The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 418: My husband is the male partner (17)

[The heroine took the villain script] []


What concubine? !

He Shu and Zhou Jin were struck by lightning.

They couldn't believe their ears.

Seeing the stunned look of the man and woman, He Tiantian resisted the urge to laugh.

She repeated it very kindly: "Fourth sister, the prince will never let you go, and I can't bear to make him miss you so much, so I will force you to be his concubine!"

Hearing the words "concubine" from He Tiantian's mouth again, He Shu and Zhou Jin were sure that they had heard correctly.

After being unanimously shocked and stunned at first, the two people's reactions became somewhat different:

Zhou Jin was overjoyed. He Tan really fell in love with her, and in order to satisfy him, he was willing to endure his jealousy and agree to He Shu's marriage.

Zhou Jin had also thought about making He Shu his concubine before.

I'm just worried that He Tan is too willful and always bullies He Shu before leaving the cabinet.

If he has the status of wife and concubine in the future, He Tan will definitely become more serious.

The He family probably wouldn't agree either.

Everyone in Beijing who has eyes and ears knows how much He Jing and his wife love their daughter He Tan.

He was about to marry a concubine as soon as he got married. If He Jing abided by the rule of a monarch and a minister, he would probably explode.

Zhou Jin still wants to count on General He and doesn't dare to provoke him easily.

Therefore, no matter how much Zhou Jin liked He Shu, he never expressed his intention to marry her as a concubine.

He Shu was somewhat conflicted.

If she had not come into contact with the fourth prince, she might still have thought of marrying Zhou Jin.

But in the past month, she had met with the Fourth Prince several times and indirectly learned about the Fourth Prince's power and ability.

Compared with the fourth prince, Zhou Jin is like a child who has not grown up.

The fourth prince is the true royal nobleman, and his words and deeds reflect the determination and perseverance of a superior.

This man is deeply scheming, has an extremely keen sense of politics, and has strong support from his descendants and wife clan.

In the future battle for the new king, the fourth prince may not have no chance of winning.

Of course, the most direct reason is that the fourth prince is a prince, while Zhou Jincai is just a county prince.

He Shu knew very well how Zhou Jin got his title as the king of the county.

As a modern soul, He Shu felt that Zhou Jin was a soft rice man in disguise.

This kind of man who relies on the Yue family is simply asking for death once he does anything to offend the Yue family.

He Shu only regarded Zhou Jin as her last resort and would never easily entrust her life to such a man.

"No! Third sister, you misunderstood, my brother-in-law and I -" We are just relatives, I never thought of marrying him!

He Shu's mind was spinning rapidly and she hurriedly explained to He Tiantian.

He Tiantian had an expression like "Don't tell me, I understand."

She ignored He Shu and looked directly at Zhou Jin: "Your Majesty, you like the fourth sister, right?"

Zhou Jin's heart was so happy that he almost flew into the air.

He was a little surprised at first, thinking that He Tiantian was deliberately sarcastic or testing him.

However, "He Tan" is a man who never hides his thoughts.

Whatever is on your mind is written on your face.

Just looking at her big, clear eyes, Zhou Jin knew that she was telling the truth!

When He Tiantian asked him if he liked He Shu, he nodded without any hesitation.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Shu: ...Zhou Jin, you idiot!


He Tiantian pretended to smile with difficulty, vividly interpreting a humble and infatuated girl who did not hesitate to wrong herself for love.

Two tears squeezed out of the corners of his eyes, and He Tiantian wiped them away quietly, "I'm going to find A Niang and Your Majesty! Prince, don't worry, as long as you like it, I will definitely satisfy you!"

Zhou Jin suddenly felt noble, and his vanity as a man was fully satisfied.

Did you see it? !

This is a good wife who truly loves her husband!

Almost all of a sudden, Zhou Jin became more pleased with "He Tan".

He was secretly thinking: "He Tan" is so virtuous and sensible, from now on I will give her the dignity of a real wife.

No longer dislike her, but treat her as a real wife!

Zhou Jin feels that she has been very tolerant, and she only hopes that "He Tan" can be more sensible in the future, get along well with He Shu's wife and concubines, and serve him well together!

He Tiantian: ...Oh!

He Shu: ...Dream!

"Third sister, listen to me, I have never wanted to compete with you for my brother-in-law. Today I -"

He Shu was really anxious.

Although she didn't know what kind of demon "He Tan" was making, her intuition told her that she had to stop it.

She grabbed He Tiantian, who was pretending to go to his elders to make the decision, and said quickly.

She didn't want to be interrupted by He Tiantian like before, so she almost finished these words in one breath.

