The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 410 My husband is the supporting actor (9)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

When Su Jin heard her lady's words, her face suddenly lit up, "Miss, are you saying you have a way to return to Beijing?"

So, they no longer have to suffer in such a remote and crude nunnery? !

"What does 'I have a way to return to Beijing' mean?"

He Shu smiled and said calmly, "I invited myself to the nunnery to copy scriptures for my father. It's not like I did something wrong and was exiled from my family!"

She is free, she can return to Beijing at any time!

In fact, the elders owed her various things.

She came to the nunnery just to escape He Tan temporarily.

Now that "He Tan" has successfully married into Prince Qi's palace, it is estimated that the return home and other matters have been completed. From now on, "He Tan" will be a married daughter.

There are rules and etiquette. Even if He Tan doesn't have her mother-in-law with her, she can't just go back to her parents' home.

In addition, calculating the time, it is time for the second uncle to return to the northwest.

He Shu is He Jing's biological niece and is part of the family.

When He Jing leaves the capital, He Shu, a relative, should also see him off.

Therefore, He Shu's reasons for wanting to leave the nunnery were all ready-made.

What He Shu wants is not to be able to return to Beijing, but for people from the Hou Mansion to take the initiative to pick him up!

She didn't make a mistake and was punished, but she was wronged and bullied.

No matter how partial Ma is, there is still a concubine in the Hou Mansion.

Even the second uncle may care more about his own family, but he is still very rule-abiding and reasonable when it comes to big things!

Sure enough, on the third day after He Tiantian returned home, less than half a month after He Shu came to Jingyue Nunnery, Ma's stewardess, accompanied by the eldest lady, took He Shu's master and servants back to the Hou Mansion.

"My son, you have suffered!"

The eldest lady touched her daughter's thin hand, tears streaming down her face.

Blame her, blame her. If she hadn't been incompetent and couldn't protect her only daughter, her Shu'er wouldn't have suffered like this.

Shu'er was obviously the one who was framed.

Just because He Tan has a good father, not only can she avoid punishment, but she can also teach He Shu a lesson!

When she thought of "He Tan" returning home two days ago, in such a flamboyant and graceful manner, and how doting and tolerant Prince Qi was to "He Tan", the eldest lady's heart felt as if it was pricked by needles.

Her daughter is still suffering in the nunnery, but the troublemaker "He Tan" can live as happily as he wants!


God is so unfair!

The eldest lady, who had always been kind and weak, suddenly felt a little angry in her heart, and she also had resentment towards the couple He Jing and Ma.

"Auntie, I'm fine!"

He Shu held the eldest lady's hand with her backhand and comforted her softly, "It's appropriate for me to copy scriptures and do rituals for my father during his lifetime!"

In ancient times, filial piety was greater than heaven.

He Shu went to Jingyue Temple to pray for her father. Firstly, she could avoid He Tan's customized bomb. Secondly, she could get guilt from Mrs. Ma, Mrs. Ma and others. Thirdly, she could gain a good reputation as a filial piety.

A good thing that kills three birds with one stone and suffers a little bit in the meantime is nothing.

"Your father?"

Hearing her daughter mention her late husband, the eldest lady felt sad again: "How wonderful it would be if your father was still alive!"

Her husband is the Marquis of Nanning, and she is still a respectable Mrs. Hou.

Their Shu'er is also a noble daughter of the Marquis.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

It's not like now. It's clear that their mother and daughter are the masters of the Hou Mansion, but in the end they become the bastards who rely on their second brother to live their lives.

"..." He Shu was silent for a moment.

In fact, even if her cheap father had not died, He Jing's He family was the most prosperous.

There was no way, He Jing was too weak to practice martial arts at all.

The He family's military power could not be lost, and the person who inherited the He family's military power was He Jing.

He Jing is just a short-term prince at best, without any real power at all.

Even if he was still alive, He Shu would only be known as the legitimate daughter of several princes.

It's still not as strong as He Tan's backing.

Of course, an empty name is also a name. If He Jing were alive, He Shu would not be as pitiful as she is now.

Apart from anything else, He Shu would not be too embarrassed if it was just about the marriage.

It's a pity that He Jing has been dead for more than ten years, and He Shu, the former eldest daughter of the marquis, now has difficulty even marrying an unpopular prince.

Thinking of the Seventh Prince Zhou Jin, He Shu felt somewhat disappointed.

It's not that she loves this "childhood sweetheart" very much, it's just that as a boudoir woman in ancient times, the number of men with foreign surnames she can interact with is really limited.

There are very few wealthy people who can please her eyes, be young, not greasy, and have some talent.

It can be said that Zhou Jin is the best candidate He Shu can come into contact with.

"Oh, don't talk about this anymore!"

