The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 411 My husband is the male partner (10)

Before He Jing left Beijing, He Tiantian took Prince Qi back to the Nanning Marquis Mansion.

"Dad, brother, this is the peace charm I went to Huguo Temple to ask for. You must take it with you!"

He Tiantian solemnly took out two small brocade belts with a peace charm inside.

She gave one to He Jing, He Tao and his son.

The peace talisman was indeed obtained from Huguo Temple, but He Tiantian used spiritual power to draw a magic circle on the original talisman.

There are no supernatural beings or fairy tales in this novel world, but there are also some mysterious and mysterious Buddhist and Taoist secrets.

With the blessing of the plot of the novel world, He Tiantian's talisman can be used normally.

After passing through, he felt the thin spiritual energy in the air, and He Tiantian began to practice the Wuji Art of his junior uncle with all his strength.

After half a month, she finally developed a trace of spiritual power.

However, this is not the era of pure spiritual energy. Relying on the mysterious skills, He Tiantian and his talent can barely reach the point where he can draw talismans.

Moreover, this kind of talisman cannot play a real role. At most, it plays a supporting role.

For example, in a small world full of aura, He Tiantian's peace charm can really protect ordinary people from death and injury.

But here, at most, one can barely survive.

You may be seriously injured, or you may become disabled.

However, He Tiantian deliberately drew the peace charm because he was not really afraid that something would happen to He Jing and He Tao.

After all, in the plot of the novel, the father and son have always been peaceful.

Because they are one of the most powerful cheats for the male protagonist Zhou Jin.

He Tiantian gave He Jing and the others the peace charm just for peace of mind.

She has fought in the war and knows the cruelty and danger on the battlefield.

Swords have no eyes. He Tiantian hopes that her father and brother in this body can return safely.

"Okay! Okay!"

As a battle-hardened warrior, He Jing did not believe in ghosts and gods at all.


My favorite daughter sent me a peace charm, how thoughtful it is.

This is Mian'er's intention.

"Thank you, Tan'er!"

The eldest brother He Tao also looked very happy.

He looked at He Tiantian with a little bit of relief in his eyes: it was different after getting married, and his unruly sister had become sensible.

Zhou Jin: ...Brother, your filter is too thick, right? !

However, as far as King Qi is concerned, he certainly hopes that his father-in-law and uncle will be safe.

The He family was prosperous, so he, as the son-in-law, could have some protection.

"Father-in-law, brother-in-law, have a safe journey and return home in triumph!"

Zhou Jin handed over to the He family and his son in a decent manner.

"Don't dare!"

Although He Jing held a large number of troops, he was not domineering at all.

For Zhou Jin, the prince's son-in-law, he still maintained the etiquette of a monarch and his ministers, and did not really regard himself as his father-in-law, Lao Taishan.

Although he had gone through all the etiquette, He Jing would not forget to type the words that needed to be said.

Looking at his lively and lovely little girl, and then at his elegant son-in-law, He Jing smiled and said, "My lord, this daughter is young and has a reckless temper, but she has a good heart."

"If there is any slight to the prince, please don't argue with her!"

"If anything happens, just wait for me to return to the capital. I will definitely apologize to you on her behalf!"

He Jing said this politely, but the meaning behind his words was too clear——

Dear son-in-law of King Qi, my daughter is the apple of our He family’s eye.

If she makes you unhappy, you can't get angry with her, you have to wait for me to come back.

Zhou Jin's face looked a little unnatural.

He really needs to rely on the Nanning Houfu, but, but this He Jing is too arrogant.

However, it was such an arrogant and domineering official who was the most trusted by the emperor.

As the son of the emperor, Zhou Jin did not dare to be too showy in front of He Jing.

After pinching the palm of his hand hard, Zhou Jin smiled with a humble and kind expression, like a taught junior, and said respectfully: "Don't worry, father-in-law, my son-in-law will take good care of Tan'er!"

"Haha! Okay! I knew my Nan'er married a good husband!"

He Jing laughed like a vulgar warrior, with only a glimmer of light flashing in his eyes.

He Jing saw Zhou Jin's calculations, scruples, and forbearance.

This tiger general who has been on the battlefield for many years naturally knows that his daughter-in-law is not very popular.

so what?

As long as He Jing is still alive, and as long as the Nanning Hou Mansion does not fall, no one can bully his precious daughter!

After beating Zhou Jin, entrusting the family affairs to Ma, and reporting to the emperor, He Jing returned to the northwest with his eldest son, accompanied by his family.

