The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 405: My husband is the male partner (4)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Such ancient sayings, He Tiantian really has a feeling that is hard to express in words.

Of course, from the perspective of the heroine, this book is a fun story about a Mary Sue heroine who cheats all the way.

It doesn’t even have a real male protagonist.

The heroine's few blue-faced confidants are, at best, male supporting characters.

It's still the kind of top-notch plug-in whose love is as deep as the sea and who would sacrifice everything for the heroine.

Even the heroine's husband, the short-lived fourth prince, was probably just a tool for the heroine's success.

The official match of the heroine is the splendid country and supreme power.

Well, if the heroine relies on her own abilities to become the true master of the country, there is nothing wrong with her.

But... at least re-examine the heroine from He Tiantian's current perspective. She is just a white lotus flower and a scheming bitch who takes advantage of men to gain power.

The author writes that she is well-educated and sensible, but she clearly knows that King Qi is her brother-in-law, but she still does not know how to write the word "avoid suspicion".

The author said that she was kind, but she knew that having a personal relationship with a palace concubine was a serious crime of beheading, but she still kept in contact with the Ouchi guard who had a crush on her, and in the end, the idiot man had his whole family beheaded.

The author said that she repaid evil with kindness, but she never treated her biological uncle badly, and he still died on the battlefield "accidentally".

The author says…

Perhaps, when reading this article more than ten years ago, readers would feel refreshed and refreshed if they took the perspective of the heroine.

However, after all these years, aside from the so-called halo of the protagonist, the heroine's words and deeds are really full of flaws.

He Tiantian didn’t even know where to start complaining.

However, this is the original plot.

The system is infected with a virus, and the specific manifestation is this: the vicious heroine of this book, He Tian, ​​dreamed about the subsequent plot in advance.

Knowing that King Qi didn't love him at all, even if he was assassinated and he already guessed who did it, he didn't hold any resentment and closed his eyes with a smile.

He also knew that his father's death was not a normal death in battle, but a frame-up.

The most important thing was that He Tian knew that his children would not end well.

He Tian completely woke up and changed from a love brain to a female warrior bent on revenge.

However, the virus only allowed He Tan to unlock the plot in advance, and did not increase her IQ or change her temperament.

He Tan's revenge was very mindless, simple and crude, and even failed in the end.

He Tian is not completely useless. She messed up the plot and caused the heroine's kind and beautiful character to collapse.

Although several male supporting characters sacrificed themselves in the end for the success of the heroine, they lacked the beauty of willingness and had more of a conspiracy and calculation!

Anyway, the whole small world was messed up, and the White Lotus heroine also became the Black Lotus villain.

However, the readers enjoyed reading it very much. Instead of complaining, they even gave a lot of rewards.

The dianniang system is very speechless.

If the virus hadn't controlled He Tan, the plot would have been tampered with, as long as the readers liked it.

It just so happened that the world was infected by a virus, and viruses were uncontrollable. In order to avoid future problems, the system still added this small world to the task pool.

"Is this the virus?"

After He Tiantian received the plot and integrated the original owner's memory, he keenly discovered that there was a wisp of black material deep in the sea of ​​consciousness.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If you don't identify it carefully, or if you don't take precautions in advance, you may mistakenly think it is the remaining consciousness of the original owner.

"Yes! This is the source of the virus!"

Classmate Xiao D also made a careful identification, shook Xiao Yuan and said, "Actually, this mission is quite simple.

In some similar anti-virus tasks, viruses will not be discovered so easily! "

Little D said this and couldn't help but sigh: Our family's Tiantian luck is really good.

The first time you try this type of antivirus task, you'll get an easier one.

Moreover, the background and character setting of this book are also very consistent with Tiantian’s previous requirements - a prosperous and wealthy family!

What a perfect vacation trip!

"It's really not that difficult!"

He Tiandian nodded, released a flash of consciousness, and wrapped the black mist.

With a twist, the black mist disappeared.

The virus was killed by He Tiantian.

However, there was no familiar "ding" sound from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Mission not completed?

He Tiantian frowned, a little confused.

Classmate Little D felt He Tiantian's mood swings and quickly jumped out to explain, "Tiantian, this type of anti-virus mission is different from the anti-virus missions you have done before!"

In previous anti-virus tasks, the focus was on anti-virus!

As long as the virus is found and killed, the task is completed.

The subsequent performance is only related to rewards and achievement points.

The basic mission points have been successfully obtained.