Seeing He Shu's silence, the eldest lady mistakenly thought that what she said had made her daughter sad.

She quickly wiped away her tears with a handkerchief and changed the subject with a forced smile, "Oh, I should have taken you back two days earlier. In this way, you could also catch up with Princess Changning's flower viewing party yesterday!"

"It's all the fault of the third girl. She really doesn't know how to restrain herself even after getting married. On the day of the wedding, Prince Qi was so happy that he couldn't consummate the marriage with her——"

The eldest lady talked about things at home, and when she mentioned "three girls", she couldn't help but complain and be dissatisfied.

He Shu's eyes flickered.

Is Zhou Jin helping her vent her anger?

Deliberately embarrassing He Tan on the wedding night?

He Shu is smart, and she knows Zhou Jin very well and knows his friendship and importance to her.

Therefore, pretending to be drunk to avoid consummating the marriage is something Zhou Jin can do.

When she thought that He Tan, who had always been domineering and arrogant, would end up being rejected by her husband on their wedding night, although He Shu felt that it was not very kind, she still wanted to say: She deserves it!

"Third sister was laughed at? So, she went back to the Hou Mansion to make a fuss?"

He Shu's mind was quick to react. After hearing the eldest lady's words, "I should have come to the nunnery to pick me up two days ago," and then saying, "It's all the fault of the third girl," and then thinking about He Tan being disliked on their wedding night, He Shu's first reaction was It was He Tan who became the laughing stock of the ladies in the capital.

And He Tan has a temperament that can't stand grievance. She likes Zhou Jin and doesn't dare to mess around in front of Zhou Jin, so she will run back to the Hou Mansion and cry.

The He family was so noisy that they naturally didn't bother to take He Shu back from the nunnery.

It seemed that He Tan had been "implicated" again, but this time, He Shu only felt comfortable.

"...It's not like I'm being laughed at!"

The eldest lady is a little embarrassed, not knowing how to describe what happened in Beijing in the past two days.

As a woman, the eldest lady really can't understand the behavior of the third girl in the second room.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If she is an eldest lady and cannot consummate her marriage with her husband on their wedding night, she will definitely be ashamed and blame herself, and then she will keep it all to herself.

Even if she comes home and sees her biological father and mother, she won't say anything.

Don't publicize family scandals, otherwise people will laugh at you.

"He Tan" was better. Not only did he say it, he also ran to the emperor to complain.

Tsk tsk~~

"Your Majesty, too, is so conniving..."

The eldest lady hesitated again and again, but slowly and carefully told He Shu what had happened in the past few days.

"Shu'er, you don't know that the saint gave every male guest at the wedding a cup of 100-day drunkenness."

Speaking of this section, the eldest lady's face was full of words.

He Shu's eyes widened, He Dan was so fierce?

No, that's not the point!

The point is, is His Majesty so fond of He Jing today?

And he was so indulgent towards "He Tan"?

"Those civil servants were just fine. They thought it was ridiculous secretly, but they still drank and got drunk all day long!"

"But the generals who were friends with your second uncle were all in high spirits. After drinking the hundred-day drunkenness given by the emperor, they were not satisfied, so they went to the Marquis Mansion to have wine with your second uncle!"

Speaking of this, the eldest lady's tone contained a hint of contempt and disdain.

Perhaps because He Jing was too sickly, the wife did not choose a general's daughter for him, but instead chose a young lady from a scholarly family.

The eldest lady is well-educated and sensible, and because she is a widow, she pays special attention to rules.

Therefore, the casualness of He Jing's colleagues seemed to the eldest lady to be reckless and ignorant of etiquette.

In the past, He Jing was stationed outside all year round, so his family would not be too noisy.

But in the past two days, because of a hundred-day drunkenness... everyone in the Hou Mansion was on their feet every day.

When those people got drunk, they would go to the martial arts arena and shout to fight and kill.

All kinds of noises were heard across several courtyards by the eldest lady.

"Your grandmother originally wanted to take you back the day before yesterday, but I stopped her!"

The eldest lady said in a deep voice, "Shu'er, you are different from the third girl. She can shamelessly run into a group of men and make mischief, but you have to abide by the rules!"

Although she didn’t see it with her own eyes, the eldest lady heard what the little maid who was running errands said——

"Third Miss, oh no, now I'm going to call you the Princess. When the Princess heard that the generals and marquises came to see the General for a drink, she brought Prince Qi back to join in the fun!"

"...Those generals really like the princess, saying that she is some kind of tiger general! They also said that it is a pity that she was born as a girl, otherwise, she would have been a tiger general on the battlefield!"


Does this make sense?

Don't say that the third girl is a woman, just talk about her current identity.

She is already married, a dignified princess.

