The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 419 My husband is the male partner (18)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"It's too much to bully others! It's simply too much to bully others!"

Ma gnashed his teeth and cursed.

In recent days, Mr. Ma has been worried.

She was worried about her husband whose fate was unknown, and she was worried about her eldest son whose whereabouts were unknown. Her heart seemed to be resting on a hot iron plate, and she was suffering.

However, as a qualified mistress of a general, no matter how frightened and worried she was, she gritted her teeth and held on.

She knew that at this time, the He family could not be in chaos.

She also knew that the He family had been too popular in the past, and if something happened now, someone would be hurt.

However, He still never expected that not only others, but also his own family would come to stab him.

One is his biological niece, and the other is his son-in-law who is supported by his family. They, they...

Wow, pity her Nan'er, her father and brother have just had an accident, and they are going to be humiliated like this!

"Auntie, it's not considered bullying!"

He Tiantian felt very distressed when she saw Ma's whole body shaking with anger.

She grabbed her mother's hand and said seriously, "Actually, a few days ago, I wanted to let my fourth sister come over!"

Ma's eyes suddenly widened and she stared at He Tiantian in disbelief: "Yan'er, do you know what you are talking about?"

When did her daughter become such a good wife who "takes the initiative to take concubines for her husband"?

Ma didn't suspect that He Tiantian was possessed by evil spirits, but felt sorry for her that she had been wronged again!

As a woman, Ma knew of course that no woman in the world was willing to give up her man to anyone else.

What magnanimity and virtuousness are, they are just shackles forced upon women by men!

Women are not inherently bad.

Ma stared at her own daughter. She seriously doubted whether that ruthless white-eyed wolf was secretly coercing Mei'er, which made her take the initiative to "accomplish" him and He Shu.

"No! Mom, I'm not someone to be bullied!"

Ma's eyes were so obvious that He Tiantian could understand it at a glance.

She raised her lips and said, "I really want He Shu to come through. Mom, please don't be impatient and listen to me!"

He Tiantian faced the unruly and willful face of the original owner, but what she said was extremely firm and calm, "He Shu and the prince are already in love. If I always stop him, I will become a villain!"

"In the past two months since the prince and I got married, the marriage has not been consummated, but the prince has 'ran into' He Shu from time to time!"

"They broke the connection behind my back, so I just helped them and brought her to the palace. Let me see how she can behave like a monster!"

When He Tiantian mentioned He Shu, she still took care of the character of the original owner, with an expression of disgust.

"Moreover, something happened to the He family. I want to go to war on my father's behalf. I will get He Shu into the palace as early as possible, and I will have someone to serve the prince -"

Originally, when He Tiantian said that "the marriage has never been consummated," Ma was already furious.

She almost rushed out to settle the score with Zhou Jin.

But then, when he heard "going to war on behalf of his father", Ma was stunned.

"What? Mian'er, you, you are going to the northwest?"

"Yes! My father is injured, my eldest brother is missing, and the He family's tens of thousands of troops cannot be ruled by no one!"

"No! No! How can you go to the northwest?" Mr. Ma simply couldn't bear it.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Why can't I go? Auntie, I'm not a child anymore, and my surname is He!"

He Tiantian was extremely determined, and when she said, "My surname is He," it was with an endless sense of responsibility.

Ma's heart was touched.

At this moment, she only focuses on her daughter,

The annoying son-in-law and the scoundrel niece were all thrown aside.

"But, you are a woman, and you are already married -"

"What about women? During the late emperor's time, Princess Zhaoyang once led troops to fight!"

He Tiantian had already thought of her words and said in a deep voice: "Even my mother-in-law grew up in the border town. The female relatives of the border town guards will also guard the city and kill the barbarians in critical moments!"

"As for getting married? Auntie, do you also think that I am the daughter of a married woman? Even if I get married, I am still the daughter of the He family!"

Ma was speechless by He Tiantian.

But she was still worried.

Her family, Nan'er, has been held in the palm of her hand since she was a child. How has she ever suffered hardship or sin?

Ma did grow up in a border town, so she knew the hardships and dangers of the frontier better.

The situation was particularly serious this time, and even He Jing, who had always been brave and good at fighting, was seriously injured.

If my beloved little girl dies, I don’t know if she will come back alive.

Her husband and eldest son were already like this, and she couldn't let her only daughter fall into this too.

"That's not possible, Nan'er, you can't go." Ma shook his head vigorously.

"If I don't go? What will happen to the He family's army? What about the northwest that our He family has been running for several lifetimes?"

