The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 402: My husband is the male partner (1)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Is your 'hometown' from the capital?"

He Tiantian asked with a smile. She deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "hometown".

This is a meme on the Internet——

Talking about a blind date corner, the local aunt picked on the young man from out of town.

The young man from out of town deliberately said that I have a house in my hometown.

The local aunt was very disdainful. How much is the house in your hometown worth?

The young man from out of town simply said: My hometown is from Beijing!

The air was silent, but the crisp sound of a slap could still be heard.

Obviously, Zhou Zixuan also saw this video, and couldn't help but laugh when He Tiantian emphasized the word "hometown".

"My mother is from Shanghai, and my father is from Beijing. However, three years ago, my father was transferred to the county due to job transfer. The enrollment rate of our county's No. 1 Middle School is actually quite high. In addition, I don't want to live with my parents in two places. Separate and come with them!”

Zhou Zixuan explained with a smile, "My grandmother died young, and she raised me since I was a child, so my accent is a bit southern."

However, after I went to school and started speaking Mandarin, my accent became less strong.

On the contrary, Zhou Zixuan's mother is used to it and speaks with a certain accent.

"I went to the capital to attend a winter camp, but because I was afraid of being said to be showing off, I didn't say anything clearly!"

After hearing Zhou Zixuan's explanation, He Tiantian took the opportunity to talk about her itinerary.

In their dormitory, although they have friends like Zhou Zixuan, Ma Siqi and Chen Nan, there are also two people like Wu Xiaohan and Liu Qian who like to find trouble.

Because of the previous turmoil that Zhou Zixuan was suspected of transferring to another school but failed to do so due to the recommendation, He Tiantian did not want to create complications before getting the exact result.

If you can avoid trouble, try to avoid it.

Therefore, He Tiantian didn't say what she was going to do during the winter vacation. She just vaguely said that she had plans.

"Winter camp?"

Zhou Zixuan didn't react at first and just thought it was an ordinary holiday activity.

But, then she heard the word "show off", and her heart moved, and she thought of a certain possibility.

Zhou Zixuan's eyes suddenly lit up. She leaned into He Tiantian's ear and whispered, "It can't be the winter camp of Beijing University or Shuimu, right?"

These double first-class universities often organize winter camps and summer camps.

Those who can participate in such activities are basically talents in a certain discipline.

If there are no accidents, all those who participate will be eligible for admission without taking the exam.

It’s recommended, and it’s a top university in China. It’s so, so unfair, okay? !

As expected of He Xianer, whom she recognized, he was indeed no ordinary mortal.

Zhou Zixuan's face was full of excitement, she was even more excited than being able to participate in the winter camp.

"From Beijing University!"

He Tiantian said with a smile.

"I X!" Zhou Zixuan couldn't help but cursed.

Not a curse, but simply a surprise!

She gave a thumbs up with both hands and nodded exaggeratedly at He Tiantian: He Xian'er, you really deserve to be a great fairy, I'm convinced!

He Tiantian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and held Zhou Zixuan's arm, fearing that she would attract the attention of the surrounding passengers.

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank Auntie!"

After the joke, He Tiantian said seriously.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhou Zixuan was stunned and pointed her index finger at herself: "My mother?"

He Tiantian probably wouldn't mention other people's mothers in front of her.

As for my own mother, she did have some contact with He Tiantian because of the interpreting matter.

"Yeah, if your mother hadn't hired me to attend that business negotiation,

I don’t know Teacher Guo from AIIC either! "

Through Teacher Guo, He Tiantian met Professor Chen from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Through Professor Chen, He Tiantian handed over artificial intelligence.

Relying on artificial intelligence, He Tiantian was qualified enough to be invited by teachers from Peking University to participate in the winter camp!

Of course, He Tiantian's own ability is the main reason, but this series of connections is also a necessary condition for her to get the opportunity!

Therefore, when she said she wanted to thank Zhou's mother, she was not just being polite.

He Tiantian briefly talked about the relationship here, but omitted the matter of artificial intelligence.

It was Teacher Guo and Professor Chen who thought He Tiantian was a talent, so they took the initiative to recommend him to the teachers at Peking University.

In this way, she had the opportunity to participate in the winter camp.

"..." After listening to He Tiantian's story, Zhou Zixuan didn't think too much.

