The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 406: My husband is the supporting actor (5)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

With the virus under control, He Tian had nightmares about predicting the future.

But her IQ has not improved, and her temperament has not changed at all.

On her wedding night, she was full of longing and sweetness. She waited in the middle of the night, only to find a drunk and staggering King Qi.

There was no lifting of the hijab, no drinking of Hexin wine, not even the last sexual intercourse.

The "drunk" King Qi threw himself into the bed, motionless like a dead pig. No matter how vicious He Tan was, she was only a seventeen-year-old girl from a boudoir.

She has the shyness and anxiety of women of this era.

She also has natural admiration and respect for her husband.

What's more, because she is a lover, she almost regards her husband as her god and her life.

In front of King Qi, she almost humbled herself to the dust.

But she was filled with infatuated love, but she waited for the result of sitting alone on the marriage bed.

He Tan felt sad, sad, and even felt an inexplicable sense of humiliation.

The shackles imposed by the world on women are: even if the husband is unruly, disregards dignity, and throws his newlywed wife aside, while the world criticizes the husband, it is more likely to blame the woman for not living up to expectations.

This is a typical victim-guilt theory.

The groom deliberately embarrassed the bride on the wedding night, and at most he would be gossiped about.

But the bride will be ridiculed and criticized.

No matter how capricious Jiaoman is, she also suffered from this kind of PUA.

He Tian has no knowledge of future generations, she is just a native daughter spoiled by her parents.

If her husband neglects her, she will not blame her husband for his lack of discipline and conscience. Instead, she will blame herself for not being good enough.

Of course, He Tan is a vicious villain after all, and she will not reflect too much on herself or deny herself.

Someone made a mistake, and she may have some responsibility, but someone else was definitely the worse offender.

For example, the little vixen He Shu who seduced her husband!

As a result, He Tan was left out on her wedding night, and He Tan was ridiculed by the women in the capital. Instead of settling the score with King Qi, she intensified her attack on He Shu.

Who is He Shu?

She is Bai Yueguang in the heart of King Qi, the perfect goddess that he dreams of.

He Tan's methods were simple and crude, and He Shu was a smart person who could easily trick He Tan in turn.

Things broke out, and the dignitaries in the capital secretly despised He Tan's stupidity and cruelty. The King of Qi County even regarded her as his mortal enemy.

Fortunately, He Tan still had his mother's family as a backer. Prince Qi needed the power of the He family in the army, so he did not completely abandon He Tan.

However, Prince Qi didn't have the slightest feelings for He Tan and was only used by Chi Guoguo.

Once He Tan had no use value, no matter how much this woman loved him or gave birth to children for him, Prince Qi would still let her "die" of illness.

I hate the house and the bird!

Even the son and daughter He Tan gave birth to to Prince Qi were rejected by Prince Qi, and they all met a miserable end.

He Tiantian:......

Whether it's the original plot or He Tan after being poisoned, it's so speechless.

"...Tiantian, you treat King Qi like this, it seems, it seems -"

He Tiantian complained secretly, but she didn't expect that her classmate Little D also wanted to complain about her.

"What's wrong? Shouldn't such a person be punished?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian communicated silently with classmate Xiao D in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"What, he didn't like the original owner in the first place, he was forced to——"

Little D’s classmate doesn’t really want to fight for the injustice of Prince Qi, but wants to remind He Tiantian: Dear, the original owner is really not kind enough!

After He Tiantian came through,

Not thinking about how to turn the situation around and compensate the people who had been hurt by the original owner, he became even more wanton and arrogant.

Isn't this not good?

Moreover, He Tiantian's acting style is very different from when he was a villain in the past.

You know, He Tiantian herself is very resistant to being a villain.

In the beginning, there was no choice in the script, so He Tiantian was forced to be the villain.

But she can always keep her basic views and bottom line, and she will do her best to make up for those who have been hurt by the original best.

"Zhou Jin was not forced to do anything!"

He Tiantian guessed what Little D was thinking when she heard the tone of her voice.

She retorted lightly.

Zhou Jin is the name of the Prince of Qi. In this fictional dynasty called "Dayuan", it is the Zhou royal family that is firmly established in the Central Plains.

The current emperor is the seventh generation emperor. He has no outstanding political achievements, but he is not excessively mediocre either.

He was just an ordinary emperor who was neither strong nor weak. If there were any history books, he would not be written down in a big book.

The emperor has passed his forties and has nineteen princes and twenty-two princesses under his knees.

If there are many children, the emperor will not care too much.

Some princes whose mothers came from humble backgrounds were transparent in the palace.

