The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 416: My husband is the male partner (15)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"What happened to Xicheng? Did something happen to my father and the others?"

He Tiantian had a bad feeling in her heart and asked quickly.

"I can only monitor the west city, not further places!"

Classmate Little D was a little frustrated, "Something was wrong in West City last night. Soldiers and horses were coming in and out. It seemed like there was a big war."

"At noon today, a small group of soldiers came back and shouted for help. Your father personally led the army out of the city -"

Before Little D finished speaking, He Tiantian's expression changed.

He Jing is the commander-in-chief of the Northwest Army. If he is personally dispatched, there must be a major war.

Every autumn and winter, Hulu would go to border towns to plunder in order to store supplies for the winter.

However, most of them are small fights.

After all, with the great general He Jing and the 100,000 He family troops in the northwest, the Hulu did not dare to be too arrogant.

Their overall military strength is not comparable to that of the Northwest Army, but they use the mobility of their war horses to adopt a strategy of breaking up into parts and conducting guerrilla warfare.

The Northwestern Army's defense line is too long, and it is inevitable that if there are many troops, they will lose sight of one thing.

In the past few years, He Jing has been looking for an opportunity to break through the main force of the Hulu Royal Court, and hit it with one hit, so that he can regain peace on the border for a few years.

It's a pity that Hulu is not stupid. He knows that his overall strength is not strong and he does not dare to launch a large-scale attack.

If you change places, you will at most plunder some grain and livestock, and rarely massacre people in border towns.

This kind of harassment is neither light nor serious. Not to mention that the Northwest Army will not try its best to kill them, but some people in border towns are used to it.

The two sides seemed to have entered into a strange "tacit understanding".

Dayuan can completely solve the border issue in the northwest only after the male protagonist takes over the military power.

And the reason why he was revered as the "Great General King" was because he defeated the main force of the Hulu Royal Court and forced the Hulu back three hundred miles!

Within ten years, the Hulu did not dare to invade the border again, and Dayuan's deterrence to the surrounding small countries reached its peak.

Now, it's not time for the male protagonist to take over, why is something happening in Xicheng?

He Tiantian's heart was beating hard. She took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down.

"Little classmate D, please continue to monitor and tell me immediately if there is any situation!"

The border town is too far away from the capital, thousands of miles away. Even if something happens, it will take ten days and a half to get the news back to the capital.

He Tiantian didn't want anything to happen to her father and brother, but she had to prepare for the worst.

Although in the original plot, both He Jing and He Tao were fine, but——

Wait, the original plot?

He Tiantian finally discovered why she felt uneasy before.

It turned out to be——

He Tiantian's face instantly darkened.

Feeling He Tiantian's low pressure, Little D did not immediately respond to He Tiantian's instructions, but asked cautiously: "Tiantian, what did you think of?"

"World awareness! Plot killer!"

He Tiantian almost squeezed out these words through her teeth.

Little classmate D didn't react for a moment and asked stupidly: "Huh? What world consciousness?"

"..." He Tiantian took a deep breath to suppress the anger and self-blame surging in her heart.

After a moment, she adjusted her mood and said slowly, "This mission, you really don't need to worry about the plot and mission characters. It seems very simple!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Little D tapped Xiao Yuan's body gently. In fact, he wanted to say: It doesn't "seem" to be simple, but it is really simple.

However, Little D, who knows his little friend well, saw that she was so solemn at the moment,

Then I knew there should be something that this smart assistant didn't understand.

"But I forgot that this is an ancient novel that has been on the shelves for more than ten years. It has long been a complete small world and has derived world consciousness!"

He Tiantian spoke slowly, but she didn't know whether she was explaining to Little D or mumbling to herself.

"And the heroine is the daughter of destiny recognized by the world's consciousness, and is destined to reach the pinnacle of power!"

Villains like "He Dan" and male supporting characters like Zhou Jin are all tools to assist the heroine in her rise to power.

Now, "He Tan" is no longer involved and no longer targets the heroine He Shu.

As for the male partner, he still has a deep affection for He Shu.

But the problem is that without the help of "He Tan", even the male supporting actor is just an empty prince with no real power.

He Tiantian was very sure that she would never let Zhou Jin gnaw at the flesh and blood of the He family and grow into a great general king.

And if there is no military power, the male supporting character will not be able to help He Shu at all.