Not to mention that He Tiantian really owed their family a favor.

After thinking about it, Zhou Zixuan said without any joking: "My mother just provided you with an opportunity to show your talents. If you can grasp it and have more and better opportunities, it is your own strength. !”

He Tiantian raised the corners of her lips, revealing a sweet smile.

Zhou Zixuan also laughed and did not continue the topic.

They are all smart and sober people. There are some things that just need to be understood in their hearts. There is no need to say too much.

However, the relationship between the two is somewhat deeper.

You are no longer a child, you should think about things like an adult.

Zhou Zixuan looked careless, but she had a strong idea in her heart. She knew very well whether she could make friends.

And He Tiantian is within the scope of "can have deep friendship".

The two of them chatted and laughed all the way, gossiping about school or the entertainment industry, and soon arrived at their destination.

"Tiantian, I have sent you my home address. Come and sit down when you have time!"

Zhou Zixuan asked again and again and was sure that He Tiantian did not need a "tour guide". Then she said this and left with her cousin who came to pick her up.

He Tiantian shook her phone at Zhou Zixuan and just said "Okay! Goodbye!".

The two parted at the airport. Zhou Zixuan left in her cousin's car, while He Tiantian hailed a taxi.

She had already booked a hotel in advance, which was near Beijing University.

During this time in the capital, except for the two-week winter camp, He Tiantian was planning to stay in a hotel.

A four-star hotel is not very high-end, but it is better than standard and clean.

He Tiantian booked a standard room, simply placed her luggage, washed herself, and then fell on the bed to send messages.

First, tell Zhou Zixuan that she arrived safely, and then send a message to the teacher at Beijing University.

In addition, Professor Chen, Teacher Guo and others, He Tiantian also contacted them one by one.

After finishing all this work, it was already getting late. After eating a takeaway, He Tiantian sat on the small balcony of the hotel, looking at the tall buildings and bright lights outside, and she felt like she was in a trance.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Not lonely, just a moment of vulnerability.

She is a human being after all. Even if she is mentally strong, she will still feel lonely when she is alone.

"Tiantian, why don't you do a task to relax?"

Classmate Little D felt He Tiantian's slight depression and got out in time.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, looking dispensable.

When Little D saw this, he said, “Hey, there’s a way!”

If their family is not happy, they will refuse directly.

If you don't speak now, then there is hope.

Classmate Little D shook Xiao Yuan's body, and there was a feeling deep inside his core. He suddenly thought of something, and asked tentatively: "Tiantian, you haven't been willing to do tasks recently, do you not like the feeling of amnesia?"

Little D is not really mentally retarded. Although he is not a human being, he cannot empathize with humans.

But it is very smart and has a binding agreement. It can feel the emotions of its friends.

After these days of careful observation, Little D repeatedly recalled He Tiantian's emotional changes before, and had a certain guess deep in his heart.

This time, Little D dared to jump out and suggest that He Tiantian do the task. Firstly, it was a good time (Tiantian seemed to be troubled by reality and was a little depressed), and secondly, it was because of the speculation in her heart.

"...Huh? Little classmate D, you have become smarter. It seems that upgrading is beneficial!"

He Tiantian did not answer directly, but her words had already told Xiao D the answer.


You guessed it!

Little D classmate silently cheered deep in the core.

It was so excited that it didn't care about the teasing and teasing in He Tiantian's words.

After trying to calm down his excitement, Little D quickly said: "Tiantian, actually, anti-virus tasks are not all like this!"

"Well, for example, there have been a number of anti-virus tasks recently. The harm of the virus does not seem to be that great. Once the writers enter, they will not be greatly affected!"

"You can retain your memories and you can play freely without being restricted by the plot and characters... It's super cool!"

Little D’s classmate worked hard.

He Tiantian was not affected. She glanced sideways at Little D and asked coolly: "But what?"

Such a good thing must have a twist.

He Tiantian didn’t believe that the system would be so generous. They wanted to make money, not do charity!

The task is easy to do and there are not many constraints on the writer, so the reward will definitely not be too high.

Sure enough, Xiao D's classmate suddenly changed from excited to excited.

"Well, it's not a 'but', it's just that, for this type of anti-virus mission, the point reward is not that high!"

After Little D said this, he quickly added, "But don't worry, it will definitely be higher than ordinary tasks."

