The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 409: My husband is the supporting actor (8)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

The emperor is not a child who doesn't understand anything, nor is he a fool!

On the wedding night, the groom got drunk?

This is simply ridiculous!

Guests attending the wedding banquet will never do such a thing unless they have a grudge against the groom!

Zhou Jin was a transparent person in the palace. The emperor almost forgot that he had such a son before granting him a marriage.

However, after all, it was his own son who was favored by He Jing, so the emperor ordered someone to investigate.

It was not a detailed investigation. The emperor simply understood that his seventh son had a humble mother's family, but he did not develop a low self-esteem and cowardice.

It cannot be said that he is both civil and military, but he is not considered a waste.

The biggest impression on people is probably that of elegance and kindness.

For a prince who is not favored, it is best to be honest and responsible.

The emperor was not very satisfied with Zhou Jin, but he was not too disgusted either.

However, at this moment, looking at the seventh prince who was pale and with cold sweat on his forehead, the emperor couldn't help but squint his eyes.

Drunk on your wedding night?

Have you even delayed important things like consummating your marriage with your bride? !

Is it unintentional or intentional?

Lao Qi, do you have any objections to the marriage I gave him?

Deliberately pretending to be drunk to avoid consummating the marriage and thus embarrass the bride? !

Okay, maybe Zhou Jin was really drunk.

After all, he was a transparent prince before. He did not have a strong maternal family or a holy favor, but he was able to marry the beloved daughter of General He, who held military power.

Maybe a certain prince, either jealous or secretly resentful, deliberately found someone to target Zhou Jin.

However, no matter how unfavored Zhou Jin is, he is still a prince.

If others look down on him, doesn’t he know how to stand up?

How useless is it to get drunk at your own wedding banquet? How rubbish?

...So, whether Zhou Jin was pretending to be drunk or was really drunk, the emperor was unhappy.

The former is a matter of attitude, while the latter is a matter of ability.

The emperor himself was mediocre, and he had no outstanding political achievements after more than 20 years on the throne.

He paid special attention to capable people.

Among the courtiers, there was He Jing who was so brave and good at fighting.

Among the princes, the emperor also liked the prince who was polite and military, and the sixth prince who was confident and public.

Seventh Prince Zhou Jin...sigh, he is really looked down upon.

The emperor sighed silently in his heart.

Originally, he wanted to give Lao Qi a chance to study hard with He Jing, his father-in-law.

Perhaps in the future, the military power of the He family can be taken away and he can become the "god of war" of their Zhou royal family.

Now, it only took one wedding night to cause such trouble, and the emperor had no expectations for Zhou Jin anymore.

Forget it, let him be an idle prince, live a good life with the Sanniang of the He family, and act as a bridge between the royal family and the Nanning Marquis Mansion!

"Thank you for your grace!"

Just as these thoughts flashed through the emperor's mind, He Tiantian was already kneeling on the ground respectfully, solemnly thanking the emperor.


Seeing He Tiantian's eager look, the emperor, who was a little depressed just now, was instantly amused again.

"Okay! I will give you this grace!"

Alas, instead of worrying about his unlucky son who failed to live up to expectations, it would be better to have a few laughs with He Jing's precious daughter.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

At least this kid is sincere and simple. Even when he comes to the emperor, he doesn't show any pretense or calculation.

I have seen too many old foxes with complicated thoughts and deep scheming minds, and little wild calves like "He Tan" who run rampant.

It seems a bit cute.

Not to mention, there is General He Jing behind them.

Autumn is coming soon now, and when autumn and winter come, Hulu will invade the border.

He Jing's Northwest Army was the biggest barrier to the Dayuan Dynasty. With the Northwest Army there, the Hulu would not dare to be too presumptuous.

Thinking of the border troubles, the emperor's good mood dropped a bit.

Come on, don’t think about this anymore on the big day.

"I am issuing an order to let all the guests last night have a taste of drunkenness!"

Whether he loves Wujiwu or finds it novel, the emperor has a particularly good impression of "He Tan" today.

He was actually very cooperative with He Tiantian's unruly request.

He gave an oral instruction on the spot and took out more than a dozen altars of good 100-day drunkenness.

This is the most powerful drink at the moment, and it is said that one drink can make you drunk.

Maybe it's an exaggeration, but Hundred Days Drunk is indeed easier to get drunk than ordinary drinks.

"Great! Humph, let those people bully our prince!"

He Tiantian continues to play an arrogant and domineering playgirl.

Zhou Jin: ...It’s over! This time I really want to offend most of the powerful people!

