The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 403 My husband is the supporting actor (2)

"Virus! You know that, right? It's a wrong program, it's destructive!"

Classmate Little D was a little anxious, and a big hair ball actually hit He Tiantian's eyes, "If the virus is allowed to stay in the novel world, no one can guarantee what changes will happen in the future!"

Now that a virus has been discovered, it must be removed as soon as possible.

Even if the villain is whitewashed and the protagonist is darkened, it should be done by a writer who can control it!

"...Okay, I know the virus is dangerous and must be eliminated! Then stop jumping around!"

Of course He Tiantian knew that the virus was uncontrollable. What she said just now was just to tease Little D.

There's nothing I can do about it. The way it was unable to say anything just now was so interesting.

He Tiantian couldn't help but stimulate it!

Classmate Little D: ...I am indeed not a human being, but you are a real dog.

I, I explained the task to you seriously, but you want to laugh at me? !

"Huh! That's how it is. This type of anti-virus mission is very necessary. We must not allow the virus to stay in the world of novels!"

Classmate Little D said angrily.

"Okay! Okay! Everything you said is right!"

He Tiantian smiled perfunctorily, then quickly changed the topic and confirmed again: "Can I retain my memory during such an anti-virus mission? Will I not be restricted by the virus?"

"Also, can I really do whatever I want without having to worry about the characters or plot?"

Little D instinctively wanted to nod, but thinking of the difficulty of his little friend, he still said slickly: "The system does stipulate this. But Tiantian, many times and many things... you know!"

He Tiantian:... Damn, I knew it would be like this!

Regulations are regulations, but if you want to complete tasks better, there are still some restrictions.

First of all, He Tiantian must consider the rationality of the characters, plot, etc.

The character can collapse, but the plot cannot collapse. Even if you attack counterattack, it must be reasonable.

Otherwise, it may cause dissatisfaction among readers, or it may directly cause the characters in the script to wake up.

No matter what the situation is, the revised novel cannot be put on the shelves normally, which means that He Tiantian failed in his mission.

Secondly, what He Tiantian pursues is not just completing tasks, she also wants to get rewards and achievement points from readers.

Rewards can be exchanged for treasure chests, and achievement points can make He Tiantian a Star Writer.

No, if He Tiantian accumulates enough achievement points and successfully becomes a one-star writer, she can choose the novel channel.

Thinking of this, He Tiantian couldn't help but ask: "By the way, I can choose the channel, right?"

Little D nodded quickly, "Of course! Tiantian, which channel do you want to go to this time? Ancient Chinese, modern Chinese, fairy tales, fantasy, any of them are fine!"

He Tiantian thought for a while and realized that she had not been to ancient times for a long time, so she said: "As the ancient saying goes, it is best to have a historical background of prosperity and grievances between wealthy families."

He Tiantian wanted to find a relaxing script and adjust herself.

She didn't want to be like the previous ancient novel worlds, where she would either run away from famine or be exiled.

"..." Little D was silent for a moment, then said cautiously: "You can only choose the ancient Chinese channel, but I will try my best to pick out better scripts for you!"

He Tiantian: ...Okay, I just said that casually.

"Tiantian, do you need to prepare?"

When Little D saw He Tiantian, he didn't have any violent reaction, but deep down he felt a little uneasy.

It warned again very carefully.

He Tiantian thought for a moment and shook her head. She had plenty of things in her space.

Even if she encounters famine, war, or a desperate situation again, she can rely on those things to temporarily survive the crisis.

He Tiantian is confident. With her abilities and intuition, she can deal with various crises even if she has no memory.

Not to mention, in the next mission, she will not lose her memory, and she will not question or deny herself.

If there is no problem with her mentality, she can better adapt to the environment, maintain her personality, and complete the task.


Seeing He Tiantian shaking his head, little D classmate shook Xiao Yuan's body with confidence and said, "The mission world is open!"

It was still the familiar space distortion, but this time He Tiantian was not confused and conflicted like the previous times.

"...The prince is back!"

As soon as he opened his eyes, He Tiantian was dizzy by the red color in the room.

She seemed to be wearing a heavy hair crown on her head, which was causing pain to her neck.

There is also a red wedding dress on her body, bright red in color, with complicated patterns embroidered with gold thread.

He Tiantian didn't have time to look at the pattern of the embroidery, there were vague images of birds, peonies and so on.

However, when he saw the red wedding dress on his body, He Tiantian felt inexplicably angry.