"How much is it specifically? Even if there is no specific amount, there must be a range."

He Tiantian asked lightly.

Little D couldn't tell He Tiantian's mood or anger from her expression and tone of voice, so he could only bite the bullet, laughed twice, and said, "Guaranteed 6 points, maximum 20 points!"

Unlike several anti-virus tasks that He Tiantian had done before, they were basically all 60 points.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

There is no upper limit to the maximum.

Of course, for now, we have not touched this "upper limit", nor have we come as close as possible.

He Tiantian can get 60 points, which means he is already the best among many contributors!

Between 6 and 20 points, He Tiantian, who was used to receiving high point rewards, looked down upon it.

However, the feeling of amnesia in the mission world is really not good.

He Tiantian not only needs to recuperate in reality, but also needs to reconcile by doing some different tasks.

He Tiantian pondered for a moment and asked, "Tell me, what are the tasks?"

"Also, why doesn't the system set restrictions on characters, plot, etc.?"

It allows writers to express themselves freely, which gives them a lot of autonomy.

He Tiantian felt that the system would not make such a rule for no reason, there must be a special reason.

Classmate Little D: know that Tiantian in our family is the smartest and most alert.

Alas, there really is nothing I can hide from her.

Little classmate D sighed secretly deep in his core, but his furry little round body came closer to He Tiantian.

It organized its words, and then slowly told the reason——

"That's right. After the core system was poisoned, a group of very old ones were infected!"

He Tiantian nodded, this is easy to understand.

Virus invasion is definitely indiscriminate.

New books and popular books in the library will be poisoned, so naturally old books and classics from the past will not be spared.

"Uh, how should I put it?"

Seeing He Tiantian nodded to express his understanding, Little D did not relax, but looked increasingly hesitant.

After a while, it seemed to find the right words to say, "There are some books, whether it is the characters of the main characters or the plot, if you read them ten years ago, there would definitely be no problem!"

The audience loved it and even regarded it as a classic.

"But after ten years, perhaps thinking is more free and open, or perhaps people have become more diverse, and the public's outlook has also changed slightly!"

When Little D said this, his tone was a bit hard to explain, "When you look at the 'classics' of the past with the eyes of today's people, you feel like your three views are shattered."

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, yes, she seemed to understand.

She even thought of some cases.

For example, the famous Grandma QY, her work was a symbol of true love back then, but now, netizens are almost complaining about it.

However, Little D was worried that He Tiantian would not understand, so he started giving examples directly, "For example, in some works that I read ten years ago, the protagonist is a lively, cheerful, and quirky little cutie."

"And ten years later, some netizens complained, thinking that the heroine is a sophisticated egoist, or the kind of scheming bitch who likes moral kidnapping!"

"There are also some works. When I read them in the past, I thought the male protagonist was the affectionate Bai Yueguang. Looking back now, I will find that he is just a central air-conditioner and a green tea bitch!"

Well, Little D’s description is very vivid.

Several ancient works that fit this statement have emerged in He Tiantian's mind.

"...I understand what you mean, but what does this have to do with the anti-virus mission?"

"Is there a virus in the work that caused the personalities of these main characters to collapse?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Originally he was just suspected to be the best, but after being infected by the virus, he turned into a real best, or even a villain? !


Classmate Little D shook his head and said: "Many villains were infected by the virus. They became more and more arrogant and even crushed those important characters -"

The good female protagonist and the second male lead were suddenly transformed into villains.

What makes Dianniang Bookstore even more speechless is that the readers actually like this kind of divine development.

Of course, it doesn't matter if the female supporting character counterattacks the female protagonist and changes the original story from a female protagonist to a female supporting story.

After all, the most basic principle of Dianniang Library is to satisfy readers.

Otherwise, there would be no writers who would go into the book and revise the script.

"Isn't this great? The system allows counterattacks or character changes anyway!"

He Tiantian said nonchalantly.

In this way, you may save yourself the task of having the copywriter do the work.

The virus itself has modified some ancient texts that are not in line with the current three views. This will not damage the interests of the library, but also make readers like it, killing two birds with one stone!

"What the hell! Dear, those are all viruses! Viruses!"

And the virus is uncontrollable. It seems to be fine now, but if there are any sequelae in the future, the world will collapse!

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