He Tiantian finished her confession, received a wedding reward from the emperor, and left the Tai Chi Hall happily.

The young couple also went to pay their respects to the Queen Mother and the Empress.

On the way, Zhou Jin clenched her fists and opened her mouth, wanting to say something several times.

He wanted to ask He Tiantian why he went to the emperor to complain?

Does she know that this will offend others and cause him to lose face?

In fact, not only Zhou Jin, but also "He Tan" himself, a bride, couldn't consummate the marriage with her husband on their wedding night. Is it such a glorious thing?

It was too late for other women to cover up, she, she actually made a fuss in the palace, and wanted to make the whole capital know about it!

What's this? Does she still have any sense of shame? !

He Tiantian: ...It’s so funny. I’m not the one who did the wrong thing? Why should I feel ashamed?

Also, Mr. Lu said, "As long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed!"

Little classmate D shrank into a little fur ball in the depths of the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and silently complained to Zhou Jin deep in his core: Dear, you are so brave, you dare to compare your face and mental endurance with the half-step villain He Tiantian!

Zhou Jin didn't know that someone was "pitying" on him. He hesitated to speak, but finally didn't speak.

It's not that he doesn't want to, it's that he doesn't dare.

After last night's hijab removal, combined with wine, and today's imperial complaint, Zhou Jin realized one problem——

"He Tan" does like herself, but she is also really arrogant.

Once it doesn't go her way, she will start making trouble regardless.

She doesn't care about her dignity or influence. She only cares about whether she is happy or not!

This kind of spoiled brat is so destructive.

The key is, it’s uncontrollable!

She is unreasonable, doesn't understand rules, and won't hold back for any reason!

In the past, she would humble herself in front of him, Zhou Jin, probably because she was afraid of scaring him away.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Now, they have become husband and wife, and the He family has a saint.

As long as "He Tan" doesn't do anything harmful to nature and angering people, as long as the emperor is still alive, "He Tan" will always be Princess Qi!

And Zhou Jin, the King of Qi, for various reasons, not only could not ignore her, but also tried every means to coax her!

When Zhou Jin thought of this, he swallowed back all the questions and reprimands that came to his lips.

When the couple arrived at the Queen Mother's palace, Zhou Jin not only did not show off her face, but also restored the elegance she had when she first entered the palace.

He was also gentle and doting towards He Tiantian.

In the eyes of all the harem ladies, he seemed to be a perfect husband who loved his wife.

The Queen Mother had no impression of the Seventh Prince, let alone like him.

However, the emperor made a show of respecting the He family and praised Zhou Jin, and the Queen Mother also looked at Zhou Jin and his wife.

"Okay! Okay, they are all good kids!"

The Queen Mother is already over sixty years old, which is considered a long life in this era.

She was well-maintained and looked like a wealthy and loving old lady.

After He Tiantian and Zhou Jin finished their salutes, she kindly held someone's hand and praised them with a smile.

Zhou Jin is relatively reserved. After all, he has been the grandson of the Queen Mother for more than ten years, but he has only seen this grandmother a handful of times.

And like today, I have never been held by the Empress Dowager by the hand and spoke some familiar words.

He felt somewhat uncomfortable.

He Tiantian is more open-minded than Zhou Jin. She often follows Ma family into the palace and is relatively familiar with the Queen Mother.

Of course, the most important thing is that "He Tan" has changed her mind. He Tiantian herself is not a social expert, but she is a second-generation liar.

As a child who sells health care products, what she is best at is dealing with old men and old ladies.

"The Queen Mother, you are so beautiful, you look even younger than my grandmother!"

Although the wife of the He family is also born in the same generation, she is only in her fifties this year, which is more than ten years younger than the queen mother.

In the Queen Mother's opinion, he is probably considered a "junior" person.

To say that the Queen Mother is younger than the Dowager Madam is definitely a compliment.

It happens that older people are the most susceptible to this.

Especially He Tiantian's eyes were too clear and sincere.

The big round eyes are watery and you can see the bottom at a glance.

Coupled with the chubby little face, it looks as simple and cute as a small animal.

The Queen Mother was still joking politely at first, but when she turned her face and saw He Tiantian's cute and flattering eyes like a puppy, her heart was instantly touched.

This kid is so pure!

As the most noble woman in the Dayuan Dynasty, the Queen Mother received too many compliments and compliments.

But those people, no matter how well they hide it, can always let the previous palace fighting champion see traces of their acting.

But at this moment, the little girl nestling next to him made people feel sincere.

People outside said that Sanniang of the He family was arrogant, domineering, unruly and willful.

But the Queen Mother felt that this child had a pure heart.