However, He Tiantian was faster than her mouth. He saw the right moment and stopped the conversation, "I know, you just met the prince by chance today!"

He Tiantian looked at He Shu with a faint smile, "Fourth sister, although I have a bad temper, I am not a fool!"

"This month, you have 'encountered' my prince seven times!"

"And that little village in the suburbs of Beijing. You two went there four or five times together!"

"You and I are both daughters of the He family. For the sake of my grandmother and aunt, I don't want to say anything too harsh!"

"Fourth sister, I feel sorry for the prince, but I also want to save face for you, so I didn't make things worse, otherwise -"

The more He Tiantian spoke, the colder her voice became.

He Shu's expression changed.

What's the meaning?

"He Tan" actually knew everything about her and Zhou Jin's movements?

Did she send someone to follow them?

He Shu's heart was pounding, she was worried that "He Tan" might also find out about her affair with the fourth prince!

But, right now, this is not the time to think about this.

He Shu pinched her palms, and the pain in her palms quickly calmed her down.

"...Third sister, I'm sorry, it was my fault!"

He Shu explained eagerly, "I need help with something, but I don't know anyone else."

"First of all, my brother-in-law is enthusiastic, and secondly, for the sake of my third sister, he takes good care of me——"

Zhou Jin is really just a tool to help her with her work.

She really didn't pretend to be green tea this time, but told the truth.

However, to be honest, He Tiantian did not pay the bill.

He Tiantian looked straight at He Shu, "Fourth sister, let me ask you a question, are you willing to marry the prince?"

He Shu was speechless for a moment.

Instinctively, she wanted to say "no".

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, her reason told her that she couldn't say that.

Because once she said it, Zhou Jin would feel grudge.

She also wanted to lure Zhou Jin into being his spare tire.

But if she hadn't told her, she would have really married Zhou Jin as a concubine.

"Third sister, the prince is my brother-in-law, I can't break your heart!"

He Shu pretended to be willing to compromise, and her expression seemed to say: It's not that I don't want to marry the prince, it's that I can't.

I take care of our sisterhood.

Sure enough, after hearing He Shu's words, Zhou Jin, who was originally unhappy, was suddenly moved again.

But He Tiantian curled her lips and said seriously: "No, I won't be sad!"

"I like my prince, I love the house and the bird. As long as he likes it, I will accept it!"

Show off your acting skills?

Okay, who's afraid of whom? !

In terms of acting, He Tiantian has never lost.

If He Shu wants to maintain her kind and beautiful personality, He Tiantian will give her a poor person who is "crazy for love" and humble for love.

Zhou Jin was also moved by He Tiantian: "Yan'er, you are so affectionate to me. I, I will definitely treat you well in the future!"

It is a great blessing to have a good wife and a beautiful concubine, to have both support and white moonlight.

Zhou Jin only felt that she was about to reach the peak of her life.

He Shu:......

Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped through her belly.

What happened to "He Tan"?

What bad thing is she holding back?

He Shu couldn't believe that "He Tan", who had always been overbearing and willful, would become a mentally retarded man who was willing to take a concubine for her husband out of love.

However, He Shu could not directly deny "He Tan".

"...The elders should make the final decision on marriage matters!"

He Shu could only desperately make excuses.

"Yes, didn't I just say that I'm going to find my grandma and grandma?"

He Tiantian is a considerate person, "Fourth sister and the prince were already in love, but now they are just lovers getting married."

Therefore, as long as "He Tan" takes the initiative to give in, the elders of the He family will not care too much!

He Shu wanted to vomit blood.

Zhou Jin has already noticed something.

He was just so happy and a little carried away for a moment that he didn't pay too much attention to He Shu.

After the surprise, he slowly calmed down and found that He Shu was not as happy as he was, but kept making excuses to evade.

Yes, that’s shirk!

He Shu seemed unwilling to marry herself.

Doesn't she like herself?


Not to mention their friendship over the past ten years, in the past month alone, they have seen each other often.

Although it was a matter of affection and politeness, he did not do anything beyond the rules.

But Zhou Jin felt deeply about the entanglement and reluctance between them.

It shouldn't be his imagination.

But what does He Shu in front of him mean?

He Shu also noticed Zhou Jin's strangeness, but she had to continue to refuse.

Because the fourth prince is really more worthy of investment than Zhou Jin.

And He Shu is also confident that even if she offends Zhou Jin today, she can coax him back in the future.

The same cannot be said for the Fourth Prince. Once you miss it, you really have missed it!

"Third sister doesn't know something. Second aunt helped me meet King Qin last time -"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Shu was deliberately vague, but she didn't think she was completely lying.

