The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 421 My husband is the male partner (20)

He Tiantian simply "became famous instantly"!

The imperial court appointed her as the commander-in-chief and asked her to go to the northwest to take charge of the northwest army. Everyone with brains in Beijing knew that "He Tan" was there to be used as a decoration.

No one, including the Ma family and other He family members, believed that He Tiantian really had the ability to fight.

However, outside the gate of He's house, in front of the neighbors and passers-by, He Tiantian kicked Zhou Jin, a grown man, out with a single kick. It was so shocking, isn't it? !

"As expected of a general and a tiger girl!"

"Let me tell you, the people from Nan Ninghou Mansion, even if they are women, are tough and domineering!"

"That's right! Oh, General He has someone to succeed him!"

"...Is the prince a little weak? Or is it just a coincidence?"

The people watching were talking a lot.

But most people recognized "He Tan".

I feel that even though she doesn't have the ability to command troops, she still has a high enough force value.

If you are not a good general, even if you go to the battlefield, you will not hold others back.

"Haha! I have said it before, 'a tiger father has no dog daughter'!"

In the evening, when the emperor heard the news, he did not feel sorry for his unfortunate son, but was overjoyed.

The He family has been loyal and loyal for generations. The key is that the heads of each generation are very knowledgeable.

They did not show off their merits, nor did they consider themselves heroes. Instead, they continued to follow the royal family respectfully.

They do not engage in party disputes or participate in the fight for the right to inherit the throne; they are staunch royalists.

It has been almost more than a hundred years, and the emperors have changed several times, but the He family is still as sincere as the first generation of Nanning Marquis.

He Jing and the current emperor can be regarded as getting along well with each other.

The emperor sincerely hopes that the He family can pass on their friendship for more than ten years.

It is inevitable to divide the military power, but the emperor does not want the He family to decline.

There is an heir, and she is a woman,

She is the daughter-in-law of their royal family. The emperor really has no fear at all towards "He Tan".

On the contrary, the He family is happy.

With "He Tan", the He family can also maintain their wealth.

As for going beyond "He Dan" and letting Zhou Jin take charge of the Northwest Army, the emperor was even more resistant.

They are all his sons, but the emperor prefers one.

Lao Qi has always been unpopular, and the emperor never thought of including him in the list of successors.

Being able to find a reliable in-law for Lao Qi was a rare moment of paternal love for the emperor.

Zhou Jin wanted more, but the emperor was the first to refuse.

Of course, Zhou Jin looks very honest now, not ambitious.

However, people's hearts cannot stand the test. Once Zhou Jin has military power in his hands, even if he doesn't want to, the people around him and those who follow him will fight for it.

Rather than giving birth to an ambitious son, it would be better to let the daughter-in-law lead the army in the war.

While the emperor was joking, he had an idea in his mind.

Therefore, when Zhou Jin refused to give up and went to the palace to ask the emperor for a request, the emperor rejected it directly.

His reasons are all ready-made, "You are a big man, but you can't even beat a woman. How can you convince the people when I send you to the northwest?"

The emperor had never led troops, but he heard He Jing mention: Strength is the most important thing in the military camp!

Those big-headed soldiers at the bottom don't care whether you are of noble birth or not, or whether you know the art of war.

As long as your skills are inferior to others, no one will believe you!

As for Zhou Jin, he was kicked away by his own mother-in-law in public, tsk tsk, let’s talk about those tough Northwest troops, even the emperor felt awkward.

Zhou Jin: ...Dad, I am your biological son. Why do you dislike me so much? !

The emperor spread his hands: The nine sons of the dragon are all different. I have more than a dozen sons. Some of them are outstanding, but naturally there will also be useless ones.

The emperor said that he could accept that one of the many princes was useless.

Zhou Jin has never been so embarrassed.

His self-esteem took the biggest blow.

However, the person who was running against him and despising him was not others, but the supreme emperor of the Dayuan Dynasty, his biological father!

Regardless of whether it was public or private, Zhou Jin did not dare to show his dissatisfaction in front of the emperor.

He wanted to go home and vent.

However, "He Tan", who was entrusted with an important task by the emperor, seemed to have suddenly changed into a different person.

It's absolutely effortless to do it.

I hate this woman, she looks like a 16 or 17-year-old girl, harmless and honest.

As a result, when he moved his hands, he looked like a female tyrannosaurus.

Several days later, Zhou Jin's waist was still aching from being kicked.

Can't afford it!

Don’t dare to mess with it either!

Zhou Jin's anger was filled with nowhere to vent, which was so frustrating.

If it were someone else who suggested that he seize power from "He Dan" and the matter failed and he ended up in an embarrassing situation, Zhou Jin would definitely be angry.

