The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 408 My husband is the male partner (7)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian:......

It's really forbearing.

The prince's acting skills in front of him were obviously much better than last night.

"...Actually, I can't blame you entirely!"

Seeing such a man who was good at acting, He Tiantian couldn't help but want to show off his acting skills with him.

Uh, okay, He Tiantian is not that boring.

But she couldn't act too abruptly.

Although this anti-virus mission does not have any requirements for character or plot.

It just needs to "make readers greatly satisfied".

However, "satisfaction" is too subjective, and it is better to have a clear task to complete.

In addition, He Tiantian also needs to prevent the character from collapsing too completely, which will lead to suspicion, which will trigger the awakening of important characters.

Seeing Zhou Jin showing his signature gentleness again, and showing due intimacy and apology to "He Tan", his newlywed wife, He Tiantian suddenly changed his face.

One second she was a resentful newlywed and abandoned woman, and the next second she became a shy little woman.

Seeing He Tiantian turning back into the nymphomaniac she used to be, Zhou Jin instinctively felt disgusted, but more than anything she felt proud, and let out a long breath——

Great, I finally managed to coax this vicious stupid woman.

However, before he could rest assured for a long time, he heard He Tiantian say willfully, "If you want to blame it, blame the guests last night!"

"What kind of bad friends are they? Don't you know that last night was your most important day, Shichiro?"

"On such an important day, they tried their best to get you to drink, and you are a docile character, so you got drunk!"

The more Zhou Jin listened, the more he felt something was wrong. Why did he hear the tone of "He Tan" and resent the guest last night?

Doesn't she still want to settle accounts with others?

After all, "He Dan" is an arrogant, willful and vicious woman. She relies on the favor of General He and his wife to do all kinds of mischief.

She had never suffered a loss before, and she was probably really angry last night.

Zhou Jin couldn't guarantee whether she would impulsively run to those guests to make noise!

Sure enough, He Tiantian continued: "Huh, I know they still look down on you, so they deliberately made you drink!"

"The tenth prince just got married last month, why didn't he get so drunk?!"

Zhou Jin's face looked a little ugly.

He is indeed not as favored as the tenth prince. Most of the people who came to the wedding last night did it for the sake of the He family.

However, if you see through something like this, don't tell him. Once it is exposed, he will really look bad.

Furthermore, Zhou Jin had a bad feeling in his heart.

Although most of the guests at last night's wedding banquet were face-friendly, there were also a small number of people with whom he had good friendships, or who he tried his best to win over.

Zhou Jin was worried that with "He Tan's" arrogance and roughness, once she started to cause trouble, "innocent people" would be affected.

Zhou Jin finally won the king's title and was able to serve as a servant in the court. He just wanted to build his own personal connections as soon as possible.

If it was because of a wedding banquet... well, the main reason was that no one made him drink alcohol last night, but "He Tan" knocked on his door!

Tsk, what kind of follow-up this matter will have, and what kind of bad impact it will have, Zhou Jin can only think about it with his toes.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Actually, it's my fault!"

Zhou Jin was anxious and tried to help explain.

"Who says you are not good? In my opinion, you are the best!"

He Tiantian seemed to be in love, with her love and obsession for Zhou Jin written all over her face.

Classmate Little D: ...such acting skills,

I owe you an Oscar!

"They are all those people, I will never let them go!"

Zhou Jin:......

He tried his best to explain, but what could he explain?

Could it be that he didn't make him drink, but he pretended to be drunk on purpose? !

"...Yan'er, let's forget about this, I'm afraid your reputation will be impressed upon me!"

"Humph, I don't care!"

"...I, I feel bad!"

Without conscience, Zhou Jin said such sweet words.

He Tiantian showed a happy and shy expression at the right time, "I knew you, Qilang, are the best to me!"

"Well, for your sake, I won't settle the score with those people!"

He Tiantian looks very much like an infatuated woman who is even more obsessed with Zhou Jin.

Seeing her like this, Zhou Jin was disgusted and at the same time full of pride.

"You are my wife and the person I like. Of course I want to be nice to you!"

"What happened last night was all my fault—"

Zhou Jin continued to hold back her nausea, speaking sweet words while putting on a gentle and elegant look.

"Humph, you also know that you are wrong? If someone makes you drink, you won't find a way to escape?"

