The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 407: My husband is the male partner (6)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

It's a pity that He Tiantian came through.

She really doesn't like to be a villain, but she doesn't want to see a villain like Zhou Jin, the king of Qi County, who is both important and independent.

"He does hate the original owner, but he enjoys all the help the original owner can bring him!"

He Tiantian said coldly, "If there is no original owner, can he be granted the title of county king? Can he also work as an errand in the Ministry of War?"

Not to mention that in the subsequent plot, He Jing gave Zhou Jin a lot of support and almost taught him step by step to become the general king.

He Jing is not a kind-hearted holy father. If it weren't for his own daughter, how could he show his heart to Zhou Jin? !

But what did Zhou Jin do?

While enjoying the convenience brought to him by the original owner, he also hated the original owner for being unruly, willful, mean and vicious.

Is the original owner like this on the first day?

Even before the marriage, the family had a bad reputation.

Moreover, because of his relationship with He Shu, Zhou Jin knew the affairs of the He family very well.

He had witnessed with his own eyes all the arrogance and arrogance of the original owner.

When getting engaged, Zhou Jin was not picky and even behaved well in front of He Jing.

After they got married and used the original owner to get the power he wanted, he started to fall out?


Not to mention that the original owner planned the fall into the water, Zhou Jin had to marry the original owner because he was framed.

He Tiantian not only has all the memories of the original owner, but also knows the plot well.

She is able to examine the words and deeds of several important characters from a more objective perspective.

Not to mention anything else, with the original owner's little IQ, he couldn't even count on Zhou Jin and He Shu.

If these two people don't cooperate, or even help secretly, the original owner simply won't be able to do it.

The original owner was taken advantage of, and all the bad reputation was hers, while the gentle seventh prince became the little pitiful person who was framed, and he also achieved his wish by the way.

Of course, He Tiantian is not saying that the original owner is innocent, she does have scheming intentions.

However, Zhou Jin is not an upright, upright and good person.

What right does he have to spurn and humiliate the original owner?

Upon closer inspection, the original owner was as bad as he was evil, but he was more pure than Zhou Jin.

No matter how many stupid and bad things she did, her feelings for Zhou Jin were true.

As for Zhou Jin, he clearly hated the original owner in his heart, but he still coaxed the original owner for the sake of the power of the He family.

He also had two children with the original owner...

Haha, he is indeed a dog man, he can clearly distinguish between emotions and body.

Classmate Little D: ...Uh, dear, don’t get me wrong, I’m not a man.

Feeling He Tiantian's shamelessness towards Zhou Jin, classmate Little D shrank back and did not dare to help Zhou Jin, an extremely affectionate and good supporting actor, to excuse himself.

"No wonder the original owner who was infected by the virus is so crazy, readers still find it fun!"

Little D’s classmate said nothing, but He Tiantian still wanted to continue complaining.

"We can't blame readers for their preferences changing too quickly. It's actually the character of Zhou Jin that has problems."

"And the heroine He Shu, is she really kind and beautiful?"

"It's not that the heroine can't have plans, but there is a difference between conspiracy and conspiracy!"

"In addition, if the heroine is someone who is dedicated to her career, it is normal to have some shortcomings!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian does not reject the fact that the heroine has shortcomings.

However, early film and television works may have been too obsessed with creating perfect protagonists.

The difference between good and bad is too absolute.

It seems that as long as she is a heroine, even her breath is scented.

But some authors are not strong enough in writing;

Or if there is a gap between the character and the description, it will feel weird to the readers.

In the past, it was easy to introduce the protagonist. With the protagonist’s aura shining, readers would not pay too much attention.

But now, everyone is beginning to pursue diversification, and readers’ tastes have become richer.

A protagonist that is too perfect will make readers feel unreal.

Sometimes readers prefer villains.

This book has a similar problem. Reading it more than ten years ago, everyone would just think that the heroine is suicidal and cool.

After all these years, if you reread it again, you will feel that the heroine is too scheming, just a white lotus flower or a green tea bitch who takes advantage of men.

And why is the vicious female supporting role? Although she is stupid, she also has a pure side, which is more real than the heroine.

Therefore, in a world infected by the virus, there is no way to control everything.

Even though it didn't end well in the end, it still tore off the masks of the heroine and many male supporting characters.

Among them, when He Tan slapped He Shu and beat and scolded a certain male partner as "blind" and "slutty", the readers felt even more amused!

Classmate Little D: ...Dear, stop talking, that’s a virus! Virus! Virus!