He Tiantian was so calm that she was almost cruel, "Or does Aniang want my second brother to go? He is not in good health. He can't even ride a horse, let alone lead an army in a war!"

Ma: ...of course she couldn't bear to part with her second son.

The eldest son is missing, and the second son is the only male in the He family.

And the He family's army... Even if Mrs. Ma is not the daughter of a general, but as the head of the family, she also knows the significance of tens of thousands of northwest troops to the He family.

"But, but -" How can my daughter go to the northwest?

How could she, a young woman, lead troops in a war?

Although the He family's surname is He, it is not something that just anyone from the He family can control.

When He Tiantian saw that Ma was already loose, he quickly stood up and pulled her to the martial arts field.

In front of his own mother, He Tiantian was shooting arrows and slashing with a broadsword. His moves were fierce and his expression was fierce, like a warrior on the battlefield.

Ma looked a little dumbfounded. She knew that her daughter had practiced martial arts, but that was all when she was a child.

Looking at my daughter's performance now, it seems that she has never put down her skills.

Oh, yes, there’s also horse riding!

Her daughter is very good at equestrian skills. She usually plays polo with a group of young ladies and is always the best.

Therefore, in the martial arts of riding and shooting, "He Tan" was selected to surpass He Han, a frail scholar.

However, on the battlefield, leading troops to fight is not just about daring to fight and daring to kill.

Commanding troops and horses is no small matter.

Before Ma could raise this question, He Tiantian took her to the study again.

He Tiantian pointed to the sand table and the piles of maps and notes, "Mom, these days I have been studying the information left by the He family's father, grandfather, and ancestors. I have learned a lot!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"I dare not say that I can be as brave and powerful as the ancestors of the He family and become the god of war in the world, but I will definitely not lose the reputation of the He family!"

He Tiantian speaks loudly and looks determined!

Ma looked at her blankly, and suddenly realized that she didn't recognize him.

Is this still her unruly and willful little girl?

At first glance, Ma thought that an ancestor of the He family had appeared and possessed him.

Because He Tiantian's eyes are so determined, and his whole body exudes an inexplicably convincing temperament!

This is self-confidence, a self-confidence that is so powerful that it is convincing.

The last time Ma felt this way was when she saw her husband leading troops on an expedition for the first time.

At that time, she had just arrived in Beijing and had not yet married the He family.

He Jing, who was only seventeen years old, commanded an army as a general for the first time.

Out of curiosity, Ma and her sisters ran to the second floor of Zhaixing Building to join in the fun.

She squeezed into the crowd and watched the young and handsome general wearing armor and riding a tall horse walking past majestically.

He obviously has such a childish face, and he is obviously ordered to do so in a critical situation, but he does not make people look down upon him. Instead, he feels that he must be able to do it.

Ma seemed to understand something: it’s nothing great for a person to be confident, but it’s very important if he (or she) can make others feel trustworthy.

Her husband was like this, and now, her daughter actually has such a magical temperament.

Could this be the He family? Even a woman has inherited the will of her ancestors?

"Huan'er, even if I agree, His Majesty and the courtiers -" they won't agree easily.

It's not like there are no men in the Dayuan Dynasty, so why would a young woman like "He Tan" show up?

"They will agree. It's still the same saying, 'My surname is He', and I can still lead troops and fight like a real He family member!"

He Tiantian must be grateful that this world is an imaginary dynasty, and various background settings are close to the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Here, the constraints on women are not so strict.

Under special circumstances, it is not shocking for women to do business or lead the army.

Of course, the author has such a setting, mainly to pave the way for He Shu to reach the pinnacle of power in the future.

But no matter what the reason is, He Tiantian is now enjoying the dividends.

"...Okay! Just listen to me!"

Ma finally understood that her daughter had thought everything through and was prepared in advance.

Her Mian'er has finally grown up and knows how to shoulder the important responsibilities of the family.

But, if possible, Mrs. Ma really doesn’t want her daughter to “grow up.”

Because the price of growth is often a cruel reality.

Having witnessed his daughter's growth with his own eyes, Ma no longer stood in the way of He Tiantian's request.

She ran to discuss with the Dowager and the First Lady.

When Mrs. Tai heard about this, her first reaction was anger - Zhou Jin, who had always relied on the Yue family, actually added insult to injury, and He Shu, who had always been sensible and well-behaved, actually cheated on her? !

As for the eldest lady, she had already heard it from He Shu, although she was a little uncomfortable when facing Ma.