It seems that something bad happened because of this red wedding dress before!

He Tiantian shook her head slightly to get rid of those distracting thoughts deep in the sea of ​​consciousness.

She felt that this might be the remaining consciousness of the original owner, or the danger of the "virus".

However, He Tiantian has just arrived and has not figured out anything yet, so he is not in a hurry to take action.

The most important thing for her is to understand the situation, receive the script, and integrate her memories.

First of all, the things in front of you are the most important.

He Tiantian lowered her head slightly, her eyes slowly passing over the red wedding dress.

What dynasty's wedding dress is this?

Judging from the color, it should not be from the Tang and Song Dynasties, because everyone knows that wedding dresses in the Tang and Song Dynasties were green.

As the saying goes, men and women.

But the style of this dress is not like the large-sleeved shirts or horse-faced skirts of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Is it an illusion?

These speculations flashed through He Tiantian's mind quickly.

However, He Tiantian has no time to pay attention to this for the time being. She needs to deal with the scene in front of her——

The prince is back!

Looking at her red wedding dress, He Tiantian felt that today should be the wedding night.

And this time her status was not low, she actually married a prince.

At this moment, the cheap man with this body is back. He should have finished socializing at the front and returned to the room for the wedding night!

This was not the first time He Tiantian got married in the mission world, so she didn't have the shyness or anxiety of a newlywed.

She even had the energy to identify the footsteps of the so-called prince.


The steps are loose, light and heavy, which means walking unsteadily.

Considering that today is a wedding day, He Tiantian has every reason to believe that the newlywed husband in this body may be drunk.

Of course, it’s also possible that he’s pretending to be drunk!

He Tiantian has not forgotten that the body she traveled through is the villain in the novel.

A vicious female partner or something like that is not worthy of her husband's full love.

Perhaps, the marriage itself might have been planned by the original owner.

He Tiantian has done too many tasks, been the best for too many times, and has accumulated a lot of experience.

Student D: ...Is this something to be proud of?

Well, well, having more “experience” and all that can really help a copywriter quickly figure out the situation he or she is in.

Just when He Tiantian was secretly guessing and classmate Little D was complaining silently, the door to the outer room was pushed open forcefully from the outside, and the cool night breeze rushed towards her face with a strong smell of alcohol.

Even though he was separated by a screen, He Tiantian still smelled a strong smell.

He Tiantian frowned slightly.

She doesn't like people who drink too much. It's just that they don't control themselves. The key is that when they are drunk, they are really ugly and disgusting to watch!

"G-Oh no, Princess, do you want to go up and give me some help?"

He Tiantian didn't move, still sitting on the edge of the bed watching her newlywed husband walk in crookedly.

The maid next to her was a little uneasy, so she cautiously approached He Tiantian's ear and lowered her voice to remind her.

"...The prince has not yet lifted his hijab and performed the ceremony of joining the nuptial union!"

He Tiantian replied lightly. She did not deliberately control the volume, so not only the maid next to her heard it.

The other maids in the new house, the servants serving on the porch outside the door, and even the "groom" himself heard it.

He Tiantian saw the lower body of the prince through a small space exposed under the red hijab.

When he walked around the screen and came to the inner room, the prince staggered and looked like he was drunk.

However, when He Tiantian said "lifting the hijab and doing the wedding ceremony", the man's footsteps obviously paused.

He Tiantian sneered secretly: Very good, this person is really pretending to be drunk!


The man staggered a few steps, came to the bed, passed He Tiantian, the newlywed bride, and fell down.

He Tiantian: "The acting is so poor, it really hurts the eyes!"

Classmate Little D huddled in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness and whispered, "Tiantian, do you want me to transfer the script to you first?"

With the script and knowing the plot and characters, He Tiantian can get into the mood as soon as possible and get rid of the "crisis" in front of her.

"Need not!"

He Tiantian felt very disdainful when she saw the prince acting like this.

She despises this kind of man!

If you don’t want to marry, then don’t say yes in the first place.

Now you welcome people into your home, but deliberately torture them with such cold violence. You are definitely not a good person.

Don't say that he had any last resort, or that the body that He Tiantian traveled through was some kind of vicious female counterpart.

He Tiantian feels that no matter how bad a woman is, she still has longings and fantasies deep in her heart when it comes to a major life event like marriage.

If a man has to marry a woman but is unwilling to treat her well, he is killing the last trace of warmth and softness in the woman's heart.

