The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 422: My husband is the male partner (21)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Amid the sky full of yellow sand, the dilapidated city, and the endless desolation, a handsome flag with the word "he" in its name sounded loudly.

The He family has been operating in the northwest for more than a hundred years. Whether they are the officers and soldiers of Dayuan, the border people, or the barbarians, they all feel inexplicable awe when they see this big flag.

For the soldiers and civilians of Dayuan, the handsome flag with the character "He" represents safety and peace of mind.

Wherever the commander's flag with the word "He" goes, it is the arrival of the heroic and capable He family army.

For Hulu, when he sees this big flag, he will instinctively feel fear.

The He family army is here, the guardians of this world are here, they can't plunder and kill wantonly! !

Even though they raided the main force of the He family army more than 20 days ago, they also severely damaged He Jing, the God of War.

However, the fear rooted in their hearts cannot be defeated so easily.

"Didn't the defenders of Xicheng go to rescue Ancheng? Why did they suddenly come back to fight?"

The leader of this Hulu group was heartbroken.

Looking at the flag that had been shot through by an arrow, and then at the old, weak, women and children cheering on the wall of the West City, he began to flinch a little.

He is not afraid of fighting, but knows how to assess the situation.

If it is true that the main force of Xicheng has come back and they should cooperate with others, will his two thousand troops be buried in this small border town? !

This is the bravest warrior in their tribe.

The Hulu were not a unified struggle for power, but a united force of more than a dozen tribes.

On the surface, the Great Khan of the Royal Court had the right to command the troops.

In fact, the Great Khan could only completely control the warriors of his own tribe.

The other soldiers and horses are led by the leaders of each tribe. These leaders are happy to get a piece of the pie if the war goes well.

But once he finds that the war is not going well for him, he will be the first to turn around!

For example, at this moment, when the leader of the army attacking Xicheng saw the flag of the He family army and then looked at his own flag that had been shot down, he wanted to retreat.


Just when the Hulutou man hesitated, the sound of arrows piercing the air suddenly sounded in his ears.

He turned his head subconsciously and followed the sound.

Immediately afterwards, his pupils suddenly dilated, and an arrow spinning in the air cut through the air mixed with wind and sand, and flew towards him quickly.

Before the Hulutou man could react, he vaguely heard a "puff"!

My neck hurts so much, it seems like it was penetrated by a sharp weapon!

Oh, right!

Yes, it’s Feather Arrow!

So, is he dead?

But he clearly still has feelings!


The Hulutou man fell heavily from his horse and hit the big flag embroidered with a wolf's head on the ground.

He lay on his back on the flag, staring at the blue sky with wide eyes.

The mouth was open, making a whooshing sound, and some blood foam spurted out from the side of the mouth.

He didn't die immediately. When he felt the severe pain in his neck, he vaguely heard a woman's cry——

"Soldiers, follow me and charge!"

Is it a woman?

The commander of the troops is actually a woman? !

How is this possible? Aren’t the people of Dayuan the most particular about the distinction between men and women?

Could it be that this woman is from the He family, so she can easily lead troops to fight?

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The Hulutou man's mind was filled with questions.

Unfortunately, he had no chance to get the answer.

When he tilted his head, the sound of "ho ho" disappeared, and he refused to rest in peace!

He Tiantian didn't care about the leader's many questions before his death. She was in front of the battle,

One arrow shot through the Hululang flag, and one arrow killed the Hulutou man. His stunning display of skills completely impressed the soldiers behind him.

Even the two veterans Liu Sheng and Wang Kui couldn't help but secretly exclaimed: "As expected of the He family, a woman has such ability!"

Not to mention anything else, just the fact that she can kill the opponent's commander with one arrow is enough to boost morale.

And what matters in war is morale!

No, both sides have thousands of soldiers and horses. On the Dayuan side, they saw He Tiantian's martial arts with their own eyes, and the soldiers were full of passion and murderous intent.

On the other hand, on the Hulu side, the wolf flag fell down and the leader was dead. Although there were young men shouting at the side, most of the soldiers were in great panic.

He Tiantian gave an order, and the officers and soldiers of Dayuan attacked bravely, making the already panicked Hulu even more timid.

For a time, they were fleeing in all directions.

He Tiantian knocked the horse's collar hard, driving the horse to charge repeatedly among the captives. Wherever her sword touched, blood spurted out and stumps flew everywhere.