However, my daughter's happiness is more important than anything else!

Something happened to He Jing and his son, and the He family was about to fall.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If Shu'er's marriage is not settled quickly, how will she marry into a high-ranking family in the future?

Although she became a concubine to the Prince of Qi County and had to make a living under "He Tan" in the future, the prince liked their Shu'er.

Women, as long as they are favored by men, they are not afraid of any fights in the palace or at home.

Furthermore, "He Tan" is a reckless and unruly idiot.

When she was in the Hou Mansion, Shu'er was not afraid of He Tan.

Marrying into the prince's palace, with the prince's favor, He Tan has nothing to fear.

From now on, this damn girl who was spoiled by her second wife may have to live her life based on their younger sister's face.

Mrs. Ma saw the changes in expressions of Mrs. Ma and Mrs. Ma, and she sneered secretly——

My mother-in-law was fair, and she was probably annoyed by He Shu's lack of self-love and conscience.

As for the sister-in-law, it’s not that she has lost her temper after being a widow for many years, or that she is born like this and now she has become so selfish and utilitarian.

Even so, knowing that her sister-in-law is not as kind and honest as she usually behaves, Ma will not have any psychological burden if He Shu ends up in the future.

"Huan'er has already decided. If mother and sister-in-law have no objections, she will go to the palace tomorrow to report to His Majesty!"

Ma lowered her eyelids to hide the emotions in her eyes.

She didn't lie, He Tiantian will indeed enter the palace tomorrow.

However, asking for a concubine for Prince Qi was just a matter of course. He Tiantian's main purpose was to "please fight."

Of course, these Ma family members don’t want to tell others for the time being.

After her husband and son were injured, Ma finally understood that some people would not agree with her even if they were "family members" in name.

From now on, everyone should only care about face.

"..." The madam moved her lips, wanting to say something, but hesitated.

Upon seeing this, the eldest lady quickly said with a smile: "Since the third girl has already decided, let's do what she wants."

If the wife does not agree, won't my daughter's life-long event be delayed again?

Ma's face was numb. Before, she was wondering who He Shu was following. She was obviously extremely selfish but still pretending to be so.

The root of emotion is here!

"If Shu'er is not happy, it will be useless no matter how much we 'decided'!"

Ma finally couldn't hold it back and stabbed the eldest lady coldly.

Huh, don't be nice when you get an advantage. Do you really think everyone else is a fool? !

The eldest lady choked and smiled coquettishly.

The lady's hand holding the rosary beads was squeezed tightly, alas, the whole family was separated from each other.

"...Even so, let's do it."

The He family was in turmoil, and there were some calculations, which Mrs. Tai could understand.

However, from now on, she will feel less guilty and pity towards her eldest daughter-in-law and fourth granddaughter!

After receiving Ma's reply, He Dan and Prince Qi entered the palace early the next morning.

The Prince of Qi County was filled with joy. He was finally going to marry his sweetheart. His long-cherished wish finally came true.

Of course, Prince Qi was not carried away yet. He also knew that he should give the princess the minimum respect and gratitude.

Pursing his lips tightly and holding back the smile that came from the bottom of his heart, King Qi pretended to be a loving couple with He Tan.

He Tiantian: ...You can do whatever you want, as long as it makes you happy!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

It's not an important person anyway. He Tiantian brought He Shu and Zhou Jin together just because of "the beauty of adulthood."

Zhou Jin devoted his life to loving He Shu. Even after He Shu got married, everyone would never forget Zhou Jin. Why would he just fulfill her wish and leave her with regrets? !

Isn’t sweet love a hundred times more regretful than sadistic love? !

I just don’t know if a pair of true-hearted people who “can’t love each other” form a partnership, will their original love be as deep as the sea, with no regrets or regrets?

After listening to He Tan's request, the emperor saw that she was not aggrieved or forced, although he felt that it was a bit unkind to give Prince Qi a concubine when something happened to the He family.

But He Tan insisted, and his unlucky son also looked expectant and happy. The emperor had no choice but to agree to the matter.

Zhou Jin was overjoyed and hurriedly knelt down to thank him.

However, his joy did not last long.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the impassioned expression of his princess: "The Hulu attacked the border town, my father was seriously injured, and my brother's whereabouts are unknown. Although I am a woman, I am also the daughter of the He family!"

"Your Majesty, He Dan is willing to fight in the northwest on behalf of the He family, to avenge my father and brother, to relieve your Majesty Jingbian, and to protect the northwest for Dayuan!"

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