When He Tiantian saw Little D starting to get angry again, she smiled and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

The virus has been killed by her, and the next step is how to write a plot that satisfies readers!

He Tiantian Weiwei did not continue chatting with classmate Little D, but reorganized the memory of the original owner and the tampered plot.

In the original plot, He Shu did not go to Jingyue Temple. Instead, as Princess Qi's cousin, He Shu slowly entered the top social circle in the capital.

She is good-looking, talented, well-controlled, and well-spoken.

During the conversation, he also made some remarks that were refreshing but not too outrageous.

Princess Leyang, the biological daughter of the current queen, took notice of this fourth girl of the He family. When she returned to the palace, she would mention her a few words unconsciously.

Along with this, the queen also heard about He Shu's name.

In fact, when He Jing did not die of illness, He Shu was also a noble daughter who often visited the palace.

After He Jing passed away, He Shu followed her widowed mother to observe filial piety, so naturally she could not go out to socialize.

Out of filial piety, the eldest lady is a widow and has too many taboos.

He Shu can go out with the second wife Ma, but He Shu doesn't like her.

As a loving mother who dotes on her daughter to the point of no principles, Mrs. Ma will naturally not do anything to make her daughter unhappy.

Unless necessary, most of the time, Ma would only take He Tan to attend various banquets.

Gradually, many people have forgotten that the He family still has a legitimate daughter left by the former marquis.

Therefore, the queen did not have much impression of He Shu.

However, how many times had they met? After hearing that Princess Leyang always mentioned Sister Shu, the Queen asked without leaving any trace.

After Princess Leyang left, the queen ordered people to investigate.

The only daughter of the late Marquis of Nanning and the niece of General Jingbei.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She has no brothers and only a widowed mother, but both the Tai Madam and General He are very kind to her.

The key point is that He Shu is different from He Tan. She is well-educated, gentle and virtuous, and looks like a model for the daughter of a wealthy family.

The queen had no sons. With the emperor's permission, she adopted the fourth prince whose biological mother died young.

The fourth prince is twenty-three years old this year and already has a princess.

It's just that the princess only has two daughters, and the fourth prince doesn't even have a son.

The queen had long wanted to give her adopted son a concubine - after all, he was the eldest son, and it would not be good for his biological mother to be too humble!

He Shu? !

Although I don’t have a father or brother, I have a good second uncle.

The military power held by General He was coveted by several older princes.

It's a pity that He Jing is only loyal to the emperor.

He can still be more respectful to the princes, that is, the prince.

And the reason why he is like this is not because of the prince himself, but because of his status as "Crown Prince".

As for the other princes, He Jing stayed away from them.

However, He Jing's daughter married the seventh prince, who is now the Prince of Qi——

The queen only hesitated for a moment, then smiled and shook her head.

Lao Qi's mother clan was so humble that the emperor didn't pay attention to him at all.

If it weren't for General He's face, Lao Qidu might not have been able to become king so quickly.

Even the emperor probably never took Lao Qi seriously, otherwise he would not agree to Lao Qi marrying the daughter of the He family.

The seventh prince is a transparent prince, but the fourth prince is different.

Although his birth mother is also humble, he is indeed recorded in the queen's name and is considered to be half a legitimate son.

The queen's mother's family fully supports her. His princess is the eldest daughter of Mr. Pei Ge, and many civil servants in the court will support the fourth prince.

If you marry General He's niece as a concubine——

The Queen vaguely had such an idea.

As for the He family, because He Tan got married, He Shu's marriage was put on the agenda.

As the head mother of the house, Mrs. Ma no longer hears He Tan complaining and messing around, so she no longer keeps He Shu in the backyard like in the past.

He Shu began to appear in the upper class circles of the capital, and she and Princess Leyang gradually became good friends.

Prince Qi Jun secretly gave He Shu a lot of help.

He Tian noticed it and did not blame Prince Qi for not avoiding suspicion. She put all the accounts on He Shu's head.

So, the little master of making monsters started to act stupid again.

And He Shu once again took advantage of the situation and achieved her goal——

She was not caught and raped with the libertine selected by He Tan, but instead let everyone see her sharing a room with the fourth prince, King Qin.

He Shu was "forced" to marry the King of Qin as a concubine, and He Tan was viciously abused again. General He tried his best to help deal with the aftermath.

That's all the others did, at most they just laughed a few words behind their backs.

Zhou Jin, the king of Qi County, hated He Dan because of this incident, and his guilt and love for He Shu reached its peak!