It just so happened that the person who gave him the advice was none other than Bai Yueguang, whom he valued most.

Alas, Shu'er also only cares about herself.

It's just that she is a boudoir girl after all, with limited knowledge and poor thinking.

Zhou Jin didn't blame He Shu, but he didn't even notice it.

After this incident, in Zhou Jin's mind, He Shu had changed from a smart and thoughtful girl with lots of makeup to an ordinary boudoir woman with little knowledge.

As for a person, once she loses some of her aura, the psychology of those who once admired her will change.

If there is further contact, the mystery and freshness will all disappear... Haha, the fairy descends to the mortal world and can only return to the ordinary in the end.

He Tiantian didn't know this part, and of course, she didn't care.

The war situation in the northwest was urgent. After receiving the emperor's decree to appoint her as the marching general manager of the northwest road, He Tiantian began to prepare to set off.

Ma had already experienced it, so she endured the worry and heartache and quickly packed her bags for Tiantian.

He Tiantian took away 200 Buqu to serve as his bodyguard, and was accompanied by two generals of the same generation as He Jing: Liu Sheng and Wang Kui.

Of course, they have the same seniority and similar age, but Liu and Wang's ability to lead troops is still much worse than that of He Jing.

These two people don't have much connection with the He family.

However, after all, they were colleagues in the army. Liu Sheng and Wang Kui admired the Nanning Marquis Mansion very much and respected the general He Jing.

Now that the He family is encountering big difficulties, the two of them are willing to help.

As for the carving up of the Northwest Army that the emperor and courtiers expected, Liu and Wang secretly knew it.

It's just that they didn't show it on their faces. Instead, they respected "He Tan" as the general manager in everything, and did not look down upon or treat her lightly just because she was a young woman.

"Tiantian, these two generals Liu Sheng and Wang Kui are not bad!"

There is no discrimination based on gender, age or anything else.

Classmate Little D hid in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness and said with emotion.

"These are the real old foxes!"

He Tiantian is not as optimistic as Little D.

In the military camp and on the battlefield, strength speaks for itself.

Before He Tiantian shows herself, truly smart people will not make judgments easily.

Even if you want to despise or despise him, it will only be after He Tiantian made a mistake.

People are reasonable and well-founded. Even if He Jia has the halo, He Tiantian will still be criticized. Then it was reduced to a real decoration.

Student D: ...The human heart is so complicated, with so many twists and turns!

He Tiantian stopped chatting with classmate Little D and continued to move forward according to the route.

In fact, Liu Sheng, Wang Kui and other generals were a little impressed when they saw that He Tiantian was able to wear armor weighing more than ten kilograms, ride straight on a horse, and not fall behind or cry out tired.

"It's not a boast to be a tiger girl!"

"Yes, he is only seventeen years old this year. When my boy was at this age, he couldn't stand it!"

Wearing armor and staying on horseback from morning to night is not an easy task.

There are also people who sleep in the open, exposed to the sun and rain, and eat simple food... Soldiers who come from poor commoners also endure hardships.

It is really rare for a young lady like "He Tan", who has grown up to be a noble and pampered lady, to not only remain silent but also to make some jokes with the soldiers.

He Tiantian, who was originally thought to be a hindrance, cooperated wonderfully throughout the whole process, and Liu Sheng, Wang Kui and others accelerated their march.

Half a month later, the group left the border and began to penetrate deep into the northwest hinterland.

At this point, conventional routes are no longer sufficient.

In the big tent, Liu Sheng pointed at the map, "Xicheng is right here. There are three ways to get there!"

"This route is relatively close, but there is a valley where it is easy for barbarians to ambush you!"

"This route requires a detour, but it is relatively close to Hulu's grassland. There is a possibility of encountering a small group of enemy troops!"

"And this one..."

Liu Sheng once came to the northwest to fight and had some understanding of the terrain here.

Of course, even if you don’t understand, there are still scouts in the army.

Let these people explore the way in front of the army, and they can also find out some situations.

He Tiantian looked at the simple map. The so-called valleys and rivers were all marked with small icons.

No more detailed data is available.

Some smaller hills or streams are not even marked on the map.

However, these are indeed very important in the actual marching process.

Judging based on the terrain whether there are mountain roads that are not easy to walk nearby or whether there is a place where you can set up camp requires the general to make predictions in advance.

In ancient times, this was the difficulty of fighting.

There is no satellite navigation, and there is no 3D map that is as detailed as a road or a river. Everything relies on manpower, experience, and wisdom.

