The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 415 My husband is the supporting actor (14)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

After meeting for the first time in Chengenhou Mansion, He Shu started to interact with the fourth prince.

He Shu tried her best to show off her talents, gentleness, kindness, and reserve, but the fourth prince was always neither far nor near to her.

He Shu was secretly anxious.

She didn't know that the fourth prince had met her in advance, and she didn't know that he already knew that she was having an affair with Zhou Jin, who was married.

She only knew that the Fourth Prince was her best choice.

However, when it comes to things like relationships, if there is no vicious female partner who jumps out to disrupt the situation, and both men and women are reserved, it is really difficult to heat up quickly.

After all, the existence of the role of female supporting role is to promote the plot and serve as a stepping stone for the heroine.

He Tiantian: ...Sorry, I'm not interested in this.

Without the vicious villain "He Dan" to assist him, the matter between He Shu and the fourth prince was actually at a stalemate.

The fourth prince indeed agreed with the queen's words and felt that He Shu was a good candidate for his concubine.

But, he doesn’t have to be He Shu.

There are countless noble families in the court, and there are also many girls of the right age in the family.

As a prince, the fourth prince only has the quota of two concubines.

He didn't want to waste it easily before he was sure that He Shu had sufficient value.

The fourth prince's attitude was ambiguous and he treated He Shu as if he were away from her.

He was not in a hurry, but He Shu was a little anxious.

Firstly, she is older, and secondly, Mrs. Ma and Mrs. Ma are eager to help her look after her... She can't afford to delay.

He Shu was a smart woman. She had been in contact with the fourth prince twice and felt his coldness, so she vaguely guessed the reason.

She must show her abilities to the fourth prince.

As a time-traveling woman, He Shu possesses a lot of knowledge that transcends this time and space.

She carefully studied the current situation of the fourth prince——

The Queen's adopted son has the support of the Marquis of Chengen behind him.

Married to the eldest daughter of Ge's hometown, and also has a daughter of the Minister of Etiquette as a concubine.

On the civil servants' side, the fourth prince had some influence.

The fourth prince founded the palace early and worked as an official in the Ministry of Household Affairs. He had several royal merchants under his name.

Therefore, the fourth prince is not short of money.

He Shu silently crossed out the money-making projects such as glass making and soap making.

What the fourth prince lacks most now is probably the support of the military bosses and prestige in the court.

The emperor dotes on the two princes born to his concubine, and he also values ​​the prince who was left behind by the Yuan Dynasty.

Although these three are not outstanding, they are not useless either.

If the fourth prince wants to stand out among the older and favored princes, he must have solid political achievements.

Political achievements?

He Shu thought hard.

How about getting the cowpox out? !

This is a major event that benefits the country and the people. The fourth prince's "contribution" will definitely make the emperor and courtiers look at him differently.

He Shu's eyes lit up, "Okay, let's get cowpox!"

In fact, setting up an ocean-going fleet to bring back sweet potatoes, corn, etc. is also a political achievement that will go down in history.

However, He Shu had no money and no one, and she really couldn't get a boudoir girl who didn't even have a father or brother!

Of course, He Shu, a modern ordinary college student who had never studied medicine, didn't understand much about cowpox.

But she has seen countless time travels.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Especially in the Qing Dynasty, eight out of ten people are discovering cowpox.

Some authors who are more textual will write the experimental process of cowpox in more detail.

After seeing more, He Shu naturally understood the key.

Besides, there is a doctor, right?

Traveling to the Dayuan Dynasty, He Shu understood a truth: Never underestimate the wisdom and talents of the ancients.

As long as you give them an inspiration, they might be able to create a miracle!

He Shu thought for a few days and finally made a decision.

But, the problem comes again!

Even experimenting with cowpox requires manpower and financial resources.

He Shu did have some money.

Mrs. Tai took pity on her for losing her father in her early years, and Ma was not a fussy person, so in addition to the normal allowance, He Shu also had some subsidies.

Added up every month, there are actually ten taels of silver.

The eldest lady's natal family has an average family background, but as a former marquis, He Jing also has some private property.

After He Jing passed away, Mrs. Tai made the decision and transferred all the private property to the name of Mrs. He Shu.

It's just that in the past, He Shu was young, and those properties were all managed by the eldest lady.

The eldest lady feels sorry for her daughter and will help her out from time to time.

There are also some gifts from He Jing and red envelopes received during the Chinese New Year.

Adding up various inputs, He Shu also had two to three thousand silver in savings in her small treasury.