Even a woman like her is so brave and unafraid of death, and the soldiers of Dayuan, including Liu Sheng and Wang Kui, are even less timid.

Morale surged again.

The battle was almost one-sided. Dayuan's soldiers were like sharp life harvesters. After a fight, a pile of Hulu corpses fell on the ground.

A very small number of Hulu escaped from the battlefield regardless of the situation.

Looking at the defeated troops, He Tiantian did not continue to pursue.

She brought less than two thousand troops with her. When they fought just now, although they were powerful, there were still some casualties.

If we pursue deserters, we will spread our forces.

Not to mention that the West City side had just experienced a brutal battle. The troops were empty and the people were trapped, and they were in great need of her comfort.

"Clean the battlefield and enter the city!"

He Tiantian sat high on the horse, her fair and delicate face splattered with blood.

She didn't bother to wipe it, but gave the order in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Liu Sheng agreed and went to arrange his soldiers to organize the battlefield.

He Tiantian took Wang Kui and other people into the city.

"Ouch! The He family's army has defeated the Hulu!"

"We finally got reinforcements. Woohoo, we are saved!"

"Reinforcements are coming, we are saved!"

"...Huh? Why is the leader a woman?"

The cheers came and went, mixed with scattered questions.

But what about women?

In their border city, when barbarians came, both men and women had to go up the city wall.

Sometimes, even the elderly and children will pick up the weapons they can find to defend themselves against the enemy.

For example, this time, the He family army stationed in Xicheng rushed to Ancheng for rescue, but unexpectedly encountered a powerful enemy attacking the city!

The men and young and strong women were all beaten, but the old, weak, women and children continued to take the top spot.

They must not allow the Hulu to go any further. If the people are in the city, they will die and the city will die.

This time the Hulu were very unusual. In the past, they did not dare to massacre.

But this time, they seemed to be possessed by evil spirits and massacred the city at every turn!

Xicheng is the last barrier from the northwest to the Central Plains and must not be breached.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Unless all of them die!

They have no way out, they must fight to the end.

Originally, they thought they were going to die on the city wall, but unexpectedly, at the most desperate and helpless moment, He Jiajun came back!

They are saved!

Xicheng was saved!

The remaining soldiers, women and children on the city wall cried with joy, cheering at the top of their lungs for the He family's army to enter the city!

"Where is General He?"

When He Tiantian came to the city wall, she saw the mutilated corpses on the ground and smelled the strong smell of blood in the air. She couldn't help showing a sad expression.

Calling a remaining soldier on the city wall, He Tiantian asked in a deep voice.

"Ancheng was besieged by barbarians and the situation was critical. General He led 5,000 troops from Xicheng to support him regardless of his own serious injuries!"

Although the soldier was still alive, he was missing an arm. The doctor in the city helped him bandage it. He endured the pain and dizziness caused by excessive bleeding and reported the truth truthfully.

"General He, is he seriously injured?"

He Tiantian finally felt weak when she mentioned her biological father.

"General He's left leg was cut off from the knee down, and he suffered more than a dozen arrow wounds. His internal organs may have been damaged——"

The doctor was not He Jiajun's military doctor, but after He Jing was injured, he went to the General's Mansion to consult with him.

Therefore, the doctor who stayed behind was quite familiar with He Jing's injury.

Dad is disabled?

Also, does it hurt the organs? !

In such a serious injury situation, he actually had to lead troops and horses to help Ancheng? !

He Tiantian's heart seemed to be tightly grasped by someone, causing pain like suffocation.

"Where is the Major General? Is there any trace of him?"

He Tiantian closed her eyes hard, suppressed her heartache and worry, and continued to ask about her elder brother's situation.

The soldiers and doctors shook their heads.

In other words, He Tao's whereabouts are still unknown!

He Tiantian's heart ached.

She took a deep breath, suppressed all these emotions, raised her head, and prepared to take over the defense of West City and take care of things after the war.

"Ms. He's dying!"

"Oh my god, come here, help!"

"Oh, what a crime, what a crime, the He family's wife is about to give birth——"

"Doctor! Doctor, come quickly! Madam He's dying!"

Just as He Tiantian was about to look for the highest-ranking surviving guard in the West City, a cry for help suddenly sounded from a distant section of the city wall.

When He Tiantian heard the words, she didn't dare to delay and hurriedly followed the voice to find him.

Not long after, He Tiantian came closer and was a little surprised when she saw the scene in front of her.

A woman with a big belly lay weakly on the ground, her body covered in blood.