On the official road watching the large group of people disappear, He Tiantian had an inexplicable feeling.

It seems that something has become different.

"Little D-classmate!"

Zhou Jin, who was pretending, helped him get into the carriage. He Tiantian leaned against the carriage and closed his eyes as if to rest, but in fact he called Little D out.

"Dear! I'm here!"

Classmate Little D responded cutely.

He Tiantian ignored Little D's antics and went straight to the point: "I remember you upgraded?"

"That's right! You have become a one-star copywriter. As your smart assistant, I have naturally been promoted to another level!"

Little D’s robotic voice was filled with joy.

Hehe, as a newly minted rookie, it can be upgraded in a very short period of time, so it can be regarded as an elite in the "unification" world.

"Since it has been upgraded, has your monitoring scope also been expanded?"

He Tiantian has not forgotten that Little D is an intelligent assistant with God's perspective.

When doing tasks before, He Tiantian rarely relied on Little D to monitor others.

In addition to her wanting to rely on herself, the main reason is that Xiao D's classmate was too low-level at that time and the scope of surveillance was relatively small.

Today, He Tiantian's intuition was not very good, so she summoned classmate Little D.

"That's right! The range that I can monitor has been expanded three times!"

Classmate Little D said proudly.

He Tiantian mentally estimated the diameter of the surveillance range, and she discovered that the West City where He Jing was stationed happened to be on the edge of what Little D could monitor.

"Okay, then help me keep an eye on Xicheng. If there is anything going on in Xicheng, tell me!"

He Tiantian integrated the memory of the original owner and sympathized with some of her emotions. He Jing, Ma Shi and others were no longer just people on paper to her.

Although He Tiantian can't treat them as close relatives, she doesn't treat them as strangers either.

Not to mention, after coming here, He Tiantian felt deep love and affection from He Jing and the others.

Just looking at this relationship, He Tiantian will take good care of it!

"Tiantian, are you worried about He Jing?"

Little D can't understand human emotions, so naturally he doesn't know the kind of worry that comes from concern.

"However, it shouldn't be necessary! No matter in the original plot or the plot tampered with by the virus, He Jing has always lived well!"

There may be some wars on the border, but He Jing can successfully deal with them and has made several military exploits.

It is precisely because of He Jing, a war-god father-in-law, that the male protagonist Prince Qi can become the future general king.

"Little D, don't rely too much on the plot! Don't forget, there is a word called 'butterfly effect'!"

He Tiantian said lightly.

After completing so many missions, He Tiantian has long stopped being superstitious about plots.

When the fictional world has an intruder like a copywriter, the plot itself has changed.

"...Okay, I get it!"

Although Little D still feels that He Tiantian is making a fuss, as a qualified assistant, he can only make suggestions but cannot change his friends' minds.

After explaining this matter, He Tiantian put aside the matter of He Jing and his son for the time being.

Her focus is still on the male protagonist and the female protagonist.

He Shu returned to Beijing. Just now, she supported the wife and went out of the city to see off He Jing and his son with the He family.

Compared with more than half a month ago, He Shu had lost a little weight.

The clothes seemed a bit too big for me.

This "people are dangling in clothes" style makes her look a little more frail.

Not to mention others, He Tiantian's nominally cheap husband Zhou Jin secretly looked at He Shu with pity, distress, and guilt.

As for He Shu, she felt Zhou Jin's eager gaze, but she didn't dare to be as unscrupulous as him.

She could always spot the right moment and quietly give Zhou Jin a distant but reluctant look, a look of grievance mixed with pretense of strength.

He Tiantian: ...These two lovers really treat me as a dead person.

So lingering, so self-concealed but very revealing, no wonder the original owner exploded!

No matter how deep the love between these childhood sweethearts was in the past, now that the male protagonist has married someone else, they are still flirting with each other like this. It really is not an aboveboard move!

He Tiantian sneered secretly in her heart.

Okay, since you are so reluctant to part with it, then I will make it happen for you!

He Tiantian had already made a plan. Seeing the eyes of Zhou Jin and He Shu meet with her own eyes, the last trace of hesitation in her heart disappeared.

Even if the male protagonist and the female protagonist are retaliated by "He Tan", they are not unjust!

They are by no means as beautiful and innocent as they appear.

What happened next further confirmed He Tiantian's guess.

"Princess, the prince sent Mo Zhu back, saying that there are a lot of things at the Yamen today and he will return home later!"

