The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 412 My husband is the supporting actor (11)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Princess, I, I seemed to have seen Su Jin just now!"

Xing'er quickly entered the private room and replied breathlessly.


He Tiantian was eating snacks, and she asked in confusion.

Before Xing'er could answer, she seemed to have thought of something, "Huh? This name sounds familiar!"

Tao'er said quickly, "One of the fourth girls' personal maids is Su Jin!"

"Oh~" He Tiantian responded suddenly.

Immediately, her expression became a little ugly, "Humph, it's really lingering! I just wanted to have a meal, but I didn't want to meet someone annoying again!"

Su Jin is He Shu's personal maid. Seeing her means that He Shu is also in Zhaixing Tower.

And He Tan has not dealt with He Shu since he was a child.

The two are called cousins, but in reality they are almost rivals.

Therefore, Xing'er and Tao'er understood He Tiantian's dislike very well.

Xing'er, who had a bad temper, also joined in the fight, "That's right! I hate it too, the servants. They all say that the fourth girl is good, but what is so good about her?"

What is it that is both talented and beautiful, gentle and virtuous?

He Shu has the word "fake" in her bones.

She was pretentious and pretentious, as if there were no other ladies or ladies in the world except He Shu.

Especially with He Shu as a comparison, their princess became an unruly and willful vicious daughter.

Why is their princess so vicious?

Has she beaten a maid to death or bullied people outside?

She is just a bit more outspoken and harsh in her words, but as He Tan's personal maid, Xing'er feels that her own lady is the best.

He will express his temper whenever he feels like it, and he will never be kind on the surface and stabbing people in the back.

Just like that He Shu, everyone said she was kind, but the little maid in her yard got sick and was kicked out.

I didn’t see how much the fourth girl took care of that poor little maid!

Their princess is still the best. She has a bad temper, but she is also very generous to servants like them and has never treated her badly!

"Myolie, you're talking nonsense again!"

Tao'er heard what Xing'er said was outrageous and quickly shouted in a low voice to stop!

He Shu is a young lady from the Hou Mansion. No matter what, she is not something they, the slaves, can criticize at will.

If others heard it, he would not be punished, but his master would be hurt!

Xing'er was scolded by Tao'er and realized that she had said the wrong thing. She quickly stuck out her tongue and showed a flattering expression.

"Okay, Tao'er, don't scold Xing'er. She is telling the truth. Besides, there are no outsiders here!"

He Tiantian deliberately looked disapproving, casually comforted Tao'er for a few words, and then brought the topic back.

She looked at Xing'er, "Did you spot it? It's really Su Jin?"

"That's right! It's her!"

Xing'er tried her best to recall it, then lowered her voice and said, "Sujin entered the second wing on the east side. It seems to be called Tingyu Pavilion."

"Let's go! Go and have a look! Huh, when I returned to the Marquis Mansion two days ago, my eldest aunt said in a weird way that girls should be quiet and elegant, and not be in public all the time——"

He Tiantian looked surprised.

While angrily complaining about the eldest lady, he said triumphantly: "No matter how crazy I am, I am still a married woman, so it is reasonable to go out to socialize!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Where's He Shu? She's still a girl who hasn't left the court yet, and she ends up coming to the restaurant late at night!"

"I'll catch He Shu in action later, and then call my aunt and the others over.

Let’s see if Auntie still has the nerve to say those weird things in the future! "

He Tiantian is like a villain who succeeds in his villain, he is bad and stupid, and he starts to misbehave when he hears the slightest news.

Myolie is young and has a hot temper, and she listens to her own lady the most.

Seeing He Tiantian's appearance at this moment, he immediately rolled up his sleeves, like a villain in front of a villain.

"Yes! They're blocking people in a wing. It's so late at night, and the fourth girl and the girl from the boudoir are probably up to something fishy!"

Xing'er excitedly rushed to the front, but Tao'er felt that it was not good and it was too late to stop her.


Xing'er kicked open the door of the box, rushed in quickly, and searched around excitedly.

As a result, when she saw clearly the man and woman sitting opposite each other in the box, she was immediately dumbfounded.


Xing'er stammered and shouted, her legs became weak and she almost fell to the ground.

what happened?

Isn't their prince at the Ministry of War Yamen? Why did he come to Zhaixing Tower?

Still, still staying in the same box with He Shu?

"Who? Presumptuous!"

Zhou Jin was listening to He Shu's words gently, but the door of the box was kicked open.

He and He Shu were both shocked.