As a result, such a married woman came to befriend a group of rough men and prostitutes!

It’s really unruly!

He Shu was not a native like the eldest lady who was poisoned by feudal ideas. She heard the key points from her mother's complaints.

"She is dedicated to King Qi!"

He Shu murmured softly.


The eldest lady didn't hear clearly. She only heard her daughter say "for the sake of King Qi".

"I said, the third sister is married, and she really knows how to care for people!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

In front of her own mother, He Shu didn't hide too much and spoke slowly.

"You mean-"

The eldest lady is not stupid, and she has been the mistress of the Hou Mansion for several years.

After listening to my daughter's words, I guessed a little bit, "Is she going to have relationships with those generals for the sake of King Qi?"

He Shu nodded, "Didn't my second uncle help King Qi with an errand at the Ministry of War? He happens to be on the right track with those generals!"

The eldest lady thought about it carefully, with a look of surprise on her face.

Then, she curled her lips again and said, "As a woman, I am not reserved at all. King Qi may not appreciate being so aggressive!"

The eldest lady said this not entirely because she was resentful towards He Tan.

But you can know it using common sense.

On the second day of their wedding, "He Dan" caused Prince Qi to lose face because of his nonsense.

No matter how unfavored Prince Qi is, he is still a dignified man, so how can he not hold a grudge in his heart?

Although the eldest lady is not a man, she somewhat understands the temperament of these men.

A marriage in which the woman is strong and the man is weak is not stable.

Not to mention that "He Tan" is so stupid, embarrassing his husband all his life.

Now that King Qi still needs the He family, he naturally doesn't dare to fall out.

But from now on——

If He Dan had never bullied his Shu'er in the past ten years or so, the eldest lady would not be so malicious.

However, He Tan was really too arrogant and unruly.

And her Shuer also suffered too many grievances.

Therefore, even if they are a family, even if their mother and daughter have to rely on the Hou Mansion to live their lives, the eldest lady does not want to live a good life in any way from the bottom of her heart!

"Mom, be careful what you say!"

Hearing her mother say, "The King of Qi may not appreciate it," and hearing the deep gloating in her mother's words, He Shu was startled and hurriedly stopped in a low voice.

"Auntie, my third sister and I are both daughters of the He family. We will both prosper and suffer!"

"If people knew that we, mother and daughter, were watching Third Sister's jokes behind our backs, what would outsiders say?"

"They don't care how much grievances our mother and daughter suffered in the Hou Mansion. They will only think that we ignore our family ties and cheat on others!"

However, not only outsiders, but also the dowager who treats their mother and daughter well will be very disappointed if they know that they have resentment towards their second wife!

After living in ancient times for more than ten years, He Shu finally understood the ancient people's emphasis on family and clan.

In modern times, uncles, aunts, etc., or at most just relatives across the room, are not considered direct relatives.

In ancient times, if one of the direct family members committed a crime, they could sit together with each other.

Not to mention, their mother and daughter still have to rely on the Hou Mansion to make a living.

If someone knew that they were secretly gossiping about He Jing's family, they would only think that mother and daughter were white-eyed and heartless.

"...I just said it casually! Besides, there are only two of us here. I would never say that in front of outsiders!"

The eldest lady was scolded by her daughter, and then she realized that she had said something she shouldn't have said out of anger.

She explained calmly.

"Auntie, don't say anything in private!"

There are some things that you just need to understand in your heart, but never say them out loud.

Walls have ears!

Although there are no secret cameras or surveillance these days, you still have to be careful.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The situation of their mother and daughter was already difficult, and He Shu didn't want to plunge them into an even more terrifying abyss just because she said the wrong thing.

"Okay! Okay!! I get it!"

Seeing that her daughter's words were serious, the eldest lady did not dare to neglect and quickly agreed.

"Auntie, my second uncle treats us very well. My third sister may be a little willful, but she is married after all!"

However, He Shu was still uneasy, so she softened her tone and slowly comforted her: "So, the past is in the past, we treat each other sincerely, and the future will not be too bad!"

Even if you want to pretend, you have to "brainwash" yourself first - the Hou Mansion is very good to us, we are very grateful, we are a family!

"……I see!"

Facing her daughter's firm gaze, the eldest lady nodded solemnly.

After returning to the Hou Mansion, the hostility in the eldest lady had indeed dissipated a lot.

She returned to the transparent person in the Hou family who knew the rules, was weak and harmless.

He Shu, on the other hand, seemed to have forgotten everything in the past, and was filial to his wife and respectful to his second aunt, Mrs. Ma.

Without He Tan to interfere, the Hou Mansion actually had a wonderful harmony.

And in this peaceful atmosphere, He Jing returned to the northwest camp with his eldest son He Tao...

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