For example, the Seventh Prince.

His biological mother was just a palace maid, and the emperor got pregnant with a dragon by chance.

However, the emperor was not short of sons, including the crown prince born to Empress Yuan, and the second and sixth princes, the "child of love" born to him by his beloved concubine.

There are also the fourth prince, his adopted son, and the third prince, the empress dowager's grandnephew.

It can be said that when the seventh prince was born, the emperor did not have any expectations.

When he heard that he had another son, the emperor instinctively rejoiced and gave the maid a position as a talented person, then left her alone.

After the seventh prince, a dozen more princes were born, and the emperor became less and less concerned.

Growing up, the Seventh Prince was the poor little one in the palace.

When he was young, he was bullied by eunuchs.

At that time, He Shu, whose father was still alive, followed her mother into the palace for a banquet and encountered such a scene.

Of course, according to the routine, the kind and noble daughter-in-law He Shu helped the seventh prince.

She was like a bright light, illuminating the gloomy life of the seventh prince.

With such an encounter, He Shu became the white moonlight in the seventh prince's heart, the little fairy who redeemed him.

He Shu, who possesses a modern soul, also helped the seventh prince with advice, allowing him to successfully show his face in front of the emperor.

Although he failed to make the seventh prince the emperor's favorite son, it also reminded the emperor that he still had a son like Zhou Jin.

The seventh prince successfully transformed from a pitiful little boy who could even be bullied by eunuchs and maids, to an ordinary prince in the palace.

There is still no divine favor, but he has all the treatment that a prince should have.

Having no worries about food and clothing, and being able to study and practice martial arts, the seventh prince was already very satisfied with this change.

As for his noble lady He Shu, he was even more grateful and mixed with an unexplainable feeling.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

It was later, when both of them had grown up, and the seventh prince had become a handsome young master, and began to have admirers, that he gradually understood his feelings.

He likes He Shu and wants to marry her!

At this time, the identities of the two seemed to have been reversed——

He Shu's father died, and she was no longer the distinguished daughter of the Nanning Hou Mansion.

Although the seventh prince is still transparent, he is still a prince.

When he was young, He Shu took care of the seventh prince.

After the former Marquis of Nanning passed away, the seventh prince secretly took care of He Shu.

After He Shu's fourteenth birthday, Mrs. He's wife began to visit her.

The seventh prince wanted to marry He Shu.

But, at this moment, He Tan jumped out.

She fell in love with the gentle and handsome seventh prince, and pursued her wildly regardless of the restraint of her daughter's family.

He Shu flinched. She had no father, and she and her mother had to rely on the Hou Mansion for survival.

If she openly competes with He Tan, not only will the world laugh at the He family's daughter for being uneducated, but it will also attract He Tan's hatred.

Of course, He Shu is a thoughtful and meticulous person.

Naturally, she would not tell the Seventh Prince. She was afraid of turning against He Tan and not being able to get help from the Hou Mansion, so she had to give in.

She stood in the perspective of the seventh prince, putting on a show of doing everything for the seventh prince, and comforted her with tears in her eyes: "Actually, it is best for you to marry the third sister!"

The seventh prince is too transparent. He is over eighteen years old, but he has not yet been knighted or assigned an errand.

The eighth and tenth princes who were younger than him were either granted the title of county prince or entered the six divisions for training.

Only he seemed to be completely forgotten by the emperor.

Neither up nor down, embarrassing.

The He family is different.

The Nanning Marquis Mansion is a hereditary and irreplaceable founding achievement, and has held military power in all dynasties.

That is to say, He Shu's father, the former Nanning Marquis He Jing, was born weak and could not practice martial arts, so he became an empty marquis.

However, He Jing couldn't do it, but his second brother He Jing stepped up.

He Jing was very brave and went to the battlefield with his father at the age of thirteen.

After the death of the old Marquis, He Jing went to the northwest border, experienced more than a dozen battles, and made great achievements.

Because the title of Marquis of Nanning was inherited by his eldest son He Jing at that time, the emperor made He Jing the general of Jingbei.

Later, He Jing died of illness and He Jing inherited the title. All the connections and power of the Nanning Marquis Mansion were inherited by He Jing.

He Jing was loyal to the emperor, and the emperor valued him very much.

To put it bluntly, in the emperor's heart, He Jing's children were more important than some of the princes and princesses he was not familiar with.

If the transparent seventh prince marries He Jing's only daughter, it would be like marrying a thick thigh.

Relying on the power of He Jing and the He family, it was absolutely a matter of course for him to be ennobled and enter the court.