In addition to the splattered Hulu blood, there was also her own blood from injuries.

The most serious injury on her body was an arrow stuck in her chest.

The arrow did not pierce the heart, but probably also injured other organs.

The people around her didn't dare to pull out the arrow and could only watch her vomiting blood.

The steaming blood was also mixed with some unknown debris.

With his advanced medical skills, He Tiantian didn't even need to check her pulse. She only knew with a quick glance that this woman was in trouble.

She was holding on with one breath now.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The fundamental reason why she was reluctant to take her last breath was her bulging belly.

It's been eight or nine months, but I haven't given birth yet.

If a woman dies, the child in her belly will also die with her.

As a mother, the woman really couldn't bear to let the child in her belly die with him.

Just as He Tiantian was thinking to herself, the woman was already in a dying state, her consciousness began to blur, and her breathing became weak.

"It's coming! It's coming! General He is coming!"

When people around saw He Tiantian, they were surprised that she was actually a woman.

But when he saw the armor on her body, he knew that she was the general of these reinforcements.

Everyone shouted in surprise.

"General He, please save her quickly, she is Colonel He's wife!"

"That's right! Lieutenant He is the distant nephew of General He. When we were defending the city just now, he was hit by more than a dozen arrows from barbarians. He was shot into a hedgehog and didn't fall down!"

"...This is He Xiaowei's only child. We cannot let He Xiaowei die!"

"General, come to the doctor quickly and save the He family's wife!"

When people around saw He Tiantian, they were all begging for help.

He Tiantian's heart was shocked, He Xiaowei?

The direct branch of the He family is thin, but the He family's army is supported not only by the direct branch of the He family, but also by many members of the side branches.

He Tiantian didn't know this Colonel He, but he should also be from their He family.

The three words "General He" directly woke up the dying woman.

She opened her eyes hard, used up her last bit of strength, and begged: "General, general, save my child, please, please, save him!"

Although she knew that even if the generals of the He family came, they might not be able to save her child.

However, the woman always has a glimmer of hope!

He Tiantian slowly squatted down, lowered her body, and said softly to the woman: "I can save him. However, I need to open your stomach and take out the child!"

These days, we pay attention to the physical appearance of our parents. Even if they are dead, we also pay attention to the integrity of the body.

If He Tiantian wanted to save people, she had no choice but to perform a caesarean section to remove the child.

The woman's eyes lit up and she nodded vigorously, "Save him, save him. Even if I am shattered to pieces, I still want to keep my child!"

Women in border towns are not that particular about things to begin with, and now that she is about to die, it doesn't matter anymore.

All she wanted was for her child to live.


He Tiantian agreed and ordered his guards to drive away the people around him.

Several people surrounded the city in a circle, facing outward, temporarily forming a small space.

Away from everyone's sight, He Tiantian took out the scalpel, anesthetic, etc. from the space.

Although the woman was already dying, He Tiantian still hoped that she would not suffer the pain of dissection again.

The woman didn't know what she was going through, she just felt half of her body was numb.

She seemed to feel something sharp cutting open her stomach.

Layer, layer after layer!

After an unknown amount of time, the woman thought she could no longer hold on.


can not sleep!

I have to hold on!

My baby hasn't come out yet, I haven't heard the baby's cry yet, I can't die!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The woman actually managed to hold on thanks to her super strong willpower as a mother.

"Wow! Wow!"

The cry of a baby came to my ears, and tears fell from the corners of my eyes involuntarily.

The woman only felt that she was floating upward, and she knew that she was going to die.

Just before her breathing was about to stop, she vaguely heard the female general talking again: "It's a boy, very healthy. Don't worry, I will adopt him and raise him well!"


That’s great, he’s a boy!

Husband, did you hear that, I gave birth to a grandson for your He family.

I, I am worthy of the ancestors of the He family!

The woman's pupils suddenly dilated, but there was a satisfied smile on her face.

He Tiantian tore off her inner clothes and gently wrapped the little baby.

She took out the sutures and quickly sewed the woman's belly shut.

Then, she helped the woman tidy up her clothes, wiped off the blood on her face, and revealed a delicate, young face with a smile on her lips!

He Tiantian blinked her eyes to fight back the sudden tears.

She picked up the child, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone down on the dilapidated city wall. The baby may have felt something, and started crying at the top of his lungs.

When the soldiers and civilians on the city wall saw this scene, they felt inexplicably moved——


They have a new life!

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