The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 413 My husband is the supporting actor (12)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

The fourth prince is the future new king and He Shu's husband.

Relying on this man, He Shucai reached the pinnacle of power step by step.

Of course, in the process of her climb, there were several top male partners who loved her with their lives!

He Dan's husband Zhou Jin is just the most capable and infatuated one among them.

However, these are all original plots.

Now that He Tiantian has been replaced as "He Tan", there are some things, haha——

He Tiantian thought about her plan and twitched her lips slightly.

Do you want to continue to be a White Lotus Green Tea Bitch who has both sides?


The next day, He Tiantian slept until she woke up naturally, regardless of Zhou Jin who had gone to the Ministry of War as an errand early in the morning.

We had a delicious meal alone, and then went to the Nanning Marquis Mansion.

"Didn't you just come back two days ago?"

As partial as Ma, seeing her married daughter running to her parents' house every three days gave her a headache.

Of course she wanted to see her daughter often, but as a mother who truly loved her daughter, Ma valued her daughter's reputation more.

"Aniang, you also said that I just came back two days ago. I haven't seen Aniang in two days. I miss you!"

He Tiantian licked her chubby little face, coquettishly holding her mother's hand and shaking it.

"..." Ma's heart was shaken to the point of melting.

After a long while, she held back her joy and reprimanded with a straight face: "Yan'er, you are a married daughter, you must never be so willful again!"

After saying this, Mrs. Ma felt that her tone was too strong, and she was afraid of wronging her daughter, so she quickly softened her voice and patiently persuaded—

"Huan'er, I know you can't bear to leave me, and there are no serious elders in the palace!"

"But, after all, you are Princess Qi and the matriarch of the family. You need to be in charge of the palace and serve the prince on weekdays. How can you just run to your parents' house when there is nothing to do?"

"If outsiders find out, they will definitely laugh at you!"

Ma is really worried.

Her daughter's reputation was not good to begin with, and she planned this marriage herself.

After finally marrying the King of Qi, you should take good care of your husband and raise your children.

Is it okay to be as willful as a child who has not grown up every day? !

Mrs. Ma is not afraid of being laughed at and cannot educate her children, but she is worried that her daughter will be laughed at.

Ma is a tiger girl who grew up in a border town.

When I was about to have my haircut, I was sent back to the capital to see the marriage.

At that time, because she was not as quiet and delicate as the ladies in the capital, she was often laughed at and discussed.

Mr. Ma has experienced the hardships of the past and knows what "people's words are to be feared". Naturally, he does not want his only daughter to suffer the same.

However, her daughter was reckless and could not bear to be wronged, and she had a reputation as arrogant and domineering in the capital.

God knows how much Madam Ma has cared about her daughter in the past few years? How much did you worry about her? !

"Auntie, if you have your mouth on other people, I can't control what they want to say!"

He Tiantian didn't care at all, took her mother's hand and sat on the Arhat bed.

"Besides, even if I stay in the palace in a good manner, people outside won't laugh at me?"

"He Tan" has long been notorious, and as long as she doesn't restrain her temper, she won't be able to clean up her reputation.

However, He Tiantian cannot change her temperament easily, otherwise her character will be ruined.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Even if there is a change, there needs to be an opportunity.

It's a pity that He Tiantian hasn't found the right opportunity yet!

However, it should be soon.

He Tiantian thought of her plan and quickly brought the topic back.

He said with a smile: "Okay, okay, grandma, I understand what you are saying, and I will pay attention to it!"

After hearing what her daughter said, Mrs. Ma immediately choked.

Just as he was about to scold her and slap her twice, he saw his daughter's playful smile.

Ma's voice didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and his raised hands slowly fell down.

Finally, Ma turned his palm into a finger and poked He Tiantian's forehead angrily, "You know how to act like a spoiled child with my mother-in-law!"

"Because I know that grandma loves me the most! That's why she is reluctant to teach me a lesson!"

He Tiantian grabbed her mother's arm, hugged her with both hands, and continued to act coquettishly.

Ma was so beaten that she had no choice but to give He Tiantian a feigned fierce look.

The mother and daughter joked for a while, and then He Tiantian got down to business and said, "Aniang, it's the birthday of Mrs. Cheng'enhou at the first day of the lunar month next month. Have you received the invitation too?"

Ma didn't know why her daughter asked this, so she casually said, "I received it yesterday. What, do you have any plans?"