This amount of money, for ordinary people, is probably a wealth that is difficult to earn in a lifetime.

But for wealthy people, it is nothing.

He Shu wanted to use this money to conduct experiments, but it was far from enough.

Money is not the most important thing, the key is trustworthy and capable people!

He Shu, a girl in a boudoir, had to report back to her second aunt, the mistress of the house, if she wanted to go out.

She had no time to recruit her subordinates.

There are only a few maids and women, but they cannot guarantee complete loyalty.

No one else is needed, even if the eldest lady wants to know about her daughter's situation, those maids and women will report truthfully!

He Shu:......

In ancient times, it was really not easy for women.

Fortunately, He Shu was not completely helpless.

"Tiantian! Tiantian! Your good sister asked your man for help again!"

Little D’s classmate has opened up God’s perspective, which is comparable to the almighty eye of the sky.

As soon as He Shu asked the little maid to deliver a letter to Zhou Jin, she hurried over to report to He Tiantian.

"Little D, pay attention to your wording! He Shu is not my good sister, at most she is just a cheap relative!"

"Second, Zhou Jin is not my man! Hehe, it's been more than a month since we got married, and we still haven't consummated the marriage——"

Well, okay, Zhou Jin can't be entirely blamed for not consummating the marriage.

On the second night of their wedding, Zhou Jin reluctantly came to coax He Tiantian with the thought of "heroic sacrifice".

He Tiantian: ...I am so curious!

She has done more than a dozen missions, and her consistent aim has been not to break up the character or steal the male lead.

He Tiantian had never coveted a male protagonist with both talent and appearance and upright views, let alone a scumbag who was both upright and upright.

Zhou Jin felt aggrieved by consummating the marriage with "He Tian", but He Tiantian also found Zhou Jin disgusting.

Since you don’t want to be a real couple, just don’t do it!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian deliberately looked aggrieved, and said to Zhou Jin angrily like a child: "When did you really have a crush on me? Let's consummate the marriage!"

You are thinking about Bai Yueguang, but you still have children with your nominal wife? !

Zhou Jin, you are so capable, why don’t you go to heaven!

Zhou Jin was not willing to touch "He Tian", so he finally gave in, but He Tiantian got angry.

Zhou Jin suddenly became angry.

He also got into a fight with He Tiantian: Okay, if you don’t consummate the marriage, you won’t consummate it. You really think I’m a stranger!

As a result, this couple looked affectionate and sweet in front of others, but in fact they had no skin-to-skin contact.

"...Okay, I made a mistake!"

Little D, thinking about the way this couple got along, had a feeling that was hard to describe.

It felt like it was bypassing this topic and returning to the right track: "Tiantian, what do you think He Shu wants to do with Zhou Jin?"

"You must let him act like a cow and a horse!"

He Tiantian gave the answer without thinking.

This is not because she is slandering anyone, but in the original setting, Zhou Jin and other male supporting characters are the best tools for the female protagonist.

If something goes wrong, find a supporting actor.

When I'm short of money, the supporting actor offers it with both hands.

When a man of his own is in trouble, he also runs to his male partner to complain.

Not to mention sons, they all rely on the protection and support of their male partners.

Enjoy it alone when you have nothing to do, and find a male partner when you have something to do. This is how a heroine is treated.

Of course, in order to highlight the kindness and beauty of the heroine, it is not the heroine who takes the initiative to speak, but the male supporting characters clamoring to dedicate everything to their goddess.

To further show that the heroine is not a scheming bitch and the male supporting character is not a scumbag, vicious female supporting characters and villains can also be used to assist.

...So, the heroine takes advantage of everything but is flawless.

The male supporting actor may have things he has to do improperly, but he also has no choice but to do so and is excusable!

He Tiantian: ...I'm sorry, I really can't hold it back, I'm crying.

"..." Little D was choked.

The answer is correct, but it is no different from not saying it.

Little classmate D complained secretly, but continued: "He Shu wants to make cowpox, but she needs Zhuangzi to do the experiment, cows that have cowpox, and people who are willing to vaccinate with cowpox!"

And these, in ancient times, required a certain amount of power to do.


He Tiantian restrained her intention to joke, and after a brief thought, she understood He Shu's intention.

She wanted to show her worth to the fourth prince.

She couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips and said in a self-deprecating tone, "It seems that without being framed by the vicious villain 'He Tan', it would be really difficult for He Shu to 'make things happen' with the Fourth Prince!"