After being frightened, Zhou Jin became furious - he was no longer the transparent prince he was back then, but the Prince of Qi who had joined the Ministry of War!

Who is it?

How dare you act so arrogantly in front of him?

Zhou Jin turned his head suddenly, and was about to shout loudly to summon the guard who was staying in the private room next door, but he happened to look into the eyes of He Tan, who was full of anger.

What? !

Why is she here?

Zhou Jin felt a chill down his spine, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

However, after the panic, there was endless shame.

Wow, what the hell, how dare you follow me? !

"Zhou Jin! He Shu! You two, you two really—"

He Tiantian deliberately looked shocked and angry. She pointed one finger at Zhou Jin and then at He Shu. She couldn't even answer the question!

As a wild and unruly woman, "He Tan"'s hands and feet must be faster than her mouth.

Sure enough, He Tiantian's eyes were red from eating, and he raised his palm and was about to rush forward to hit someone.

He Shu is worthy of being the heroine. After a brief period of guilt and exhaustion, she quickly calmed down.

She spoke first, "Third sister, what a coincidence, you are also coming to Zhaixinglou for dinner?"

"It's a coincidence that my mother-in-law has not had a good appetite these days. I heard that a cook from the south came to Zhaixinglou, so I wanted to come and buy some food for my mother-in-law!"

"Coincidentally, I met my brother-in-law. He just came out of the Ministry of War and passed by Zhaixinglou. Thinking that you like to eat steamed pork, he came in specially to buy some for you!"

"Third sister, my brother-in-law is so kind to you!"

He Tiantian:......

It's really hard for He Shu to come up with so many excuses in such a short period of time.

What's even more embarrassing is that people can say it in one breath and still say it in a decent way.

It seemed that she and Zhou Jin were not having a private meeting.

And Zhou Jin is also a truly loving wife and a good man.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If it were anyone else with a little bit of brains, they wouldn't believe He Shu.

But "He Tan" is different. She has a weak IQ, and she loves Zhou Jin wholeheartedly.

She didn't need to say too much, just saying "Brother-in-law is so kind to you" was enough to make her happy.

Not to mention, these words came from the mouth of a love rival.

This made "He Tan" feel even more inexplicably proud and refreshed.

He Shu is indeed the person who knows He Tan best, and it is not unreasonable for He Tan to lose to He Shu twice!

He Tiantian braked suddenly and stopped a few steps away from He Shu.

She secretly said "Awesome" in her heart, but controlled the facial expression of this body.

The anger slowly faded away and turned into a shy and proud smile.

There was surprise in her eyes, but there was still a trace of hesitation. She lost the appearance of the female tyrannosaurus just now, and looked at Zhou Jin like a little woman obsessed with love.

"My lord, are you really here to buy me steamed pork?"

He Tiantian's voice was soft and light, with a hint of trembling.

Zhou Jin:......

He pinched his palm hard, put on a doting expression on his face, and nodded gently, "Yes, isn't this your favorite dish?"

He Tiantian's eyes lit up, and her whole body seemed to explode with fireworks.

Elated and overjoyed, He Tiantian used her superb acting skills to make Zhou Jin and He Shu clearly feel the joy of "He Tan".

He Shu quietly let out a breath and finally got over it again.

Zhou Jin felt a little regretful in his pride: He Tian was still as easy to fool as ever, but it was a pity that he had such a good opportunity today.

By the way, it was not easy for him to have time to sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk with Shu'er.

"Okay, I won't delay you two, you and I!"

He Shu deliberately made a playful appearance of "refusing to eat dog food", joked, and stood up to leave.

"...Um, fourth sister, I, let's give it to you!"

He Tiantian "drinks to satisfy her feelings" and put away all the thorns in her body in front of her lover.

It was even rarer for He Shu, such a hateful love rival, to show his closeness.

Although he still spoke awkwardly, he no longer targeted her maliciously.

He Shu was increasingly grateful that she responded promptly and did not let "He Tan" make things worse.

Although it's a little late now and there aren't that many guests in the Star Building, there are still some people there.

If "He Tan" starts making noise regardless of the situation, it will attract the attention of outsiders.

My sister-in-law is having a secret meeting with my brother-in-law. It's so ugly.

Moreover, throughout the ages, similar scandals have attracted the most attention.

Once things get out of hand, He Shu's reputation will be completely ruined.

Although, she could take the opportunity to marry King Qi as a concubine, and she did have similar thoughts.

However, He Shu didn't want to ruin her reputation, let alone turn against her second wife.

