The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 404: My husband is the male partner (3)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Without the red hijab, He Tiantian suddenly felt that the world in front of her was brightening.

Her vision is no longer restricted and she can see everything in the room more clearly and comprehensively.

However, at this moment, He Tiantian had no time to observe her surroundings, but instead focused on the groom who was reluctantly supported by several maids.

Well, this man looks pretty good, with fair skin, handsome features, and an elegant aura, making him look like a gentle gentleman.

However, the "gentleman" in front of him seemed a little embarrassed.

His face was red, he smelled of alcohol, and his bright red wedding dress was wrinkled, with some deep and shallow water stains on it.

It was probably accidentally spilled on me while "drinking" wine.

He Tiantian:......


What about drinking?

What's wrong?

This is the prince. Although I don’t know which dynasty it is from, whether it is official history or fiction, the prince cannot be easily humiliated.

Unless he did this on purpose.

He Tiantian sniffed slightly and looked carefully.

She discovered that the annoying smell of alcohol was not coming from the groom's mouth and nose.

His wedding clothes were stained with too much smell.

He Tiantian had every reason to suspect that the prince would not hesitate to pour wine on himself in order to pretend to be drunk.

Wanting to pretend to be unconscious and avoid having sex with the bride.

Do you want to use your actions to show your resistance to the marriage, or do you want to deliberately embarrass the bride?

No matter what the situation was, He Tiantian looked down on such people!


A villain who only uses gender and worldliness to bully the weak.

He Tiantian hasn't accepted the plot yet, nor has she integrated the original owner's memory, so she doesn't know anything.

However, just looking at the prince's behavior, He Tiantian didn't have the slightest fondness for him.

With a cold face, He Tiantian continued to order: "Why don't you bring the things?"

She didn't ask for anything by name, but her eyes fell on the two golden wine glasses placed on the table nearby.

Two wine glasses are tied with a red ribbon.

According to the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds drink the wine together.

This evolved from the ancient ritual of combining wine with wine.

In ancient times, a gourd was cut into two gourds and the handles were connected with threads. The bride and groom each held a gourd and drank the wine, which symbolized the union of the couple as one.

He Tiantian didn't know whether the time and space she was in was a historical background or an imaginary dynasty, but as far as the ceremony of He Na was concerned, it was pretty reliable.

Chunqin knew that the new princess wanted them to help get the wine glass.

But, but——

"The servants of the palace really need to be punished. They really don't understand any rules!"

He Tiantian said coldly, with obvious murderous intent in her voice.

Chunqin shivered, ignoring her prince's secret tugging on her sleeves, she quickly walked to the table respectfully, and carefully picked up two gilt-carved double-eared wine glasses.

He Tiantian took one and watched coldly as Chunqin put the other one into the prince's hand.

Prince Qi clenched his fist hard. When he was forced into the weighing beam just now, he was unprepared for a moment, which allowed the maid of the He family to succeed.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

But this time, he didn't want to give in.

He was going to give this vicious woman He a slap in the face and make her lose face on her wedding night.

Chunqin tried it, but she couldn't break away from her prince's hand. She didn't dare to use too much strength, so she could only hold the wine glass.

Frozen on the spot.

He Tiantian couldn't see Prince Qi's little moves.

This acting is really terrible.

In other words, has this person convinced the original owner?

There was no cover. Everyone present, as long as they were not blind or stupid, could see that the Prince of Qi was pretending to be drunk, and could also feel the resistance all over his body.

He Tiantian sneered, raised her neck, and drank the wine in the golden cup.

He let go of the wine glass and let the empty wine glass hang on the other end of the red ribbon.

Then, with everyone's astonished eyes on her, she grabbed Prince Qi's chin with her right hand.

Prince Qi was completely unprepared, his jaw hurt again, and he instinctively opened his mouth.

He Tiantian saw the right moment, grabbed the other wine glass from Chunqin's hand, and poured it directly into Prince Qi's mouth.

"Cough! Cough cough cough!"

Prince Qi was choked and coughed repeatedly.

"What a waste!"

He Tiantian cursed unceremoniously.

Prince Qi and everyone:...

Is He (Princess) crazy? She actually dares to scold him (Prince)?

"It's still a noble prince. You can get drunk on your wedding night. Isn't that useless?"

"I'm even more stupid now. I can choke even if I drink some wine. I'm worse than a child!"

He Tiantian said extremely harshly, looking at Prince Qi as if he was looking at a piece of garbage.