Without a conspiracy, there is no way to take advantage of the situation and go with the flow.

So, don’t make the heroine too perfect.

Because there are no supporting characters or villains as stepping stones, it is really difficult for the heroine He Shu to climb to the pinnacle of power relying solely on her own abilities.

In the process of success, there must be conspiracy and frame-up.

And in history, there are absolutely no holy white lotuses among those who truly ascend to high positions.

No, the heroine is forced to "take the initiative" if the supporting characters are slightly uncooperative.

Her character has also become controversial.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

It would be better to let the heroine be scheming and capable from the beginning, so that even if the story becomes cruel later on, the readers will not be disgusted by the collapse of her character.

"Tiantian, do you want to stop me?"

Little D asked excitedly.

This time, if He Tiantian catches another adulterer, he might be able to find some real evidence.

In this way, He Tiantian can occupy the highest moral point and severely criticize a pair of scumbags and bitches.

"What are you obstructing? They used to be 'ordinary friends', but now they are relatives. Doing a favor for each other, although it is a little inappropriate, is not a big mistake!"

He Tiantian said lightly.

Who is He Shu?

Will people do something that is embarrassing to others?

At most, he just acts like a white lotus green tea, making some ambiguous moves, but doesn't really have any substantive contact with the male co-star.

To whet people's appetites and play hard to get is the normal practice for people.

Once you actually go to bed, it’s no longer fresh and exciting, and it’s hard to continue taking advantage of it!

"Then, let's just forget it? Let them continue to hook up?"

Classmate Little D was a little angry, "Tiantian, Zhou Jin is your man, oh no, he is your nominal husband!"

"H-how can he help other women build their careers?"

"Uh, wait, no -"

Little D suddenly thought of something and asked mysteriously: "Tiantian, Zhou Jin is also a prince. Doesn't he want to show off in front of the emperor and courtiers?"

"Tell me, when the cowpox experiment is really successful, will Zhou Jin take the credit?"

He Tiantian sneered, "Of course not!"

"Zhou Jin is the best supporting actor. He is willing to give everything for He Shu."

"When he was the regent, he already had the country in his hands. As a result, He Shu wanted to 'escape' and become a couple of gods and gods incognito with him, so Zhou Jin immediately handed over the military power!"

"Nowadays, he is still a county king who has just been crowned a king and does not have much real power in his hands. He has not yet experienced the joy of the peak of power. There is only one He Shu in his heart and eyes!"

So, isn't it just a cowpox? Isn't it just an opportunity to make great achievements? How could his Bai Yueguang's happiness be more important? !

"No way, this person can be so stupid?" Little D muttered incomprehensively.

"What do you know? This is true love!"

If you love beauty but not country, you can burn yourself for true love.

Zhou Jin has used more than ten years of practical actions to profoundly interpret what "true love" is!

Classmate Little D: ...Well, he is indeed an old Onmyoji. Looking at the strange tone of Yin and Yang, he clicked his tongue~~

"Then, what should we do next? Let them disgust you under the guise of 'helping relatives'?"

Classmate Little D thought for a while and asked.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, "I'm not disgusted! Of course, they are indeed bullying people by doing this!"

"Find an opportunity to reveal the 'private meeting' between He Shu and Zhou Jin at Zhuangzi to the Fourth Prince."

He Tiantian didn't believe that the fourth prince really had such a big heart: for the great cause, he was willing to be a bastard.

"Okay, dear! I will monitor them all the time and report at any time!"

Little D’s classmate responded obediently.

In the following days, He Tiantian did not stop her.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She even relaxed her attention on Zhou Jin so that he could have more time to help He Shu.

He Shu knows how to fish very well.

She used friendship to drive Zhou Jin to work as a horse for her, but she also knew that her former childhood sweetheart alone was not enough to make Zhou Jin fall in love with her.

Therefore, when the two of them occasionally get along, He Shu will deliberately do something ambiguous.

The gentle eyes, the casual finger touch, the shy smile, the nostalgic words...

There wasn't much substantive action, but it made Zhou Jin's obsession with her even more intense.

The two of them did not break through the last line of defense, but as long as anyone with a discerning eye sees their private interactions, they will know that these two people must have an affair.

Just as He Tiantian was watching a good show and secretly adding fuel to the fire, the urgent voice of Little D suddenly sounded from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness——

"Tiantian! Oh no, something happened in Xicheng!"

He Tiantian was shocked.

West City?

Isn't it the border town where my father and brother are stationed? !

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