This kind of person basically bullies the weak and fears the strong.

What is forced?

It was not because he was afraid that he agreed.

But he had a grudge in his heart, but he couldn't take revenge on the person who made him submit, so he turned against the woman who was full of joy and wanted to marry him!


Scum! !

"Come here! Help the prince up!"

He Tiantian endured the anger in her heart, suddenly raised her voice and gave an order in a cold voice.

There were two maids beside the wedding bed. He Tiantian secretly thought that these two people should be the maids of the original owner.

There were four maids waiting outside. Their attire looked different from that of the maids accompanying them. He Tiantian speculated that they must be maids from the palace, or perhaps some palace maids.

In addition, there are several second-class maids, mothers-in-law, etc. waiting under the porch outside the door.

All in all, there were probably about ten people.

At this moment, He Tiantian suddenly opened his mouth to give instructions, and all these people turned their gazes over.

The two maids beside me were very respectful. Although they did not act immediately, they whispered, "Princess, the prince is drunk and has fallen asleep now!"

So, what's the point of lifting someone up?

Isn't this disturbing the prince?

Although the prince is a less favored prince, he is still the emperor's son.

This time, thanks to the blessing of their general, he was granted the title of King of Qi, and he was also a dignified king of the county.

As servants, they are very respectful to the superior Prince Qi.

"I said, help the prince up!"

He Tiantian ignored the original owner's maid's question and gave another order in a cold voice.

The servants in the palace looked at each other, wondering whether they should obey the princess's order.

"What? The slaves in the royal palace can't even understand people's words?"

He Tiantian had a sullen face, not at all shy and shy as a newlywed, but rather like a villain with a violent temper.

Her voice became colder, "Or do you think that I, the princess, am not worthy of handling slaves like you?"

This is more serious.

Although the prince is the most respected person in Prince Qi's Mansion, once the princess passes the door, she becomes the mistress.

Not to mention, her princess was the only daughter of General He Jing, whom the emperor relied on.

This Miss He had a bad reputation as a shrewd woman when she was in the boudoir.

He beat and scolded the maids and bullied his cousins. If it weren't for General He's power and his wife's doting on this girl, this third lady would most likely not be able to get married.

Although the servants of the palace did not see Miss He San with their own eyes, oh no, this aunt is now the mistress of their palace.

Everyone didn't see the princess acting recklessly, but they had long heard of the master's reputation as arrogant, domineering, and vicious.

Today is the princess's happy day, and her prince is "drunk" again, and he doesn't even lift his hijab.

Even the servants in the palace didn't believe it when they said that the prince didn't do it on purpose or that he didn't dislike the princess.

The princess is just bad, but she is not stupid. How can you not see that the prince is pretending to be drunk?

Listening to the tone of the princess's words, everyone knew that this famous evil woman in the capital was angry.

"Don't dare! The princess is the mistress of the palace, of course she can tell the slaves to wait!"

A maid who looked like a big maid spoke first.

She quickly took small steps to come closer, bowed and said respectfully.

"Stop talking nonsense and come here quickly!"

He Tiantian knew that she was right when she saw that she was speaking so fiercely but the maid did not stop her in a panic.

The original owner, ahem, is indeed not a kind person.

Chunqin, the maid who took the initiative to speak, was one of the maids used by King Qi.

She looked awkwardly at King Qi, who was lying on the bed pretending to be drunk, and then at the princess who was wearing a red hijab, but showed no trace of shyness or reserve like a newlywed bride.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally succumbed to the notoriety of the princess.

She waved to two little maids, and they worked together to help the drunk and unconscious King Qi up.

"Let him hold the scale and take off my hijab first!"

He Tiantian could only see the movements of their lower bodies, but she could also tell what they were doing.

She ordered very politely.

Chunqin's eyes widened, is there such an operation?

My prince deliberately pretended to be drunk because he didn't want to go through the last few steps of the wedding.

But the princess didn't care, and actually asked someone to "help" the prince complete it.

Chunqin subconsciously didn't want to cooperate.

But the two dowry maids seemed to have understood their master's thoughts. One of them quickly picked up a weighing rod tied with a red ribbon on the table.

I saw the dowry maid named Xing'er directly stuffing one end of the scale beam into King Qi's hand. Then Xing'er held King Qi's arm with her own hand, controlled the scale beam, and lifted the red hijab!

King Qi pretending to be drunk:...

Confused Chunqin:...

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