The reason why a famous general becomes a famous general is that he has the "intuition" and decisiveness that most ordinary generals say they don't have.

He Tiantian's intuition is very accurate, and she also has certain military qualities.

However, she doesn't have to rely on these, she has higher-end plug-ins.

Classmate Little D directly opened the God's perspective and brought the entire northwest into the scope of his monitoring.

The three paths mentioned by Liu Sheng appeared extremely clear and three-dimensional in the depths of He Tiantian's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Go this way!"

He Tiantian pointed to the one with the valley, "Time is running out, we must get to West City as soon as possible!"

She wanted to see her father and brother as soon as possible.

"General manager, this is not good. Let's discuss it again!" Seeing He Tiantian's eagerness, Liu Sheng became a little worried.

As a general, the most taboo thing is impatience.

Once you are in a hurry, it is easy to make rash decisions.

And a wrong decision will not only kill one or two people, but will affect hundreds or thousands of lives.

They did not lead too many reinforcements this time. Their own soldiers plus baggage and logistics only amounted to 1,500 people.

If you are like "He Tan" and just want to be quick and don't consider anything else, you will easily be ambushed by barbarians.

At that time, not to mention supporting Xicheng, all these 1,500 people will be wiped out.

"Yes, General Liu is absolutely right!"

Wang Kui also hurriedly agreed, "I know you are anxious, Chief Manager, but you can't rush this kind of thing."

"That's right, we have arrived in the northwest, only two to three hundred miles away from the West City. The farthest road only takes an extra day -"

He Tiantian knew that they did not believe in their own judgment.

However, she would never say anything about plug-ins.

As the general manager and the coach, she should have decision-making authority.

He Tiantian had a serious face and said in a deep voice, "Of course it's urgent. Twenty days ago, Xicheng was in emergency. In short, a day, even an hour. If we arrive earlier, we can save a few more people!"

"Okay, don't say any more, I have already decided to take this path!"

"Or do the two generals think that I am a young junior and cannot make the decision?"

The last sentence is very rude.

If Liu Sheng and Wang Kui don't want to break up now, they need to cooperate.

Liu Sheng and Wang Kui looked at each other and saw disapproval in each other's eyes.

However, they can't really break up.

Now it is just a matter of choosing a route to West City, which is not a major decision.

It would really be inappropriate to refute the coach even on this matter.

Just like He Tiantian guessed, even if they wanted to dislike He Tiantian, the marching general manager, they still had to have solid evidence.

Perhaps, what happened this time is an excellent opportunity!

"He Tan" insisted on going her own way. If she really encountered a Hulu ambush in the valley, it would mean that she had no ability to lead troops.

In the future, this will become a handle, and Liu and Wang can confidently refute "He Tan"!

And "He Tan", feeling guilty, naturally did not dare to compete with them!

Liu Sheng and Wang Kui nodded slightly and agreed.

"I will obey the Grand Master's order!"

The two of them cupped their hands and responded loudly.

In this way, the group of people followed the route chosen by He Tiantian, sending out scouts to explore the road, and marched to the West City in a hurry.

At noon, we arrived at the valley.

Liu Sheng hurriedly asked the scouts to investigate carefully and not miss any suspicious place.

As a result, Xu was very lucky and there was no ambush in the valley.

Liu Sheng and Wang Kui didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed.

Across the valley, the large group of people continued on their way.

The journey went fairly smoothly, with no enemy troops or fleeing border residents encountered.

When it was almost evening, He Tiantian finally led the troops to Xicheng.

When everyone saw the current situation in Xicheng, they all took a breath of cold air.

They came just in time!

Xicheng was heavily attacked by Hulu troops, and the city walls were filled with corpses.

Women and old people also took up arms and defended with all their might.

The strong smell of blood can be smelled from a mile or two away.

The Hulu's howling like wild beasts also made He Tiantian and other Dayuan soldiers furious with murderous intent.

He Tiantian sat on the horse and looked around, and found a big flag in the attacking Hulu camp.

very good!

There is a goal!

He Tiantian took off the heavy bow he was carrying, took out the arrows, and put on the bowstring.

She exerted force on her feet and leaped up, one foot on the stirrup and the other on the horse's back.

He pulled the bow hard into the full moon shape, and then with a whoosh, the arrow flew out like a meteor.


A mile or two away, the arrow pierced the flagpole hard, and Hulu's flag fell instantly.

"Reinforcements are coming!"

"We are saved!"

"It's He Jiajun! I saw the handsome flag with the word 'He'!"

"...He Jiajun is back!"

There was joy on the city wall, while Liu Sheng, Wang Kui and others behind He Tiantian were stunned... Remember the website address, WWW. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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