"Okay, let's stop talking! This smell of alcohol is really unlucky!"

As He Tiantian spoke, she fanned her nose with her hand. Her disgust could be seen in her bones.

Prince Qi was so angry that his hair was about to explode. He almost forgot that he was still pretending to be drunk and wished he could drag He Tiantian to settle the score with her.

It was the last bit of reason that reminded him not to make trouble, and he couldn't expose the fact that he was pretending to be drunk!

If he was really unable to consummate the marriage with Mr. He because he was drunk, at most he would be gossiped about, but General He would not be able to settle the score with him.

But if he was pretending to be drunk and deliberately embarrassed the He family on their wedding night, then, let alone General He, even the emperor and Prince Qi would have a hard time explaining it.

how so?

Doesn't He like herself very much?

In order to be able to marry him, she did not hesitate to get angry with her parents and made many jokes.

He's reputation in the capital is not good, but she has always been shy and flattering in front of him.

Could it be that his behavior of deliberately pretending to be drunk today angered her?

Or did He feel that she was married to him and started to show her true colors? !

Although King Qi almost exploded from anger, he could still maintain a certain degree of rationality and quickly analyze and research in his mind.

However, no matter how much he thought about it, he could not understand why He became like this.

Just when Prince Qi was thinking about how to break the situation, he heard "Mr. He" rudely ordering Chunqin again: "Go, let someone get a low couch to come in!"


What does He want to do?

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Just make him drink Hexin wine, but don't even let him sleep on the bed?

After experiencing the hijab and drinking Hexin wine just now, even if King Qi did not doubt his own charm, he would not think narcissistically——

He ordered someone to get a low couch so he could sleep on it himself!

She must have let him sleep on the low couch because she smelled of alcohol.

Sure enough, just as King Qi was muttering to himself, Chunqin found a few stout women and brought in a low couch.

He Tiantian pointed to the corner farthest from the canopy bed, "Just put it there!"

Chunqin didn't dare to hesitate and quickly put the couch in place according to He Tiantian's instructions.

After setting up the couch, Chunqin made no other moves and stood aside with his head bowed respectfully.

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you help your prince to the low couch quickly?"

After hearing this, Chunqin's eyes widened suddenly.

Together with the princess, she ordered someone to bring a low couch, not for her to sleep on it herself, but to let their prince—


This is not possible!

After all, their prince is also a dignified prince. Now he has opened a palace and joined the Ministry of War. He is no longer the unpopular and transparent prince in the past.

Even if he is a transparent prince, there is no way for his wife to sleep on the bed and her husband to sleep on the couch!

Unless the wife is a princess.

Although the princess's natal family is powerful, they are not royal after all.

Rules cannot be broken!

Chunqin was very dissatisfied, but she didn't dare to show it.

She accompanied her carefully and said softly: "Princess, why don't we help the prince to the study or the wing next to him——"

It's better to sleep in a study or a wing or something like that than to sleep on a low couch.

Things like low couches were basically only used by slaves and concubines.

"You're talking nonsense again! On the wedding night, have you ever seen a bridegroom who didn't stay in the bridal chamber, but went to some kind of study or wing instead?"

"Hmph, today is embarrassing enough. Do you still want to make the entire palace become the laughing stock of the capital?"

"I just said that the servants of the palace are unruly. Today I saw that they really need to be disciplined!"

"I'm only thinking about the palace. It's okay for you to disobey orders, but you still want to cause trouble?!"

He Tiantian sneered and put all the blame for today on Prince Qi.

Prince Qi: ...I just want to give you a slap in the face. I want you to be ridiculed as an abandoned wife despised by her husband. How come you have become a joke in the palace?

You woman, don’t you have any sense of shame as a woman?

He Tiantian couldn't hear what Prince Qi was saying, otherwise she would have said something back -

"Why should I feel ashamed? Feel that I am embarrassed?"

"Aren't you the one who did the wrong thing? As a man, you are already married, so you should act according to the rules."

"I don't follow the rules, but I still want women to reflect and repent. What kind of bullshit is this?!"

"You don't dare to provoke a truly strong man, so you deliberately try to humiliate a woman by pretending to be drunk. How shameless!"

He Tiantian would not buy into this kind of ancient PUA.

There are only two masters in the palace.

The hostess He Tiantian has a firm attitude, and the male host Prince Qi is still "drunk".

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Chunqin hesitated for a moment, not daring to provoke the princess again, so she could only carefully help Prince Qi to the short couch together with several other maids.