Then he helped the King of Qin seize the throne. After the King of Qin died, he helped He Shu's son become the emperor. The King of Qi County simply did not hesitate to do anything.

In addition to the love for Bai Yueguang in my heart, there are also many debts mixed with it.

...These are the original plot lines.

After the virus hit the world, He Dan had a precognitive dream and began to act more crazily.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

After discussing the wedding dress, He Shu went to Jingyue Nunnery, probably missing Princess Changning's flower viewing party.

It was at the flower viewing banquet that He Shu met Princess Leyang and won the favor of the legitimate princess with her outstanding performance.

The plot changes at this point.

Of course, He Shu is the heroine and has a strong protagonist aura.

Even if she loses this opportunity, she should have other opportunities.

He Tiantian will not be as stupid as the original owner, and he will not cause havoc, nor will he be a little joke like that!

Even snoring echoed in his ears.

Well, this Prince Qi slept quite soundly.

He Tiantian thought of Prince Qi, and many plots and pictures flashed through her mind, and she raised her lips slightly.

Classmate Little D: ...Ah ah ah, help, is our Tiantian finally going to be promoted from a half-step villain to the ultimate villain? !

He Tiantian ignored the funny little classmate D. She had a plan in mind, so she relaxed and fell into a deep sleep.

In the early morning, Zhou Jin, the king of Qi County, woke up first.


He just opened his eyes and wanted to move his limbs, but he couldn't help but groan.

Maybe the couch was too narrow and he couldn't stretch his limbs. The result of a night's sleep was that his whole body ached.

Especially the half of the body that was suppressed when lying on its side, it felt numb, and if it moved even slightly, it felt like being gnawed by countless ants.

After a long while, Zhou Jin endured the pain and got up from the low couch.

Looking at the red new house and the dragon and phoenix wedding candles on the table beside it that had not yet been burned out, Zhou Jin suddenly remembered: This is his wedding night!

He and He Tian are already married!

Zhou Jin's temples felt a throbbing pain when he thought of He Tan.

Because it flashed through his mind that he pretended to be drunk last night, but was forced to lift his hijab by He Tan and was given a glass of Henan wine!

"This woman is as fierce and arrogant as ever!"

Zhou Jin cursed secretly in his heart.

But soon, he frowned again.

Maybe after a night's rest, he became more rational and clear-headed.

He felt that he was paying more and more attention to the issue that he had vaguely felt was not right last night——

Why would He Tian suddenly treat himself like this?

Doesn't she like him very much?

In the past, Zhou Jin often gave He Dan a cold look, but He Dan never cared.

Even if it was a bit excessive to pretend to be drunk on the wedding night, He Tian wouldn't react so violently.

Did something happen again?

Zhou Jin was worried. He really hated He Dan, but he still needed this woman now.

Not to mention the future, even at this moment, Zhou Jin was worried that He Tan would ignore him like yesterday.

Today is the second day of the wedding. According to the rules, he and He Tan will enter the palace to express their gratitude.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Zhou Jin still knew that in his father's mind, He Tan, the daughter of a powerful minister, was probably more important than his cheap son.

If He Tan made a fuss about what happened yesterday, his father would definitely blame him.

If it were He Dan from before, Zhou Jin wouldn't be worried at all.

Because he knew that He Tan liked him, and he relied on this feeling to feel confident!

But last night——

Zhou Jin reached out and rubbed his face, trying to make his expression gentle and warm.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He even managed a faint smile and slowly approached the exquisitely crafted Qiangong Babu bed.

"Huan'er? Huan'er! Are you awake?"

Zhou Jin's voice was soft, with a hint of ambiguity, as if he was whispering like a lover.

If it were the original owner, he would definitely be elated and jump for joy when hearing such a subwoofer.

Unfortunately, He Tiantian is not the original owner.

"What's the noise about? Your Majesty is sober after sleeping all night, but I've been tired for half the night!"

He Tiantian raised the curtain and stared at Zhou Jin with an evil look on his face!

Zhou Jin: ...I really don’t want to see this arrogant and vicious face.

However, not only did he want to look at it, he also wanted to show a tender and sweet expression to this face.

Desperately telling herself to be patient, Zhou Jin seemed like a righteous man who endured the humiliation and said with a gentle and tolerant smile: "Last night was all my fault. I was just happy, drank two more glasses of wine, and got drunk!"

"Yan'er, blame me! It's all my fault, I missed the beautiful scenery. Don't worry, I will definitely make up for it -"

So, stop making trouble, and let’s quickly enter the palace to pay our respects to our father, mother, and other elders!

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