Unknowingly, the Queen Mother assumed the identity of "grandmother" herself.

In her opinion, He Tiantian is the naughty granddaughter of the family.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Although she is naughty and not that motivated, she is sincere and does not have those messy thoughts.

Moreover, this child is good-looking, with big round eyes, a fleshy little face, a tiger-like head and a strong brain, and is healthy and makes all the elderly people like him just looking at him!

"...Huan'er, right? You look like a lucky one!"

The Queen Mother herself didn't notice it. She had a smile on her face when she said this.

Then, she turned to look at Zhou Jin.

She was not too close to this person who was her biological grandson.

She even stopped smiling and said seriously to Zhou Jin: "Lao Qi, Gan'er is a good person, you can't bully her!"

Zhou Jin:? ? ?

Me, am I bullying her?

Queen Mother, my direct grandmother, you didn’t see how arrogant this woman looked last night.

Can I still bully her?

It’s good if she doesn’t bully me!

However, Zhou Jin did not dare to say these words.

And his relationship with the Queen Mother was far from enough to warrant a complaint.

Zhou Jin suddenly felt a little sad: her biological father didn't value her, and even her old grandmother, who liked having her children and grandchildren around her knees, preferred "He Tan"!

Does he still have a way to survive?

He Tiantian didn't care about Zhou Jin's inner sorrow and anger. She climbed along the pole and took the Queen Mother's hand, and coaxed the Queen Mother to smile with her clever mouth.

When the young couple said goodbye and left, the Queen Mother was still very reluctant to leave. While ordering people to prepare a reward for He Tiantian, she repeatedly reminded He Tiantian: "When you have time, come and pay your respects to grandma!"

"Grandma, I remember what you said. When I come to pay you respects tomorrow, don't bother me!"

"Tomorrow? You have to come back tomorrow! You are a kid who knows how to make grandma happy!"

The Queen Mother poked He Tiantian's forehead with a finger, with an affectionate look, as if He Tiantian was her most beloved granddaughter.

Zhou Jin was completely numb.

And the fear and fear of "He Tan" in his heart also increased rapidly.

It's not enough to say how afraid he is of "He Tan", but he understands very well: He really can't afford to offend this woman!

Therefore, after leaving the palace, Zhou Jin completely put aside her dignity and pride as a husband, and coaxed He Tiantian extremely diligently and thoughtfully.

All the sweet words and promises were even more disgusting than before they got married.

He Tiantian endured her nausea and deliberately acted like she was enjoying it.

Everyone in Prince Qi's Mansion, seeing their prince "doting" on the princess so much, had the deepest understanding of the question "who is the master of the palace".

Chunqin and the other maids were even more grateful: Fortunately they listened to the princess last night, otherwise they would have been in trouble today!

He Tiantian quickly established prestige in the palace. As for Zhou Jin, he also invested more effort and energy in order to completely win "He Tan"'s heart.

As a result, Zhou Jin temporarily forgot about He Shu who was far away in Jingyue Temple.

He did not contact He Shu secretly, nor did he send anyone to send her anything or anyone.

He Shu:......

Without the secret support from King Qi, He Shu would not be too depressed.

After all, with her previous tricks, in the eyes of the elders of the He family, she was a pitiful little girl who was bullied by her cousin.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Even Ma, who had always been partial to his daughter, couldn't help but feel guilty for her.

Therefore, even in Jingyue Temple, the He family did not treat He Shu poorly at all in terms of food and clothing.

However, Jingyue Temple is a nunnery after all, and it is still in the mountains on the outskirts of Beijing.

Even if the He family wanted to compensate He Shu, He Shu's days in the nunnery could not be compared to those in the Hou Mansion.

Forget about being a vegetarian, the weather is getting colder and colder in the mountains. It is too cold in the nunnery morning and night.

He Shu had to copy scriptures for her father every day. Her hands were red from the cold and she could hardly hold the pen.

"Miss, you have endured hardship!"

"It's all the third girl's fault. She failed to frame you. Not only was she not punished, but she still wants you to come to the nunnery——"

"The seventh prince also knows that he is newly married, but doesn't he dislike the third girl? How can he return the favor?"

"...Miss, how about I secretly return to the capital and talk to the Seventh Prince?"

He Shu's personal maid, Su Jin, was talking nonchalantly while massaging He Shu's hands that were red from the cold.

When he heard about the Seventh Prince, He Shu's quiet eyes suddenly lit up.

But soon, she regained her composure and said calmly: "No need! We won't be able to stay in the nunnery for too long!"

PS: Sorry, guys, the second update will be later!

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