Because there was a general in charge of the northwest military power in the Nanning Marquis Mansion, he was not very close to Chengen Marquis and other relatives.

However, on Mrs. Tai's birthday, as long as she is not a mortal enemy, she will go to the Marquis Mansion for a birthday drink.

Mrs. Ma had already accepted the invitation and started preparing birthday gifts.

"I don't have any plans, I just feel that the Marquis Chengen's Mansion will be very lively that day, and all the noble ladies and gentlemen in the capital will probably come and have a great time -"

He Tiantian said casually.

Only a pair of big round eyes kept turning, looking like they were thinking of some evil idea!

Ma was so experienced that when he saw his daughter's sneaky and excited look, he knew that she wanted to be stupid again, ah, no, she wanted to be naughty again.

Ma's mind was spinning very quickly, and since she knew her unfortunate daughter very well, she immediately thought of something -

"You kid, don't act like this anymore!"

"Auntie, why am I messing around?" He Tiantian frowned, looking unconvinced.

As if to say: I haven't said anything yet, how do you know I'm messing around? !

Ma almost laughed out of anger.

After raising her biological daughter for more than ten years, what else does she not know?

It would be fine if he really had the ability to scheme against people, but he just doesn't have the brains.

People are stupid, don't know themselves, and still think they are's just killing people!

Taking a deep breath, Ma desperately told himself in his heart: Don't be angry! Don't be angry! biological! This is biological! !

Perhaps the mental construction worked, and Ma finally did not shout out loud, but lowered her voice and patiently persuaded her.

"Huan'er, you are already Princess Qi. The fourth girl is just a girl from the Hou family who lost her father. At most, she will marry an ordinary lord or an official family."

"She can't compare with you at all. There is no need for you to argue with her!"

Sometimes, Mrs. Ma really couldn't understand why her daughter was arguing with He Shu.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The two are direct cousins, but there are obvious differences in their identities.

The fathers of both sisters were Lord Marquis, but He Shu's biological father was gone long ago.

At most, because she was once the legitimate daughter of the Marquis, the father-in-law would give her a larger dowry when she got married, that's all.

However, in the marriage and love market, He Shu was not as good as a concubine with a second wife.

Because He Jing, the second wife, inherited the title and was still a powerful general.

He Shu only had a nice name, which did not help her husband's family at all.

As for her daughter, she is a serious legitimate daughter of the Hou family, and she is loved by her parents.

Shili Hongzhuang, supported by the Yue family, even worthy of a prince.

When they were young, both children lived in the same house, so competition was inevitable.

But now, He Tian has married into the royal family and become a truly noble person.

However, He Shu could only rely on the help of Mrs. Ma and Mrs. Ma to look after a middle-class family.

As a pair of cousins, their dignity has been determined, so why doesn't Chan'er want to let go? !

In the view of a matron like Ma, one must benefit oneself when harming others.

If you can't do that, you're being stupid.


biological! biological! biological!

Thinking silently in his heart again, Ma's anger finally did not rise again.

"I didn't argue with her!"

He Tiantian seemed not to see how helpless her own mother was about to be fooled by her. She blinked her big eyes and said innocently.

"You don't care about her? Then why do you think there will be many noble ladies and gentlemen at the birthday banquet of Cheng'enhou Mansion?"

Ma didn't believe her daughter's words at all, so she stabbed He Tiantian with her finger angrily.

We can't blame Ma for thinking too badly about "He Tan".

In fact, this person already has a history of "falling into the water".

Ma had every reason to believe that in order to frame He Shu, her silly daughter would cause trouble in the Chengenhou Mansion.

For example, find someone who hates the dog to entangle He Shu, and then find someone to "catch the adulterer" or something.

Ma didn't even need to use his brain, he could guess what Tan's "poison plan" was by just thinking with his toes!

Fortunately, He Tiantian didn't know Ma's thoughts, otherwise she would have given a thumbs up——


She is indeed her mother, and she does know her daughter well enough.

In the original plot, didn’t the original owner just appear like this?

As a result, He Shu, who had a messenger to protect the flowers, took advantage of her and not only successfully married the fourth prince, but she also became the victim of everyone's pity!

This is the gap in IQ, and of course, it also has the effect of the protagonist’s halo.

"Of course I'm helping my fourth sister find a good family!"

He Tiantian said matter-of-factly.

But in Ma's eyes, her appearance meant that she was trying to scheme against people again.