He Tiantian pouted, probably trying to show off her coquettishness, but in the eyes of Zhou Jin, who was already prejudiced against her, she was just a spoiled brat.

The smile in Zhou Jin's eyes was not warm at all, but he still gently held He Tiantian's hand and said dotingly, "Yes! It's my fault!"

"However, now is not the time to talk about this. It's getting late and we should enter the palace!"

This is the point!

If it weren't for "He Tan" to go to the palace to show off his temper and attract reprimands from his father and other elders, Zhou Jin would not be so low-key and say a lot of things against his will.

"That's right! I have to go to the palace today!"

He Tiantian seemed to have just thought of this, and suddenly lowered her head to look at her wedding dress, which was wrinkled from sleep.

Then scratching her messy hair, she shouted at the top of her lungs: "Someone! Come quickly! I want to change!"

After giving the order, the maids guarding the porch outside the door hurriedly opened the door and came in.

After being busy for half an hour, He Tiantian finally packed up.

Zhou Jin was so anxious that he urged several times. Seeing that "He Tan" was getting more and more impatient, he did not dare to urge too much.

This woman, He Tan, is not a good-tempered person.

Zhou Jin has not forgotten her outburst last night.

She said she liked him, but if he didn't like him in the slightest way, she would turn her back on him.

Huh, she is indeed an arrogant and selfish woman. How can she be as gentle and elegant as Shu'er?

Thinking of He Shu who was forced by He Tan to go to Jingyue Temple, Zhou Jin's eyes flashed with distress.

He will miss Shuer after all!

He didn't consummate his marriage with He Tian last night, so he was in trouble most of the night.

If he still makes excuses today, He Dan will probably bring down the entire Prince Qi's palace!

Zhou Jin closed her eyes hard and silently said sorry to He Shu.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

When he opened his eyes again, his face was filled with that signature gentleness and warmth.

He held He Tiantian's hand and rode in a carriage together like a loving newlywed couple to the palace.

The emperor really had no impression of the seventh prince, but for He Jing's sake, he still waited patiently for the newlyweds to come and pay their respects.

Seeing the newlyweds coming in hand in hand, the emperor couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

"A beautiful child and a beautiful wife! Haha, a beautiful child and a beautiful wife!"

The emperor first praised a few words according to the rules, and then spoke to He Tiantian lovingly and cordially: "Sanniang, this time you can get your wish!"

Zhou Jin clenched his fists and stood aside silently with his head lowered.

The person on the Dragon Throne is his biological father, but this Supreme Being is not as affectionate to him as he is to a vassal!

It seemed that He Tian was the emperor's daughter, while he, the Zhou family, was an outsider.

"As you wish!"

He Tiantian smiled with crooked eyebrows. The original owner was arrogant, but not bad looking.

In fact, people all have appearance-control attributes.

Even biological parents probably like children who are beautiful and "like themselves".

The original owner was doted on by her parents, her brothers loved her, and even the emperor looked at her differently.

In addition to the identity of the original owner, her appearance should also play a certain role.

The original owner is not a beautiful woman, her face is round and round, and her figure is not slim and does not meet the requirements of a delicate beauty.

But the elders like it very much.

Blessed, good at fertility, and not aggressive.

In addition, the original owner is not only capable of running rampant, but also acts coquettishly when it's time to act coquettishly.

Men may not like this, but older people will find her kind and cute!

For example, the emperor had many daughters of his own, but he just liked the original owner.

General He is the main reason, but there is also some charm of the original owner himself.

"Haha, just as you wish!" Seeing He Tiantian smiling sweetly and her chubby little face beaming with joy, the emperor's mood became even better.

However, before the emperor could say a few more words, He Tiantian suddenly frowned again.

"I'm happy, but our prince has been bullied!"

He Tiantian looked like a child who had finally found his parents to complain, with a swollen face. He was obviously complaining behind his back, but he didn't have that calculating or sinister feeling, and instead made people feel cute.

At least, in the emperor's opinion, He Jing's daughter was so lovely.

Zhou Jin had a bad feeling. He didn't care about pretending to be respectful in front of his father, and suddenly raised his head and looked at He Tiantian.

He winked at He Tiantian as hard as he could, as if to say: "Yan'er, don't talk about what happened last night! Didn't we tell you everything before?"