It was indeed Mr. Ma who took her to the birthday banquet at Chengenhou Mansion just to see her.

It was at the birthday banquet that He Shu met the fourth prince, King Qin, and developed a crush on each other.

Rounding things off, it was Ma who helped her meet King Qin.

"King Qin?"

"Brother Four Emperors?"

He Tiantian and Zhou Jin, a seemingly incompatible couple, had a rare moment of "tacit understanding" and actually asked each other in unison.

He Tiantian was surprised by He Shu's decisiveness, tsk tsk, she is indeed a heroine, she just knows how to choose.

Zhou Jin was shocked and disappointed.

When did Shu'er get in touch with the Fourth Emperor Brother?

Also, Shu'er kept declining just now, was it because of the Fourth Emperor Brother?

Does she like the Yonko brother? !

Zhou Jin's heart felt as if someone had grabbed it hard, and there was a suffocating pain.

"My mother-in-law helped you see each other? It's impossible. I was still at the Marquis Mansion in the morning. I specifically asked my mother-in-law about the marriage of my fourth sister, but she didn't mention it!"

He Tiantian didn't give He Shu a chance to pass the test vaguely.

"Second aunt~~"

When He Shu mentioned Ma's family, she deliberately looked at He Tiantian with a troubled look.

She seemed to be saying, Ma is your mother-in-law and has always been partial to you. Ever since I was little, I don’t know how many times I have lied to you.

This time, in order to help you, I guess you will still wrong me!

He Shu didn't say the above words, but expressed them clearly with her eyes.

Forget about others, Zhou Jin had seen Ma's preference for He Tan many times.

Therefore, he believed in He Shu even more - Madam Ma really wanted He Shu to marry into Prince Qin's palace as a concubine, but after hearing "He Tan" say that he wanted to help his princess take a concubine, Madam Ma would definitely change her mind!

"...Even so, then, let's forget about it!"

After all, Zhou Jin felt more sorry for He Shu. Although it was a pity that he couldn't marry her, he didn't want to embarrass her or offend Mrs. Ma.

He Shu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, this matter was finally over.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows: Dear cousin, it’s too early for you to worry.

"Tiantian, do you have any backup plans?"

Classmate Little D heard He Tiantian's thoughts and couldn't help but ask.

"I have no backup plan! But the battle report from the northwest is coming soon!"

He Tiantian said lightly.

Once the battle report from the northwest arrives, everyone in the capital will know that General He has been seriously injured and that the whereabouts of his successor He Tao are unknown.

The He family no longer has anyone who can go to the battlefield and lead the He family's army!

Nan and Ninghou Mansion are about to fall.

The reason why the fourth prince, King Qin, chose He Shu, an orphaned girl with no father or brother, to be his concubine was because of the military power of the He family.

If something happened to the He family, He Shu would lose value.

Naturally, the King of Qin would not waste his precious concubine slot.

His side has died down, and no matter how active He Shu is, it will only make Zhou Jin feel that something is wrong.

Of course, He Shu is a smart woman.

When she found out that she had no hope of marrying the King of Qin, the He family was about to decline, and she couldn't marry other high-ranking dignitaries, she could only hold on to Zhou Jin as her spare tire!

However, because of her previous relationship with King Qin, Zhou Jin would definitely have knots in her heart.

Love may not lead to hatred, but it will definitely not be as heartfelt and sincere to He Shu as in the original plot.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

And as long as there is a barrier, Zhou Jin will probably no longer be an affectionate supporting actor.

He Tiantian deliberately did this to let Zhou Jin know He Shu's true face.

Uh, okay, He Tiantian was playing tricks, but this is normal.

After all, she is a vicious villain, and she doesn't dare to scheme against others. How can she live up to her reputation?

Sure enough, three days later, the urgent battle report from Northwest Eight Hundred Miles arrived in the capital.

The news of the defeat of He Jing and his son also spread throughout the court.

The He family was in despair, and the emperor and the adults in the political hall were worried——

The Hulu launched a massive attack and captured two cities in a row.

He Jing was seriously injured, He Tao disappeared, and tens of thousands of northwest troops were leaderless.

The court must appoint a new coach as soon as possible.

However, the prestige of the He family in the Northwest Army is too high. If you rashly choose a general who has nothing to do with the He family, it will be difficult to control tens of thousands of troops in a short period of time.

As for the He family, there were only a few women and children, so there really was no suitable candidate.

Several older princes took the opportunity to deploy their own men, and they attacked and framed each other.

King Qin only focused on business and completely ignored He Shu.

And the smart He Shu knew about the He family pills when she saw that the Hou Mansion kept crying.

She must quickly resolve her lifelong issues before the He family falls...

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