This time, the focus of the mission is to fix loopholes and complete the plot to make it more exciting and beautiful!

It was not too late for He Tiantian to arrive, it was the day He Tian married King Qi.

The real plot has just begun.

However, the original owner has become a demon under the control of the virus.

It was the original owner's fuss that made King Qi, who was usually coaxing He Tan, make up his mind to show He Tan some sex on their wedding night!

"...This one is really a talent!"

He Tiantian has all the memories of the original owner, so he naturally knows what she has done.

Recalling the original owner's sexy operation, He Tiantian didn't know how to evaluate it.

"It's okay! The original owner has a low IQ and is still a love brain. The virus only allows her to predict the plot in advance, not to change her brain-"

Classmate Xiao D helped the original owner explain a few words.

"Yes, so she knew that in the original plot, after her new wedding dress was finished, the heroine secretly went to the embroiderer's place to take a peek out of curiosity (envy), so -"

He Tiantian was speechless when talking about this incident that happened half a month ago.

What happened was that after being infected by the virus, the original owner predicted the future before he was engaged to the King of Qi.

But instead of thinking about how to cut off her relationship with her "enemy", she wanted to continue marrying her "enemy" so that she could get revenge at close range!

Everything went according to the original track, the original owner successfully got engaged to the Seventh Prince, and the Emperor also named the Seventh Prince the Prince of Qi for the sake of Nanning Marquis and General He.

The emperor personally granted the marriage, and the queen rewarded the original owner with two fine gold-embroidered horses for tailoring the wedding dress.

The gold embroidery is very precious. As a tribute, even ordinary relatives and relatives of the emperor cannot have it.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The original owner, as the daughter of a powerful minister, was able to get two horses, which could also be used as wedding clothes, which shows how much the royal couple in the palace valued the He family.

The original owner was naturally very proud and specially found the best embroiderer to help him sew the wedding dress.

Gold embroidery is rare, and the wedding dress made is even more gorgeous.

The heroine He Shu is a time-traveling girl. After coming to the fictional dynasty of Dayuan Dynasty, she has lived in a noble family since she was a child, and she has seen many good things.

But she had never seen it before with gold embroidery.

That day, when the palace servant came to announce the decree, He Shu glanced at it from a distance.

The bright red silk is embroidered with gold thread, which is bright red and golden, exquisite and gorgeous.

He Shu was very curious and wanted to see with her own eyes how stunning a wedding dress made from such high-quality tribute would be.

So, counting the days and guessing that the wedding dress was almost ready, He Shu secretly went to the embroidery room of the Hou Mansion.

She just wanted to take a sneak peek and touch it, but she didn't have any excessive thoughts.

The original owner, who already knew the plot, was disgusted at first - this was her wedding dress, and before she could get her hands on it, it was touched by He Shu, the star of the family who suppressed her father.

Although He Shu didn't try it on, the original owner still felt unlucky!

Then, the original owner, who had a low IQ, suddenly thought of a plan!

She wanted to teach He Shu a lesson about the wedding dress.

She wanted everyone to know that He Shu was not a flawless lady from the capital, but just a bad woman who was greedy for vanity and jealous!

The original owner clearly knew the specific day when He Shu slipped away to the embroidery room. She hid in the embroidery room in advance, and suddenly stood up when He Shu caressed the wedding dress lovingly.

Don't get me wrong, she wasn't blaming He Shu and scolding her for what she shouldn't do.

The original owner made a very puzzling and sexy move. She put on an affectionate look that she had never seen before, and tried her best to persuade He Shu to try on this wedding dress.

He Shu may have had the idea of ​​giving it a try, but she still had a minimum IQ.

Even if you are not smart enough, you should still know common sense - how can other people try on wedding dresses at will? !

Even if the owner of the wedding dress took the initiative to invite, He Shu would not do such an obviously stupid thing.

However, the original owner was too enthusiastic, and He Shu suddenly wanted to see what this cousin, who was only one year older than herself, was planning.

So, He Shu deliberately acted half-hearted and took the wedding dress to the inner room.

Upon seeing this, the original owner hurriedly ordered someone to call his grandmother, mother, aunt and other elders.

Everyone didn't know what was going on. Seeing the exaggerated angry expression of the original owner and others, Ma Shi, the original owner's mother, had a bad premonition in her heart.

Sure enough, just when the original owner pretended to be angry and cried "He Shu, why are you wearing my wedding dress?", He Shu held the bright red wedding dress in both hands and flashed out from behind the screen.