The seventh prince looks like a gentle scholar, but the blood of the royal family flows in his veins, and he also has ambitions.

Even if he cannot sit in that position, he must become a high-ranking prince, not a transparent prince with only an empty name.

After hearing what He Shu said, his heart moved shamefully.

However, he still couldn't let go of He Shu, his childhood sweetheart and life-saver.

He Shu continued to wipe her tears, "I know your friendship, but the third sister is the most stubborn person."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"The person she likes will never give up easily if she is determined to do something!"

"...Furthermore, my second uncle is very good to me, and my third sister and I are full cousins. I, I can't ruin her happiness!"

He Shu knows the art of speaking very well.

She did think about marrying the seventh prince. After all, no matter how bad the seventh prince was, he was still the son of the emperor.

As a woman without a father and no brothers to rely on, even if she had the Marquis of Nanning as her natal family, she would not be able to marry into a good family.

At most, he is the second son, youngest son or even the bastard son of a Duke or a Marquis.

Or, you can choose the upstart from a humble family.

He Shu didn't want any of these choices that were neither good nor bad.

If you marry the seventh prince, you can at least become a princess.

Even if you are not favored, you still have a minimum level.

With the status of princess, many of He Shu's previous ideas can be put into practice.

Opening a shop, making gunpowder, and launching overseas trade... It's not that He Shu, who has the knowledge of later generations, doesn't want to struggle on her own.

But times don’t allow it.

More than ten years after the birth of the fetus in ancient times, the smart and cautious He Shu had already understood all this.

She would not be like some brain-dead time-travelers who always preach that everyone is equal, and women and men are the same.

Before she had the ability to break the world and change the rules, she could only endure.

The seventh prince is an important step towards her success and realization of her self-worth.

It's a pity that for He Shu, the best choice, the Seventh Prince, was actually chosen by He Tan.

He Shu could only reluctantly give up, and in turn tried her best to persuade the seventh prince to marry He Dan.

When persuading, He Shu would never say that she did not dare or could not marry the seventh prince.

She first told the seventh prince that marrying He Dan would help him a lot.

Then she said that her second uncle, He Jing, was very kind to her. She valued blood and family ties and wanted to fulfill He Dan's infatuation.

After saying this, the seventh prince was moved and distressed at the same time: Shu'er is indeed a kind and beautiful woman, and she is sincere to him!

It just so happened that He Tan was stupid again and designed a very clumsy and cliché trap.

The Seventh Prince, who was already a little moved, gave in half and fell into the lake with He Tan.

In full view of everyone and with skin-to-skin contact, the marriage between the Seventh Prince and He Dan was finalized.

Although He Jing felt awkward, he still felt that the seventh prince was not a good match for his daughter.

But things had reached this point, and it was his own daughter who was the one who made the mistake. He Jing had no other choice.

I had no choice but to run to the palace and ask the emperor for the marriage decree.

The emperor favored the Marquis of Nanning and General Jingbei, and he was naturally very satisfied when he knew that he was going to be his in-laws with He Jing.

It was only then that the emperor suddenly remembered that Lao Qi was already eighteen years old and at the age of starting a family and starting a business.

The marriage is settled, then his career——

With a stroke of his pen, the emperor not only granted a marriage decree, but also wrote an edict conferring the seventh prince on the throne.

Just like that, in one day, the seventh prince became the king of Qi County, and he also had a powerful in-law family like the He family.

Later, He Jing also helped King Qi get a job training at the Ministry of War.

After being granted the title of king and able to serve as an official in the court, the status of Prince Qi completely changed.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

While secretly happy, Prince Qi was still a little disappointed in his heart——

After all, he still failed to marry the girl he had been thinking about for more than ten years.

Prince Qi loved, pitied and felt guilty for He Shu, but He Tan, a little expert in seeking death, made another stupid move.

Although the He family has blocked the news of the "wedding dress farce", Prince Qi and He Shu have known each other for more than ten years, so they naturally have their own channels for news.

On the day He Shu went to the nunnery in the suburbs of Beijing, Prince Qi received the news.

"Okay, what a shame, your plan succeeded, but you still don't know how to restrain yourself!"

"Shu'er does everything for you, but you still frame her!"

"Shu'er is kind, but I am a person who must judge every penny and retaliate..."

However, the King of Qi County was very cruel and cruel, but he did not dare to teach He Tan a fair and honest lesson.

The only way he could think of was to deliberately embarrass her and deliberately ignore her.

Using He Tan's infatuation with herself to hurt her and torture her...

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