The most ideal goal is that she can marry into a high-ranking family, have a good reputation, and get the support of the Hou family.

And it’s not difficult to do this!

He Shu glanced at He Tiantian without any trace.

Well, with such a poisonous and stupid cousin as "He Tan", He Shu can definitely become the "victim" and then endure the grievance and have to marry the prince as his concubine.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

In the past ten years or so, He Shu has done many things to "take advantage of the situation".

Not to mention, just the wedding dress incident last month was just like that.

Although I suffered a few days in Jingyue Temple, the compensation was really great.

It’s just my second uncle, he is very generous to me.

This time, I was given a stack of banknotes directly.

The madam gave her a box of jewelry, and any item she took out was valuable.

What satisfied He Shu the most was Mrs. Ma. She no longer restrained herself, but took her with her everywhere.

Whether she was going out to attend a banquet or having guests at home, He Shu was given a chance to perform.

In less than half a month, He Shu came into contact with the powerful circles in the capital and received praise and recognition from some noble ladies.

He Shu is confident that she will definitely have a good reputation in the circle.

If you can get some good luck from this, that would be the best.

But if there is no better choice, she still has King Qi as a backup.

As a modern soul, He Shu naturally rejected being a concubine.

But this is not modern times, but a feudal dynasty where concubinage is legal.

Furthermore, concubines and concubines are also different.

The concubines of ordinary people are things that can be bought and sold at will.

But royal concubines have class and status.

For example, the concubine of the royal palace can marry Jade Butterfly, and the children she gives birth to will also be noble sons and grandsons of dragons and phoenixes.

If King Qi can go one step further... becoming a beloved concubine, it is not impossible to be promoted to the Queen Mother in the future.

Although these fantasies are a bit far-fetched, you still have to have dreams, what if you succeed!

He Shu had already thought through all this, so she was very careful about Zhou Jin's guaranteed choice.

Just like this moment, He Shu was making jokes while peeking at Zhou Jin from the corner of her eye.

As expected, his warm smile froze for a moment, and the veins on his forehead jumped a few times.

Obviously, Zhou Jin hates He Dan very much, and feels extremely reluctant and guilty about He Shu, his childhood sweetheart, Bai Yueguang.

He Shu was secretly proud of herself. She saw the right moment, and when "He Tan" lowered her head sweetly, she quickly gave Zhou Jin a lingering, nostalgic but helpless look.

Zhou Jin's heart became more and more confused.

He Tiantian lowered her eyelids to hide the coldness under her eyes.

"Sister Shu, sister Shu is joking again!"

With a slight cough, Zhou Jin followed He Shu's words and said politely: "Since we have met, let's sit down and have a meal together!"

"..." He Tiantian suddenly raised his head, showing a hesitant expression.

In the eyes of Zhou Jin and He Shu, her appearance meant that they wanted He Shu to leave, but they were afraid that Zhou Jin would be angry.

I want to say something polite, but I really can't do it.

A flash of sarcasm flashed across He Shu's lips. This cheap cousin of hers is really a straight person.

Every expression is written on his face, as if it were a blank piece of paper.

This is probably a child who grew up pampered by his parents. He has never seen the sinister nature of the human heart, and does not have to go to great lengths to play tricks or hide his thoughts.

Zhou Jin was disgusted and felt that "He Tan" was an ignorant idiot.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Thank you, brother-in-law! But let's forget it for today. It's getting late. If I go back late, grandma should be worried!"

With a gentle and elegant smile, He Shu looked like a noble and reserved daughter of a wealthy family.

"Third sister, I'm going back first. By the way, do you have anything to say to grandmother and second aunt?"

He Shu covered everything and didn't care at all about "He Tan"'s slightly petty appearance.

"No! If anything happens, I will go directly back to my house and tell my mother-in-law!"

He Tiantian said carelessly, and seeing that He Shu was really leaving, her fleshy little face was filled with childlike excitement.

He Shu \u0026 Zhou Jin:......

I really can’t see how there could be such a stupid person.

I caught my husband in the same room with another woman, and he was coaxed away with just a few words?

He Tiantian didn't seem to feel the male and female protagonist's contempt for her, so she sent He Shu away, packed a few signature dishes, and left the Star Building with Zhou Jin.

When getting on the carriage, He Tiantian looked back at the Star Reaching Tower as if unintentionally——

If she remembered correctly, this restaurant was the property of Chengenhou Mansion.

The fourth prince is the adopted son of the queen, and he is also the object of the full support of the Chengenhou Mansion...

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