Of course He Tiantian saw Zhou Jin's little actions like killing a chicken and wiping his neck.

She deliberately grinned at Zhou Jin, showing two rows of small white teeth, with a little pride in her eyes: "Hey, I do promise you that I won't cause trouble for those guests, but I didn't say that I can't complain. !”

After understanding He Tiantian's eyes, Zhou Jin almost spit out blood!

Damn it, you might as well just go find those noisy guests.

Go to the palace to complain, this is the rhythm of making trouble that is not too big!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhou Jin simply couldn't imagine how the emperor would react if he knew this.

And what kind of defense will those guests who have been "unjustly accused" have?

However, one thing Zhou Jin can be sure of is that this time, he will definitely offend everyone!

His face will also be thrown to the ground and stepped on!

"...I know that our prince has always been a kind person. But he is being bullied by others. They were jealous of the prince's double happiness, so they deliberately made him drunk!"

He Tiantian looked like a scolding little brat, holding up her skirt and running up to the emperor, chirping.

"Hmph, our prince was so drunk that he fell unconscious, and the beautiful wedding night was completely ruined!"

"Your Majesty, you must make the decision for my prince!"

He Tiantian clearly complained on her own, but she kept saying "our prince".

She directly raised the issue of Zhou Jin's drunkenness to the level of being looked down upon by others, and her words were all about fighting for her husband's injustice.

The emperor was a little surprised at first, because no matter how much he trusted He Jing and liked the little girl "He Tan", he was still an outsider.

Failure to consummate the marriage on the wedding night is such a private matter that some brides may not even tell their biological parents.

"He Tan" he said to him, the emperor, in a carefree manner.

However, when the emperor turned his head and saw He Tiantian's round eyes full of trust and sincerity, his heart, which had long been hardened by power, actually moved slightly.

This child trusts him as the emperor with all his heart.

Oh no, maybe in the eyes of "He Tan", he is not an emperor, but just a loving elder who loves her.

Well, this feeling is very subtle.

The emperor couldn't describe his specific feeling. Although it was a little weird, he was not disgusted by it, but rather found it novel.

"Making the decision? How do you want me to make the decision for your prince?"

The emperor suddenly had some teasing thoughts and asked in a relaxed tone.

"..." He Tiantian pretended to think seriously, and then said thiefly like a child who was about to do something bad: "They deliberately got my prince drunk, so I will let them all get drunk too!"

Most of the people who attended yesterday's wedding were looking at the He family's face.

Most of these people are military generals or nobles.

Drinking and other things are simply very common.

And a small number of them are civil servants or nobles who Zhou Jin has made great efforts to make friends with. These people, haha, probably don't have a good drinking capacity.

It's not that literati can't drink it, but Zhou Jin's own taste is here.

Besides, even if those officials can drink, there is still a clear difference between wanting to drink and being deliberately drunk!

"Hahahaha!" The emperor laughed loudly.

When you asked "How do you want me to make decisions for your prince?" it was actually a test.

He wanted to see if "He Tan" was really naive or deliberately pretending.

At this moment, hearing He Tiantian's childish words, the emperor was relieved - this He Tan was indeed as sincere and upright as He Jing.

If the emperor had no defense at all against the He family, which had held military power for generations, not to mention the parties involved, even the court officials did not believe it.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

For example, when the emperor first registered, he was very afraid of the old Marquis of Nanning.

It was because He Jingwen, the eldest son of the Hou family, was weak, and He Jing, a martial arts practitioner, was stubborn, so the emperor slowly lowered his guard.

The emperor will never forget that when He Jing was still alive, he promoted He Jing to become a general. The man who had become a father knelt in front of him and cried excitedly.

"Your Majesty, you are so kind to me. My father has never praised me!"

What a blessing.

The emperor and He Jing were able to get along well with each other because of this friendship.

And He Jing has lived up to his trust. For more than ten years, even though he held military power, he has never been arrogant.

He Jing has never disobeyed or disrespected his will.

"Okay! Let them all have a taste of drunkenness! Let's see if they dare to force others to drink and ruin other people's good deeds in the future!"

The emperor spoke to He Tiantian, but glanced at Zhou Jin lightly.

Zhou Jin suddenly felt a chill running down his spine, and cold sweat flowed down his forehead...

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