Ma didn't even know what to say. She and Mr. Hou were not fools. How could they give birth to such a worry-free girl like Huang'er? !

Seeing that Mr. Ma was so angry, He Tiantian stuck out her tongue secretly.

Well, that's it for today. You can't make your mother angry any more just to maintain your character.

She hurriedly said: "Auntie, don't look at me like that, I really do it for my fourth sister's good!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"You also said that I am already Princess Qi. As long as I don't do anything harmful to the world, and as long as you and dad are well, my position as Princess Qi will be as secure as Mount Tai!"

"But, the prince treats the fourth sister a little differently. If the fourth sister marries a good man, the prince will be able to live a down-to-earth life with me, right?!"

Ma's spirits perked up and she looked at He Tiantian inquiringly.

He Tiantian did not feel guilty, but faced Ma's gaze calmly.

She was still laughing, "What? Mom, don't you recognize your daughter?"

"Do you think your daughter has become sensible? She can actually say such things?"

He Tan had a rambunctious temperament, and when he felt unhappy, he immediately thought of ways to get revenge.

If you are angry that your husband has someone else in mind, he will make a fuss regardless of it.

It's very rare for He Tiantian to say it in such a roundabout way.

No wonder Ma had some doubts.

However, seeing He Tiantian's magnanimous appearance, she deliberately made sarcastic jokes.

Ma suddenly smiled again, and she patted her daughter's arm happily, "Okay, my Mian'er is finally sensible!"

I know how to use my brain, and I also understand that retreat is the way to advance, good!

As Ma said, neither she nor the Marquis are stupid, so it is impossible to give birth to a fool.

In the past, I probably doted on my daughter too much and raised her too simply.

Now that the children have grown up, married, and experienced some things, they have naturally become mature and stable.

Mrs. Ma does not want her daughter to be very successful, but only wants her to be less of a monster.

"You're right, it's really time for Shu'er to get married!"

Find her a good family and completely stop King Qi from thinking about her.

To put it another way, even if King Qi and He Shu were really deeply in love, if they were to marry each other but still be disconnected, the world would drown them in their saliva.

On the contrary, Mian'er can occupy the moral high ground. When the time comes, Mian'er will have the initiative to deal with whatever he wants.

Ma quickly went through all this in her mind and said with a smile, "Your grandmother said before that she wanted to show the four girls Xiang, so the birthday banquet at Cheng'enhou Mansion is indeed a good opportunity!"

"When the time comes, I'll take Shu'er over and talk to those ladies. Things should be clear soon!"

He Shu's conditions may not be good, but they are not bad either.

As long as the eldest lady, He Shu, mother and daughter have no ambitions, it is not difficult to find a family with good family tradition, loving elders and harmonious brothers.

I'm just afraid that He Shu has ambitions, and the family chosen by Ma family will be looked down upon by others.

However, for the happiness of his daughter, Mr. Ma must marry He Shu as soon as possible no matter what.

After sending He Tiantian away, Mr. Ma called for the housekeeper and gave detailed instructions.

In the evening, He Shu learned about Ma's arrangement——

"Are these all given to me by my second aunt?"

A set of the latest styles of red gold and ruby ​​​​headbands, and two bright red coats and skirts embroidered with butterflies and flowers. This gift is really not light.

"The first day of next month is the birthday of Mrs. Chengen Houfu. Madam said she would take the four girls with her."

The lady in charge said politely, "Madam, I know you are not short of clothes and jewelry. It's just a big day, so it's etiquette for us guests to dress more festively!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Shu's mind moved, and she guessed Ma's meaning.

Her little face blushed instinctively, and her heart pounded.

Are you finally going to have a look at her?

I just don’t know what kind of family Ma will choose.

Ma is not evil, just selfish and partial.

If there is no instigation, she will not deliberately target herself.

However, I won’t pay much attention to it.

At least it won't be as heartbreaking as it was with He Tan.

He Shu politely accepted the things and asked the stewardess to thank Ma on her behalf.

After ordering the maid to send him away, He Shu hurried to the eldest lady's courtyard.

There are some things that are difficult to discuss with her daughter who has not yet left the government, so she can only ask the eldest lady to come forward.

He Shu did not expect to marry into the royal family, but at least she was from a noble family, a scholarly family, and a long-standing official family.

He Shu did not consider the children of poor families for the time being.

If there is really no good choice, it is also possible to be concubines for several princes who have been crowned princes...

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