She was still wearing her own clothes, and the wedding dress had no wrinkles at all, so it had obviously not been touched.

"Third sister, I don't think I should try it on! This is your wedding dress after all. Although you tried your best to let me try it on for you, I still can't wear it!"

He Shu didn't seem to notice that many people suddenly came outside. The moment she turned out of the screen, she said apologetically.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Looking at the exaggerated acting skills of the original owner and listening to what He Shu said, there is something else that the elders of the He family do not understand.

The eldest wife of the He family, He Shu's biological mother, wiped away tears on the spot and kept chanting: "Master Hou! Master Hou!!"

The Marquis she was talking about was not the current Marquis of Nanning, He Jing.

It was her husband who died young, the former Marquis of Nanning and the eldest son of the He family, He Jing.

Mrs. He Jiatai was originally just angry that the original owner was messing around, but when she heard the eldest daughter-in-law's sobs, she suddenly realized that the original owner was deliberately plotting against her own cousin.

Mrs. Tai felt sorry for He Shu, who had lost her father since she was a child. She was also well-behaved and sensible.

Now looking at the original owner's wanton behavior, He Shu is pitiful and innocent, and her heart is leaning towards He Shu's side.

"Nonsense! Huang'er, you just bullied your sister in the past, why would you use something as important as a wedding dress to harm others?"

Not only was the madam angry at the original owner's nonsense, she was even more angry at the granddaughter for being so stupid.

If you really want to frame someone, then make the trap smarter.

It was good for her, she was really stupid for making such a farce that could be broken by anyone.

A girl like this will bring trouble to her parents' family if she gets married.

"Why am I fooling around? Even if I let He Shu try on my wedding dress, if she didn't miss my wedding dress, how could she sneak into the embroidery room?"

The original owner's worrying IQ finally came online.

The plot to harm people was discovered on the spot, and the elders looked at her with disappointment and dissatisfaction.

The original owner was angry and anxious, and suddenly thought of this.

She shouted to He Shu, "He Shu, tell yourself, did I drag you to the embroidery room, or did you sneak here on your own?"

He Shu:......

What could she say?

She was indeed curious and secretly came to the embroidery room.

But he also knew that he couldn't say such things.

Once she says it, her perfect image will be stained.

Although she was just looking at it, this behavior itself was inappropriate.

Lie and deny?

He Shu has not yet reached the point of telling lies with her eyes open.

She simply said nothing, gently put down the wedding dress in her hand, and came to her mother's side.

While helping my mother wipe away her tears, I shed tears silently.

"You, you are talking? If you don't speak, are you acquiescing?"

The original owner was a straight-tempered man, and he hated He Shu's pretentious appearance of silently shedding tears.

However, in everyone's eyes, this scene showed that the original owner was too domineering. He Shu was bullied and she clearly felt wronged but did not dare to speak out.

Even the original owner's mother-in-law, Ma, felt a little uncomfortable.

She is a protective person and usually dotes on her daughter.

However, the scene in front of him was too, too obvious, and the wife was in front of him again. It was hard for Ma to go too far if she wanted to help her daughter to make things right.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

It was He Shu who cried silently for a while, held her mother's hand, raised her head and said to everyone: "I did have some ill-thoughts about today's matter——"

She didn't lie, because it was really not honorable to peek at other people's wedding clothes out of curiosity.

Others misunderstood He Shu as saying that she knew her cousin was an arrogant, domineering and unreasonable person, but she still followed her to embroider the house.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"It happens that my father's life sacrifice is coming soon, and I want to go to Jingyue Temple outside the city to copy the Sutra of Filial Piety for my father."

She was actively asking for punishment for herself.

The madam and the eldest lady felt very distressed when they saw her sensible and aggrieved look.

Even Ma was a little embarrassed.

Only the original owner did not see the cleverness of the original owner, and actually shouted: "Yes! She should be punished to go to the nunnery to reflect! Who made her covet my wedding dress?!"

Madam: ...This child is so outrageous!

Ma couldn't help but closed her eyes: ...Oh, my daughter is indeed a bit too domineering.

He Tiantian was completely speechless.

However, the original owner was still complacent. After all, she was able to send He Shu to the nunnery, and finally achieved her goal of teasing He Shu.

Little did she know that after this incident, everyone including Ma wanted to compensate He Shu.

Not to mention that Prince Qi, who had a crush on He Shu, directly made a note of the original owner in his notebook after hearing about this incident.

Pretending to be drunk on the wedding night was Prince Qi's first move to vent his anger on He Shu...

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