Tao'er, the maid of the He family, came in respectfully to report.

He Tiantian was leaning on the couch reading a storybook. When she heard Tao'er's words, she pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "Why are you coming back late again? How many times have you been here this month?"

Working overtime is indeed a common excuse for scumbags throughout the ages.

"Princess, there is a war in the northwest, and the Ministry of War is naturally the busiest! The prince has just gone on a mission. Although his status is valuable, he should not be too special!"

Seeing that her mistress was unhappy again, Chunqin felt uneasy and quickly explained to her prince in a low voice.

"Hmph! You still need to say this, don't I know?"

He Tiantian perfectly interprets the unruly and willful look.

Chunqin shivered and her knees couldn't help but bend.


Chunqin knelt down and hurriedly begged for mercy: "The princess atones for her sins. I should not be talkative. I am stupid -"

"If you know you are stupid, stop talking! Huh, you are everywhere!"

He Tiantian directly took over Chunqin's words and cursed rudely.

Chunqin buried her head lower. She didn't want to offend the princess.

But she was the one the prince needed. Seeing that the princess was unhappy because of the prince, she had to defend him.

"What do you look like? You're shaking like a quail. Did this princess hit you or scold you?"

He Tiantian continued to play her vicious female counterpart. Seeing Chunqin kneeling on the ground and trembling, instead of feeling pitiful, she even cursed more savagely.

"You have been acting like this all day long. When people who don't know see you, they will think that I, the princess, am trying to teach you!"

Hearing this, Chunqin trembled even more and kowtowed hard, "No! The princess has always been kind and generous, and she has never treated her slaves badly!"

"It was the slave who acted recklessly and bumped into the princess, and felt guilty. That's why——"

"Okay, okay, get up quickly. The prince will come back later, and when he sees you like this, he will shame me again!"

He Tiantian seemed to be so angry that she threw the storybook in her hand to the ground and cursed angrily: "What a bad luck! In the palace of Prince Qi, there is not a single servant on the stage!"

Chunqin didn't dare to speak, so she hurriedly got up, ignoring the pain in her forehead, and quickly shrank into a corner.

"An eyesore!"

He Tiantian cursed again, as if she was really unhappy, and said angrily: "Since the prince doesn't come back and there is food, I won't wait in the house anymore!"

"Come here, prepare a carriage for me, I want to go out for a walk!"

He Tiantian shouted loudly.

Chun Xin trembled in her heart and raised her head subconsciously.

But seeing He Tiantian running rampant like a little beast with explosive hair, she became even more frightened.

He lowered his head in a hurry, not even daring to take the initiative to ask the princess where she was going.

Chunqin could only use the corner of her eye to secretly catch a glimpse of her princess leaving the palace with her two maids, Xing'er and Tao'er.

"Princess, where are we going? It's getting late. If it's any later, there will be a curfew!"

Tao'er is older and thinks and acts more thoughtfully.

She was the only one among the four dowry maids who dared to comfort "He Tan".

"Let's eat! Go to Zhaixinglou. I heard that there is a new chef from the south who is good at cooking steamed pork!"

He Tiantian said casually.

However, going to the Star Reaching Tower was not a temporary decision.

Because she knew that King Qi, who was "working overtime", was secretly meeting He Shu in Zhaixing Tower.

Oh, no, the couple who were forced to separate did not think of themselves as a "private meeting", but as ordinary friends who met by chance and sat down to have a meal and chat together!

He Tiantian: ...Bah! Don't abuse the word "ordinary friends". Let a group of sincere people make it possible for ordinary friends to become a curse word like "true love".

Arriving at Zhaixinglou, He Tiantian asked for a private room.

She didn't deliberately look for Zhou Jin and He Shu, but walked past the second floor shouting.

"Shu'er, what's wrong?"

Zhou Jin looked at He Shu in a daze, and suddenly saw her sweetheart's expression change, and quickly asked with concern.

"I-I seemed to hear the third sister's voice!"

He Shu was a little uneasy and looked around like a frightened rabbit.

"No, He Tan should be in the palace!"

Zhou Jin smiled and shook his head. In the past half month, although "He Tan" still had some temper tantrums, he had coaxed him back.

And he also left Chunqin and other maids to guard him. If He Tan really left the palace, someone would come to report it.

Chunqin, who had just been scolded:...

PS: Well, the stupid author has really slacked off in reading. The second update will still be a little late. Dear friends, please forgive me. ( # ^.^ # )

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