he will be relied upon!"

"It's a coincidence that my eldest sister liked our daughter very much, so she took the child back -"

Although He Shengli's words are still suspected of evading the family planning policy, they are somewhat reasonable.

His colleagues and neighbors may have guessed, but since they didn't abandon the child and didn't violate the policy, they just turned a blind eye.

He Shengli thought about the past and felt guilty.

However, the guilt only lasted for a moment, and he soon thought: Although I had thought about throwing away the money-losing goods, I never did it.

I gave her to my biological sister and continued to give her money for more than ten years. I definitely fulfilled my duty.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Compared with those truly irresponsible parents, our couple is much better off.

That is to say, He Tiantian is too heartless. Instead of being grateful, he treats us parents as enemies.

Huh, this is a bad guy with a cold nature!

"Anyway, she has nothing to do with us in the future! This is not because we don't want her, but because she feels that she has grown up and her wings have become stronger, and she dares to challenge her biological parents-"

The more He Shengli thought about it, the angrier he became, and his words were also full of ruthlessness.

"She just doesn't know how difficult life is. You don't have to wait until the future. She will regret just celebrating the New Year!"

He Shengnan followed his brother's words and gritted his teeth and said, "On New Year's Eve, other families gather together and lively, but she can only stay alone in the dormitory without even a home. I think she I won’t regret it later!”

He Shengnan definitely uses himself to judge others.

In the past ten years, when she was living alone with her unlucky niece, she was fine with it. But when the Chinese New Year came, she felt particularly sad.

Other women have husbands and children, and their families are harmonious and sweet.

As for her, she could only guard a shabby supermarket with a disgusting money-loser, and no one who even knew what was good or bad.

He Shengnan did work as a mistress, but deep down she yearned for that kind of normal family.

She herself attaches great importance to days like the Chinese New Year, so she thought He Tiantian would also be particularly concerned about it.

"...It's useless to regret! In two months, she will be eighteen years old. We have no obligation to support her. Even if it goes to court, I'm not afraid!"

Because He Tiantian asked for all child support before the age of 18 in advance, He Shengli may not remember the appearance of his daughter, but he remembers her birthday - March 5th.

It's already mid-January, and in less than two months, He Tiantian will be an adult.

At that time, He Shengli can justifiably abandon this unfilial and rebellious bastard.

As for how she will go to college, how she will gain a foothold in society, whether she will regret it in the future, or whether she will succeed!

"Deserve it!"

He Shengli secretly felt cruel in his heart.

Of course, if He Tiantian really knew that she was wrong and came to beg him, He Shengli would not be so cruel to the end.

As long as she is obedient, He Shengli doesn't mind arranging a future for He Tiantian.

She is already eighteen years old and will get married in two years. My sister also said that although this damn girl has no conscience, she is very beautiful.

If he married her directly in the county town, the bride price would be more than 100,000 yuan.

He Shengli is not short of this little money, but he has spent more than ten years raising a daughter, so he must get some money back.

He Tiantian:......

She didn't know what her so-called biological father was paying attention to. If she knew, she would definitely reply "Haha".

Then, naturally, there is no more.

Cheap's biological father also said that she is eighteen years old and an adult.

No one can influence her life, let alone manipulate or control her!

However, these are things for the future.

At this moment, facing Zhou Zixuan's kindness, He Tiantian smiled and replied: "No, I have plans during the winter vacation!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She also wants to attend Beijing University’s winter camp.

After two weeks, she can stay in the capital, where the scientific research conditions are much better than in the provincial capital.

He Tiantian could take the opportunity to get the Gene Enhancement Solution 2.0 and hand it over directly to the state.

"Brother Xuan, thank you. When I have the opportunity in the future, I will visit your hometown again!"

He Tiantian met Zhou Zixuan's mother and heard that Zhou Zixuan's mother spoke with a Magic City accent, so she mistakenly thought that Zhou Zixuan's "hometown" was Magic City.

As a result, when the winter vacation officially started, when He Tiantian dragged her suitcase to the provincial capital airport to take a flight, she unexpectedly ran into Zhou Zixuan, whose destination was also the capital.

Zhou Zixuan:......

He Tiantian:......

A pair of good friends smiled at each other, and then got on the plane together hand in hand...

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