He Tiantian changed this major plot, and the world consciousness took the initiative to correct it.

It directly gave He Jing, He Tao and his son a "plot kill"!

"If my father or brother die in battle, there will be no one in the He family suitable to lead the army!"

"Zhou Jin is the son-in-law of the He family and the prince of the county. The emperor entrusts the He family's army to him, which can not only appease the He family's army, but also not be too afraid!"

"...In this way, Zhou Jin can still take over the He family's power in the military and become the best tool to help He Shu!"

He Tiantian said expressionlessly.

But there was a bone-chilling chill in her tone.

Wow, what a world awareness!

If she, this vicious female partner, doesn't cooperate, she will simply kill He Jing and his son!

"No way, how could this happen?"

After listening to He Tiantian's explanation, Little D's classmate felt a little stupid.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Xiao D discovered that He Tiantian's speculation seemed to make sense.

"Then, what should we do?"

Little D’s classmate was a little anxious.

It doesn't understand human emotions, but it understands its little friends.

She is sweet, looks selfish and cold, but actually has the softest heart.

If others treat her well, she will remember it firmly in her heart and give back twice as much!

He Jing and He Tao, father and son, are not Tiantian's true blood relatives.

But they treat He Tiantian sincerely, and with the blessing of the plot, He Tiantian regards them as his relatives.

Nowadays, something unexpected may happen to his loved ones. He Tiantian clearly guessed it, but was unable to save him.

Alas, it has become too far!

Moreover, even if He Tiantian used Qinggong and rushed thousands of miles to reach the border town, he might not be able to save them.

Story killing is no joke.

It really kills people!

"No one may die!"

He Tiantian suddenly thought of something, and her gloomy pretty face finally softened a bit.

"Yes! I remembered it!"

Little D, who had always been slow to respond, finally became wiser. He shouted excitedly: "Safe Talisman! Yes, you gave them all Peace Talismans!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Although constrained by the plot, in this non-supernatural world, the talismans cannot exert real effectiveness.

But who is He Tiantian? She is a master of the Talisman Encyclopedia.

Even if her talisman can only exert one-tenth of the effect, it can still save the lives of He Jing, He Tao and his son.

You may become disabled, but you are still alive.

As long as you are alive, there is hope!

He Tiantian also has ways to help them.

He Tiantian bit her lower lip hard, but her big round eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Want to break up the plot through script killing?

Continue to let a scumbag step on the He family and get the upper hand?

No way!

He Tiantian's brain was running rapidly, and he probably had an idea.

And with such an unexpected incident, He Tiantian's previous plan needed to be adjusted.

The next morning, He Tiantian ran back to her parents' home.

Ma was too lazy to persuade her. Zhou Jin didn't blame her anyway, and Ma was really reluctant to kiss her daughter, so she simply turned a blind eye.

"...Speaking of which, what's going to happen when you come back this time?"

Although he no longer reprimanded or persuaded, Ma could not act like he was welcoming.

She asked pretending to be disgusted.

"Aniang, I want to go to daddy's study!"

He Tiantian did not act coquettishly with her mother as usual, but went straight to the point.


Ma was stunned for a moment, then said seriously, "No nonsense!"

It's not that Mrs. Ma thinks that her prince's study is a secret place and doesn't want her daughter to go there.

But I am afraid that this child will become willful again and will cause mischief in the study room!

"I'm not messing around!"

He Tiantian deliberately acted arrogant, "Humph, the prince has been talking about soldiers, horses, food and grass lately. When I asked him, he said I didn't understand!"

"Huh? I don't understand? My He family has led troops in wars for generations. I am a serious general and a tiger girl. How can I not understand military affairs?"

Ma: ...It turns out it’s for Prince Qi again, no wonder!

"I'm going to my dad's study to find all the maps and handbooks of the past heads of the He family on their marches and battles!"

"I don't believe it. My noble daughter of the He family can't go to the real battlefield. Could she not even be able to 'talk on paper'?!"

Ma's face was numb, and she wanted to say something, "My dear, this is not how you use words on paper. Besides, are you sure this is a boastful word?"

It's obviously a curse, okay? !

However, Mrs. Ma is her mother after all, and will not really mock her own flesh and blood.

Looking at He Tiantian's angry appearance and thinking of her infatuated love for Zhou Jin, Ma couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

Waving her hands, she said casually, "Go if you want! But remember, don't take those things outside, let alone damage them!"