Prince Qi was placed on a low couch.

King Qi felt MMP in his heart, but he couldn't get angry. He could only sit on the small low couch and continue to pretend to be unconscious.

He Tiantian didn't care about this. She didn't take off her shoes or change clothes like a good wife for her newlywed husband who was pretending to be drunk.

She didn't even allow Chunqin and the other maids to wait in the house.

"Okay, everyone, please step aside! I'm tired after a day of hard work, and I want to go to bed!"

He Tiantian waved her hands impatiently and even chased the maid out.

After He Tiantian's repeated magical operations, no one dared to disobey the "Princess".

Chun Qin and other maids from the palace wanted to stay and serve their prince, but they were more afraid of the princess.

I didn't see the princess being so upset, and the prince who was pretending to be drunk didn't jump up and have a fit.

Chunqin and others didn't know their prince's willingness to endure, but in their eyes, the princess VS the prince seemed to be more terrifying.

Therefore, it is better to obey the princess's orders, otherwise, if they are really punished by the princess, the prince may not be able to save them!

It is instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Even a loyal slave will choose between strong and weak.

Besides, it's not a big deal, and it shouldn't rise to the level of loyalty or disloyalty.

...Chun Qin and others bowed their knees and respectfully stepped out.

Prince Qi:...

In less than a fucking day, the servants of the palace have already sided with the He family? !

Prince Qi felt so aggrieved, but he couldn't have an attack yet, so he could only continue to pretend to be drunk and sleep.

Pretending, Xu was really tired, and Prince Qi actually fell asleep.

Hearing the even breathing sound in the room, which was not a deliberate disguise, He Tiantian knew that Prince Qi was really asleep.

She didn't step forward to check. She took off her crown, shook off her hairpin, let her hair down, and huddled into the canopy bed.

Putting down the curtain, He Tiantian slowly lay down, "Okay, Little D, please transfer the script to me!"

"Okay, dear!"

Classmate Little D responded cutely and then started to work.

After a while, He Tiantian opened her eyes.

She has received all the scripts and integrated them with the memories of the original owner.

This is an ancient novel about house fighting and palace fighting.

The heroine is a time-travelling girl who travels to a noble family.

His father was the Marquis of Nanning, but he died young.

The heroine He Shu had no brothers, so her uncle inherited the title.

He Shu was obviously the legitimate daughter of the Marquis, but she could only live with her widowed mother and depend on Chengjue's uncle.

The uncle is kind, but the aunt is selfish and only knows how to pamper her own daughter.

She is very indifferent to her niece in the next room, the heroine.

It can't be called abuse, but there isn't much care either.

Especially when there is a dispute between her own daughter He Tan and the heroine He Shu, regardless of right or wrong, her aunt will favor He Tan.

He Shu was kind and did not bear any grudge against her aunt and cousin.

But her cousin was jealous of her good looks, talent, and popularity, so she targeted her everywhere.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Especially the Seventh Prince, whom He Tan had a crush on, also admired the heroine, which made He Tan even more crazy.

He Tian planned to marry the seventh prince, and He Shu was forced to become the concubine of the fourth prince.

The seventh prince, after marrying He Tan, was finally granted the title of King of Qi County.

He not only hated He Tan for being arrogant and vicious, but also felt that he owed He Shu, so he always helped her secretly.

Not long after, the fourth prince ascended the throne, He Shu became the palace concubine, and King Qi became the general king with the support of the Yue family.

With military power, King Qi's power greatly increased and he became a very important figure in the court.

Within a few years, the fourth prince, the new king, became seriously ill, leaving only three young princes and died.

King Qi already had the strength to compete for the throne, but he did not do so. Instead, he tried his best to help the third prince born by He Shu succeed to the throne.

He Shu became the empress dowager, and King Qi became the regent. Together, they assisted the third prince to stabilize his country.

Since King Qi paid so much for He Shu, his princess He Dan naturally refused to do anything and tried every means to cause trouble for He Shu.

But at this time, the King of Qi already held great power, and He Dan's biological father, General He, also died on the battlefield.

He Tan, the vicious female supporting character, "died" of illness in a deep courtyard.

Later, when the young emperor took charge, the King of Qi handed over the military power. He was about to fake his own death and escape with He Shu, but unexpectedly he was assassinated and died.

Relying on the connections left to her by King Qi, He Shu became the ultimate palace champion and the biggest winner in life!

He Tiantian:......

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