The first generation of NN Hou was a mud-legged man. He followed the Tai and Ancestors to join the army and built the family business through military exploits.

He didn't know a few words, and he didn't know anything about military books or art of war.

However, the second Marquis NN was already the heir apparent of the Marquis House and had received orthodox military education since he was a child.

Having led troops in battles for more than ten years, he not only has rich theoretical knowledge, but also has a lot of practical experience.

He left behind a large number of marching records and map sandboxes.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

These are the true wealth of the He family.

Starting from the second NN Marquis, subsequent NN Marquises will leave notes on how they led troops in battles, as well as maps, offensive and defensive records of each battle they experienced, etc.

These are all sealed in the He family's study.

In the study rooms of other dignitaries and wealthy families, there are mostly classics, calligraphy and paintings by famous people.

In the He family's study, rows of bookshelves are filled with maps, marching records and huge sand tables.

He Tian was He Jing's favorite daughter. He was not on guard against her in the study room or anything else.

When he was a child, He Jing used to put her on his lap to review classic battles or discuss battle strategies with a group of generals.

Now "He Tan" is married, but neither He Tiantian nor Ma and others regard her as water thrown away.

He Tiantian wanted to enter the study to study the military information accumulated by successive generations of the He family. Ma didn't have the slightest suspicion or fear, so he let her in directly.

"He Jing and his wife really care about you!"

Classmate Little D couldn't help but sigh.

He Tiantian didn't say anything, but nodded secretly, yes, it was this unreserved sincerity that gave He Tiantian the same sincerity!

When he came to the study room, He Tiantian saw several huge bookshelves.

In the center of the room, there is also a large sand table.

He Tiantian walked closer and took a closer look. The sand table should contain several cities in the northwest frontier, as well as detailed water flows, hillsides, etc.

In the world of the divine eagle, He Tiantian also once led troops to fight.

However, it was a martial arts world, and the focus was more on martial arts.

He Tiantian is not a real expert in regular marching operations.

However, she can still understand maps and stuff.

Understanding this does not mean knowing east, west, north, and south, but being able to draw a 3D model in your mind using simple, flat maps from ancient times.

After all, on the map, only a mountain is marked, but in reality, the specific height, slope angle, vegetation, animals, and many other conditions of this mountain require the general to predict in advance.

It doesn't have to be extremely detailed, but it can also predict what may happen.

A true general must not only have a high personal force value but also know how to command troops.

The most basic thing is to be able to understand the map and not get lost.

Well, He Tiantian doesn't want to connotate anyone.

But no matter how powerful a person is, he can shoot an arrow into a stone, but if he gets lost during a battle, his life will be lost.

It's not that he was born at the wrong time, or that he was deliberately suppressed, but that he got lost or something. For a general, it's really scary.

Of course, none of this is difficult for He Tiantian.

She can understand the map herself, and more importantly, she has a "plug-in".

Little D’s classmate is a “tong” with a God’s perspective.

With Little D as an assistant that is comparable to satellite navigation, He Tiantian will definitely not have to worry about getting "lost" when he goes to the battlefield.

Yes, He Tiantian decided to go to the battlefield.

snort! In order to ensure that Zhou Jin could obtain military power and successfully help He Shu ascend to power, the world consciousness did not hesitate to "plot kill" He Jing and his son.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian just refused to let it succeed!

It is true that only He Jing and He Tao of the He family are the most suitable to lead troops in war, but it does not mean that there are no others besides them.

He Jing and Ma had two sons and one daughter.

The eldest son, He Tao, has inherited He Jing's mantle since he was a child. He followed He Jing to the northwest at the age of thirteen and is the definite heir.

The second son, He Han, was born with physical deficiencies, and he preferred reading and painting.

He studied with famous teachers and scholars since he was a child. When he was fifteen years old, he was admitted to the famous Qingyun Academy in Dayuan.

Whether it was due to physical reasons or special interests, he was unable to lead troops in war.

Then, there is He Tan.

If it was the original owner, it would definitely not work.

But He Tiantian is different. She has abilities, martial arts, toughness, and even more cheats!

The troops and horses of the He family can only be held in the hands of the He family.

He Tiantian does not want to be a self-respecting warlord, but wants to save the He family and maintain the glory of the NN Hou Mansion...

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